Mecha War: Starting from Gundam OO

Chapter 5 The extremely weak [Heavenly Man]

Yang Hui, who returned to the Human Revolutionary Federation, first met with Sergey and his first teacher, Mr. Wang, the top MS research professor at the Academy of Sciences, and told them about the [Celestial Being] and informed them of his plans.

The two of them also calmed down after a brief surprise.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Mr. Wang asked in a deep voice.

"Yes." Yang Hui nodded seriously.

"You're going to die."

"That's why I found you two."

"Well...just go ahead and do it. I am an old man and have nothing but a lot of connections."

"Thank you, teacher, but please remember that you must not tell anyone else about this matter." Yang Hui warned. He believed that every senior at the institute was sincerely serving the country and loving science.

But others can't tell, especially the upper echelons of the government. If they find out about the [Celestial Being] organization's plan, not only will the entire plan be ruined, but Yang Hui himself will be in real danger.

The two people in front of him were Yang Hui's two most trusted people in the People's Revolutionary Alliance, and he believed that they would keep secrets.

"It's okay for me to keep the secret, but you have to let me see something real, right?" The seriousness and seriousness on Mr. Wang's face completely disappeared, and he had a decisive smile like an old profiteer.

"Um...when the time comes, I will do it." Yang Hui was helpless. His teacher was good at everything, but this was what gave him a headache. As long as it involved new MS technologies, it would be like seeing a beautiful woman wearing sexy underwear in LSP. No. It won't stop eating it all.

Um...why does this sentence sound so familiar?

After that, the three of them left. Sergey patted Yang Hui's shoulder heavily before leaving. He didn't say anything, but there was a lot of worry in his eyes.

Under Mr. Wang's operation, Yang Hui successfully resigned from the Academy of Sciences and became a free man. His next stop was the AEU. After Lisa Kujo completed the "military exercise" mission, he went directly to the [Celestial Being] base.

"Ah Hui! Katie is so hateful! Why don't you just let her win just a little bit? What are you so proud of!?"

"Yes, yes, you made a mistake this time. You will definitely beat her hard next time."

In the universe, on the shuttle to the secret large-scale base of [Celestial Being] [Tiangong Castle], Lisa Kujo has been chattering and making trouble all the way, and she is still drinking. Yang Hui can only patiently coax, persuade, and take care of her. she.

In this "military exercise", there was no tragedy in which friendly forces attacked each other due to intelligence errors. However, Lisa Jiutian and Kati Manekin are best friends and competitors. They lead different troops respectively, so it is natural for them to compete. , and in the end Lisa Kujo lost...

Lisa Kujo, who had a pretty blushing face, suddenly thought of something and smiled jokingly.

"Hey, Yang Hui, how help me teach her a lesson?"

"What? Me?" Yang Hui was stunned for a moment and quickly shook his head, "I'd better forget it. All my relationships with Manejin are based on you. I'll teach her a lesson... let's forget it."

Although Lisa Kujo was joking, as a woman, you can't give her a chance, otherwise it will be in danger.

"Really?" Lisa Kujo smiled even more jokingly, because she remembered the conversation she had with Kati Manekin before parting ways.

However, Yang Hui didn't know this at all. He just thought he was testing himself and quickly expressed his feelings: "Yeah! I can't let you misunderstand. You are the only one in my heart!"

"Keke, I knew you loved me the most." Lisa Kujo leaned into Yang Hui's arms, her arms around his neck getting tighter and tighter.

"Fool, you are my wife. If I don't love you, who will I love?" Yang Hui said softly.

The reason why he indulged her so much was because Yang Hui could tell that she was venting and forcing a smile.

"Hey, Yang Hui."


“Can war really be eradicated?”

"Well, I believe it will be possible." Although he knew it was nonsense, it made Lisa Kujo feel better. He never minded lying.

After hearing this, Lisa Kujo sobbed softly in Yang Hui's arms, because this "military exercise" really made her feel the cruelty of war.

The AEU troops participating in the battle were confirmed to have lost nearly a thousand people, and 39 MSs were lost, not including tanks and fighter planes, and the opponent...

This also made Lisa Kujo more determined to join the [Celestial Being] organization, in order to eradicate war, and so that so many people would not die because of war in this world.

At the end of the three-day voyage, Yang Hui and Lisa Kujo arrived at [Tiangong Castle], and it was still Wang Liumei who was in charge of receiving them.

"Hey, we meet again, little sister." Yang Hui greeted.

"Welcome to [Tiangong City], Mr. Myron Stewart, Miss Huang Li Noriga." Wang Liumei welcomed.

"Huh?" The two were stunned for a moment.

"This is your operation code name. You two are not going to use your real names to participate in the operation mission, right?" Wang Liumei explained.

"I see." The two of them understood that from now on, they were no longer Yang Hui and Lisa Kujo, but Merin Stewart and Emperor Lee Norega.

(From here on, the protagonist’s name remains unchanged, Yang Hui or Myr Yin, and Lisa Kujo is collectively called the Emperor.)

"You two, please come with me to meet the other members."


Under the leadership of Wang Liumei, Yang Hui and Huang came to a conference room. Except for Setsuna, all Ptolemy's shipboard personnel were present.

"If it's the plot, it would take two years for the fool to join the Heavenly Beings. He just doesn't know..." Yang Hui thought.

"Everyone, let me introduce to you. This is Mr. Myron Stewart, a reserve Gundam pilot and mobile suit designer. This is Miss Huang, a battlefield forecaster for the [Celestial Being] Force." Wang Liumei introduced to everyone. road.

"Oh? MS designer? The MS designer who can be chosen by [Celestial Being] must be very powerful, right?"

The person who asked this question was Ian Vasti. The third generation Gundam, enhanced components, fourth generation Gundam, etc. were all designed and manufactured by him and his wife Linda Vasti. When he heard that they were colleagues, he naturally wanted to take the exam. Ability.

"Mr. Vasti, your true identity is a secret, as is the case with everyone here, but I can guarantee that Mr. Merin is outstanding, and Mr. Merin is also an ace pilot." Wang Liumei reminded Ian not to spy on Yang Hui. real identity.

"Ah haha, I'm sorry, I got a little excited for a moment, but you are really amazing. You design a mobile suit and you are also an ace pilot." Ian laughed.

"Isn't it a pity that I can't drive the machine I designed myself?" Yang Hui said, spreading his hands.

"Haha, that's a good point, but it's a pity that I don't have the talent to drive a mobile suit." Ian Vasti regretted.

"Wang Liumei, is his driving skills reliable?" This time it is Tieria Erd, a quasi-changer created by VEDA. He admires VEDA and the [Celestial Being] plan, and he will not allow it. There are any factors that affect the progress of the plan.

"What? Do you want to try?" Although he knew that Tielia was not intentionally provoking, but that was just his current personality, the other party was so angry that Yang Hui naturally didn't mind teaching him how to use MS. drive.

This is not directed at Tieria, but at all Gundam Messengers including Setsuna who has not yet arrived.

Just look at the performance in the anime. The four of them are fighting with the super high performance of the Gundam. When it comes to driving skills, after the second season of the anime, it’s okay to say that the first season is really at the student level.

One loves to rush in front of people and kill people, one is used to standing in place and sniping, one likes to run around with very few effective attacks, and the other loves to stand in place and get beaten up and then blow up people.

Looking at their body design, a standard ace tactical team with close combat assault, sniper support, high-mobility support, and heavy firepower blasting is used to perform separate tasks, which is simply unreasonable.

If it were the original plot, there would be no problems with the first phase of the plan.

But the problem's not the original plot now!

Yang Hui left countless things for the Revolutionary League before he left. He can hardly remember them all, especially [Falling] and Sergey's [Back], [Falling] hit the solar furnace [T] It is definitely not inferior to the GN-X [Disaster Style], and the [Beiwei] is designed with twice the performance of the GN-X.

The mission of UNION and AEU is still very easy, but if they go to the Human Revolutionary Alliance like this, Yang Hui cannot guarantee whether they will be pressed to the ground and rubbed.

"Okay, let's make sure that your driving skills are more conducive to the execution of the plan." Tieria didn't hesitate and agreed directly. However, he was not angry at being criticized, but he really thought about the plan.

"Hey! Isn't that the case?"

"Tielia, don't be like this, Mr. Myron has just arrived."

Lockon and Allelujah quickly advised him that although they were also curious about Yang Hui's driving skills, his emotional intelligence was still online.

"According to VEDA's calculations, there is not much time left before the official plan begins. I will not allow unstable factors in the team." Tieria said seriously, as if he was the supreme commander.

"Isn't there still a few years left? There's no need to worry about such a little time, right?"

"That's right! Tieria is a little too much."

Except for Felut, who is still Sanwu, he did not speak. Others tried to persuade him.

Seeing that her future teammates were so careless, Tieria was a little displeased, thinking that they did not put [Celestial Being]'s plan first in their hearts.

Just as he was about to give a lesson, Wang Liumei stood up at the right time and said, "Mr. Tielia, I'm afraid your contest will be postponed."

After finishing speaking, he looked at Merin: "Mr. Merin, please go to Communications Room 001. Someone wants to contact you."

"Who?" Yang Hui was stunned for a moment. He just arrived at [Heavenly Man] and someone wanted to contact me? But soon he understood that it seemed that he was being targeted by the old fox.

"I understand." Yang replied, nodded, and motioned to Huang to stay here and wait for him.

Under the leadership of Wang Liumei, Yang Hui entered Communications Room 001.

As soon as the door closed, the room was dark, and the sudden rainbow light stung Yang Hui and closed his eyes.

After I almost got used to it, I opened it and saw that I was surrounded by dense data and codes.

"I've been waiting for you for a long time, Merin Yang, no, I should call you Yang Hui."

Looking at the shadow that appeared in front of him, Yang Hui was sure that he had guessed correctly and grinned.

"What about you? Should I call you VEDA, or Aeolia Schuchenberg?"

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