Mecha Star Wars

Chapter 873: The assembled blocks

Because of the canopy hypothesis, the second sea exploration was divided into two groups.

Lin Fan went north along the coast and explored the northeast corner of the land plate. Antonio went south, and in order to avoid the poisonous point of Penang, he went far west.

Don't look at this red-haired guy always crying to Lin Fan for protection, that's just because he likes to play.

Apollo's strength is not much worse than that of a star without thunder. The real difference is the physical fighting skills of the two, but this advantage does not make much difference to the infected and mutated single-cell monsters.

When it comes to fighting, Antonio is much more ruthless than Lin Fan.

After the two mechas entered the sea, they passed through the disgusting and blocked floating layer and quickly advanced to the previously determined coordinates.

This time with a clear goal, the two also carefully observed the direction of the rock layer above, which was indeed concave inland.

"I say," Antonio successfully hid in a dark cave, avoiding the huge shadow swimming, and whispered, "Are the land plates really pieced together like Vice Captain Cen said?"

The signal of the Noah was connected to the mecha, but usually when Antonio didn't point to a specific direction, he was talking to Lin Fan.

"You'll know when you go there." Lin Fan's voice was slightly panting.

She didn't have as good luck as Antonio, and encountered the monster group head-on. She grabbed and killed them neatly, and took the opportunity to escape.

"Oh, I won the prize." Antonio laughed, "I said your white color is too conspicuous, right? Look at me, I almost blend into the shadow."

The mecha of Xingchen is white in itself, and the outer armor material is reflective, like a big white pearl in the sea.

On the contrary, Apollo is black and gray all over, except for the eyes and a small area of ​​the thruster, which is brighter, and even the local red is darker red, which is indeed less conspicuous in the sea.

"..." Lin Fan quickly swam behind a rock wall and retorted unhappily, "I don't know who was bitten by the monster first last time, and screamed for support. If I remember correctly, it seems..."

"Hehe," Antonio answered awkwardly, "It just happened to fall on the monster's head...Okay, okay, I was wrong. This topic is over, let's move on to the previous one."

Cen Fangyuan brought a lot of news that day.

For example, they combined the anecdotes and essays on the geography of Tiandu Star and found that the geology of many inland places had abnormal fault connections.

The normal transition of geological layers should be smooth. Even if the geological structures on both sides are dislocated due to compression fractures caused by crustal movement, the basic distribution is still the same, or similar.

But Tiandu Star is not like that. In several places, the soil, sand layer, and even the distribution of plants and animals in two adjacent places are completely different, even contradictory. It's as if the shapes cut from different plates were forcibly put together.

Biological researchers were not idle either. They sorted out the distribution of organisms on Tiandu Star before the end of the world and found that, like geology, organisms seemed to be constrained by that invisible line, and each grew its own way.

Even the plants that are most likely to cross the border firmly guard their own territory and never cross the border.

"Boundary?" This is the first reaction that Lin Fan has in his mind.

"No," Cen Fangyuan shook his head, "There is no physical isolation, but plants and animals are... It seems that each piece of land has its own special constraints, so that the creatures originally attached to it cannot jump into each other."

"It's like an ice field next to a volcano, with snow on one side and fire on the other, each busy with its own things." Seeing that Lin Fan was already confused, Jin Sichen hurriedly gave a concrete explanation.

"Similar, but not so opposite." Cen Fangyuan nodded, "It's the same with living things, chickens are chickens, ducks are ducks, and the barriers are clear. Unless someone takes them away, they seem to follow invisible rules and never cross that line."

"It's amazing," Antonio wanted to see it a little, "but what does this have to do with us?"

"The power of rules..." Lin Fan looked at Jin Sichen, but the black lenses couldn't give her any feedback.

"I didn't think of it at first. It's an alien planet, so it's normal to be abnormal. But after your crown theory came out, I suddenly thought of these anomalies. Is it possible that these plates were originally separated and now they are put together by the world tree?"

"Ah?" Antonio was dumbfounded.

"But..." Lin Fan pondered, "If that's the case, why put different land together? Even a small island country can survive independently...ah!"

"If they don't have 'roots'," Cen Fangyuan saw Lin Fan suddenly realized, and continued with a smile, "Then the small land floating on the sea surface naturally has no stability. Of course, this is based on the premise that your continental crown theory is valid."

So, the priority of this sea exploration has changed from exploring the world tree to confirming the structure of the land under the sea, and whether the structure at the "seam" has a fault connection like the ground.

The expert's opinion is that if the continent is really "pieced together", not only the top, but also the bottom should show obvious fault differences.

It seems to have nothing to do with finding the world tree, but think about it carefully, what kind of thing can tightly connect the broken plates? It must be the world tree, right?

It seems that she is nowhere to be seen, yet she is everywhere.

It is a terrible assumption that the World Tree supports the entire continent, but if it is true, then this planet on the verge of extinction seems to have a chance of recovery.

"The rock layers under the plate I saw here are different from the model." Antonio was still serious when talking about business, "It's not a falling stalactite, but more like a palace that has been in disrepair for a long time. The pillars are still standing, but the walls are dilapidated. There are many holes inside, which is a good place to hide."

"It looks like shale here," Lin Fan replied, "layer by layer, shrinking inward, there is no place to hide at all."

No wonder! Antonio silently lit a candle for Lin Fan in his heart, and suddenly reminded, "Don't release that electricity if you can, water conducts electricity!"

Lin Fan hadn't thought of this yet, and after he reminded her, she seriously considered it: "You're not that far away, so I can't shock you. Well, how about I try it next time?"

"You'll die if you try! Sister, please don't!" Antonio's voice was much louder, "I was lucky not to be electrocuted by you last time, but no one will save me this time! If you really want to try, please wait until I'm not in the water, please sister!"

Apollo's huge mecha stamped its feet in the water anxiously, almost kowtowed.

Lin Fan couldn't see it from this side, and wanted to say that she was sure, but in the water... She had never tried to harm her own people with electricity before, and the sea water was not normal... Well, forget it for now.

Antonio was grateful to her when she agreed, but he bumped into a seahorse in his complacency. Like an elephant-sized giraffe, it was coming at him with hooks and hooks. He subconsciously reached back and pulled out a part of the sword, then put it back and attacked with his bare hands.

Lin Fan was not having an easy time either. Because there was no cover and he was a conspicuous person, the monsters would attack him at least eight times out of ten. Fortunately, he had eaten for a few days before coming down, so he had no shortage of energy.

Thank you for the past few days! She gave herself a thumbs up in her heart and continued to move towards the predetermined coordinates at an accelerated speed.

Running the map is really time-consuming. Even if the monsters on the road did not cause any major obstacles to the two mechas, it would take several hours for them to reach their goals one after another.

Although he was mentally prepared, he was still shocked when he really saw it.

The obviously different rock formations, colors, and the obvious boundaries, the uneven mountains under the sea... all confirmed that the guess of the splicing was correct.

Everyone was immersed in the huge shock for a long time and could not savor it, but Lin Fan stabbed into a crack.

The hard rock was like slag floating in the sea as the tip of the gun was waved.

"What's wrong?" Cen Fangyuan asked.

Lin Fan approached the hole she had dug.

In the dark sea water and the dark rock formations, a glimmer of blue-purple light was clearly visible.

Did anyone guess what was going on?

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