Mecha War: Starting from Gundam OO

Chapter 47 A big step forward

At the Human Revolutionary Alliance Orbital Base, Sergey was criticized by his superiors as he expected.

"I have already read your report. A brigade's latest [Falling Formation] and your [Beiwei] were all destroyed, and ten [Falling Formation] units were lost. However, they only obtained the data of the transforming machines collected during the capture period and the [Heavenly Formation]. People] armed transport ship, and the scene of the Fat Man machine taking off its external armor... After spending so much manpower and material resources, these results are still too little. "

"I have no excuse and am willing to accept any punishment." Sergey admitted frankly.

"I am not going to replace you, nor will I accept your resignation."


"This battle did fail, but my evaluation of you has not changed. It's all because the performance of the Gundam far exceeds our imagination."

"With all due respect, the performance of the Gundam is unfathomable. Although [Zhenzhen] and [Beiwei] are both very good, they are still at least one level behind the Gundam. If we continue to capture the enemy, it will be detrimental to our army..."

"I understand that too."


"The higher-ups are already in secret contact with UNION."

"UNION? If you say so..."

"Yes, the handling of the [Celestial Being] organization has entered a new stage."

After ending the communication, Sergey returned to his room and began to recall the conversation just now.

Sergey knew from the beginning that it was impossible for the higher-ups to replace him. Those were just official words on the scene, and they also gave the military leaders a step down, because in the People's Revolutionary League, Sergey was confident that no one was more suitable for this position than him. Whether it is MS driving skills or command abilities.

But the following content is worthy of Sergei’s deep thought. The top management of the People’s Revolutionary League has secretly contacted UNION, and the disposal of [Celestial Being] has entered a new stage. This all sends a signal that the People’s Revolutionary League is about to join forces with UNION. Deal with [Heavenly Beings].

"Is the first phase of the plan... finally coming?" Sergey came to the conclusion. The turning point of the first phase of the [Celestial Being] plan is coming. The purpose of the [Celestial Being] troops has been achieved, and the pressure currently exerted has been Let two of the three major countries realize that the power of one country alone cannot deal with [Heavenly Man].

As for why there is only UNION but no AEU... That arrogant country has not suffered enough. It has lost a little MS in Moralia, and it has also incorporated Moralia's PMC. I still feel good about myself. .

Well, this is indeed in line with AEU's style of conduct. Most of this country's territory comes from this, and it completely ignores that most of its own technology is copied by copycats, and considers itself the leader of the three major countries.

After AEU stumbles again, their minds will be clearer.

Sergei doesn't care about this. Even if there is only the People's Revolutionary League and UNION, it is a big step forward. Besides the population and territory, there is really no need for AEU to join the alliance. Moreover, in AEU, the only one that can be recognized by VEDA is The only necessary talent is Katy Manekin.

"Looks like I have to contact Ah Hui. That brat is really merciless this time." While complaining, Sergey opened the recorded video of this battle. The content was exactly what the Secret Angel commanded. Its army completely destroyed the [Dingwu] troops.

UNION, the base of the [Beyond the Flag] troops, Graham had just finished his daily training and was chatting with two of his subordinates.

"Lieutenant, did the Human Revolutionary Alliance really fight a war with [Celestial Beings] in the universe?"

"Well, based on the scattered wreckage, it is estimated that at least ten new mobile suits have been destroyed, and at least twenty more have been severely damaged."

"Eh? Is it the Human Revolutionary Alliance's next-generation MS that made a big fuss before?" Howard and Daryl were surprised. At that time, after the superiors learned the information about [Entrapment], there was a big fuss. I heard that the people above almost killed them. The most senior research institute in the country is in trouble.

"That's right."

"It's really scary. If I remember correctly, the performance of the Human Revolutionary Alliance's new MS is far superior to the [Flag Type]." Daryl exclaimed.

"I'm a little scared to fight Gundam." Howard joked.

"The performance gap of MSs cannot completely determine victory or defeat, and isn't there good news from Professor Elfman? Maybe we can also drive an excellent next-generation new MS. I look forward to your performance, Flag Fighter."

On the other side, in the laboratory, Professor Elfman and Billy Katagiri carefully studied the design drawings that Yang Hui handed them through the secret passage.

"This is really..." Looking at the MS design drawings in front of him, calculating and analyzing theoretical data, Billy Katagiri smiled to himself, and a feeling of powerlessness arose in his heart.

He was also a proud man. Once upon a time, he had always thought that he could catch up with Yang Hui or even surpass him. But seeing the design in front of him, Billy Katagiri felt a sense of loss that he could not see the other person's back.

"Don't be discouraged, Katagiri. The advantage of this brat lies in his unbridled imagination. You are actually no worse than him, but you are limited to tradition." Professor Elfman comforted him.

Billy Katagiri smiled bitterly and shook his head. As a researcher, doesn’t it take a wild imagination? Otherwise, how can we develop something completely new?

"But Professor, this design drawing..." At this point, Billy Katagiri couldn't help but worry. If the mobile suit on the design drawing is really manufactured, it will definitely not be inferior to Sergey's [Beiwei], and from then on Looking at the data, you can tell at a glance that this is specially customized for Graham.

Although the budget and theoretical data required to realize this design are equally scary, the mass-produced model after extreme castration is far superior to the current [Flag Type] and can definitely be compared with the [Flag Type].

If this design drawing is known by the above, it will be troublesome.

"Let's modify it and submit it. This can't be hidden, and I don't think the three of us are capable of building it. As for what impact it will have on the plan... let that brat have a headache." ." Professor Elfman decided.


They knew the entire process of the Human Revolutionary Alliance's capture operation from VEDA. Although Yang Hui was still devastating after his appearance, he was able to push the [Heavenly Man] troops to that point and even briefly captured the Lord Angel. This was already A big win.

This is just a small-scale [Falling] troop. If [Falling] undergoes a complete re-equipment, coupled with UNION's [Flag Bearer], and finally a solar furnace...

That picture, hiss! Just thinking about it makes me feel excited!

"I'm afraid even Merin will be in a hurry, right? Tsk tsk, I'm really looking forward to this scene." Billy Katagiri thought with gloating.


At this time, Professor Elfman's PAD rang. He picked it up and looked at it, and his pupils shrank because it was a secret emergency message from Mr. Wang of the People's Revolutionary League.

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