Mecha War: Starting from Gundam OO

Chapter 338 We were all fooled!

At this time, Yang Hui and Huang were walking side by side on the path in the setting sun, walking very slowly, because they had to get busy after returning to the Ministry of Defense, so they took this time to enjoy the warmth.

"What do you think they will do?" Huang asked Yang Hui.

"After all your hard work, why don't you tell me this?" Yang Hui asked the emperor with a look of resentment.

"Hehehe." Huang smiled happily, then hooked his hands around Yang Hui's neck and offered his soft lips, "So, what's your answer?"

"Are you sure you want to waste the good time you finally squeezed out?" Yang Hui said depressedly.

"The hard work now is for a better future, isn't it?" Huang smiled softly and gently stroked Yang Hui's face with one hand.

"I'm really scared of you."


Just when Huang was about to let go of Yang Hui, Yang Hui suddenly attacked, held her waist tightly with one hand, and then kissed her domineeringly.

The golden boy and the beautiful girl hug each other tightly among the flying pink petals, feeling warm, happy and beautiful.

After a long time, their lips parted, Huang's pretty face flushed, and he hammered Yang Hui's chest angrily. The force was more comfortable than massaging.

"I have to collect some interest first."

"You took all the interest, but I haven't gotten the answer I want yet~!" Huang Jiao said angrily, leaning in Yang Hui's arms.

"Didn't you ask the question knowingly?" Yang Hui was amused by the emperor. This question was asked knowingly from the beginning, but he insisted on answering.

"Really? It seems that we have been exposed." Huang replied playfully. The exposure she was talking about was not that Yang Hui's true identity was exposed, but that the [Celestial Being] organization established without their knowledge was exposed.

"As expected of an old fox, no one should be underestimated."

"To be too old to die is to be a thief. Who can live to this age in that position is simple? Think of Mr. Wang, Professor Elfman, and Mr. Aeolia, each one is more of a thief than the last. " Yang Hui had a look of resentment when he mentioned Mr. Wang and Professor Elfman. When he was in the Gundam OO world, he resented the sky and the earth, but he didn't dare to criticize his two teachers. Because of this, he was often criticized by the second generation. I was educated by others and was forced to be a tool. Thinking about it now, I am filled with tears.

"Really? So are you?" The emperor has not forgotten that Yang Hui is now over a hundred years old. In terms of age, he is barely older than Aeolia Huuchenberg. So how can he Didn't you scold yourself?

"Uh... I'm only 16 years old, so I'm still young." Yang Hui was stunned for a moment, and he was confident and shameless.


In the midst of laughter, the two separated in front of the Ministry of Defense. From now on until the fall of Obu, the emperor will stay here. If something happens, she will know and modify the plan as soon as possible.

And Yang Hui went to [Shuguang Society], preparing to pilot the machine body to follow the Fourth Fleet to attack.

"The target this time is still that ship?"

Setsuna, Lyle and Tieria had already changed into their driving uniforms and were waiting for him.

"Yes, but it's just one of them." Yang Hui said.


"What do you know?" Shushu suddenly interrupted, causing Yang Hui, Lyle and Tieria to look at him with strange expressions.

"Intervening with force to cut off disputes..."


Before Setsuna could finish speaking, Yang Hui couldn't help but slapped Setsuna on the back of the head, staggering expressionlessly.

"This mission is a rescue mission..."

"...Yang Hui, you can't take a joke."


"What's wrong?"

"Are you kidding me?"

"I see, isn't it funny..."

"Pfft~! Cough cough cough cough..."

"Hahahaha, Yang Hui, you have today too! Hahahaha..." Lyle's stomach hurt from laughing, and Tieria, who was used to having a cold face, couldn't help turning around and snickering.

Originally, they all thought that Setsuna was still so stupid, thinking about armed intervention and combat missions, but they didn't expect that he was actually joking. Although he was very cold, Yang Hui was actually deceived, and he taught Setsuna a serious lesson. In the end, And being complained about by Setsuna is the funniest thing.

" are awesome!" Yang Hui was trembling with anger. He gave Setsuna a thumbs up and walked towards the Dawn Gundam angrily. This was really a perennial falcon being pecked by an eagle.

"Is he so incapable of making jokes?" Setsuna asked Lyle and Tieria.

"Pfft~ Hahaha... Setsuna, you are getting better and better." Lyle also gave Setsuna a thumbs up.

"It's not enough, I'm still far away." In an instant, he thought that Yang Hui was angry because of his joke, and walked towards the Angel with some disappointment, thinking that he could ask other people for advice on joking techniques when he had time.

"Are you also following Setsuna's example?" Lyle nudged Tieria with his elbow.

"...I can't learn. The spare time I have is not as useful as destroying a few more enemy planes."

"So you can't compare to Setsuna."

Yang Hui didn't see it, but Lyle and Tieria knew why the stern Setsuna suddenly made fun of Yang Hui. Setsuna didn't know where he heard it. Joking with friends can relieve the pressure of the other party, and then there was This one comes out today.

In PLANT's Klein House, Mentor Marchio, who was focused on by Yang Hui, lived here. In order to avoid a large-scale battle between ZAFT and the Earth Army, he first went to Albany, the headquarters of the Earth Alliance, and made great efforts to win it. The Earth United's concession resulted in...

When he saw the peace negotiation conditions proposed by the Earth Alliance, Teacher Marchio knew that his efforts would not be rewarded.

But he still did not give up. He came to PLANT tirelessly with this condition and proposed the "Albany Concession" to the Supreme Council. He wanted to use his sharp tongue to persuade the Supreme Council to agree to the terms of the Earth Union. Avoid a war.

But... as expected, he was rejected.

In addition, the ZAFT army's "Operation Breaking" was about to begin. In order to prevent any possibility of intelligence leakage, Patrick Sala issued a ban and all shuttles heading to Earth were stopped at the port.

In desperation, he could only stay in Klein House and wait for release.

Sitting in the glass house, quietly listening to the patter of rain outside, the gloomy weather seemed to be a true reflection of his heart.

Also experiencing the rainy day with Teacher Malchio were Lux and Harrow, as well as Kira, who was sent to PLANT and hid in Klein's house for treatment.

"Kira, do you like the rain?" Lux noticed that during the period of recuperation, Kira seemed to be uninterested in everything in the world. He would accept instructions like a puppet, only when it rained. Only then will there be a little more anger.

"...I just feel incredible." Looking at the pouring rain outside the window, my heart was shrouded in fog and I couldn't see anything clearly. "I don't know why I am here."

"Then where do you want to go?"

"I have no idea."

"Don't you like it here?"

"Is it really okay if I stay here...?"

"I don't mind."

"Where you should go and what you should do, one day you will naturally understand, because you are the holders of SEED." At this time, Instructor Marchio said to the two, mainly to Kira. He could not see it, but Because of this, he can better understand Lux's maturity. She has already made her own direction clear.

"Speaking of mentor, I have a friend who has always wanted to meet you, but it's a pity that you can't return to Earth now." Lux suddenly said to mentor Marchio.

Hearing this, Instructor Marchio's body froze slightly, but he quickly recovered.

"Is your friend on Earth now?"

"Yes." Lux pretended not to notice anything strange about him and still kept smiling while talking to him.

"Are you talking about Yang Hui?" Kira asked at this time.


"Yang Hui... Then I am really honored to be invited by him." Teacher Marchio replied, but his smile was a little stiff.

"You also know Yang Hui?" Kira asked in surprise.

"Yes, a... very outstanding young man. His words... should be able to bring huge changes to the world."

"..." Hearing this, Kira lowered his head, not knowing what he was thinking.

However, Lux noticed that Kira's expression was a little complicated. She was probably worried about Yang Hui. After all, the world was about to be in chaos, and Orb would not be immune. Kira wanted to help Yang Hui, but she thought that Yang Hui was so powerful that she shouldn't be able to use it. Can you help this coward like him?

At the same time, Lacus noticed that there was also Instructor Malchio. Although he still maintained the same expression, Lacus could detect something was wrong from the slight muscle stiffness. This something was wrong after Kira said Yang Hui's name. started.

"Teacher...what secret do you have?"

For a moment, the three people present had different thoughts, and no one spoke for a while, only the heavy rain fell.

Just then, Siegel Klein arrived, breaking the silence.

"It still doesn't work. As long as it's a shuttle heading to Earth, even yours can't be released."

Sigurd Klein, who has resigned as Speaker, is now retiring at home. After all, he has few people to support his speech in the Supreme Council, so he takes advantage of this time to walk back and forth, just to send Teacher Marchio back to Earth as soon as possible. , ZAFT can no longer make sense here. Let’s see if we can rush back in time to do the work of uniting the earth and avoid this war.

However, despite all the connections he had made, he could not get permission.

"Really? That's really a pity..."

"Beep beep beep..."

At this moment, the Glass House's communication rang. It was Sigur Klein's only remaining supporter in the Supreme Council, Eileen Canaba, who called.

"I'm Klein."

"Sigal Klein, we were deceived by Sarah!" Erin Kanaba said anxiously as soon as the video call was connected.

"Kanaba, calm down and speak clearly slowly."

"The target of their [Operation Breaking] was not Panama at all, but Alaska! He planned to eliminate the Earth Army headquarters in one go! The Council did not approve such a thing!"

"What did you say!?" Hearing this, Siegel Klein couldn't keep calm.

Kira was also unable to keep calm. The faces of his companions kept flashing in his mind, and the memories on the Archangel came to his eyes one by one. As soon as he let go of his hand, the teacup shattered on the table.

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