Mecha Star Wars

Chapter 882 There are living people

The plane was a real plane, just a light passenger plane.

The wings of this aircraft are small and straight, and there is a large and eye-catching propeller on the tip of the front face. There is only one door on the fuselage, there is no partition between the cockpit and the passenger cabin, and the two rows of seats behind the driver's seat allow people to sit opposite each other.

In Lanxing, such small aircraft are usually used for observation, sightseeing and other minor purposes.

But Antonio was satisfied.

He saw Lin Fan flipping over to the cockpit, looking in through the glass, leaning on the unopened door, beating his legs that had been feeling nothing until now, and now suddenly seemed to be broken: "Can I Is it open? Is there anything inside?"

The plane was parked in a small clearing, which, although overgrown, looked good and undamaged. Stopping here quietly, as if just waiting for them to come.

Antonio smiled, feeling that good days were just around the corner.

"Visually the instrument panel is normal," Lin Fan straightened up. "You still have to find the key to start it to know whether it can be driven. I don't know how long the plane has been parked. Even if everything is normal, the circuits and parts are lacking maintenance, and the fuel tank is empty." No. It takes some effort.”

"It's worth it!" Antonio has been in a good mood since seeing the plane. "I hope it's good, I hope it's good. I don't want to walk anymore, I'll make myself sick."

Lin Fan didn't want to leave anymore. She had been sleeping in the open for several months without even living in a decent house, and she felt a little tired mentally.

This place might have been a private airport or a small tourist area. There was an inspection cabin and a three-story small tower not far ahead.

"Let's go," Lin Fan greeted as he jumped off the nose of the plane, "Let's go find the key first, maybe there will be other surprises."

"Let's go!" Antonio followed with a smile.

The iron door of the maintenance warehouse was locked, and the two could not open it from the outside, so they turned to the small building next to it. The door is still locked, but is made of glass. Antonio smashed the glass with his shirt-wrapped fist and got in easily.

"Tell me," he shook out his shirt, then threw it to the ground with a curl of his lips, disgusted with the glass shards that might be on it, "are there any zombies here?"

Lin Fan rolled his eyes at him angrily. It's a pity that even wearing an old man's shirt and big pants can't hide the handsomeness of this guy.

Sighing softly: "Did you know that in the world of supernatural powers, there is a supernatural talent called Crow's Mouth?"

Antonio immediately covered his mouth with his hands, looking like I was wrong.

Lin Fan didn't care about him and stepped on the broken glass into the hall.

The exterior facade of the first floor uses a large number of glass windows. Although it transmits light, it is covered with dust and the indoor light is not transparent. The dust brought up by the air circulation fluctuates under the scattered light, making the shadows behind the wall even darker, revealing a quiet terror.

After listening to Antonio's words, Lin Fan always felt a little scared.

It's not that I'm afraid of zombies. It’s not surprising to see that thing too much. What she was afraid of was someone suddenly jumping out of nowhere.

Perhaps because she had seen ghosts and ghosts with her own eyes, she became more and more instinctively afraid of such unknown and unknown things. I don’t know how long it will take to build up enough immunity.

Lin Fan walked slowly and lightly, passing through the neat rows of metal seats in the hall.

There is an LCD screen on each side of the hall, which may be a TV or something else. There was a drinking fountain standing by the wall, but the bucket had long been empty and covered with dust.

On the stand next to the table at the front, there were many beautiful paper posters neatly placed, and there were some scattered papers on the table. At a glance, it was a disclaimer for the airplane tour. The folder further inside contains various signed documents.

It seems that this place is really like what they thought, it is similar to a travel agency. Before the end of the world, it was still operating normally, and judging from the document dates, there were quite a lot of customers.

It stands to reason that there should be someone with the right talent here.

Lin Fan turned around and didn't see Antonio, but saw a huge map on the wall behind him.

map? !

Isn't that what they need?

She walked quickly towards the map, but stopped suddenly when she passed the large LCD TV standing on the wall.

Everything in the room was covered with dust, but the dust on the floor in front of the TV... seemed lighter?

Lin Fan knelt down and wiped the light-colored ground with his fingers. After rubbing his fingers together, there was not much dust left. When he touched the side again, the dust was much heavier...

This is……


Antonio's shout suddenly sounded: "Stop!"

Lin Fan stood up suddenly, kicked over the chair next to him, stepped on it with his feet, pulled out a metal pipe with brute force, and rushed out quickly regardless of whether it was taken advantage of or not.

Antonio's figure disappeared at the end of the corridor. When Lin Fan chased after him, she found that it was a staircase. She heard a "bumping" sound from upstairs. She pulled the handrail of the stair and climbed up.

On the second floor, Antonio was kicking in the doors one after another. The wooden door hit the wall with a loud sound and bounced back, being kicked away again and again by him.

Hearing movement approaching quickly from behind, he lifted the mop in his hand back, only to be held away by a metal pipe.

"It's me," Lin Fan pushed his hand away, "What's going on?"

Antonio felt slightly relieved when he saw Lin Fan arriving: "I looked to the other side just now and saw a figure flashing past at the end. I chased after him and saw that it was a staircase, so I followed it up."

"Are you sure it's a human?" Lin Fan frowned slightly.

"It's not certain whether it's a human or not, but it's a living creature in human form." Antonio said affirmatively, "Although I didn't see his face, I couldn't have mistaken his head and hair. Unlike the zombies on Tiandu Star, I think there are other people here!"

Although the zombies on Tiandu Star are also human-shaped and can be considered living creatures, they are still quite different from humans. The smell, life, and form are all different. The biggest difference is that they can't hide when they see living creatures.

Lin Fan didn't rush to make a conclusion, and exchanged information with him first: "I also found traces of people walking down there recently, and the dust on the ground is distributed in different depths."

"Then this is really a talent," Antonio looked at the unexplored area ahead with vigilant eyes, "It's been a few months since the end of the world, and he can still be alive and well? I'm curious."

"What exactly are the zombies here? We haven't seen them yet. They may not be the same as those on Tiandu Star. Let's be careful." Lin Fan only realized the fragile metal pipe in his hand at this time and smiled helplessly.

Antonio also reacted, looking at the mop in his hand and smiling, "This... I still have something more handy, I'm afraid it won't be changed for a while."

"It doesn't matter whether it's changed or not," Lin Fan shook the stick in his hand, but didn't throw it away, and raised his foot forward, "It's good enough."

"If there are really still people alive," Antonio whispered, "that proves that there are at least enough supplies here."

The two broke into the door one by one, but found nothing, until the last room, which looked like an employee locker room, heard a clear strange sound.

There were two rows of metal lockers along the wall in the locker room. At first glance, there was nothing. But the slight metal knocking sound was too obvious to the two people.

They found the location by following the sound, Lin Fan gave Antonio a look, and quickly poked the metal stick in his hand through the door, and then pulled it out.

I saw a person curled up in the cabinet and shivering constantly, and the metal buckle on the butt bag kept rubbing the cabinet body...

"Come out!" Antonio ordered unhappily.

"Don't kill me! Don't kill me!" The man fell to the ground, his hair turned gray, and he raised his hands to kowtow, "Don't kill me!"

"Wait!" Lin Fan glanced at him, surprised, "Look up!"

When Antonio saw his face clearly, he was also shocked.

"Why is it you?"

Guess who this is? I guess you can't guess, hahaha.

I spent a long time on to get the discount at night, really, my head is big. It's more expensive to buy together, so I split them up and look for discounts. Now I still haven't bought a mechanical hard drive, and I haven't decided whether it's Western Digital or Seagate. Seagate seems to be less stable in quality than Western Digital, and Western Digital seems to be more noisy. . .

There are also graphics cards. I waited for a long time for discounts, but there was no stock all night. I went to other stores and saw that the price had increased by 600. What a broken thing, angry.

Can't these people give discounts properly? I waited for several days in vain, hum.

Tomorrow I will receive the parts one after another, at least I can assemble the machine first. I need to record the unboxing video first, then install the machine and the system.

I haven't used the win10 system yet, so I need to get used to it. It will probably take a few days. I need to buy a mechanical hard drive within a week, and the graphics card... I don't know how to make it, the price is too high. Anyway, the computer can be turned on first, so let's do it this way for now.

I hope all the parts are good, Ami Tofu.

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