Mecha War: Starting from Gundam OO

Chapter 535 Char and Lala

"Captain Lar..."

"Let's talk?"


Char walked into the room with Lara Shin. He and Lara Shin sat on one side, while Ramba Lar and Crowley Harmon sat on the other side. They all looked serious.

"Char Aznable, what do you want to do? Who...are you?"

In fact, Ramba Lar and Crowley Harmon had wanted to ask this question a long time ago. They both had a familiar feeling about Char, not the Char Aznable they knew, but the feeling of knowing him long ago.

"Captain Lar..." His expression was extremely tangled. Malu's retelling echoed in Char's ears again. In the end, he chose to take off his mask. "Long time no see, Captain Lar, Miss Harmon."

"You! This face!" Ramba Lar and Crowley Harmon were shocked. Although their memories of this face were only of children, they would never forget it even if they grew up.

"Caspar... Are you His Highness Caspar!?"

"It's me, Captain Ral, Miss Harmon."

"You... Are you still alive!? I heard..."

"Yes, I died once, as Caspar Deacon."

"But... What is this..."

Char told Lamba Ral and Crowley Harmon all his experiences over the years, from escaping from Side 3 to hiding his identity on Earth to being hunted, and then to their life in Side 7, after which he separated from his sister and joined the Zeon Army under the identity of Char Aznable...

Char himself felt incredible. He felt that he would not be such a sincere person. To him, everyone was a chess piece and tool that could be used, and it was even more impossible for him to tell others his true identity and all his previous experiences.


At this moment, he suddenly felt relieved, the heavy invisible shackles on his body were removed, his shoulders were free of pressure, and his back could be more upright. He wanted to continue talking and wanted to enjoy this relaxed feeling.


After listening to all of Char's experiences, Lamba Ral and Crowley Harmon remained silent for a long time. Their mood was also complicated. The child back then had become the annoying person he is now. They were very angry and felt that everything they had done to protect them was in vain.

But at the same time, they also expressed their understanding. They could not imagine what Char had experienced. Without having experienced that kind of life, they were not qualified to point fingers at Char.

"So... Your Highness Caspar, what do you want to do?" Lamba Ral asked Char. He was still loyal to the country of Zeon, still hated the Zabi family, and was willing to return to the name of Deiken. But if Char wanted to do something that did not conform to his ideas, he would not agree, even if he died.

"I want to... revive the Republic of Zeon, the country that my father dreamed of!"

"What... is this... is this true?" Lamba Ral asked.

"Yes, the ideal country that my father fought for all his life, the home of space residents who are not oppressed or excluded, is my goal." Char did not lie, he only said half of it. The goal of revenge can be achieved in the process of achieving this goal.

"...This is difficult, no, it should be said to be a fantasy. Your enemy is not only the Zabi family, but also the Federation." Lamba Ral said.

"I know that both the Zabi family and the Federation will become our enemies, but... it is only part of the Federation now."

"Part of the Federation?"

"Yes, you have seen how powerful my partners are."

"Well..." Lamba Ral and Crowley Harmon were silent. Of course, they had seen that they were brought safely from under the nose of the Kycilia Agency to Granada, this military fortress, brand new excellent MS, and extraordinary pilots. Those who can do this are definitely not ordinary people.

But... it's not enough!

"He has already achieved a high position in the Earth Federation. The Federation will also have our helpers, and before the war between the Federation and Zeon ends, they will not stop me, but will only win me over."

"But after that, the Federation will not be able to sit idly by, and... you can't restore the country alone."

"So I need your help, Captain Lar."


"Yes, Captain Lar, when you were still in the Zeon Army, you were very popular in the Zeon Army, and your position and reputation were also very high. With your help, we can win over more people in the Zeon Army. I believe that there are many people in the Zeon Army who are dissatisfied with the Zabi family like you."

"Well..." Ramba Lar tacitly agreed that many people in the Zeon Army had long been dissatisfied with the cruel behavior of the Zabi family, and... there were also many people who missed the Zeon of the Deacon period like him, and missed the time they served under Deacon.

"I will do my best, Your Highness Caspar, but... this is not enough." Ramba Lal was very rational and was not fooled by Char's few words. So if he wanted to join Char's camp, he needed more proof. After all, he was not alone now.

"During the war between the Federation and Zeon, we must secretly continue our strength. With the help of our collaborators, we will have military power that will make the Federation fearful when the country is restored. It is unrealistic to defeat the Federation, but let It’s okay if they don’t dare to take action against us easily. This is the first point. Also... my collaborators prepared a gift for me, a gift that will make the federation dare not take action against us rashly. As long as that thing is obtained, "We have real standing to negotiate with the federation."

"That thing?"

"Sorry, Captain Lal, that thing is too important. Even I can't confirm whether it really exists, so I can't tell you the details now."

"...I need to think about it," Lamba Lal said.

"Understood, we will stay here for a week, you have enough time to think about it."

After saying that, Char put on the mask again and left the room with Lara Xin, leaving Lamba Lal and Crowley Harmon without speaking for a long time.

"What are you struggling with?" After a long time, Crowley Harmon broke the deadlock and asked Lamba Lal.

Lamba Lal just looked at Crowley Harmon without saying a word, the answer was already obvious.

That's right, he cares about Crowley Harmon. Now that the Lar family is gone and his old father has passed away, the only person Lamba Lar cares about now is Crowley Harmon.

The era of Daken has passed, and now is the era of the Zabi family. To put it mildly, Char's actions are restoration of the country, and to put it worse, it is treason!

It would be fine if they succeeded, but if they failed, he and Crowley Harmon would be in dire straits, and they wouldn't even have a decadent life of drunkenness and dreams.

"Lamba...Actually, you don't have to worry about it. No matter which path you choose, I will accompany you." Crowley Harmon held Lamba Lal's hand and said softly. Since she saw She fell in love with Lamba Lal at the first sight, just as Lamba Lal also loved her. For him, Crowley Harmon would do anything, otherwise she would not have done it because of him. Due to the distress of Lamba Lal, he risked his life to rescue the Daken brothers and sisters from the Daken ancestral home and sent them to Earth.


"And Lamba, we didn't have a choice, did we?"

Lamba Lal remained silent and acquiesced to Crowley Harmon's words. Char was no longer the Caspar Daken he once was. He had grown up, learned intrigues, and learned to be ruthless.

After knowing so much, if Lamba Lal is unwilling to join Char's camp, will Char let them go?

"Major, will you let Captain Lal and the others go?" Lara Xin asked with a smile.

"Why do you think so?" Xia asked Lara Xin in surprise.

"Because the Major is a gentle man."

"Gentle? Haha." Hearing this, Xia Ya covered his face and smiled bitterly. The word gentle had nothing to do with him. It was like two parallel lines that never intersected.

"Why else would the major save me?" Lara Xin insisted on her point of view.

Lara Xin was sold from her hometown to South America and became a prop for the warlord. Because her sensing ability helped the warlord make a lot of money, although she lived a worry-free life and was able to send money home, she was still worried. In life, I was often beaten and scolded.

Even if her previous master dies, the next master will still be the same, and Lara Xin will still live a life of today and no tomorrow.

Until Xia Ya took the initiative to approach her, pulled her out of the endless suffering, and kept her by her side to take care of her. She was very kind to her and taught her a lot of things. She didn’t have to worry about food, clothing, housing and transportation, and at the same time, she would also give her money. Send it home.

"Actually, I'm just like those people, treating you as a prop..."

"Lying won't do me any good, Major."


Xia Ya's mouth twitched, cursing secretly that she shouldn't have any trust list. The only two names on it made her suffer repeatedly.

However, Char is also caught in a dilemma. If Lamba Lal really rejects him, will he get rid of Lamba Lal and Crowley Harmon? If it was him before, he would There will be no such entanglement, and I will definitely make up my mind to eliminate all hidden dangers, but now...

He likes that kind of relaxed feeling. He knows that he shouldn't have it, but it doesn't stop him from liking it. If...if it can always be like this, if he is like Yang Hui and has so many followers around him, will he? No need to be so tired.

At this moment, Xia Ya suddenly felt that his head was held by a small body.


"It's okay, Major, you can take a good rest now."

"...Thank you, Lala."

Although Xia Ya still didn't get the answer, Lala's embrace was warm and comforting, which made him relax his mind, put aside the complicated thoughts, relax himself, and fell asleep in Lala's arms.

"You're welcome, Major, have a good rest." Feeling Xia Ya's even breathing, Lara murmured softly.

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