Mecha War: Starting from Gundam OO

Chapter 343 Welcome back

Under the hard ice, several submarines were sailing closely. In the most gorgeous conference room of one of the submarines, two senior officials of the Atlantic Federation were sitting side by side. In front of them, there was a box full of machinery. .

"Is it almost done? Can we start?"


The two of them each took an identical small key from their necks and inserted it into the keyhole in front of them.

"I hope this sacrifice can bring an early end to the war."

"For the pure blue world, 3, 2, 1."

The keys were turned at the same time, and nothing happened at the scene, but thousands of miles away in Alaska...

The Archangel led the surviving friendly fleets and broke out non-stop from the gap opened by De Angel. Engen, Cherubian, and De Angel guarded around the fleet. Dawn Gundam and Freedom Gundam were at the end, alert to the possibility that The pursuers appeared.

But after Yang Hui confirmed the news announced by Kira, although the fighting did not stop directly, it was no longer so fierce. The ZAFT army's offensive momentum slowed down, and enemy planes even continued to return from the breached [Grand Gate].

The Earth Army ignored all this and tried every means to follow the breakout fleet and leave this place of right and wrong.

"Come on, I'll be there soon..."

"Beep beep beep..."

Before Ma Liu finished speaking, he received the report.

"Strong energy radiation was observed in the Alaska base, and the [Cyclops System] has been activated!"

"Full power! Evacuate immediately!"

I saw a powerful storm composed of microwaves sweeping across everything. Machinery, human bodies, and buildings were all destroyed in an instant. They were turned into dust in the extremely high temperature. The dust was fused together and turned into coke, and violent flames shot into the sky. Then, a gorgeous mushroom cloud bloomed in the sky.

"Ah! How could..." The commander of the ZAFT army, who was still hesitating at first, was dumbfounded. He was still hesitating about whether to order all the troops to withdraw, but because of his hesitation, he missed the best opportunity to retreat.

Without Yang Hui's influence, the ZAFT army would have lost more than 70% of its troops here, but now it has only lost 50%. If he had been more decisive, he would have lost only 20% of his troops at most.

"We were tricked by natural people." Kruse said sadly. On the surface, he was saddened by the heavy losses of friendly forces. In fact, he was also unhappy because Yang Hui's sudden appearance caused his plan to not achieve the expected results.

"Call from Carpentaria Base!"

"What happened again?"

"Orb...Orb has launched an attack on the occupied areas of the Federation of Oceania! The Torres Strait has been occupied, Port Moresby and the Gulf of Papua have fallen, and Orb is marching into the interior of Papua New Guinea!"


"What happened?"

Even Cruze couldn't keep calm now. He never expected that Orb would take the initiative to join the game and seize Port Morbiz, the Gulf of Papua and the Torres Strait. This was the only return route for their army!

If it is really taken away by Orb, then they have only two options for retreat. One is to return to the Carpentaria base via the territorial waters of the East Asian Republic, and the other is to return to the Gibraltar base in a large circle from the Arctic Ocean.

Neither of these two roads is easy to walk, not to mention that they are only a remnant army now, with many wounded and a shortage of supplies.

Now we must find out what happened at the Carpentaria base.

"The message said that at the same time as we started the war, the Orb fleet left the territorial waters and moved towards Papua New Guinea. The troops moved forward in four directions. They deployed the front line in the Torres Strait, stopped operations at Osprey Reef, and directly occupied Mor. Zibi Port, the last main force landed in the Gulf of Papua."

"Where are the people at the Carpentaria base? Are they just watching?" Cruze asked.

"No, the remaining troops at the Carpentaria base were also dispatched, but the enemy's lines were too tight. Orb also dispatched MS troops. They were defeated and had no choice but to retreat to the Carpentaria base."

"Tch, what a waste!" Kruse cursed. The remaining troops at the Carpentaria base were not many, but they were not few. How many troops could Orb have with such a large body? To be actually blocked by a small fleet of the opponent's fleet, it means that the opponent has laid out a perfect defensive front before engaging the enemy, and it also means that the opponent has already hit them right under their noses before discovering the opponent's actions. This is not a waste, is it? What! ?

"What should we do now?" the commander asked Cruze. Originally, Cruze was the overall commander of this battle, but because Cruze needed to fly a mobile suit, he was asked to act as his deputy.

"...Is the fighting over there over?" Cruze asked.

"There is no concrete news yet."

"...accommodate the mobile suit troops, the fleet will submerge, and return to the Gibraltar base from the direction of the Arctic Ocean."


"We have only one way to go, and the East Asian Republic cannot let us pass." Cruze was also helpless. It seemed that there were two ways to go, but in fact there was only one, which was to return to the Gibraltar base from the Arctic Ocean.


Cruze was originally in a good mood, but now he was in a terrible state. He went back to his room and took off his mask, then slumped down on the chair tiredly.

"You are really difficult to deal with. I didn't expect you to attack so quickly and have such a big appetite! But... haha, the 'gift' I prepared for the world is not that simple, Yang Hui, let's wait and see."

Under the leadership of the Archangel, a lot of friendly fleets still remained, but after they were out of danger, they dispersed. The Eurasian Federation troops were returning to their home countries, and the originally abandoned Atlantic Federation soldiers also left. Some of them still don't believe that they are abandoned children, so they have to find a way to return to their home country.

If the Archangel, Dawn Gundam and other MS hadn't saved them, they might have shot directly.

The Archangel took in the few people left who were completely despairing of the higher-ups, and found a small island not far away and stopped. Firstly, they wanted to decide what to do in the future, and secondly, they also wanted to meet Kira. Meet Yang Hui.

"Yang Hui!"

After seeing Yang Hui, Ma Liu and Baji Lulu finally couldn't bear it any longer. They didn't care about the other people present and threw themselves into his arms to cry.

"Why...why on earth is this..."

Malu and Baji Lulu were completely disillusioned with Atlantic's senior management. They were able to find excuses to convince themselves of everything that had happened before, but this time's betrayal and abandonment completely eliminated the last trace of trust in their hearts.

They once regarded it as a military uniform of faith, but wearing it always hurts their skin and hurts their hearts.

"Oh, it's okay, it's all over." Yang Hui gently hugged Ma Liu and Bucky Lulu and comforted them. He had always told them that the top management of the Atlantic Federation was not trustworthy and they were all a bunch of bastards, but they didn't believe it. , now that they have discovered the cruelty of reality, their previous faith has collapsed, and Yang Hui doesn't know how to comfort them.

"Yang Hui..."

"Follow me to Orb."


After Ma Liu and Baji Lulu agreed, Yang Hui looked at Mu and others again.

"Come together, follow me to Orb, the Atlantic Federation can no longer accommodate you."

"..." Everyone gritted their teeth and lowered their heads. Of course they knew that they could not return to the Atlantic Federation. Even if they were abandoned, their identities were still soldiers. They violated the orders of their superiors and evacuated the battlefield privately. This was a violation. Military orders.

Even smarter people have thought that they are already dead in the list of the Atlantic Federation. It is impossible for the top management to allow the truth to be exposed, and they will face execution if they go back.

Orb is undoubtedly a good place to go. The peace of neutral countries makes them reluctant to leave. Moreover, the senior officer of the Orb military is Yang Hui. Yang Hui will not use them as abandoned sons like the senior leaders of the Atlantic Federation.

But...except for Mirialia, Sai and Kaz, everyone else, like Mariu and Baji Lulu, wears military uniforms as their belief, and now...even if it is shattered, it does not mean that it has completely disappeared. , for them to be regarded as traitors was hard to accept for a while.

When he didn't get an answer from everyone, Yang Hui didn't worry, but looked in another direction, where the Freedom Gundam was parked, and Kira, wearing a ZAFT driving suit, came over.

"Yang Hui, everyone..."

"Welcome back, Kira."

"Well, thank you, Yang Hui. I received your gift, although I can't say I like it."

"Kira, it's really you!"

When Malu and others saw that Kira was still alive, it was difficult to accept it even if they were face to face.

"Long time no see, captain, lieutenant, major, and everyone." He smiled at everyone.

"Kira!" After coming back to his senses and confirming that this was the real Kira, everyone rushed over to surround him. The joy of reunion diluted the sadness and anger, and Fleur even threw herself into Kira's arms. cried.

"Frey, I'm back."


Kira also saw many things clearly, including the twisted emotions between him and Fleur. He was sure that he fell in love with Fleur, even just a little bit. Now that they were reunited again, he could no longer turn a blind eye. Yang Hui was right, He is the man who must be responsible to the end. As for whether Fleur's love for him is still twisted, he doesn't care. Even if it is twisted, he will help Fleur turn it around.

"You boy!"

"Why on earth are you here?"

" are really...not a ghost, right?"

"Well, no." Kira responded to everyone, and then traveled through human rights and came to Sai Yi. It was a little complicated at first, but it soon became clear.

"Sai, I'm sorry..."

"You bastard!" Sai punched Kira, with tears in his eyes, "But you are still's great!"

"Well, I'm sorry for making you worry." Kira was not angry, but smiled happily, because he knew that Sai was really worried about him, and Sai had also let go. Compared with the complicated relationship between the three, He cared more about Kira's safety.

"Did you go to ZAFT?" Mu asked.

"Yes, but I am not ZAFT, and I am not the Earth Army."


"I understand." Ma Liu and Baji Lulu left Yang Hui's arms. There were indeed many things that needed to be discussed between them and Kira. As for Kira's statement that he was neither ZAFT nor the Earth Army, everyone There are no other ideas, after all, they are in the same situation now.

"Where's that machine? What should we do?" Malu asked. Now that Kira has come back and met them, they must act together in a short time.

"If you mean maintenance and supplies, that's not needed yet. That machine is equipped with an anti-neutron jammer."

"Anti-neutron jammer? In other words...nuclear energy drive!"

"If you want to retrieve its data, then I will refuse this request and leave here. If you want to rob it, I will protect it even if I am your enemy."



Malu and others looked at Kira in disbelief, not because of Kira's words, but because of Kira's eyes and attitude. They had never seen such a firm look on Kira's body.

"This includes you, Yang Hui."

"Pfft~ Hahahaha..." Sensing Kira's hostility, Yang Hui and Lyle couldn't help laughing. Even Setsuna and Tieria, whose expressions had always been cold, couldn't help but raise the corners of their mouths.

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