Mecha Star Wars

Chapter 871 The Continent Supported by the World Tree

The three-dimensional map was generated by the technical staff on the Noah relying on two mechas to detect the real scene in the strait to match the coordinates, and then combined the existing geographical information from Tiandu Star and used Lanxing technology to model it.

Because there are many gaps in the underwater data, more than two-thirds of the land's underwater terrain is vacant.

Jin Sichen looked at the incomplete three-dimensional diagram, his mouth twitched slightly, and he was disgusted: "When will they finish learning the instructions for the Noah?"

Noah naturally has the relevant technological capabilities to achieve this goal faster and better. Just like the previous biological detection, it can be achieved with just one click, saving everyone trouble.

"It's not like you don't know," Lin Fan immediately responded, "The instruction manual for the Noah is so long, I don't even want to read it. Human technicians can understand it, learn it, and skillfully control the spacecraft, and arrive safely." It’s not easy to come here, okay, you have to give them time.”

After all, there are gaps in technology. If I don’t leave it to you, you will know it immediately. Didn’t you see that there are still obstacles for the elderly to use smartphones?

At the beginning of the Noah's voyage, it was through countless experiences of taking off and landing on planets that he learned the basics of daily navigation. As for the rest... maybe he didn't feel anxious because he didn't need it. Lin Fan didn't have any sense of urgency anyway.

How could Jin Sichen not know this? It's not like he hadn't read the instructions. Just seeing this incomplete finished model makes me feel obsessive-compulsive.

"I just felt that something was wrong at that time." Antonio had already bent down to take a closer look, wishing he could insert his head into the model. "Look, no wonder we had so many places to hide in the first place. I thought it was Lin's intuition. Extraordinary, the reason why we have good luck.”

Lin Fan and Jin Sichen both looked at the position of his finger. It was the only relatively sound simulated terrain under the sea, and it was also the area they had explored two days ago.

As we all know, the reason why land can sit firmly on the sea is because there is a larger area of ​​​​base under the sea.

The geography of the planet is essentially high mountains and low valleys, but some of the low valleys are submerged by sea water, and only the parts above sea level are shown, which is land in a broad sense.

The sea area covered by Tiandu Star is larger than that of Lan Star, and the foundation buried deep under the sea is naturally extremely deep and wide.

As the base of land, the area of ​​rock formations under the sea must be larger than that of the sea, or at least equal to the ground, in order to provide stable support to resist natural forces such as earthquakes, tsunamis, typhoons and other damage caused by various changes in the earth's crust.

To put it more vividly, using a triangle as a metaphor, the part exposed on the sea is just the top tip, and the large trapezoidal base invisible under the sea is the stable core.

Shapes as large as up and down can only appear in small local areas because the shapes are not stable enough to withstand the mighty force of nature.

Don't even think about it if you look at it the other way around. The large structure at the top and the small structure at the bottom combined with the buoyancy of the sea water will not hold it up. Let alone being as stable as a rock, even if it does not sink, it will drift with the waves like a floating island.

But what was in front of them?

The stalactite-like structure hangs under the sea where the foundation should have been thick, with long and short lengths and uneven layers, like an upside-down stone forest. There are also many holes between the stone pillars, forming large gaps, which created very good conditions for their previous escape.

"This..." Lin Fan frowned, "Is it possible that there is something below that we haven't detected?"

After conjecturing the World Tree, the two of them consciously followed the navigation position and explored towards the land without diving further.

Speaking of seems that it has never encountered any large-scale obstruction. The situation was urgent at the time and she didn't react. Looking at the model now, it was obvious that she had already penetrated deep into the hinterland of the land.

"Even if there is," Antonio curled his lips, "can this shape still be supported in the air? Newton's coffin board will not be able to cover it."

Ignore the unknown parts for now.

The part that has been clearly marked is concave from the sea level all the way inland, as if someone had cut off a piece from the side. Coupled with the unexplored blank area, the land of Tiandu Star really seems to be floating in mid-air.

Lin Fan put the tip of his tongue against the roof of his mouth and quickly flipped through the geography-related knowledge in his mind. Jin Sichen held his chin and remained silent.

"Everyone," the messenger standing aside spoke at this time, "Vice Admiral Cen also confessed that in the history of Tiandu Planet, there have been no large-scale geological disasters, no volcanic eruptions, no earthquakes, and even a few Please be aware that all sea storms gradually dissipate or turn around as they approach land.”

After saying that, the visitor nodded again, turned around and left.

Zhang Qiang gave it away with a bang, and Lin Fan put down the fork in his hand.

"Does he want to remind us that these anomalies are related to the World Tree?"

"What's the connection?" Antonio straightened up and said casually. "It's not like World Tree can even control natural disasters. It's just a biological server. It's not that godly, right? Why not just say that this piece of land grows on World Tree?"

He took a sip of wine and heard Jin Sichen say leisurely: "Why not?"

"Pfft!" Antonio squirted out, ignoring Lin Fan's disgusted look, and wiped the wine stain from his mouth, "No, I was joking."

"But I'm serious." Jin Sichen crossed his legs, crossed his arms, and leaned on the back of the chair, gazing at the model projection that had survived because it was too close, "Look, doesn't this part look like a Canopy?"

To say who is most familiar with World Tree, apart from Nv Chou, it must be Jin Sichen who has been waiting to communicate with her there for a long time.

Once this idea came into being, it grew wildly like a seedling that had taken root.

After Lin Fan asked people to remove the food that was damaged by the red hair, he turned back to take a closer look. You know what, the more I look at it, the more it looks like it.

If the missing parts are also filled in according to the existing ones, although it is unreasonable, it does look like an inverted triangle crown, so the trunk is...

"But when we went there, we didn't feel the obvious energy of the world tree, right?" Antonio nudged Lin Fan with his elbow.

"No, but the situation in the sea..." Lin Fan thought for a moment, "If the energy of the World Tree has been diluting and purifying harmful substances, then it seems normal that it cannot be felt during the mutual cancellation?"

"Hey! Do you just accept it?" Antonio widened his eyes, "I just said it casually! Is it so outrageous?!"

But thinking of the planetary barrier of Lanxing, it seems... it seems... maybe... the possibility that the World Tree supports a piece of land is not completely impossible...

Seeing that both of them were thinking seriously, he gave up resisting: "Okay, just think of it as you praising me. Then shall we go to the center next?"

He pointed to the empty tree trunk and asked.

"Is the last recorded location of the World Tree near here?" Lin Fan asked.

She operated on the tablet and displayed the surface place names. After switching several times, she found the name she wanted.

"The corresponding positions seem to be similar." Antonio looked down from the top, "If we really use this range as a fulcrum, excluding all reasonable premises, we can indeed achieve a certain stable balance."

Imagine that the World Tree is rooted in the seabed, supporting the entire continent with its thick trunk...

I was inexplicably moved. What's the big deal?

"So you think that the World Tree is likely to dive during the God-killing Operation? I'll send a message to Vice-Captain Cen right away." Jin Sichen's index finger flew, and he quickly edited the message.

"Then will we go down from the ground next time?" Antonio was a little happy.

If he had a choice, he really didn't want to go down to the sea again.

Lin Fan stared at the model for a while, looked up at Antonio, and replied firmly.

"No, we still have to go through the sea."

Can anyone guess something from the content of this chapter? I don't know if my imagination is big or small, anyway, I wrote it like this, well, I'm awesome.

Clenched fist.

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