Mecha War: Starting from Gundam OO

Chapter 386 Strange Evacuation

On the outskirts of the L4 colonial satellite group, after the Archangel retreated and hid among the meteorites, Malu (Shadow) had a dispute with Murta Aznael.

"This is impossible, Director Aznar! Right now we should ask for reinforcements and wait for support, or temporarily retreat, and then restart the war after regrouping, and you..."

Although Malu (Shadow) and Bakiluru (Shadow) are created photocopiers and are required to obey the orders of their superiors, it does not mean that they are machines that only obey orders. The inheritance of Malu and Bakilulu The memory of the main body naturally possesses some of their abilities and combat experience.

The current situation is very unfavorable for the Archangel. Three cutting-edge MSs have been lost. Among the remaining MSs, only six have maintained full combat power after simple repairs. Twelve cutting-edge MSs cannot do anything to the Archangel. The number and Yang Hui now only have six complete combat units left. How can they possibly fight against the Archangel again?

But Murta Aznar does not think about this. He just wants to achieve results quickly. In his opinion, every minute of delay is a waste of life. As for sacrifice... what does it have to do with him? Anyway, they are just props, including Maru (shadow) and Baki Lulu (shadow) in front of me.

"Oh, you are so stubborn. If you procrastinate like this, won't you waste the opportunity created by ZAFT for us?" Murta Aznar said to Malu (Shadow), the battle between ZAFT and the White Tiger and the Eternal He has seen it all. In his opinion, this is the best time to attack. He fought two battles with them and ZAFT. The opponent must be physically and mentally exhausted and suffered losses. If he does not seize the opportunity to attack when they are tired, how can he wait until Will they fight again after they have rested and returned to full condition?

"...I understand what you are thinking, Director Aznar, but according to the intelligence we have observed, the Archangel has no losses at all, and the enemy's new warships have also revealed terrifying combat capabilities. I don't think so. We can take down the Archangel with our current effective combat power," Ma Liu (Shadow) continued to argue. She inherited Ma Liu's memory, and also inherited her love and trust for Yang Hui. In Ma Liu (Shadow)'s eyes. , ZAFT's pursuit fleet is indeed huge. If faced by the Archangel, it can only temporarily avoid the edge and escape in a hurry. Even if the MS of the Archangel are ace troops with extraordinary combat power, they are still difficult to deal with those several times larger than themselves. enemy.

But Yang Hui is different. Ma Liu (Shadow) really believes that Yang Hui is capable of repelling the huge pursuit fleet by himself. Note, I am talking about one person here! Not to mention that Yang Hui not only has powerful battleships around him, but also the aces Setsuna, Kira and others. The ZAFT army's pursuit fleet poses no threat to them at all.

Seeing that Malu (Shadow) was still unwilling to listen to his command, Murta Aznael suddenly became unhappy and planned to scold her severely and force her to accept his command, but at this moment, Ba Ji Lulu (shadow) arrived in time and interrupted the dispute between the two.

"Captain, I have sent all the records to the crater base. Our superiors ordered us to retreat when the opportunity arises." Bucky Lulu (shadow) said.

"What did you say!? Retreat?" Murta Bakiruru and Maru (Shadow) were both surprised. Murta Aznael was even angry, because retreat equals failure, and he failed again. , which he does not allow.

So the furious Murta Aznael even rushed forward and grabbed Bakilulu (Shadow) by the collar, roaring and questioning.

"Director Aznar! What are you going to do!?"

"This is an order from the Commander-in-Chief, Director, are you going to violate it?"

When Ma Liu (shadow) saw Murta Aznar being violent to Buckilulu (shadow), he did not dare to draw his gun but angrily asked him to let go, even though his superiors told him to listen to Murta Aznar Naer did as she was told, but in the end he was just a businessman, a member of the system and had no right to issue orders to them.

It was because they had no choice before, but now that higher superiors have issued orders, they naturally no longer have to obey Murtagh Aznar's orders.

"You!" Murtagh Aznar was speechless and choked. He still had to consider the order from the Commander-in-Chief of the Lunar Crater Base. Although he could suppress the opponent with his own energy within the Atlantic Federation, this was In wartime, the other party has higher authority than him, so even if he wants to find trouble, he can't find an excuse.


Pushing Bucky Lulu (shadow) aside, Murta Aznael reluctantly left the bridge, cursing the word "waste" in his mouth, perhaps to express his disdain for Malu (shadow) and Bucky. Lulu (shadow) may be from the MS pilots he brought, or it may be from the high-ranking officers of the Atlantic Federation, and more likely, both.


"Are you okay? Natal." Ma Liu (Shadow) asked with concern.

"It's okay." Baji Lulu (shadow) shook her head.

"Tch, damn clown." Malu (Shadow) cursed in a low voice, but the bridge was very quiet at this time. Because no one dared to speak out about the dispute just now, everyone could hear Malu (Shadow)'s curse. .

However, no one refuted Malu (Shadow), and everyone agreed with Malu (Shadow)'s evaluation of Murtagh Aznar with indignant expressions. He was indeed a clown.

He obviously doesn’t understand anything, but he keeps pretending to be a master and gives advice on military affairs. Many times, Malu (Shadow)’s orders and Baki Lulu (Shadow)’s suggestions are the most correct choices, but he But he always likes to refute and follow his own ideas.

He also doesn't like to treat people other than himself as human beings. In his eyes, they are just tools to earn credit and results for him.

He also said that "if you don't enter the tiger's den, you won't catch the tiger's cubs", and that "the failure of a businessman also means death"...

Aren't you on this ship yourself? If everyone is going to die together, can you run away?

And your confident mobile suit unit was shot down in the first attack. The remaining units were all damaged to varying degrees. The most serious ones can be returned to the factory for repair. I really don’t know where you are in your confidence. Come! ?

"Forget it, Captain." Bakilulu (shadow) is not speaking for Murtagh Aznarel. Her evaluation of Murtagh Aznarel is the same as Malu (shadow). She just didn’t want Murtagh Aznael to make things difficult for Malu (Shadow) after hearing her complaints.

"..." Malu (Shadow) understood what Bucky Lulu (Shadow) meant, sighed and gave the order to the others, "Did you all hear it? The Lord Angel is returning, course correction, target, lunar crater base ”

"Understood!" XN

Everyone accepted this order enthusiastically, after all, no one wanted to die.

On the other side, the reconnaissance force discovered that the Archangel was leaving in the direction of the moon and breathed a sigh of relief. The previous report was that the MS unit of the Archangel was disabled, but it still had a certain degree of combat effectiveness, and ZAFT's pursuit fleet did not. Retreat can be described as a crisis situation with a wolf in front and a tiger behind.

"The Lord Angel retreated?" Huang and others were surprised at first after receiving the report, but within a few seconds Huang's expression became very serious.

"What's wrong? Is there any problem?" Lux asked the emperor through a video call. Maru was also online.

"I don't think they will retreat so simply." Huang analyzed. She noticed the strangeness of Malu (Shadow) and Bakilulu (Shadow), and also knew that Murta Aznar was in the main angel. On the ship, after Yang Hui reminded her, she included human nature into the scope of analysis, "Murta Aznael is not a person who knows how to advance and retreat. The continuous failures must have made him furious, and he is in the Atlantic Federation." His internal status is equal to that of the commander-in-chief even if he does not have a military position. If he does not allow retreat, who would dare? "

"You mean... they are pretending to retreat, but they are actually hiding somewhere and preparing to attack us?" Ma Liu asked worriedly.

"This is one possibility, and there is another possibility. The commander-in-chief of the lunar base gave the order, and he had to accept it." Huang said another possibility.

"If that's the case... the situation is probably very serious." Lux said.

"What do you mean?" Ma Liu asked. Even for the position of captain, she was rushing to get the position, and she slowly grew up in continuous battles. She was originally a technician, and she didn't know how to analyze the overall situation.

"If the commander-in-chief of the lunar base issued the order for the Archangel to retreat, then..." Huang explained to Malu, "...the Atlantic Federation's lunar fleet must have made big moves. The Archangel is an Archangel. The second ship of the class is definitely the latest and most powerful battleship, and the MSs it carries are all ace troops. It is very likely that the next operations will require their participation, and the battle plan that requires their participation... must be very important! "

As soon as he finished speaking, Huang looked at Wang Liumei, who was sitting in the CIC. Wang Liumei received Huang's eyes and immediately took out a special communicator to dial a few garbled codes and sent the message.

It stands to reason that Wang Liumei, as a diplomatic and political staff member and the person in charge of intelligence, does not need to operate with the White Tiger. She can stay in a safe zone like [Heaven's Pillar] and secretly control the intelligence organization while paying attention to the situation in the remaining Orb territories. The biggest effect.

But Wang Liumei insisted on boarding the White Tiger together.

"I firmly believe that we will not lose, so I am safe on the White Tiger, and...if the White Tiger really fails and something happens to you all, there is no point in living alone."

This is Wang Liumei's reason and her consciousness. No one can refute it.

"The next step is to wait for the news. How much time has passed since Yang Hui entered the colonial satellite?" Huang asked.

"Half an hour!"

"There's still half an hour left. What's the situation of each ship?"

"No problem, the Archangel can sail at any time."

"The Eternal is also ready, and the supply of supplies has been completed."

"Well, wait a little longer..."

"The signals of Dawn, Assault, Rebirth, and Covenant were detected! They are back!"

"Receive it immediately! After receiving it, the whole ship will set sail! Target S28!"

"Understood...wait a minute, the commander-in-chief has sent a message. Major Flaca is injured. Let the medical team prepare to receive him!"

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