Mecha War: Starting from Gundam OO

Chapter 1168 Return, the joining of new members

In the void, because of the departure of the Promes Legion, the Promes Fortress entered a brief period of peace. Without the legion members, the huge Promes Fortress was slightly deserted, and the residents living in the Promes Fortress also lived a peaceful life. It's a very peaceful life, but I'm still worried to a certain extent.

After all, the residents living in Promis Fortress are basically the family members of the legion members. Last time, one-third of the people failed to come back during the last legion war, so this time... will their family members be among them?

"Back! They're back!"

I don’t know where the shout came from, one to ten, ten to hundreds... The enthusiasm ignited in the deserted Promis Fortress was like a spark that started a prairie fire. Everyone came from their homes, shops, and workplaces. He ran out and looked in the same direction, which was the direction of the military port area. Familiar warships appeared one after another and docked at the port of the military port area.

At the same time, a large number of people came out of the new portal in the central hall.

"Is this the Promes Fortress?" People who came to the Promes Fortress for the first time were very curious and looking forward to the unknown. Of course, they were also worried. When they came to the Promes Fortress, their previous lives were completely different. There is no return, and I have a long life, and I am not so eager for the original goal. Similarly, the unfamiliar environment makes people feel unsure about whether they can adapt and accept it.

"Everyone, welcome to Promis Fortress." Yang Hui welcomed everyone on Dragon Palace Island and Poseidon Island.

Under normal circumstances, after the legion war is over, legion members do not need to go through the world portal in the central hall to return to Promis Fortress. Instead, they return directly with their respective fleets.

But there is a new world connecting Promis Fortress, and new members are joining. Yang Hui, Huang, Lux, Cruze and others naturally have to assume the responsibility of leaders.

In the world of Favna in the sky, after defeating the [Bloody Knight] and wiping out Festum in the universe, it took another three years to complete the world mission. The [Bloody Knight] and the Festum gathered around it are indeed from alien Festum. The main force, but that doesn’t mean that’s all.

In fact, the alien Festum did not all gather under the command of the [Happy Knight] and [Bloody Knight], waiting for their orders. Instead, a small part of them dispersed before the Promethean Legion arrived in this world, scattered throughout the world. Every corner of the galaxy.

do what? Collect star cores and assimilate star cores.

At the beginning, with the help of Festum who were close to human factions such as Mjolnir, the Promethean Legion quickly wiped out the alien Festum scattered all over the earth and the native Festum who had taken refuge in them. The Srinagar area was rebuilt, and human civilization The reconstruction was on the right track and had initial results. However, the two requirements in the mission were not completed, which temporarily put Yang Hui and the others in trouble.

If the "ensuring the continuation of human civilization" cannot be completed, they can still understand that after all, the alien Festum have not been completely eliminated. If they reappear, it will be a disaster for the emerging human civilization.

But the alien Festum that failed to be wiped out... can be guaranteed to be gone on earth. Moreover, the Promethean Legion took Mjolnir and the others around the entire solar system. After cleaning up, it was still not completed, which gave them a headache.

The solar system is clean, but the mission has not been completed, which means... the distribution range of the alien Festum has expanded outside the solar system. They don't know exactly how big it is. It may be just a little bit outside, maybe just a few neighboring galaxies, maybe ...It's the entire galaxy, and possibly the entire universe.

This makes Yang Hui and the others numb. If it is the entire galaxy, Yang Hui and the others must be prepared for a long-term struggle. If it is the entire universe... then they may be trapped in this world for their entire lives. How big is the universe? No one can explain clearly, not even ELS or Vajra. They are both races that dominate the universe, but they cannot spread their footprints all over the universe.

It stands to reason that it is impossible for Promes Fortress to issue impossible tasks. Even if it is a seemingly fatal task, there will definitely be a chance of survival, but... they really can't imagine where this chance of survival lies.

Just when everyone was at a loss, Orihime Makiro from Ryugu Island and Emily from Poseidon Island sent good news and the last hope.

Due to the intervention of the Promes Legion, a large number of foreign invaders were eliminated, and the growth rate of the two star cores, Orihime and Emily, was greatly improved. In addition, except for their two star cores on the earth, All other star cores and star core fragments were assimilated and devoured by the foreign Festum group, so Orihime Miyagi and Emily were no longer limited to Ryugu Island and Poseidon Island, and grew into the star core of the entire earth.

It stands to reason that a planet only needs one star core to operate perfectly, but now the earth... has two!

The bad news is that multiple star cores exist on the same planet, and different opinions may once again lead to a planet-destroying disaster.

The good news is that Minato Orihime and Emily have a very good relationship, which can be described as best friends, so this won't happen.

The second good news is that the earth only needs one star core to maintain the normal operation of the earth. In other words... Orihime Minaki and Emily only need one to stay on the earth, and the other can follow the Prosmi Army. The fleet has left Earth!

The purpose of the scattered Festum groups is to collect and devour other star cores in the universe, and there is a special connection between star cores and galaxies.

Therefore, with the help of Orihime Minajo and Emily, the Promise Corps marched towards the deep space of the universe, took pioneering steps, and made the originally incomplete star map complete.

This is a tense and dangerous mission, but it is also a relaxing and pleasant mission. The tension and danger are concentrated in the first half, and the theme of the second half is relaxation. The journey to find foreign Festum is better described as a long interstellar journey.

In the edge galaxy of the Milky Way, the Promise finally found the last foreign Festum group. After destroying it, the mission of the Fafna World of the Sky was finally completed, and it can connect to the world and return to the Promise Fortress.

At the same time, Orihime Minajo also came to Promise Fortress as the main representative of that world. The representative of Ryugu Island was the former commander Fumihiko Makabe, and the captain of the Fafner Corps, Soshi Minajo. The representative of Poseidon Island was Jonathan Mitsuhiro Bartram. The people following behind him were all newcomers to the Promise Corps.

Among them, all the members of Poseidon Island joined the Promise Corps. They were originally soldiers and had always been eager to return to the regular system. They were eager to make achievements under such a powerful system as the Promise Corps. It was a pity that most of the Fafner Corps of Poseidon Island could not come to Promise Fortress this time. After all, they were still responsible for guarding the Srinagar area. They would come to Promise Fortress after the support troops from other worlds were replaced.

All members of the Fafna Troops on Ryugu Island also joined the Promise Corps for different reasons. Some of them yearned for the unknown world, some came because their companions came, some wanted to protect more people, and some hoped to enjoy the benefits of eternal life...

As for the Srinagar region...there is no representative, and the Srinagar region has not established a local government. All affairs are handled by members of the Promise Corps. There is no suitable candidate for the refugees. The appropriate people will be dispatched from various worlds to establish a new government later, but the local people...let's forget it.

"Graham, take everyone around. Director Farsight, you can go directly to the research department to find Mr. Wang and Professor Elfman, or settle down in the new residence first. Commander Makabe, Sergeant General, Jonathan, and Orihime Minagi, please follow me." Yang Hui arranged for everyone behind him. The end of the mission does not mean that they can rest. Every time the legion battle is over, the decision-making meeting room will be held immediately. Most of the decision-making members will follow the legion to the mission world to perform the mission, but after the mission is over, the people who stay behind must be informed of the completion of the mission as soon as possible, summarize the intelligence, summarize the gains, and then formulate the next development plan.

"No problem." Orihime Minagi nodded first, and the others agreed. After all, Orihime Minagi is the star core, and they are used to following the will of the star core.


"I have informed everyone that Durandal and the old man are in the research department and will be here soon. Madam Doreen and Gepu are handling things in their respective worlds and are expected to be back in half an hour..."

"Okay, let's go to the conference room and wait, and sort out the information by the way."

Yang Hui and other decision-makers led the three people and one star core to the central conference room. Yuanjian Qianhe and other scientific research and logistics departments had special people to guide them. The pilots in charge of combat followed the old rules. Under the leadership of Graham, they first visited the Promise Fortress and then went to the simulation training room.

"Here is..."

When they came to the simulation training room, they saw many familiar faces. Logically, after performing such a long mission outside, the first thing to do after returning should be to relax and reunite with their families. Why are there so many people gathered here? It seems that they are all very excited and busy.

"Simulation training room, people in the MS unit will stay here most of the time. Pilots below the peak of B-level have regular training subjects every day, and then they train independently." Graham said calmly.


"Being here doesn't mean you can be at ease. You may think we are powerful, but I hope you understand what we have paid behind our power, and... we are not strong enough." Graham said seriously to the Fafner pilots of Ryugu Island and Poseidon Island, "Not only the MS troops, but also the fleet. The fleet's simulation training is completed in the port area and the military area, including us. Every day we will spend time to complete our own training. I am not trying to show you power, but just to explain a fact to you. I hope you can understand and accept this fact. Soldiers need wolf spirit and there is competition, so... let's start!"

"Start? Start what?" XN

"Routine practice, welcome ceremony for newcomers."

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