Mecha War: Starting from Gundam OO

Chapter 55 The Massacre of the Secret Angel

In the hilly area, Kati Manekin established a temporary command post here.

"Colonel, the Feather aircraft has been suppressed by the barrage, and the encirclement of the Sword aircraft has been completed!"

"The PMC has sent word that a local transport ship has been found and is besieging it, but the sniper planes and double gunners are escorting it, making it difficult to complete the intended target!"

"Let the PMC hold down the sniper machine and the double-gun machine for me. As long as they don't come to cause trouble, it will be our victory! Increase the fire suppression of the feather machine, don't save ammunition, wrap it tightly for me, and order the capturing troops to speed up. !" Kati Manekin immediately issued the order after hearing the report from his subordinates.

"The first captured team suffered 73% damage, making it difficult to maintain the encirclement!"

"Capture the first team and retreat, preparing the fourth team to take over their mission."

"The PMC unit sent a request for reinforcements. The MS unit lost 40%, and the Gundam and transport ships began to retreat."

"Don't worry about it. Our target is the sword machine. Let them retreat on their own after confirming that the enemy is retreating."

Katie commanded the battle in an orderly manner. Although reports of losses kept coming, Katie's expression did not change at all. The current losses were within her expectations. Even if all the hyenas in PMC died, she would not care. Feeling distressed.

As long as the combat objective is achieved, it would be best if all the people in the PMC died.

Seeing that the surrounding net on the screen was shrinking and was about to completely trap the capable angel, Katie couldn't help but curl the corners of her mouth slightly.

"It seems that I have won, Myron..."

But the next second, her eyes suddenly widened, and she saw in disbelief that a gap was opened in the encirclement net on the screen in the blink of an eye, and the capable angels rushed out and broke out of the encirclement net.


Katie slammed the table in front of her and cursed: "Report the situation! What are the surrounding troops doing? Why is there a gap?"


"What happened!? Report clearly!"

"It's the Feather Machine... The Feather Machine broke through our fire blockade... and wiped out the first capture team and the fourth reserve team in an instant!"

"What!?" Katie's pupils shrank and she shouted in her heart that it was impossible. She had analyzed in detail all the battle records since the appearance of the Secret Angel. The fire suppression was completely arranged according to the limits of the Secret Angel. Everything worked well before. Why? Will it be suddenly broken through?

"Contact the frontline observation station, I want to see the images!"

Two or three seconds later, the impact of the frontline battlefield was played in the command post, but... everyone was shocked.

" is it possible..."

The rapidly descending Secret Angel released the shield-shaped GN-bit it had been carrying behind it, but instead of guarding the Secret Angel, it rushed into the missile group.

"GN specular reflection system activated."

A layer of light green film covered the shield-shaped GN-bit. The moment it was completed, the entire missile was launched. Dozens of pink beams penetrated each missile and hit the shield-shaped GN-bit in the missile group. It was strange. The incident happened, and the attack was not blocked. The shield-type GN-bit was like a mirror, reflecting pink light. It reflected, turned, and interspersed. It only took one shot to completely eliminate a wave of missile firepower.

On the ground, the detached sword-shaped GN-bits were like ghosts in the dark night, shuttling back and forth among the ruins. When the MS turned around in a hurry, a shadowy blade would penetrate their abdomens.

"Well..." Yang Hui, who was extremely rational, was also frowning in pain at this time, and thin beads of sweat continued to seep out.

"don't want!"


"You can't win! Run away quickly!"

"Don't kill me...don't kill...ah~!!"

Wail, beg for mercy, scream, beg...

A steady stream of noise was mixed together and poured into Yang Hui's brain, as if two high-quality speakers were placed directly in his ears, playing dozens of completely different pieces of music at the highest volume at the same time.

Moreover, the intense consumption of mental energy made Yang Hui's brain feel as uncomfortable as being pierced by thousands of steel needles.

"Angel capable, the breakout was successful and we are moving towards the predetermined location."

"Angel of Power (Cherubian), successfully evacuated. The transport ship was slightly damaged, but it can maintain normal navigation. All personnel on board are safe."

After receiving the report that everyone was safe, GN-bit's movements instantly lost their spirituality and returned to mechanical regular movements. The light in Yang Hui's eyes returned. The moment he exited the changer mode, one of Yang Hui's hands left the joystick. , holding his head through the helmet, his whole face twisted together with a painful expression.

"Well~ It's really... uncomfortable... It seems that I have to talk to the old man about this matter, but before that..." Yang Hui shook his head, restoring some clarity to his chaotic brain.

The Secret Angel still stepped on the void, but the two guns in his hands called out the chaotic enemy MS troops one by one. Several of the "Formula" that fled in a panic were directly penetrated the cockpit, killing both man and machine.

Not only the encirclement, but also the rays of the missiles were analyzed. The Secret Angel took back all the GN-bits and used them as auxiliary thrusters. At full speed, it went to the firepower point arranged by the AEU. It almost eliminated them all without much resistance, and then dragged them away. The green stars disappeared into the sky.

"Colonel... all the capture troops and the missile launch base have been wiped out. What should we do?"

"...immediately eliminate the recovery force and recover all survivors, destroy all equipment, disperse and evacuate personnel, and rendezvous at coordinate Y2." Katie made a decisive decision immediately. The battle plan failed. There was no way that UNION would not notice such a big commotion. If not, None of them can leave.

If they are not caught alive, all the responsibility can be passed on to the PMC, but once someone in the regular army is caught, there will be no defense.


"Colonel, over there at PMC..."

"Their mission has not been completed yet, so don't worry about them."


After giving the order, Katie did not dare to delay. He quickly backed up the combat records, destroyed the originals, started the self-destruct program, boarded the car and left.

But in the car, Katie stared blankly at the sky.

She knew that Yang Hui was angry, but there was no need to completely wipe out this unit for rescue, and there was no need to raid the temporary missile launch base from a long distance. This was a warning to herself and a lesson.

but why? Shouldn’t we go all out on our bet? still……

"Are you declaring your sovereignty? Merin..." Thinking of this, Katie's eyes quickly became firm, "But I will not admit defeat. Don't think that I am a woman who can be manipulated at will!"

"Colonel, the superior is calling."

"Take it."

Katie took out her PAD and connected to her superior's communication.


"Colonel Manekin, how's the operation going?"

"It has failed and we are all evacuating."

"What happened? Why did it fail?"

"We underestimated the performance of the Gundam and the capabilities of the Gundam pilots. I will send the combat records back to the staff headquarters as soon as possible. I am willing to take all responsibility for the failure of this operation."

"I didn't contact you because I didn't want to hear what you said! Do you know that for this operation... forget it, withdraw to the country as soon as possible, and the combat data will be sent back as soon as possible. Your punishment will be decided after you return to the country."


The communication ended, and the corners of Katie's mouth curled up in a cold arc.

"A bunch of idiots who only know how to show off their power. I hope you will wake up after reading the data."

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