Mecha War: Starting from Gundam OO

Chapter 1299 Unhappy Yang Hui

"Director, they are here."

"Yes, they are finally here."

In the Far East Metropolitan Police Department, Director Saejima and Mr. Fujido looked through the French windows at the [Drestriga] and [White Fortress] hovering outside the city and sighed. After Rebil came to power, their plan received strong support, but because of the tragedy ten years ago, people still have a fear of super AI, so the final results need an opportunity to be announced to the public, and this opportunity is the arrival of Drei Kreuz.

After the Federation's vigorous propaganda, the Promise Corps is deeply trusted by the people. Drei Kreuz, an independent unit also affiliated with the Promise Corps, has also focused on propaganda. From the universe to the earth, it has repeatedly repelled the attacks of the Zanskar Empire, repelled the invasion of Ulugaru, defeated the alien enemies that invaded the world from the blue hole, etc., and let the people know that the Federation Army has such a powerful independent unit with high popularity.

The new generation of super AI, the [Brave Police] plan, developed by the Far East Metropolitan Police Department and GGG, is the best choice to avoid being resisted and feared by the public at the beginning.

"Just Director Saejima, the situation of Decarte..."


When it comes to this matter, Director Saejima, who was originally full of confidence, can't help but sigh. The development of the first brave policeman Decarte was very smooth, but in order to better cultivate the super AI, when all the previously recorded data was prepared to be deleted, as expected... an accident happened.

No one expected that the secret warehouse where Decarte was stored and tested was discovered by a boy who was only ten years old, and... before any guards and alarms were triggered, he often contacted and communicated with Decarte, and then... let Decarte learn what "heart" is in advance.

This was originally something that Decarte would start to learn after being assigned, but because this child completed it in advance, not only completed it, but also a "heart" full of positive energy.

This put Director Saejima and Mr. Fujido in a difficult position. The "heart" is something that is impossible to analyze. The "heart" that Decarte has now has no prepared education. Although it is full of positive energy, it is impossible to confirm whether the growth of the "heart" will deteriorate.

However, if they delete the "heart" they have now, no one knows whether they can successfully cultivate a "heart".

Coincidentally, just a few days ago, Far East was suddenly attacked by robot criminals. Decarte, who became the target of robbery, relied on what he learned from the boy and the bond with the boy to successfully eliminate all robot criminals and arrest a large number of criminals.

This also made Director Saejima decide not to format Decarte's database, maintain the status quo, and even grant the boy authority to become the boss of the brave police.

After the decision to agree to let Decarte continue to develop as it was reported, there was no opposition, but the boss of the Brave Police was a 10-year-old boy... Director Saejima was scolded by the higher-ups. According to the gossip he received, when this matter reached Rebir's ears, he almost got so angry that he immediately took a special plane to smash his head!

"It's come to this point, there is no other way." Director Saejima shook his head and said.


"Are you ready for the press conference for the three new members tomorrow?"

"Everything is ready, only the east wind is missing."

"Ding ding ding..."

"I'm Saejima."

"Director, Lieutenant Colonel Mitsuha Greywallai and Colonel Yang Hui of Drei Kreuz have arrived."

"Please ask them to come up."


After hanging up the call, Director Saejima looked at Mr. Fujido, and the corners of his mouth raised a helpless arc: "The east wind has also arrived, prepare to welcome the distinguished guests."

"Yes." Mr. Fujido also smiled helplessly and shook his head.

Soon, there was a knock on the office door, and Yang Hui and Sanye Greywalla entered the room under the guidance of the police officer.

"Nice to meet you, Lieutenant Colonel Sanye, Colonel Yang Hui, thank you very much for taking time out of your busy schedule to attend the press conference of the new Brave Police. I am the Director of the Far East Metropolitan Police Department, Jusan Saejima." Director Saejima asked the leading police officer to step down and welcomed the two.

"Hello, Director Saejima, I am sorry that I came here only now because of a special mission." Sanye Greywalla said politely.

"No, you are too polite, Lieutenant Colonel Sanye, Drei Kreuz is an excellent independent unit of the Federal Army, and it is our honor to come to help us." This is not entirely flattery, after all, they are only the Far East Metropolitan Police Department, and they are still far behind the best independent units of the Federal Army.

"According to General Rebil's instructions, the new brave police will follow Drei Kreuz. Helping you is also helping myself."

"Well, I understand... Um, Colonel Yang Hui, you..." After Director Saejima finished chatting with Mitsuha Greywalle, he planned to have a good contact with Yang Hui. He still has some connections in the federal army. From insiders, he learned that... Colonel Yang Hui is incredible, with strong combat power, outstanding in various fields, and seems to have some terrifying background.

But... From the beginning, Yang Hui looked at him very unfriendly, and kept recalling in his mind whether he had offended him before? That can't be right? This is also the first time he and Yang Hui have met. They had no contact before.

"Hello, Director Saejima, I am Yang Hui, Inspector Drei Kreuz, with the rank of colonel." After introducing himself, his tone was calm, which made people unable to hear the emotion or anger, but... it was that plain look that made Director Saejima's legs A bit soft.


"Ahem, Colonel Yang Hui." Sanye Grayvale coughed twice and reminded Yang Hui to pay attention to the occasion. Although he understood Yang Hui's displeasure, it was the first time he met and he still had to cooperate with the other party.

"..." Yang Hui stood quietly next to Mitsuba Grayvale without saying anything. His closed eyes made the pressure on Director Saejima's shoulders a lot easier.

"Captain Mitsuba, Colonel Yang Hui, please take a seat." Director Saejima did not dare to neglect and invited the two of them to sit down and talk.

"Director Saejima, can we meet Yuta Tomonaga?" After sitting down, Mitsuba Grayvale asked Director Saejima. The 10-year-old boy she wanted to meet the most was the 10-year-old boy and wanted to have a good chat with him. , after all... No matter how special the situation is, a ten-year-old boy should not be allowed to participate in the battle.

"I have informed Yuta that he is on his way here. Please wait a moment." Director Saejima replied.

"No problem...Colonel Yang Hui." Mitsuba Grayvale thought of Yang Hui's attitude towards Tomonaga Yuta, as well as the attitudes of Director Saejima and others, and deliberately took out his PAD and took a look, "Maibi sent me a message, There was another minor problem with the main system of [Drestliga], and Jay and the members of the maintenance team also encountered difficulties.”

"Understood, Captain Sanye, I will rush back to [Drestliga] right now." Yang Hui, who was sitting next to him, certainly knew that Sanye Grayvale was looking for an excuse to let him leave. After all, what news was on the PAD? He didn't receive any of them, but he didn't want to stay here anymore, especially when the kid came later. He might not be able to help but turn on the preaching mode. He could just leave out of sight and out of mind.

"I'm very sorry, Colonel Yang Hui, but I asked you to follow me."

"The duty lies."

After the words fell, Yang Hui stood up, gave a military salute and turned to leave. It was not until Yang Hui closed the door completely and left that Director Saejima and Mr. Toudo felt that the pressure on them completely disappeared.

"I'm very sorry, Director Saejima, Mr. Toudo, for scaring you."

"Don't dare..." Although they were polite, Director Saejima and Mr. Toudo were still very curious as to how they had offended Yang Hui. They couldn't help but ask: "Um...Captain Mitsuba, Colonel Yang Hui, this is... "

"What Colonel Yang Hui hates the most is children going to the battlefield." Sanye Grayvale explained to the two of them, "Including the teenagers in Drei Kreuz, Colonel Yang Hui's favorite saying is 'You are not dead yet. , You kids don’t have to bear it.”

"..." After listening to Mitsuba Greyvale's explanation, Director Saejima and Mr. Toudo were silent. To be honest, this feeling... they understood it very well and even felt the same.

"This is also the main reason why I want to see that child. I think you two must also know very well that whether you are fighting crime or participating in war, it is cruel. The various tragedies and disasters you have seen are not good for a child. It would be devastating," Sanye Greyvale continued.

"I'm very sorry, Captain Mitsuba, please believe us, we... also have no choice." Director Saejima and Mr. Toudo were very helpless.

Not everyone is qualified to be the leader of the Brave Police. Although the super AI of the Brave Police has wisdom far beyond that of adults, their minds are not much different from those of babies, so the first thing they come into contact with is what they care about most. s things.

Just like Deckard, it was Yuta Tomonaga who helped him have a "heart". For Deckard, Yuta Tomonaga is the only leader he recognizes, and no one can replace him, unless...

"Formatting, right?"

"Yes." Director Saejima nodded and expressed his concerns, "But Deckard is currently the most successful super AI and the only successful super AI, including the three brave police officers to be released tomorrow. They are just immature children who don't understand what 'heart' is and what a brave person is. If Deckard is formatted..."

"I understand." Mitsuba Grayvale was helpless and understood the plans of Governor Saejima and Mr. Toudo.

As Deckard is currently the most successful case, he is naturally a learning target for other super AIs. If Deckard is formatted at this time, it will not only be unknown whether he can cultivate a qualified "heart", but also he will not be able to guide subsequent ones. The brave police officers have grown up.

If it had been formatted at the beginning, there would still be room for change, but now... it's too late.

"Captain Sanye, thank you for your understanding. It's just Colonel Yang Hui's side..."

"I will advise Colonel Yang Hui, and... Colonel Yang Hui is not a pedantic person. I believe he will understand."

"That's good……"

"Dong dong~" At this time, there was a knock on the office door.

"Come in."

"Director Saejima, Mr. Toudo, are you looking for me?"

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