Mecha War: Starting from Gundam OO

Chapter 1301 The troublesome brave policeman

"Welcome everyone. Here, I would like to introduce to you the new brave police officers who protect the peace and security of the people. They have received basic training to become brave police officers at the Kyoto test site, and like Deckart who has already started working, they are equipped with super AI with a 'heart'... Come on, please introduce yourselves."

"I am BP301 type, named Maren."

"I am BP302 type, Pavaggio!"

"I am BP303 type, named Danbuso."

One black, one yellow, and one red, the three new brave police officers not only look different, but also have different personalities. The black Maren is calm, cool, and serious, Pavaggio is a hot-blooded man, and Danbuso is stubborn and inflexible.

"Okay! Everyone, today you can touch several brave policemen and experience their exquisiteness."

"Haha, let a child lead such a group of super AIs, and Yongtai will have a hard time." Yang Hui laughed and shook his head. He had led a unit and saw through it at a glance. The three brave policemen in front of him were not so easy to manage, especially the over-enthusiastic Pavacho and the stubborn Danbuso. The calm and calm Maren would be a good captain, but his subordinates were all flamboyant, which would easily lead to more serious conflicts.

And such a small team, let a child manage it... It's really a fantasy.

"If it were you, what would you do?" Sanye Greywallai had the same opinion as Yang Hui. She had a headache when she saw such a team.

"It's simple, just teach them a lesson, and if one lesson is not enough, two lessons." Yang Hui shrugged and said, his way of managing the team was not gentle at all, especially for those who were over-enthusiastic and stubborn. I don't ask you to change your personality, but I want you to promise that you can absolutely obey my orders in battle, that's enough.

"Uh... only you can do this, right?" Sanye Greywallai's mouth twitched. This method is really not for everyone. Yang Hui is qualified because he can crush the opponent in all directions. He can beat the opponent in the field that he is best at, so that he can't raise his head, and naturally he will obey.

As for those who are still stubborn and unwilling to obey after being dealt with, go back to where they came from. Yang Hui wants subordinates, soldiers, and companions, not masters who need to be served.

But Yang Hui is the only one, how can others do it?

Besides... Sanye Greywallai doesn't think that Tomonaga Yuta will use such a method.

"I'll go and prepare first, Captain Sanye, pay attention to evacuating the people in time." Yang Hui waved his hand and prepared to leave the release site. At present, he is not very interested in communicating with the brave police.

"Understood." Sanye Greywallai's expression became serious.

Before the press conference, Yang Hui and Mitsuha Greywallai had discussed that when Decarte was just finished, he was targeted by the robot criminals. How could such a blatant press conference not be targeted? So it was almost certain that an attack would occur. At the beginning, Drei Kreuz's MS troops were scattered around the venue, both openly and secretly, and Yang Hui's body was naturally among them.

Yang Hui had not participated in several battles, so he was naturally a little restless, and... no one dared to say that they were better than Yang Hui at counter-terrorism operations in densely populated cities.


[Dawn Erstellen (Creation)] was activated, but there was no movement. Just like at the beginning, he stood at the venue like a statue.

"What's the situation?" Yang Hui debugged the system of [Dawn Erstellen (Creation)] and asked Char at the same time.

"The agents have found their tracks. There are quite a lot of them."

"Current location?"

"The evacuation alerts have been quietly issued at all the crowded places in the city, but they are likely to be discovered."

"Haha, do the police here have no brains? So many criminal robots were transported into the city without any discovery? And it was not long after the attack." Yang Hui sneered. The police in the Far East are really a bunch of rubbish. They have already found the attack but have not paid attention to it. So many robot criminals were transported into the city without any awareness.

"The police are limited in number." Xia shrugged, but his tone was also full of disdain and contempt.

"Boss, 60% of the evacuations in various areas have been completed, but those criminals seem to have noticed something wrong." Amuro's shadow appeared beside Yang Hui and reported to Yang Hui.

"Then let's start. Don't give them a chance to start."

"Understood." XN

Suddenly, a mobile suit that was guarding the venue like a sculpture started up. [Dawn Erstellen (Creation)] spread its wings and flew into the sky. Golden particles fell like a dream, covering the venue with a sacred veil.

"What's wrong? What happened!?" For a moment, the people attending the press conference were a little panicked.

"Everyone, after investigation, this place will soon be attacked by robot criminals. Please follow the guidance of the staff and take shelter in an orderly manner!"

"Attack? It was attacked!? At this time!?"

"Go! Get out of here!"

Director Saejima looked a little unhappy. At first, Mitsuha Greywalle had just given him a shot of precaution, speculating that there was a high probability of an attack today. He did not expect that it would really happen. At such an important press conference, an attack was launched openly. This was a complete disrespect for the dignity of the police. It was tearing off the face of the entire Far East Metropolitan Police Department and trampling on it on the ground!

"Director Saejima!" Yuta Tomonaga squeezed out of the chaotic crowd. Not far away, Decarte and three new brave policemen also rushed over. When a criminal appeared, they naturally had to go out to arrest him. "Let's go out too!"

"That's right. As brave policemen, we can't just watch the criminals do nothing."

"Well, this is the best stage for us to appear as brave policemen. We can show our abilities to the public."

"I can't wait to bring the criminals to justice."

Decarte didn't speak behind Yuta Tomonaga. It's not that he didn't want to go out, but he wanted to maintain Yuta Tomonaga's status and majesty. He obeyed the leader's orders in everything. But the three newcomers were not so stable. On the one hand, they had just appeared and were in urgent need of performance; on the other hand, they had not yet fully recognized Yuta Tomonaga as the boss.


"Director Saejima." Just as Director Saejima was about to issue the order to go out, Mitsuha Greywalla came to him and a group of brave policemen, "Drei Kreuz's MS troops have already attacked, led by Colonel Yang Hui himself. The criminal robots in the city will soon be eliminated. Please prepare enough police force to capture the surviving criminals and evacuate the masses..."

"Are you... Lieutenant Colonel Mitsuha Greywalla of Drei Kreuz?"

Without waiting for Director Saejima to respond, the three new brave policemen looked at Mitsuha Greywalla with displeasure. According to the records in the database, they learned the identity of Mitsuha Greywalla.

"It's me."

"Sorry, we don't belong to the federal military system. You have no right to order us, and it's our job to fight criminals." As the captain of the team, Maren said to Mitsuha Greywalla.

"That's right! Even if you are a lieutenant colonel in the federal army, you can't stop us from showing off our skills!"

"I will definitely fulfill my duties, please don't stop me."

The passionate Pavaggio and the rigid Danbuso support Maren.

Sanye Greyvalley has a headache. She knows that the three new brave police officers with distinct personalities are not easy to approach, but she didn't expect it to be so difficult. She finally realized that Yang Hui's previous words were not exaggerated.

Of course, Sanye Greyvalley is not without a way. Now the brave police team has not joined Drei Kreuz, and she really has no right to command them, but there are people on the scene who can command them.

"Director Saejima, Yuta."

"Yes! I understand!" Yuta nodded and looked at the three brave policemen, "Everyone, please obey Captain Mitsuha's orders now."

"... Yuta Tomonaga, the boss of the program, but I'm sorry, your instructions run counter to our duties, and I can't accept it."

"That's right! I haven't admitted that you are my boss yet!"

"Even if you are the boss, you can't stop me."

"You are too rude!" If it was just to oppose Mitsuha Greywallai, Decarte would not care, after all, he also had opinions about Mitsuha Greywallai's orders, but if Yuta Tomonaga gave an order, he would execute it, but he absolutely could not tolerate someone looking down on Yuta Tomonaga.

"Decarte, even if you are a senior, you can't do it."

"Don't think you are a senior and get carried away!"

"If you must stop me, I can only defeat you first."

"Alas..." Mitsuha Greywallai held his forehead and had a headache. He didn't expect these three new brave policemen to be so difficult to deal with.

Fortunately, Director Saejima couldn't stand it anymore, so he stood up and said to them: "I remember that your education includes obeying the orders of your superiors, which is also your duty. Yuta is your boss. Do you want to disobey his orders and violate your duties?"



"...I have nothing to say."

Director Saejima knew that he couldn't make them obey by giving them orders, so he could only use his duties to force them. Obviously, although they were still unwilling to accept the order, they still accepted the order.

"Captain Mitsuha." The situation is urgent now. The three people's unwillingness will be discussed later. The most urgent task is to capture all robot criminals and protect the people.

"Well, Director Saejima, please..."

"Look! What is that!?"

At this moment, Tomonaga Yuta looked at the sky in the city in disbelief, or more precisely, at [Dawn Erstellen (Creation)] with his arms folded in the air, with his wings spread out, and golden particles swaying with the flapping of his wings, like a holy angel, but... under this holy light, the golden particles condensed into sword-shaped GN Super Dragoons out of thin air, shuttling back and forth in the city.

"Ding Ding Ding..."

Sanye Greywallai's PAD rang, and seeing that it was Yang Hui's communication, he immediately answered it: "Colonel Yang Hui, the Far East Metropolitan Police Department is about to send police officers to arrest the criminals, please..."

"The enemy planes have all been destroyed, and the criminals have all surrendered. Please ask the Far East Metropolitan Police Department to send someone to receive them."


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