Mecha War: Starting from Gundam OO

Chapter 414 The second stage that must be completed

In the secret room of the Yang family mansion, six people, Yang Hui, Huang, Wang Rumei, Setsuna, Lyle, and Tieria, gathered here. It is now a period of peace, and their respective tasks are very heavy. There is almost no chance for them all to reunite. But today is the end of the first phase of the mission, and everyone has to be present. Even Setsuna, Lyle, and Tieria, who were still performing missions outside, were forcibly recalled.

This mission is different from the missions in the previous two worlds. It is not completed automatically when the time is up. Instead, it requires Yang Hui to submit it actively. There is no time limit. Even if Yang Hui waits until everything in the Gundam SEED world is over, he can submit it. This is also due to the new mission mode that appears in the fortress upgrade.

Originally, Yang Hui really planned to delay the first phase of the task, and fully investigate all the black hands behind [Blue Cosmos] and [LOGOS] before submitting them together, so as to obtain more rewards.

But now, the mastermind behind the scenes has begun to emerge, and judging from the current situation, although the investigation has not been fully completed, it should be 80% complete.

Moreover, the penetration of the Kingdom of Scandinavia has not made much progress. The civil strife in the Atlantic Federation has gradually subsided and is starting to stir again. Therefore, after Yang Hui discussed with Huang and Wang Liumei, he decided to directly submit the first phase of the task and start it directly. In the second stage, there is no need to give up the second stage tasks for the 20% task reward.

[The first phase of the Gundam SEED World mission is completed, the second offensive and defensive battle of Yakin Duwei is over, the members of the three-ship alliance have changed, and the personnel ratio has been recalculated... The calculation was successful, all important members survived, and ordinary members lost 12%, Rewards reduced.

Prevent Genesis from attacking Earth successfully.

Investigate the truth behind [Blue Cosmos]... The calculation is successful, the completion rate is 87%, and the reward is increased.

Integrated calculation in progress... Calculation completed, rewards include 1 construction opportunity, 2 building enhancement opportunities, 1 skill extraction opportunity, 1 skill enhancement opportunity, material gift package (small), and the world deviation will be calculated uniformly after the end of the Gundam SEED world ...]

It’s almost as expected, with both decreases and improvements. One plus and one minus doesn’t cause much loss.

However, they also got a very important piece of information from the mission settlement, that is, their investigation was in the right direction.

Behind [Blue Cosmos] is the control of [LOGOS], and behind [LOGOS] is the mastermind. The most suspected mastermind now is the Kingdom of Scandinavia, but it is just suspicion and speculation, and it has not been possible to get it. concrete evidence.

Now, the survey completion rate has reached 87%, which means that their suspicions and guesses are correct, and the missing 13% should be what the secret of Scandinavia is.

[The second phase of the mission is released, to eliminate the Atlantic Federation, [Blue Cosmos], [LOGOS], and [Librarian] organizations, find out the distortion points of the world, eliminate the distortion points, and prevent the invasion of foreign enemies.

PS: If the prevention fails and it is judged that the commander currently has no ability to resist external enemies, the world will be abandoned, all rewards will be cancelled, and the commander and his team members will be forced to return to Promis Fortress. 】

As soon as the mission came out, everyone was stunned, and then became quite solemn.

Because this mission is very different from the previous mission release rules. This is the first time Yang Hui has seen that the mission is to eliminate a certain target. It is also the first time that Yang Hui has seen the punishment of canceled rewards and forced return for mission failure.

"Mephis, what do you mean by giving up this world?"

[Literal meaning, Commander, there is an existence in this world that should not exist in this world, because the existence is judged to be in a state of cessation of activity, and the Commander is judged to have the ability to eliminate it, but there are unstable factors that may expose the plane coordinates of this world, Attracting a foreign army, it is judged at this stage that the commander does not have the ability to compete with it.

Therefore, once the coordinates of this world's plane are exposed, I will implement Article 3 of the Commander's Protection Code. The Commander and his team will be forced to return to the fortress and cut off all connections between this world and Promis Fortress. 】

"What are the existences that should not exist? What are the foreign enemies!?" Yang Hui asked Mephis. He guessed that they were probably the enemies mentioned in the database of Promis Fortress. There was one thing to say. Part of it is indeed not something they are qualified to face now, so Yang Hui needs to know what it is in order to judge the strength comparison between the enemy and ourselves.

[Commander has insufficient authority. 】

"Then what will Maru and the others do if they give up on this world?"

[Clear all memories related to the commander and give up. 】

"Can't we determine the quota in advance? If the mission fails, we will take them away together?"

【cannot. 】

After getting the answer he least wanted to hear, Yang Hui's face became quite ugly, and his clenched fists were dripping with blood because his nails had pierced the skin.

"This mission must be completed!" Huang said seriously, and the others nodded in agreement with firm and serious expressions. After coming to this world for so many years, they spent countless energy to complete the first phase of the [White Pigeon Project]. In order to obtain This world, and Antai that stabilizes this world, have laid a solid foundation, and we cannot let all our efforts go to waste.

In addition, they have also established countless bonds in this world, fighting side by side, living and dying together. Even Tieria, who is the most indifferent to emotions, cannot give up all bonds and escape alone for the sake of safety.

"When will Kruse come back?" Yang Hui asked Wang Lumei.

"It is expected to arrive at Izanagi Port in the afternoon the day after tomorrow."

It has been two months since Cruze led the team to support the United States of South America. At the beginning, Cruze personally led the team to join the frontline battle, assisting the United States of South America in regaining a lot of territory, and at the same time obtained five points for Orb. There are one small mine, three medium mines and two large mines.

In total, it is only one-fifth of the entire South American mineral deposits, but it is enough for the current Orb, and the war between the United States of South America and the Atlantic Federation has also entered a period of stagnation, and both sides will not make any big moves in the short term. Therefore, there is no need for Cruze to stay in the United States of South America all the time. After handing over the affairs, he will return home with souvenirs.

All the remaining matters are taken care of by the Sixth Fleet and the newly formed Ninth MS Group. After two months of battlefield baptism, they are no longer new recruits. Although they are not capable of helping the United States of South America completely expel the Atlantic Federation, they can help They have no problem securing their current territory.

Cruze's return is necessary. Supporting the United States of South America is just the icing on the cake, not necessary. Cruze's main job is intelligence and dark side work.

And now, as soon as the second phase of the mission comes out, even if Kruse has no intention of coming back, Yang Hui will call him back and do his best to investigate the intelligence of the Kingdom of Scandinavia. He must find out what is hidden in the Kingdom of Scandinavia. Otherwise, rashly raising troops to attack would not only fail to complete the mission, but would also lead everyone to death.

"Emperor! How far is it from the limit of military expansion?"

"There is still 18%. No more than it can support."

“Scale to the max.”


"Setsuna, Lyle, Tieria, you come with me to the Dawn Society. It's time for your machines to be modified."

"Understood." X2

After thinking for a while, Yang Hui said to everyone again: "I will go to the universe and stay in the United States. Help me contact DSSD, where I need the technology, and PLANT. I have important things to discuss with them."

"You go in person!?"

"Well, I have to do this in person."

Yang Hui knew that his identity was sensitive, too many eyes were focused on him, and every move would affect the impetuous people's hearts, but he had no choice but to go to PLANT to discuss the matter in person.

Originally, according to the rules of previous mission releases, Yang Hui thought that the second phase of the mission should be related to the original plot and the Goddess of Wisdom and the Archangel. Even though he knew some of what was going to happen, he did not stop it in advance.

But now it doesn't work. Yang Hui can no longer let it develop. Only by eliminating all variables in the cradle in advance can he ensure that he has enough energy to complete the task in the end.

"...Understood, I will call DSSD and PLANT. When will we set off?"

"I'll leave after Cruze comes back."

"You want to take him with you?"

"Well, there is something I need his help with."

"ok, I get it."

"By the way, did Lux ​​say how long it would take to come back?"

"The time for your departure just missed. She will arrive in Orb four days later." Wang Rumei felt sorry for Lux, and assisted Sigel Klein to finally sort out PLANT's affairs and put PLANT on the right track. , could be reunited with her lover, but who knew that just after she came back, Yang Hui went to PLANT.

"I understand. When she comes back, leave her in charge of some of the things you are doing. Before Cruze and I come back from the universe, you will take over his work."

"But her identity..."

Not many people know about the relationship between Yang Hui and Lacus, and even fewer people know that Lacus will leave PLANT and go to Orb. After Lacus leaves, she will live in seclusion and retreat, so that the soldiers and civilians of PLANT can accept it, because she Joining the Three Ship Alliance is just for peace, not treason.

Once she makes a public appearance and handles national affairs for Orb, it will be true treason and will definitely cause an uproar.

"It's enough to make decisions behind the scenes, no need to appear in public."

"Okay, I know what to do."

"When Lux arrives, let her find the tiger."

"Are you... planning to become the owner of a black-hearted enterprise?" The five of them couldn't laugh or cry. Andre Butterfield and Elsa Klein lived in seclusion in Orb. They had agreed from the beginning. Live a normal life, if there is a war they will come forward, but if there is no war, don't bother them.

Now, Yang Hui plans to break the contract. If Yang Hui and the others invite him, Andre Butterfield and his wife will most likely not agree, but if it is Lux, they will definitely be able to convince them.

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