Mecha Star Wars

Chapter 966 The Crazy New Emperor

The God Clan is a general term, representing a class that is different from ordinary people and has a higher ruling power.

At the same time, the God Clan is the actual reference to each branch.

For example, the branch of the Heavenly Emperor, the Yanling God Clan. Their highest leader was called the King of Yanling before he officially succeeded the Heavenly Emperor.

After the Heavenly Emperor succeeded to the throne, the title of King of Yanling naturally fell to the most outstanding successor in the clan, which was not surprising, his biological son.

The other God Clan is almost the same. For thousands of years, regardless of the size of the clan, the ability of the clan, the highest leader of the clan has added the title of King after the clan name.

Although the Heavenly Emperor came from the Yanling Clan, after he succeeded the Heavenly Emperor, the internal affairs of the Yanling Clan were decided by the King of Yanling. As the supreme ruler, the Heavenly Emperor has absolute ruling power over all God Clan.

On the surface, the Heavenly Emperor seems to treat the Yanling Clan no differently from other God Clans. Although he has a preference for his biological son, King Yanling, he seems to be able to reward and punish clearly on the surface, and will not overly spoil him because of his status as an only son.

The people of the God Clan are also human beings. Some are smart, some are stupid, some are arrogant, and some are cautious.

Among the God Clan that were exterminated, there are not only fools who jump up and down and don't understand the situation, but also powerful clans.

Just like the deadly enemy who took over the military power from the old Emperor of Heaven from King Yanling - King Mingguang.

The fighting power of the Mingguang Clan is very strong. It is one of the three most elite fighting forces of the God Clan together with the Yanling Clan and the Ghost Blade Clan. If it weren't for the bravery of these three races to resist the demons outside Huangtan, I don't know how chaotic this world would be.

The love of ordinary people for the God Clan is not entirely the inertia of long-term oppression. In fact, this is a world full of demons, and the God Clan does protect the lives of ordinary people. Compared with those terrible demons, the God Clan who guard them is obviously much more approachable.

King Mingguang is the same age as King Yanling, but his personality is much better than King Yanling. He is actually a cold person, not a friendly person, but compared with the tyrannical King Yan Ling, his reputation is so good.

The two people who are of similar age and have similar powers are always compared with each other. I don’t know when they became mortal enemies.

During the period when King Yan Ling was under house arrest, it was not that no one had a secret plan to instigate King Ming Guang to usurp the throne - rather than waiting for the old emperor to give birth to another son, who was still unknown whether he could grow up and whether he would be another King Yan Ling, King Ming Guang, who had a large army and a stable personality, was obviously a better choice.

But King Ming Guang refused all of them. He just wanted to be his own King Ming Guang in peace.

As a result, King Yan Ling came out and killed King Ming Guang first. And the killing was silent, catching everyone off guard.

The two people with equal fighting power did not even fight, but were in the same room. In the end, only King Yanling came out...

No one knew what happened between them. They only knew that after King Yanling killed King Mingguang, he seemed to have completely broken free from his restraints and had no scruples since then.

The first time he took back the military power, he ordered the extermination of the entire Mingguang clan for treason.

As mentioned before, the Mingguang clan is not an ordinary god clan. It is the orthodox fighting force among the gods, and it is also one of the three strongest branches.

The old emperor wanted to centralize power, but he did not want to weaken his own strength too much. Moreover, he killed King Mingguang without warning. Therefore, he was very annoyed by King Yanling's arbitrary decision and summoned King Yanling to the palace to meet him.

Not long after, the old emperor's head was hung on the highest eaves of the palace...

At this time, everyone realized the seriousness of the problem. Everyone said that King Yanling was crazy, but no one dared to provoke him like this.

The gods who were afraid that the knife would fall on their necks inevitably thought of the Ghost Blade Clan who had been expelled from the imperial capital in the early years and guarded the border in Huangtan.

The Ghost Blade Clan was able to be called the Trinity with the other two clans, so there is no need to say much about its strength. They were sent to a remote area. To put it nicely, they were guarding the demons, but in fact they were demoted away from the center of power.

The Ghost Blade Clan was demoted, so they should have a natural hostile attitude towards the Emperor of Heaven. Naturally, they hated the King of Flame and wished that someone else could take the position of the Emperor of Heaven.

Moreover, their strength should not be damaged far away from the imperial capital. If anyone can counter the King of Flame now, the Ghost Blade King should be their last hope.

How could the King of Flame not think of something that even a fool could think of?

He was faster than everyone else and issued a transfer order to summon the Ghost Blade King to bring his people back to the imperial capital, saying that it was to make up for the mistakes of the old Emperor of Heaven.

The Ghost Blade King was not a fool. What good would he get if he went back at this time? He refused the summons three times in a row. Of course, the reply was sincere, expressing his willingness to guard Huangtan for generations to protect the people.

It is hard to say whether it is sincere or not, but it is certain that he does not want to go back and get involved in the mess in the imperial capital.

King Yanling sat on the throne of the old Emperor of Heaven, listening to the herald reading the letter of King Guiren in front of all the officials, and smiled. The next moment, he opened his cold lips and directly announced that King Guiren was treasonous, and sent troops to Huangtan again to strangle the entire clan of Guiren...

The whole thing was absurd and bizarre.

Under King Yanling, oh, now he should be called the new Emperor of Heaven. Under his high-pressure tyranny, who dared to say no in the court? The kind that would kill the entire clan if he was unhappy.

No one dares to disobey his will, and no one who wants to live should clamp their tail, for fear of making the new Emperor unhappy and bringing disaster to the whole clan. Didn’t you see that even the huge clans of the Mingguang Clan and the Ghost Blade Clan have been wiped out? There is no way they can compare to these two major clans!

As a result, the God Clan became the one-spoken hall of the new Emperor of Heaven.

Fortunately, after the indiscriminate killing, the new emperor slowed down his violence, whether he had achieved his goal or was tired, and finally allowed the gods who had been holding their breath to take a breath.

Without the fear of life, the desire for power and gain began to stir again. The gods are undergoing a major reshuffle, and the clan forces will be reorganized...

Therefore, in order to please the Emperor of Heaven, they spontaneously proposed to hold a grand enthronement ceremony to let the whole world celebrate the new emperor...

After all, the two exterminated Ghost Blade and Mingguang clans were also ancient clans. Although the entire clan was exterminated, there were not no survivors. It is said that the young master Mingguang was immediately saved by his loyal subordinates and secretly sent out of the imperial capital.

At that time, the new emperor had not yet used all his methods, and people still remembered King Mingguang's old love.

But just because of this incident, several small tribes were wiped out. Some of them were really involved, and some were unwarranted.

Since then, the word "Mingguang" has become a taboo in the imperial capital and is no longer mentioned.

As for the Ghost Blades who were far away in Huangtan, perhaps because of the distance, they had more time to react. They just happened to encounter ghosts rushing onto the beach. They were hit from both sides and suffered huge casualties, but it was still better than being almost wiped out on both hands. There are more Mingguang people who are not equal.

The Ghost Blade King was not spared, but the Ghost Blade Young Master seemed to have been saved as well. And compared to Young Master Mingguang who has been living in the imperial capital, there is almost no information about this Young Master Ghost Blade, so it is particularly difficult to find someone.

The grass has been cut but not rooted out, and it grows again when the spring breeze blows.

It is also because of this that the wanted order for the new emperor has been hanging. The reward amount keeps rising, for fear that others will forget the existence of these fish that slipped through the net. But time has passed, nearly a year has passed, and the reward is still hanging...

Therefore, under such high pressure, the identities of survivors disguised as Mingguang Clan or Ghost Blade Clan can indeed be better concealed, but it will also bring huge troubles.

After all, being chased by the Emperor seems to be more troublesome than having his identity exposed by ordinary gods.

As for other small tribes, don’t think about it. It is said that because they were too small, no one was left.

And the person who took Ivina away, I wonder if he was a survivor of the two races, was equally troublesome.

After careful discussion, everyone decided to reject the previous proposal and find a safer way.

"Otherwise, just follow Feinan's idea," Lu Xinyuan suggested, shaking his legs. "How about pretending to be a navigator?"

Seeing human nature makes me sick, and my mood continues to drop.

Back, back, back! The bad guys get out!

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