A large number of Vulcan cannons at the military exercise ground near the AEU orbital elevator were pouring out shells crazily. A green mobile suit shuttled back and forth between the barrages. The linear rifle in its right hand kept firing, calling the set targets one by one.

"Oh~" the special guests in the audience exclaimed, praising MS's outstanding performance.

Although Billy Katagiri was one of the spectators, he was different from others in that he had a calm face, as if everything was under control.

"MS [Formula], is AEU's first solar-compatible body?"

"AEU is lagging behind in the research and development of orbital elevators, so that's why it wants to make a comeback with MS, right?"

"Hey, are you okay with this? The ace of the MSWAD force is hanging around here." Billy Katagiri asked Graham jokingly, saying worried words on his lips, but there was no worry at all on his expression. In this situation, if Graham If Mu hadn't sneaked over, he wouldn't be Graham Aika.

"Of course there is a problem."


Faced with Graham's arrogance, Billy Katagiri smiled and said nothing more, shifting the topic to the [Formulation]: "But having said that, AEU is quite ambitious and specially selected to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the People's Revolutionary Alliance press conference on the same day,” said Billy Katagiri.

"Haha, just to tell you a joke, I really want to know if the brains of the AEU military have been caught in the door. That person left a lot of good things in the People's Revolutionary Alliance. He is already far behind MS technology. To surpass UNION and AEU and challenge the People's Revolutionary Alliance in the MS field is really making things difficult for yourself," Graham said with a smile.

"Not even [Flag Style]?" Billy Katagiri asked with a smile.

"Ku~ Although I'm very reluctant, that guy does have a good idea of ​​mobile suit design, but... aren't you still here?" Graham looked at Billy Katagiri and said seriously.

"It's best not to have such high expectations for me." Billy Katagiri smiled bitterly. Although he was very unwilling to do so, Yang Hui indeed surpassed him by a lot in terms of MS design attainments. He was only a student once and could only simply In debugging MS, Yang Hui has already led the People's Revolutionary League's MS to be at the forefront of the world.

"Haha, actually you don't have to be discouraged, Billy, you are already very good among normal people." Graham patted Billy Katagiri on the shoulder and consoled him.

"Isn't he an ordinary person?" Billy Katagiri raised his eyebrows.

"Have you ever seen an ordinary person who can design both a mobile suit and an ace pilot?"

Billy: "..."

What you said makes sense, but I can't even explain it.

"But speaking back, what do you think of AEU's MS?" Graham smiled and then asked.

"What do you think? Isn't it just an inferior imitation of the [Flag Type]? In addition to the slightly unique design in appearance, is it more different from the [Flag Type]?" Billy Katagiri commented with great disdain.

"A low-grade pirate, that's what that guy is like." Graham nodded with deep understanding.

"Hey! Over there! I heard it!"

Suddenly, the [Formulated] communication was broadcast, interrupting the communication between the two.

The cockpit opened and the pilot came out and cursed arrogantly at Billy Katagiri and Graham: "What did you just say? Say something back! Hello!"

"It seems that the radio performance is good." Graham said confidently, while Billy Katagiri was a little embarrassed. He was caught on the spot saying bad things behind his back.

At this time, Billy Katagiri looked at the time, then looked at the sky, and noticed an imperceptible light spot falling rapidly.

"here we go."

"What?" Graham heard his friend muttering to himself and looked at Billy Katagiri in confusion.

"In 240082, the Angel can observe the target location, and the GN particles will complete their dispersion when reaching the target."

After reporting the situation in an instant, the [Formula] in the center of the training ground was enlarged on the screen.

"The target object is confirmed. According to the plan, the first phase of the mission begins."

As the altitude dropped, the Energizer was also detected by the AEU, and the test pilots on site were notified at the same time.

"Huh? Is there an unknown organism? Why at this time..."


The radio signal was blocked, and the harsh noise caused him to immediately cut off the communication. Looking up, he saw that the capable angel had descended to a height that could be observed with the naked eye.


Although Billy Katagiri knew all the plans in advance, he still couldn't help but be nervous. The first step of world reform would start from here.

Graham also discovered a problem. Audiences from other countries suspected that the Archangel descending from the sky was another mobile suit prepared by the AEU for display, but he did not think so. There was no similarity in appearance and weapons. The special light spots emanating from behind.

The capable angel landed on the opposite side of the [Formula] and remained motionless facing it.

"Hey, which family are you from? UNION? Or the People's Revolutionary Alliance? Well~ No matter which family you are from, you are trespassing on private property now, don't think you can go back safely!"

The test pilot returned to the cockpit, controlled the [Formula], pulled out the super-vibrating dagger, and rushed towards the Angel.

"Remember my name! Patrick Krasava of AEU, add to my achievements!"

[Formula] is getting closer and closer, and the super-vibrating dagger in his hand is almost piercing the Archangel's armor.

At this moment, the capable angel's eyes... lit up!

"Angel capable, begin to expel the target."

The GN sword in his right hand popped out, and a flash of silver light was seen, and the hand holding the super-vibrating dagger flew into the sky.


Whether it was Padrick in [Formula], the command room at the training ground, or the audience who had not had time to take refuge, they all exclaimed.

The Archangel's movements were so fast that it could be seen with the naked eye that they were more than twice as large as the [Formula]. This was not a mass-produced MS, but a test machine for display. Moreover, it was a new type of MS, and it was actually used by an unidentified person. MS opens up such a huge gap in performance.

Padrick was completely lost. His panicked shots were all dodged by the capable angel. At the same time, he kept waving the GN sword in both hands, and soon cut the [Formula] into a human stick.

"The Archangel Gundam...such terrifying performance...that guy is really not kidding." Billy Katagiri didn't even realize it, he was a little too excited.

But I don't blame him. Reading the data and seeing the Gundam with your own eyes are completely different feelings.

Whether it's a pilot or a MS researcher, when they see the Gundam, their hearts will definitely burn with flames.

What Billy Katagiri hadn't discovered yet was that Graham had heard his soliloquy again, and Graham had seen everything that was wrong with him.


"What's wrong?"

At Graham's call, Billy Katagiri retreated from the excitement, but when he saw Graham's serious expression full of questions, he knew that he had done something bad.

"I think we need to have a chat," Graham said.

"No...it's not necessary, right?"

"No, it's necessary."

"Energy, the first phase is completed, moving to the second phase." Reporting as scheduled, the Energ took off on the spot and flew towards the AEU's orbital elevator. The subsequent [Thug Style] takeoff could only eat dust behind its butt.

All the way to the AEU's orbital elevator, as the Envoy slowed down, not only the pursuers finally caught up, but even the AEU's mobile suit troops that had been hidden in the orbital elevator were dispatched.

"Sure enough, the AEU has hidden troops in the pillar that exceed the limit of the agreement."

Setsuna was dodging the enemy planes' shots while looking for opportunities to shoot them down, but unfortunately, he was not very good at aerial shooting battles. The two GN swords too clearly exposed the Angel's specialty, AEU's The [Thug Style] detachment constantly besieged the Archangel, not giving him a chance to get close. Although the thickness of the Archangel's armor surprised them, they believed that as long as they could continue to hold him back, they would be able to shoot down or even capture the Archangel.

But...if only one can make it happen.

Two pink beams of light broke through the sky from the ground, and two [Thug Style] were shot down directly.

The sudden change caused chaos in the AEU's formation, which also gave the Angels an opportunity. With the sniper support of the Angels and Cherubim on the ground, all three teams of [Thug Style] were quickly shot down.

"second stage……"


"Ah, so boring, Neal," Lyle complained.

"Well~ don't say that, Lyle, this is our first mission, and the other party doesn't know our level at all. It's normal not to take it seriously. Besides, haven't we achieved our goal?" Lockon comforted him patiently. Lyle can't live in loneliness.

"That's right..."

At this time, Ptolemy was hiding in the orbit of the universe. Although he had been training non-stop, the official execution of the mission was still different. Everyone in Ptolemy seemed a little nervous, but the emperor looked relaxed and was still drinking a small drink. .

"Huh? Miss Huang, you are actually drinking!"

"real or fake!?"

"What does it matter? I just formulate the battle plan, and you are the executors."

"It would be great if Mr. Myron were here. He could also take care of Miss Huang."

"Forget it. If he's here, there will be two drunkards instead of one."

While everyone was chatting, they did not stop what they were doing. The ejection decks both opened, revealing the Lord Angel and the De Angel who were ready to go.

"The third phase of the plan has begun. The Lord Angel and the De Angel can attack."

"Understood, Lord Angel, start chasing the target."

"De Angel, start bombarding the target."

The voltage of the electromagnetic catapult increased to full value, and the two Gundams ejected. The fastest Archangel took the lead. Although De Angel was a heavy fire MS, its speed was not slow, and it followed closely behind Archangel. .

"Go, Gundam Messengers, let's make a grand splash with [Celestial Being]'s first appearance." The emperor murmured as he looked at the rapidly shrinking backs of the Lord Angel and De Angel.

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