Mecha War: Starting from Gundam OO

Chapter 133: Children are not a reason to let go

"Okay, I understand." Graham agreed to Yang Hui's request and decided to save Yulin.

Dixie didn't care about martial ethics. As long as he could win and have fun, he would do anything. So during this time, Jedus and Falcia had already surrounded the Dawn Gundam and the Samurai Gundam.

"Hahaha, this is the best part I have been looking for for a long time! Big brother, do you dare to do it?" Dixie laughed arrogantly.

Although Yulin was sitting in Falcia's cockpit, Falcia was not driven by her. She was just one of the parts. The real control of Falcia was Dixie's powerful X-Rounder ability.

"Yang Hui..." Yulin connected to Yang Hui's communication channel with a very sad expression.

"It's okay, Yulin, I will save you, don't be afraid."

"I... I just want to see you, I don't know..."

"Don't say it, Yulin, I know everything, don't worry, I will definitely save you, believe me, okay?"

"Well... I believe you, Yang Hui..."

"Don't ignore me if you keep talking nonsense!"

With Dixil's roar, five floating guns surrounded the Dawn Gundam and the Samurai Gundam, and the flowers bloomed and released deadly light.

If it were a weapon like a floating gun, other people would be in a mess, even Flit and Woluf would be hit, but unfortunately, their targets were Yang Hui and Graham.

The beam cannons on the shoulders of the Dawn Gundam and the electromagnetic cannons on the hips were deployed at the same time, and all the bullets were fired at the same time, instantly destroying the four floating guns, and the last one was instantly accelerated and cut in half by the Samurai Gundam.

"How is it possible!?" Dixil was shocked. The floating gun was his most confident trump card. He used Yulin's predictive ability behind the scenes to make the attack of the floating gun more flexible and tricky. Moreover, the attack of the floating gun was very strange. How could it be so easy to be caught and broken?

Is the floating gun strong? Very strong!

The only disadvantage is that the armor is fragile and easy to be destroyed. However, in the team battle, more floating guns are equivalent to more friendly forces. Moreover, it is too small to be captured. The attack is strange and tricky. It can break the enemy before the enemy reacts. Especially those who encounter the floating gun for the first time will be in a hurry.

But unfortunately... Yang Hui and Graham are not the first time to encounter this kind of autonomous mobile armed unit. Yang Hui himself is a master of this kind of autonomous mobile armed unit. He is good at the combination tactics of various floating units and has created countless terrifying records. The siege of only five floating guns is simply child's play.

Although Graham had no experience in operating the floating gun, he had a lot of experience in fighting. He had been destroyed by Yang Hui. The monotonous movement and the expected shooting position could only be described as a child's play.

So what was completely impossible in Dixie's eyes was just a basic operation for Yang Hui and Graham.

Yang Hui and Graham did not pay attention to Dixie's childish anger. They had never regarded fighting as a child's game. Useless nonsense was the most meaningless.

Samurai Gundam was in front and Dawn Gundam was behind. The classic tactical combination, coupled with the unparalleled tacit understanding between the two, made Dixie flustered at the beginning of the battle.

"Damn it, it's really damned! Why... why is it still like this? Obviously... obviously..." Dixie was extremely anxious and unwilling. In order to win Yang Hui and Graham once, he made a lot of preparations and prepared excellent "auxiliary props", but he didn't expect that he was still helpless.

What puzzled him the most was that he wanted to use Yulin's life to restrain Yang Hui and Graham. For this reason, whenever the Dawn Gundam and the Samurai Gundam launched an attack, he controlled Falcia to block in front of Jedas as a shield.

But he found that the opponent's attack was still extremely sharp, and he didn't care about Yulin's safety at all. Even... the attack of the Samurai Gundam was all aimed at Falcia.

In order not to lose the excellent "auxiliary props", Dixier could only control Falcia to dodge, but this also made the props originally used to restrain the enemy drag his own feet in turn.

When Dixier was in a panic, the Dawn Gundam fired all its bullets, directly separating Jedas and Falcia, and at the same time forcing Falcia to the direction of the Samurai Gundam.


Falcia had entered Graham's best assault range, and there was no need for Yang Hui's reminder. The Samurai Gundam instantly accelerated and rushed to Falcia. The high-vibration knife turned into a red phantom, cutting off Falcia's cockpit with one knife, and then kicked Falcia away and retreated.

"Mission accomplished!" Graham was relieved after confirming that Yulin was rescued. He held Falcia's cockpit against his chest and retreated, standing aside to help the Dawn Gundam.

"You actually gave my props to..."

"You are annoying."


Dixil wanted to curse, but while he was distracted, the Dawn Gundam had already rushed to Jedus and chopped down heavily with its beam sword.

Jedus raised his hand to block the super beam sword, and Dixil was still smug: "Hehe, big brother can't beat me like this..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw that the beam cannons on the shoulders of the Dawn Gundam and the electromagnetic cannons on the hips had been deployed.



The electromagnetic cannon hit Jedas' body, almost at zero distance, and failed to penetrate directly, but it also shattered the armor of the torso, revealing the skeleton and internal wiring. The beam cannon pierced into Jedas' arm joint like a sharp blade, breaking the wing engine behind him.

"How could it be... How could I lose... Move quickly... Move quickly!" Dixie was completely panicked and hurriedly pulled the joystick, but there was no response in the cockpit except for various errors and alarms.

"It's over."

"Huh~!" Dixie looked at the Dawn Gundam close at hand with tears, and the fear in his heart was dominated by fear, as if he had seen a terrible demon. He wanted to beg for mercy but couldn't say it.

If it was Flit, he might really let Dixie go because he was a child, but unfortunately, Yang Hui would not.

The hilt of the super beam sword was against Jedas' head.

"Don't... Big brother... I know I was wrong... So..."

Ignoring Dixil's pleas for mercy, the super beam sword shone brightly, and the pink beam blade burst out, directly piercing through Jadas's head, and Dixil in the cockpit turned into invisible cosmic dust.

"Even if it's a child, not everything can be forgiven." Yang Hui said coldly. Not long after, his eyes returned to normal, and Yang Hui exited the transformer mode.

Even if he exited the transformer mode, Yang Hui had no strange emotions about killing the child. Dixil's psychology was completely distorted. Even if he was let go, he would not change, and would even become worse. Moreover, since he chose to take up arms and go to the battlefield, no matter what the reason, no matter whether he was a man, a woman, old or young, there were only two identities, one was friendly forces, and the other was enemy forces. Since he was an enemy, there were only two results: surrender and killing.

But Dixil... Yang Hui would not give him a chance to surrender.

"Yang Hui..." Yu Lin watched Yang Hui kill Dixil, without blaming him, but only worried. She was worried that Yang Hui would leave regrets or trauma because of this.

But Graham comforted her: "Don't worry, Yang Hui will be fine. He is also an old soldier and sees things clearly."


"I'm fine." Yu Lin wanted to say something, but Yang Hui answered her call, still smiling gently, which made Yu Lin feel relieved.


"Let's send you back to the Songbird first, it's safe there."


The battle is not over yet. The previous battle has made the Dawn Gundam and the Samurai Gundam, whose parts are already yellowing, even worse. They must be prepared before they can continue to fight. Moreover, the Songbird is about to break into the Anbat Fortress, so the Songbird is the safest place on the battlefield.

As for the Madona Workshop that was supposed to appear, it did not arrive, because the current Madona Workshop is too large and can't catch up. Madona simply stayed on the Songbird with excellent technicians to prepare for the MS.

“The boss is back! Everyone get ready!” Madona received the information that the Dawn Gundam and the Samurai Gundam had returned to the ship, and immediately prepared. The Dawn Gundam and the Samurai Gundam were different from other machines, and spare parts were scarce. It was not an easy task to complete the maintenance and return to the battlefield as quickly as possible.


The Dawn Gundam and the Samurai Gundam returned to the ship, and the maintenance engineers who were mentally prepared almost couldn’t help cursing. All parts were yellow, and some were red. It would take them a lot of effort to complete the maintenance.

“Replace the seriously damaged parts first, and the lines, pipes and skeletons are the top priority. The others can be ignored for the time being.” Yang Hui said to the maintenance engineers as soon as he got off the plane. After all, there would be no fierce battles afterwards. Although they were yellow, they could support the end of the battle with a little attention.

“Understood!” XN

Hearing this instruction, the maintenance engineers also breathed a sigh of relief, at least the work was reduced by half.

Yang Hui went directly to the cockpit of Falcia, fumbled a few times and found the external opening device, opened the cockpit, and released Yulin.

"Yang Hui!"

Yulin broke free from her restraints and threw herself into Yang Hui's arms, sobbing. She had been holding back in order not to affect Yang Hui before, but now that she was safe and had arrived at the most reassuring place in the world, the accumulated fear and grievances in her heart finally vented out.

"It's okay, Yulin, you're safe now." Yang Hui hugged Yulin and patted her back to comfort her.

"Well, I always believe in Yang Hui."

"I know."

After Yulin's mood calmed down, Yang Hui took Yulin to the preparation room and handed her over to Fangs, Emily and Dick. After briefly and quickly introducing both parties, he said to Yulin: "Yulin, they are all very reliable companions. Can you stay with them for a while?"

"Do you still want to fight?" Yulin said worriedly.

"Well, the battle is not over yet. There are still many companions fighting outside. I must go. Many people have sacrificed for this, and there must be a result." Yang Hui said.

"Yes, I know. You must come back safely."

"Don't worry. My amulet is still in your hands."

"Yes." Yulin felt the strength from Yang Hui's smile, which gave her courage and made her less afraid.

Yang Hui hugged Yulin gently again, nodded to Fangs, Emily and Dick, turned around and left, joining the preparation work.

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