Mecha War: Starting from Gundam OO

Chapter 399 Only the last step away from peace

Daybreak Gundam moved forward and eliminated all the blockers. After countless twists and turns inside Genesis, it finally arrived at the core area. Through the detection of nuclear radiation, it didn't take long to find the storage area for nuclear bombs.

"Five minutes left." Yang Hui looked at the time, parked the Dawn Gundam aside, got off the plane, and began to arrange it. The safest way was to set up a timed detonation device, and then evacuate to a position where the Genesis could be safely evacuated after calculation. Wait in case someone disarms the timed detonation device and fails to stop it.

After setting up, Yang Hui immediately returned to the Dawn Gundam, then came to a safe location to wait, and contacted the White Tiger immediately.

"Your location?"

"We have successfully escaped from the combat area. We will wait for you at S45."


After confirming that the White Tiger was safe, Yang Hui felt relieved. As for whether ZAFT's troops had evacuated to a safe area or whether they would be affected by the explosion of Genesis, that was not his concern.

As the countdown reached the last 20 seconds, Dawn Gundam burst into flames and left Genesis along the shortest route as quickly as possible. When Dawn Gundam rushed out of Genesis, the countdown also came to an end.

Dawn Gundam did not stop and continued to fly towards a safe area. Along the way, there were many mobile suits and battleships of the ZAFT army scurrying around like headless flies. Yang Hui couldn't control them so much. Bits were attached to both wings. At full speed, any mobile suit or battleship that stood in front of the Dawn Gundam would be split into two, without stopping the Dawn Gundam's progress even for a second!

At this time, Genesis began to twist, violent fire broke out inside, and the energy that destroyed the world instantly erupted, tearing Genesis apart. The light of the flames shone like the sun in this universe, and for a while no one could adapt. Closed eyes due to bright light.

Slowly, the burning pain weakened, and people opened their eyes slightly, looking at the exploding light like the sun that could not dissipate for a long time, and it was difficult to resume the operation of the brain for a while.

"This...this is..."

"Genesis...Genesis exploded..."

"how come……"

At this time, Aisalia Jiuer, who was still in charge of Yakin Duwei, was the first to come back to her senses and asked about the current situation.

"Why did Genesis explode? Where is Speaker Sarah?"

"Yes...yes..." Under Aisalia Jiu'er's roar, the subordinates gradually came back to their senses and began to panic to confirm the current situation.

"'s Daybreak! Daybreak broke into Genesis and detonated a nuclear bomb!"

"Friendly warships reported that most people inside Genesis evacuated in advance, and a blast warning was issued at dawn, but Your Excellency the Speaker... Your Excellency the Speaker..."

"Stop hesitating, speak up! What's wrong, Mr. Speaker!?"

"Your Majesty the Speaker...has died in the line of duty..."

"how come……"

After hearing the news of Patrick Sara's death, Aisalia Jiuer lost her backbone and her whole body lost strength. Like her, there were many people who were also loyal followers of Patrick Sara.

They are all the backbone of the radicals and loyal followers of the "Adjuster First" doctrine, but their core and pillar has always been Patrick Sala, and it was Patrick Sala who gave them hope of achieving their goals, and now... …

At this moment, the door to the command room opened, and Irene Kanaba, who was supposed to be dismissed and imprisoned, rushed in with the soldiers, and controlled all the backbone of the radical faction such as Aisalia Jur.

"Eileen Kanaba, you..."

"Long time no see, Aisalia Jur, and everyone present. After discussion by the Supreme Council, we have decided to arrest you and everyone present for treason."

"What!? Treason? What's going on? As one of the representatives of the Supreme Council, why don't I know? And you! You are a prisoner, how can you participate in the Supreme Council?" Aisalia Jiuer roared angrily.

"An hour ago, you were no longer here. I have been reinstated. Patrick Sala has also been removed from the positions of Speaker and Chairman of the National Defense Committee. All Sala factions are guilty of treason."

"Damn it, you bastard Kleinite..."

If you haven't figured out what's going on until now, Aisalia Jiuer's life has been in vain for so many years. This is the Klein faction taking the opportunity to seize power!

But Zhigui knew that the deal was done, and she had no way to resist at the moment. Otherwise, she would be fed a bullet without waiting for her to be found guilty.

Irene Kanaba asked the soldiers to control all the key members of the Sara faction present, and announced to the innocent soldiers present: "Patrick Sara, Aisalia Jur... all of the above are guilty of treason. Arrest, now I will take over the command and open the global communication channel immediately!"


Some people understood something, and some people understood nothing, but they all acquiesced to the fact that Irene Kanaba was acting as the temporary commander. There was no way, this was a high-level game, and as grassroots personnel, they could only If they can execute it, they even have to disassociate themselves from the Sala faction to prevent being implicated.

The global communication channel was connected, and Erin Kanaba immediately issued an order and speech: "Notify the ZAFT army and the Orb army in the space domain..."

Yes, it is the Orb Army. Although Orb is now in a state of fall, the leadership team headed by Yang Hui is still there, and it also holds a very terrifying armed force. After discussions by the Supreme Council, Orb is still regarded as Treat it as a country.

"...Currently, PLANT has begun preparations for armistice negotiations with the Earth Army, the Orb Army, and the PLANT Council. In view of this, the PLANT Interim Supreme Council proposed to the Orb Army to stop all fighting in the current space. Repeat. Once, the PLANT Provisional Supreme Council proposed to the Orb Army to stop all fighting in the current space. "

"Your Excellency Kanaba, there is a communication request for access!"

"Take it!"


The communication was connected, and Yang Hui's voice appeared on the big screen: "I am Yang Hui, Commander-in-Chief of the Orb Army. On behalf of the Orb Army, I accept the proposal of the PLANT Provisional Supreme Council. We are willing to accept the ceasefire request."

"Thank you very much, Your Excellency Yang Hui." Irene Kanaba breathed a sigh of relief. The Orb army led by Yang Hui was the biggest variable in this war. They were small in number, but no one would doubt their weight anymore. If Yang Hui insisted not to If there is an armistice, then the armistice negotiations will become a joke. Even if ZAFT reaches peace talks with the Earth Army, it will be meaningless.

"It doesn't matter, Orb's position will not change. I hope there will be no more barriers in this world."

"I understand, Your Excellency Yang Hui, the Earth Army's main fleet is currently attacking Boyaz Fortress. We also promptly proposed armistice negotiations, but the Earth Army's main fleet seems to have rebelled. Some fleets ignored our request. You see..."

"I understand. I will send a telegram to the Archangel and Eternity to stop the war. Please prepare for peace talks as soon as possible. Your excessive behavior in this war has caused very serious consequences. Please give the world a warning. Satisfactory explanation." Yang Hui reminded.

"We will be well prepared."


After the communication ended, Irene Kanaba asked the accompanying high-ranking officers of the Klein faction to take over the command. She still knew that she was not the material, and the battle near Yakin Duwei had been declared over. All they do is gather troops and clean the battlefield.

"You traitors, you are the traitors of PLANT! You weak Klein faction actually surrendered to natural people..." When Irene Kanaba passed by Aisalia Jur, Aisa Leah Jur roared angrily that in this war between adjusters and natural people, they had all the advantages. Even if ZAFT lost Genesis, the Earth Army still had nuclear bombs.

The troops led by Yang Hui were targeting nuclear weapons troops. With Genesis gone, wouldn't they only be targeting the Earth Army? Isn’t it an invisible ally of the ZAFT army? The ZAFT army still retains a large number of troops. As long as they can send additional troops to join forces with the garrison of Boyaz Fortress to eliminate the main fleet of the Earth Army, the entire universe will be their back garden. At that time, they will continue to launch counterattacks and retake the fallen Earth. The bases of Carpentaria and Gibraltar are a piece of cake.

But now all this was ruined when the weak Klein faction decided to negotiate for peace.

With the destruction caused by Genesis, Aisalia Jiuer can imagine the price PLANT has to pay to complete the armistice and peace talks. Selling the interests of the country to fight for short-term peace and their own interests. Isn't this a traitor?

"Correct your mistake, Aisalia Jur, what we want is peace, equal peace talks, and... the Provisional Supreme Council intends that the goal of the peace talks... is Orb, not the United Earth."


Aisalia Jiuer's eyes widened and she looked at Eileen Kanaba in disbelief: "You... actually surrendered to a country that has already fallen..."

"You should know better than me about the Orb army led by Mr. Yang Hui."

After saying that, Irene Kanaba ignored Aisalia Jur's argument and waved her hand to have her and the backbones of the Sara faction suppressed. She was going to return to the Provisional Supreme Council immediately. They were still To prepare for peace talks, you also need to prepare for the price of an armistice.

Yang Hui received the truce request, and the White Tiger naturally received it. They had no objection to Yang Hui's acceptance. They were here to stop the war. Genesis was destroyed, and the PLANT council members proposed a truce and peace talks. This was the best result.

Now, there is only one last step away from peace. The only obstacle is the Earth's military fleet that cannot give up the fight.

"What's the situation with the Archangel and the Eternal?" Dawn Gundam returned to the White Tiger. Yang Hui came to the bridge without even having time to change his clothes.

"It's very bad. Erin Canaba didn't tell the whole truth. Not only are there people in the Earth Army who are unwilling to cease the war, but there are also people in the ZAFT Army. Now the Archangel and the Eternal are under joint attack from the two forces."

"As expected, the White Tiger supports at full speed and calls the ZAFT army to ask them to restrain their own people, otherwise I will terminate the armistice agreement. At the same time, I tell Malu to contact Halbarton and take care of his men. Otherwise, we We will unite with the ZAFT army and fight them together!”

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