Mecha War: Starting from Gundam OO

Chapter 52 The beginning of the turmoil

Night falls, as deep as a big mouth, swallowing up everything silently.

Even though it was late at night, no one was resting.

Setsuna and the Dilandi brothers have boarded the Gundam standby. Merin and Wang Liumei are paying attention to the development of the situation. Setsuna's infiltration into Azadistan did not bring back any useful information. The same is true for other agents, so they still can only wait.

"This feeling is so damn uncomfortable." Yang Hui complained as he leaned on the sofa. He was a person who liked to take the initiative. This kind of passivity in which the direction of the development of the situation was completely controlled by others made him very unhappy.

"Hahaha, didn't you already guess that someone would take action tonight?" Wang Rumei chuckled.

"That's just speculation. Speculations without any support are just delusions. We are completely gambling now."

"Yeah, this feels really bad..."

At this moment, news came from Red Dragon: "There was a battle on the antenna, and the guards were killing each other. They should be conservative people who have mixed in."

Yang Hui nodded and immediately took out his PAD to contact Setsuna and Di Landi brothers.

"Neal, Lyle, move out and annihilate the Azadistan garrison."

"Are the reformists coming too?"

"There is no time to distinguish. The antenna base station is more important. UNION's troops are also patrolling there. Please be careful."

"Understood." X2

"Setsuna, immediately go to Zeil Base, which is the military base closest to the city, and kill all MS trying to invade the city."


After the communication ended, Yang Hui quickly changed into driving clothes.

"Is the situation so urgent?" Wang Liumei frowned. With three Gundams, Yang Hui actually had to dispatch to deal with a small country like Azadistan.

"Think about UNION's purpose of sending troops, and... isn't Katie still waiting for me?" Yang Hui said with a smile.

"I see, I wish you luck in martial arts..."

"Shouldn't we say we're off to a winning start?"

"Hehehe, okay, I wish you success."


The solar antenna base station has become a mess. The conservatives and reformers can't tell who is who. If two MSs are close to each other, they will fight to the death.

Graham, who was cruising in the sky, was also speechless. It would be difficult to intervene in the battle if this continued. If he hit the wrong person, it would cause international problems.

But just then, someone helped them solve the problem.

On the top of the mountain in the distance, a pink beam of light cut through the night, hit a [Proboscis], and exploded with sparks.

This was just the beginning, not the end. Several beams of light came one after another, naming the Azadistan garrison in the melee one by one. There were explosions one after another, and finally turned into wreckage on the ground.

"That particle beam! It's a Gundam! And this shooting distance... is a force... sniper plane!" Graham's eyes were burning with excitement.


"You two, go deal with the scene, and I'll go meet Gundam."

"It's too dangerous for you to be alone, Lieutenant. According to intelligence, snipers and twin-gun machines are inseparable. You are facing two Gundams alone..." Daryl advised, but was interrupted by Graham.

"As the [Flag Bearer]'s debut, this is not the case! Or Daryl, are you going to get involved in my 'love'?"

"...Please be careful." Daryl was speechless. He also believed that Graham was not someone who just ignored everything when his brain got hot.

Daryl Dodge and Howard Mason drove the [Flag Type] to the messy battlefield, while Graham headed towards the direction of the Angel of Power and Angel of Cherubim.

"Haha, although I would rather fight against Merin or the Angels,... the Angels of Power and Angels of Cherubim are not bad either!" Graham said to himself after closing all communication channels and black box records.

At the top of the mountain, Angel of Power and Angel of Cherubim discovered the [Flag Bearer] approaching at high speed, and their expressions became strange.

"This is UNION's new machine? How do you feel..."

"Be confident, brother, and get rid of the feeling. If this look wasn't designed by Mai Insan, I would have eaten Cherubeus!"

A handsome fighter jet with smooth lines, sharply angular outer armor after deformation, the nose of the machine hanging on the left hand as a shield, dark blue and dark gray paint, compared to the large sunglasses of "Zhen Zhen" and "Back Wei", the sunglasses on the face are smaller, But it shines with a frightening red light, and the wings are folded behind the back in a simple and cool way. Isn't this my favorite look?

"Really, Mai Insan really likes to cause trouble for others. There is only one new machine of UNION, and it must be a test machine, so the opponent must be Graham Aika."

"Oh, it's all hard work, brother, B12 formation."


When the communication ended, the light all over Angel Angel's body was distorted and disappeared directly from the spot. Angel Angel's two guns separated and aimed at the [Flag Bearer] who was flying quickly.

"Sa, let me try a technique that can be praised by Maier Insan, UNION's ACE!"

After finishing talking to himself, [Flag Holder] happened to enter the range of the GN beam sniper rifle, shooting directly at [Flag Holder] like a meteor.

But the shot that was originally intended to be a sure shot was dodged under the horrified eyes of the Dilandi brothers.

Just when the beam was about to hit [Flag Bearer], [Flag Bearer] suddenly moved sideways a little and just missed the pink beam. The high temperature that penetrated the air only remained on the armor made of all E carbon. A slight blush appeared, but it quickly dissipated.

"You're kidding me!" Neil quickly recovered and fired several shots while keeping moving, locking almost all directions of the [Flag Bearer].

But the next second, a scene that shocked them even more appeared.

I saw the [Flag Bearer] make an incredible maneuver in the air, almost squeezing the gap between beam shots, and managed to break out of the encirclement lock.

"That guy is just a lunatic, the kind that would kill him if he got excited."

Recalling Yang Hui's warning to them at that time, they still looked disapproving, but now, they understand.

How much pressure is generated by performing such a large turning maneuver at that speed? The average person may faint immediately, and in severe cases, the internal organs may be displaced directly and die.

"Looks like we're getting serious!" Lyle's eyes narrowed. At this time, the [Flag Bearer] also entered his shooting range. He raised his two guns and locked onto the [Flag Bearer].

At the same time, the beam gun in the hand of the flag bearer also locked on the Cherubim.

The two fired at the same time, shooting continuously. One was shaking back and forth in the air, and the other was taking elegant steps on the ground, dodging, shooting, dodging, shooting...

"Great, [Flag Bearer], come with us to raise the flag of a new generation!" Graham was very excited now. Although those exaggerated maneuvers put a heavy load on him, [Flag Bearer] I can keep up with his movements, and I can also perfectly make subtle movements according to his ideas that cannot be done in [Flag Style].

Both sides were going back and forth, but it was obvious that compared to the Cherubim who was shooting to contain them, the [Flag Bearer] who was focused on rushing forward quickly shortened the distance between them.

After approaching, Graham unceremoniously threw away his beam rifle, pulled out his beam saber, swung his sword with his shield, and swung away the two guns of Cherubeus from the middle. He raised the sword in his hand high and was about to swing it down.

"I won this round..."

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