Mecha War: Starting from Gundam OO

Chapter 440 Dark under the lamp

After arranging the work of the research team, and after greeting Mu and Morgan Xubaliai after getting off the plane, Yang Hui left [Shuguang Society]. He no longer needed to keep an eye on the subsequent research. He believed that Erica... Simmons and the members of the research team will definitely be able to build a pseudo-solar furnace system.

"How about it?"

Yang Hui went directly to the office of the Intelligence Department and found Cruze, who was transformed into Vidal. He asked whether there was any trace of Cagalli and how many rats Orb had mixed in.

"The situation is not serious. Half of the investigations by various departments have been completed. Only a few have been found, and these people are not what I am worried about." Kruse reported to Yang Hui, "As long as [Shuguang Society] and [Tianzhi Yuzhu] 】If the high-level department is clean, it will not be able to obtain valuable information, let alone cause fatal damage to Orb. "

All of Orb's policies are not hidden, they are laid out in the open, and everyone knows it, so no valuable intelligence can be obtained, and major military operations are privately held by Yang Hui, Huang, Cruze and others. After discussing it below and issuing the order directly after confirmation, it is impossible to be intercepted in advance.

The only ones that can deal a major blow to Orb are the [Shuguang Society] and the [Heavenly Pillar]. One is the most important research institution, and the other is the headquarters of the Space Army. No matter which one is destroyed or leaks information, All will affect Orb's development. doesn’t mean the entire [Shuguang Society] and [Heavenly Pillar], but high-level departments, such as the confidential project research department of [Shuguang Society], and the core area of ​​[Heavenly Pillar].

Compared with [Shuguang Society], [Heaven's Pillar] is more reassuring, because [Heaven's Pillar] is the general headquarters of the Orb Space Army. It is impossible for outsiders to sneak in, and important members will not be left behind. Single, so the photocopier could not find the opportunity to transfer the package.

[Shuguang Club] has already conducted an internal self-examination and indeed found a few fakes, but they were all peripheral members and the core members were all fine.

It was due to carelessness before that [LOGOS] actually asked the librarian to send photocopiers to infiltrate Orb. But now that they have increased their vigilance, they will not let them succeed again, so it is only a matter of time before they clean up the inside.

The most important thing now is to find Cagalli. Even if it is just a corpse, it may be used by the enemy.

"Any clues?"

"Not at all, he's a master." Cruze opened Orb's holographic map and reported to Yang Hui one by one, "But the range has been narrowed. These green areas have been searched and can be eliminated. The rest In several areas, the yellow areas are suspicious, but based on the analysis of traffic, people flow, life, etc., the possibility is relatively small, so for the time being, these areas have only been fenced off and no one has been sent to search, and these areas..."

Kruse looked at the three red areas and his expression became complicated, because these three areas are logically the easiest places to be discovered. One is the Asghar family's residence, the other is the residence area of ​​senior government officials, and finally One... is Yang Hui's mansion.

"My family can rule it out. I have used the changer mode at home before, and I didn't find any abnormalities in the brain quantum waves..."

"Under normal circumstances, what is the range of your brain quantum wave detection?"

"Two kilometers. If I have the assistance of the original GN particles, I can detect as far as the GN particles spread."

"That can indeed be ruled out." Cruze turned Yang Hui's mansion into a green area. Within a two-kilometer area, even if he secretly dug a secret room underground, it would be impossible to escape Yang Hui's detection. Moreover, the two-kilometer underground project would It was impossible to hide this from Yang Hui and other people in the mansion.

You mean a way to block brain quantum waves?

Kruse does not believe that this method exists. Brain quantum waves are a brand new concept in this world, and only a few people know about it except the team members. This information cannot be leaked, even if it is leaked in such a short period of time. It is impossible to study it thoroughly.

"In this way, I will leave the living area for senior government officials to you, and I will go to the Asghar family's residence now."


Two of the four best teams under Cruze separated and followed Yang Hui to the Asha family's mansion. Although Cruze knew that Yang Hui's individual combat ability was off the charts, he still had to be cautious to ensure that nothing happened to Yang Hui.

Moreover, Yang Hui is the top leader of Orb. For such a job, he needs to personally go into battle to kill the enemy? Are the Marine Corps and Guard Corps trained to do nothing?

Yang Hui came to the Asha family's mansion and was greeted by Kisaka. Since Cajiali disappeared and Mana (Shadow) was arrested, the entire Asha family was in panic. Kisaka, who was sure to be the one in charge, wanted to stabilize the situation. , and also block messages.

"Master Yang Hui, what are you doing?" When Kisaka saw Yang Hui leading a group of menacing people to the Asha family's residence, his heart skipped a beat, thinking something had happened again.

"Vidal suspects that Cagalli may be hidden in this mansion because of the darkness under the lamp. I will bring people to investigate."

"This..." Kisaka wanted to say that it was impossible, that he knew everything about this mansion, and that it was impossible for Cagalli to be hidden here, but he could not refute it. Mana (Shadow) helped Cagalli escape. The surveillance passage was a secret passage that he didn't know about. At that time, he also doubted why there was a secret passage, but Mana (Shadow) said that it was dug by someone in front of Uzmi as a means of escape in an emergency. There is no doubt anymore, now that I think about it...there is a problem! Big problem!

"Master Yang Hui, do you need me to summon the servants?" Kisaka asked.

"Well, gather them together and take me to the center of the mansion. No one is allowed to come near."


Although he didn't know what Yang Hui planned to do, Kisaka obeyed the order and led a group of people to the center of the mansion and then left. No one was allowed to come near, including him.

Yang Hui asked his men to disperse, checked the surroundings, and then dispersed to be alert to the surroundings.

"Haha, there is really no hiding place." Yang Hui thought of the miniature cameras he had found before. The enemy had deployed twice as many as his own people. It can be said that Cagalli really has no secrets in the eyes of the enemy. .

And Yang Hui is certain that these cameras were installed after Orb rebuilt it, as well as the secret passage reported by Kisaka, because when Orb rebuilt it, Yang Hui made a comprehensive inspection of the Asha family's mansion. , none of these exist at all.

Closing his eyes and opening them, Yang Hui once again entered the changer mode and included everyone within two kilometers within his detection range. He was not only looking for traces of Cagalli, but also the servants of the Asha family. After all, most of the servants in the Asha family are old people, and Yang Hui knows most of them.

But two seconds later, Yang Hui was stunned for a moment, with a look of surprise on his face.

"Somebody come!"

"Master Yang Hui."

"Search the entire mansion immediately and find all the entrances to the secret passages!"

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