Mecha War: Starting from Gundam OO

Chapter 460 Yang Hui can’t stand it anymore

Soon, without the report from his subordinates, Durandal knew what happened, because he saw three Gundams standing up in the firelight not far away, and then activated the VPS armor, which was dyed black, blue and green respectively.

"Gaia! Abyss! Chaos!" Durandal was shocked, and then his face became quite ugly, "Damn natural man..."

"Ahem, Speaker Durandal, be careful with your words." Before Durandal finished speaking, Yang Hui reminded him that after all, the range of this map cannon was a bit wide, and his partner as a natural man was right next to him, so he should not be covered.

Although he was angry, Durandal still maintained his rationality and stopped talking in time, but his expression was still extremely ugly. The armory suddenly exploded, and the three machines started without authorization, and then attacked the surrounding friendly forces. Durandal immediately guessed that it was a spy from the Earth Union who sneaked into the armory and took away the three Gundams.

"Do you need help?" Yang Hui asked Durandal. It stands to reason that his words were like adding fuel to the fire. It was already embarrassing that the machine was snatched in front of the distinguished guests. If the distinguished guests were still needed to help end the chaos, how incompetent would ZAFT be?

But Yang Hui was not mocking Durandal, but really intended to help. On the one hand, it would reduce unnecessary losses. After all, they were partners and the final encirclement and suppression operation was about to begin. More strength and more guarantee; on the other hand, Yang Hui was very interested in the three little guys in the three Gundams. They were still young and their values ​​had not yet been formed. They were mostly afraid of [LOGOS]. Instead of being used as pawns by [LOGOS], it would be better to take them away and fight against brainwashing.

Although the three of them are just rookies now, but... as enhanced people, their potential can still be developed.

"No need, Mr. Yang Hui, please..."

"Boom boom boom..."

"Bang bang bang..."

The explosions continued, and more and more Zaku Warriors were destroyed by the three Gundams. The scattered fragments had already fallen not far from Yang Hui and others, which made Durandal give up the idea of ​​asking someone to take Yang Hui and Aslan to refuge.

"...Please follow me to board the Minerva. You are honored guests. We cannot let you get hurt because of our negligence." Durandal changed his words.

"Okay." Yang Hui shrugged, and then immediately said to Durandal seriously, "If you need help, just let me know."

"...No problem."

Then the three of them remained silent and boarded the Minerva one after another, because at this time, the Minerva was the safest place in the entire armory.


"Explosion? What happened!?"

"Gaia! Abyss! Chaos! Why would they attack their own people!?"

After the crew members of the Minerva learned what happened in the armory, they were in a mess until someone arrived.

"Silence! Arthur, report the situation!"

The person who came was the captain of the Minerva, Talia Kuradis, wearing a white military uniform, hiding her proud figure, and her short golden hair was covered by a military cap, which perfectly highlighted her vigorous heroism and mature temperament.

"Yes... yes! Now the three machines of Gaia, Abyss, and Chaos have started up without authorization for unknown reasons and launched attacks on friendly forces..." Deputy Captain Arthur Chuanen, who was wearing a purple military uniform, reported in a panic.

"What do you mean by unknown reasons? Ask the command center for the specific situation immediately!" Talia scolded.

"Got it... Got it!"

"Forget it." Before Arthur Chuanen turned around, Talia changed the order. She estimated that the headquarters was also in chaos. Instead of waiting passively, it was better to take the initiative. The top priority was to stop the Gaia Gundam, Abyss Gundam, and Chaos Gundam from continuing to damage the armory. "Inform the headquarters, Minerva requests to start the sailing procedure!"

"Eh!?" Arthur Chuanen was shocked by Talia's decisiveness, "But... this ship is..."

"Preventing the chaos from continuing is the top priority, right?"


"Go report, I will take all the responsibility, what about the MS unit of this ship?"

"Pulse can attack! Mayu also said that she can drive the Zaku Warrior to attack!"

"Why are there only two?" The maximum number of Minerva ships is 11, and it is fully configured. Now there are only two available when it needs to fight, which puzzles Talia.

"Due to the arrangement of the Speaker, this launch ceremony is just a ceremony, so the configuration of the MS is not fully in place. Gaia, Abyss, Chaos, and Zaku Warrior Luna, Zaku Phantom Thunder and other machines have not yet been transported to the ship, and the pilots of the three Zaku Warriors that have boarded the ship have not returned to the ship yet."


Talia slammed her fist on the armrest and cursed: "Gilbert, you idiot!"

Talia knew that the reason why the Minerva was not ready for the launch ceremony was because Durandal invited VIPs to participate. In order to save face, it has now backfired.

"Forget it, the order continues. The Minerva will execute the launch procedure and let Zhen and Mayu attack!"


"Beep beep beep..."

"Captain, the Speaker and the VIPs of Orb just boarded the ship to take refuge!"

"Eh?" Arthur Chuanen exclaimed again.

"The Speaker is on this ship?" Talia asked immediately.

"Yes, it will arrive at the bridge soon..."

As soon as he finished speaking, the door to the bridge opened, and Durandal, Yang Hui, and Aslan walked in. Everyone on the bridge subconsciously prepared to stand up and salute, but Durandal immediately waved his hand to stop them: "No need to salute, focus on Focus on what needs to be done.”

"Understood!" XN

"Ta...Captain Kuradis, how is the situation?"

"Gaia, Abyss, and Chaos are still attacking friendly forces. The reason is unknown. This ship has applied to join the battle."

"Approved, the Minerva immediately joins the battle to stop Gaia, Abyss and Chaos, and assist the friendly forces in the armory to capture the three machines."


"Of course, that is ZAFT's cutting-edge machine, and it is also attached to the Minerva. It must be captured!"

"But the current situation... I understand." Thalia knew Durandal very well, and it was easy to negotiate when he was gentle, but when he was serious, the order would not change.

"These two...Your Excellency Yang Hui!"


When the crew saw Yang Hui's face clearly, they exclaimed again, especially Arthur Chuanen who exclaimed the loudest. Once again, they subconsciously planned to stand up and salute, but Yang Hui repeated the same action. .

"We are in battle now, focus on fighting!" Compared to Durandal's gentleness, Yang Hui directly scolded him sternly.

It's not that he was showing off his dignity or intending to overstep his authority, but he couldn't hold it back. From the time he came to the bridge to now, the performance of the crew of the Minerva, except for the captain Thalia, has been passable. , everyone else is unqualified, no, to evaluate them as unqualified is to flatter them.

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