Mecha War: Starting from Gundam OO

Chapter 185 The sword is still young

The fastest flag gun took the lead and flew towards the farthest VEGAN fleet at the fastest speed.

VEGAN also discovered the Flag Gundam, which was approaching at an extremely fast speed. The moment they discovered it, all MS troops surrounded it, firing guns and guns, and a dense firepower net enveloped the Flag Gundam.

"Well done!"

Facing the coming deadly beam, Graham showed no fear on his face, but only excitement and enthusiasm. It has been five years since he quit the front line and served as an instructor in the teaching brigade. He has basically never encountered a decent person. He knew that there would be no battle before the start of the third phase of the mission, so he had been waiting for this day to arrive.

The Flag Gundam did not slow down and turned into a flexible fish swimming in the air, shuttling through the large net made of light beams. When he encountered several enemy MSs, they drew their beam swords and rushed towards him. The [Shigure Blades] on the nose and wings of the aircraft were ] Shining with scarlet brilliance, it passed by the enemy plane without even changing the line.

In an instant, all several mobile suits were cut in half. Even the [Danakin] that was in contact with the nose of the machine didn't even have a chance to explode, and turned into fragments in the air and scattered on the ground.

During the attack, the Vangus Vulcan cannon and the high-power Vangus rifle fired one after another. The dense beams formed a line and destroyed all the enemy aircraft blocking the front.

Perhaps the enemy's captain's aircraft seized the ingenious opportunity to approach the Flag Gundam. The beam swords in both hands of [Danakin] had locked onto the Flag Gundam and were about to chop it down.

At this moment, there was a "click" sound, and the Flag Gundam transformed into an MS form directly in the air at high speed. It made a weird maneuver on the spot and brushed against [Danakin]'s beam sword, and waved with his backhand. , the [Shigure Blade] on the nose shield split it into two.

The real man never looked back at the explosion, as if he had never done anything. He did not stay where he was, and continued to deal with the surrounding enemies with high-speed and increased firepower, tearing a big hole in the MS line in front of the battleship.

"Hey, first one!"

Flag Gundam no longer paid attention to the MS troops that were thrown behind it. Before the battleship entered the city, the red light of the shield [Shigure Blade] shined brightly, like a hot knife cutting tofu, and penetrated without any obstruction. The armor of the battleship was driven by the speed, leaving deep scars on the surface of the battleship.

The battleship Phazos was surrounded by billowing smoke, and arcs and sparks were constantly dancing and flashing at the scars. However, VEGAN's technology was still very reliable, and even with such hideous scars, it could not sink.

"As expected of VEGAN, let's try this again!"

The flag gundam stayed on the lower belly of the battleship, where several scars intersected, and high-powered Vangers rifles and Vangus cannons locked the intersection.

The laser beams were fired, and the three beams converged into one, from bottom to top, penetrating the battleship like a steel pillar and nailing it in the air.

The Flag Gundam quickly retreated, and Phazos began to swell from the middle, then spread to the whole body, and finally...


Grand fireworks exploded, debris flew everywhere, and smoke filled the air.

"Hehe, this is the battle I want." Graham looked at his masterpiece, smiled with satisfaction, and then continued to chase the MS troops that fled in all directions.

Youlin landed directly on the edge of the city, set up a long-range beam gun, and fired at a slow pace.

Although there are no GN particles, the floating cannon cannot be used on the earth, which reduces the efficiency of Luna Gundam in destroying enemies. Yulin's sniper attack is still a nightmare for the enemy. Before the opponent has time to react, the cockpit has been penetrated, and even Even if you dodge subconsciously, you will not be able to avoid it. Not only will you not be able to avoid it, but the friendly aircraft behind you will also be shot down.

"Angus team, three [Dorados] on the left, surround and kill them."

"Understood!" X5

"Team Freud, two [Dorado] and two [Danakin] on the right, block immediately."

"Understood!" X5

After receiving the order, Team Angus and Team Freud immediately implemented it. Their Yulin's order was not questioned. She was not a young man who was not afraid of tigers without a newborn calf, because Yulin was a very gentle woman. , and she is old and has doubts about her strength.

But after one of Yulin's simulated battle demonstrations, she told these energetic young people what "the sword is still young" means.

While Yulin fired to prevent the enemy from crossing the city boundary, she methodically issued orders to the two teams. Although the efficiency was not as high as that of Graham and Yang Hui, and the battle was not as fierce and exciting, it was like the Great Wall that was as stable as Mount Tai, nailing the enemy to death. On the same spot, no matter how fierce VEGAN launched its attack, it remained standing and could not even think of taking a step forward.

"Now!" Yulin cleared out the last two [Danakin] guarding Fa'Zos, and immediately issued a decisive battle order to Angus Team and Floyd Team, "Assault the enemy warship with all aircraft."

"Understood!" X10

To the east is the war zone that Yang Hui is responsible for. Although the floating cannon cannot be used, VEGAN's invasion was defeated with only two VEGAN submachine guns.

What is really unbelievable is that Yang Hui's shooting skills have reached the point where submachine gun fire is no longer weaker than Yulin's high-precision sniping. The chain of bullets almost never misses, and every beam will hit VEGAN's MS. .

"Beep beep beep..."

The alarm sounded in the cockpit, and Yang Hui noticed that an enemy plane was approaching from behind him, but he did not panic at all because...

The next second, the four wings opened, the floating cannon opened its ferocious mouth, and dozens of pink beams of light were like bamboo sticks skewering them into kebabs.

"Don't think that on Earth, floating artillery is just a decoration." Yang Hui grinned and controlled the Dawn Gundam to rush directly into the center of the enemy's line. All four wings, beam submachine guns and high-power electromagnetic guns were deployed, and then began the original The ground spun.

The pink beam of light and the electromagnetic cannon shells jumping with electric arcs are like countless paintbrushes dyed with color, using the sky and the earth as the canvas to draw a beautiful but deadly picture. Although the yellow light is shining, it has been added to the picture before it can be fired. Blossoming bright flowers.

In almost a minute, VEGAN's MS troops were wiped out, leaving only one Pha-Zos floating alone in the sky.

Fa Zos probably also knew that the situation was over and was about to activate the [Parasol System] to retreat, but would Yang Hui let them leave safely?

of course not!

"Haha, do you really think I've just been an instructor these past few years? [The parasol system] is no longer useful!"

The brand new radar enemy detection system was activated, and the moment Fa Zos disappeared, it was locked at the same time.

The Dawn Gundam burst into flames and quickly approached the location of Phazos. The electromagnetic gun opened fire and exploded in the empty air. The air was distorted for a moment, and the disappeared Phazos reappeared in everyone's sight. , only the engine part at the rear was completely destroyed, and it fell towards the suburbs with thick smoke and explosions.

"Sorry, you are useless now, so... just go on your way in peace."

Dawn Gundam did not let them go just because Fa Zos lost power and could only fall. The moment they decided to attack the city directly, Yang Hui had no intention of letting them live.

captive? It will only waste food, and there are too many VEGAN people on the earth now, so there is no need to increase them.

Dawn Gundam came to the path of Phazos's fall with a strong murderous intention. All the gun ports were deployed, and the firepower was tilted on Phazos as if it was lifeless. Even if the opponent sent a surrender signal, it would ignore it. Once there was Once you escape from the cabin, you will be hit by beams or cannonballs immediately.

It wasn't until there was complete silence that Dawn Gundam moved out of the way, allowing Phazos to fall to the ground, shattering, exploding, and leaving wreckage all over the ground.

Finally, it was confirmed that VEGAN to the east had been completely eliminated, and Dawn Gundam turned around and left. There was no need to worry about Graham and Yulin. Yang Hui was absolutely confident that he could completely wipe out the enemy. Only the defense line of the base on the back might be needed. His support.

Sure enough, when the Dawn Gundam arrived at the rear defense line, the battle between the two armies had entered a stalemate. Although the federal army had a slight advantage, it was impossible to quickly repel them.

In order to reduce its own losses and prevent any fish from slipping through the net, the Dawn Gundam immediately joined the battle with the Flag Gundam and Luna Gundam that arrived together, and annihilated all the invading enemy forces like a devastating blow.

"Lieutenant General, it's a good thing you are here, otherwise Levi City would be..." the base commander said with lingering fear.

This VEGAN attack was so sudden and massive. It launched attacks from four directions at the same time. If Yang Hui and his three men hadn't quickly wiped out the enemy forces from the east, west and south, Levi City would have become history. .

"Let's leave the celebration for later. How is the situation now?"

"The situation is very bad." The base commander reported with an ugly face. There were Yang Hui and three others in Levi City, so VEGAN failed to cause a big disturbance, but there was no such thing in other cities. "According to the intelligence from Lost Loulan, VEGAN This large-scale invasion of the Earth not only launched VEGAN hidden on the Earth, but also airborne a large number of troops. The Middle East and North Africa have all fallen, and the remaining 15% of the area has ended the fighting, but they have suffered heavy losses and are in urgent need of reinforcements. Otherwise, we will not be able to resist the next wave of invasion, and the rest will still be fighting.”

"Lost Loulan?"

"Yes, since the [Giant Ring] base was destroyed, Lost Loulan is the temporary general headquarters. Fortunately, Admiral Aruguleas happened to be inspecting Lost Loulan, otherwise..."

"Fortunately? Is there anything to be thankful for in the current situation?" Yang Hui asked displeasedly.

"Uh... yes." The base commander said with shame. The current situation was indeed getting worse, and Arugureas's survival was a blessing among misfortunes, and it was also a little psychological comfort.

"So what's the order? Where should our team go for support?" Yang Hui asked.

"I have reported the situation of the three of them to the admiral. The admiral ordered that the three of them contact him immediately after finishing the battle."


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