Mecha War: Starting from Gundam OO

Chapter 59 Plots and Conspiracies

Facing the evening wind, I stared blankly at the silent desert, with painful childhood memories flashing through my mind.

"Hey, what's wrong? It feels like you have lost your soul." Yang Hui patted Setsuna's shoulder and asked, enjoying the refreshing evening breeze side by side with him.

"Mairin..." His eyes came back to his senses, he glanced at Mailin for a moment, then lowered his head, "I..."

Shu Na hesitated to speak, but Yang Hui did not urge him. He knew that Shu Na was very lost now, as if the belief he had always had had been destroyed.

After a long time, Setsuna finally spoke: "I...can't become a Gundam."

"Puch~Hahaha..." Although he had always known about Setsuna's belief, Yang Hui couldn't help but laugh when he heard him say it with his own ears.

"What's so funny?" Setsuna looked at Myron in confusion.

"Isn't it funny? How can a person become a Gundam?" Yang Hui asked Setsuna.

For a moment, the whole person was stunned. Mailin's words were like a heavy hammer hitting the crumbling faith, once again opening a huge gap.

To put it bluntly, in Setsuna's heart, the first one is the capable angel, and the second one is Merin. One can imagine how big a blow Merin's denial has to Setsuna.

"Humans are human beings, and Gundams are Gundams, just like you and me. You can't be me, and I can't be you. You are Setsuna F. Qingyin, a unique existence in this world. How can you become a Gundam? Gundam is a mechanical creation, you can use it as your tool or as your fighting partner, but you can never become it," Yang Hui said leisurely as he looked at the night.

"I... am me... a unique existence..."

"Of course, existence is the truth. Every existence in this world has its own meaning. Air is for people to breathe, water and food are for people to survive. Gundam is a weapon for us to intervene with force, and you... are the messenger of Gundam, Since you are a Gundam Messenger, why should you become a Gundam?”

Setsuna was stunned on the spot. His previous faith had begun to collapse, but after the collapse, the purity hidden by false faith began to emerge little by little.

"I am... a unique existence... I am the Gundam Messenger... I am the Gundam Messenger!"

Seeing the confusion disappear little by little, a smile appeared on Yang Hui's lips.

Although he may not have completely transformed, and although he has not fully understood the identity of the Gundam Messenger, the seeds have been buried, and the influence of Saches on him has been gradually swept into the trash, leaving only depends on Marina.

"When you have figured it out, go and rest for a while. You still have a very important task to complete later."


During this period, Huang also sent the final mission to intervene in Azadistan.

"Hey, hey, are you kidding? Miss Huang, are you serious?" Brother Dilandi said in horror as he looked at the final mission.

"If we make the wrong move, the Angels will be in danger." Wang Liumei also didn't understand why the Emperor would make such a high-risk plan.

It is easy to resolve the civil strife in Azadistan, just send Masoud Rahmadi back, but the emperor actually wants the angel to disarm all the troops and personally send Masoud Rahmadi to the palace in Azadistan. You must know that UNION's army is in Azadistan at the moment. If the capable angels go there, they will probably never return.

"What's wrong? Is the emperor's plan here? Let's see... Well, as expected of the emperor, this plan is so spot on."

"Mel Insan?"

"Do you agree with this plan?"

Brother Di Landi and Wang Lumei looked at Yang Hui in confusion.

"Of course, this is a conspiracy. There will be a large number of media present for this news. It is impossible for UNION to risk the world's disapproval and take action against the Angels. Otherwise, UNION's reputation around the world will be stinky. At the same time, it can also Showing the vision of [Heavenly Man] to the whole world, to consolidate our reputation and positioning, kill two birds with one stone, why not?”

After listening to Yang Hui's explanation, the three of them suddenly felt that this plan was really powerful.

"Also, even if UNION is really shameless, won't there still be us? We will just lurk near the capital and respond to the capable angels."

"Huh~ In this case, there is indeed no danger, and you can also slap UNION hard."

"I'm looking forward to their expressions at that time. It must be wonderful."

In this way, the biggest threat has also been eliminated. As expected, the presence of Dinghaishenzhen is good, and all difficult and complicated diseases have been solved.


"However, the emperor is still not ruthless enough. He should add more spices." Yang Hui said with a evil smile.

"Do you have anything else to add?" Wang Lumei asked. Brother Dilandi also looked surprised, and even couldn't help but shudder, because as long as Yang Hui has such a bad smile on his face, someone will be in trouble. .

"Didn't the AEU secretly send troops into Azadistan this time? What would happen if this news was revealed?"

"This... but they are here to deal with [Heavenly Beings], so they shouldn't have much impact, right?" Wang Rumei asked.

"The premise is that it is 'just' to deal with [Heavenly Beings]." Yang Hui reminded.

"That's it! Haha, now AEU is going to be in trouble." The three people who understood Yang Hui's meaning smiled knowingly. The AEU troops are indeed here to deal with [Celestial Being], but they are not just dealing with [Celestial Being]. You must know that the kidnapping of Masoud Rahmadi was the source of civil strife in Azadistan, and the person who kidnapped him... wasn't it the PMC incorporated by the AEU?

If the label of deliberately causing civil strife in Azadistan is dismissed, AEU's reputation will be even worse than if UNION attacked the Angels in front of the media tomorrow morning.

"But what if they don't admit it?" Wang Liumei asked.

"It doesn't matter whether they admit it or not, as long as Masoud Rahmadi admits it, it is enough."

"Will he help us?" Will Masoud Rahmadi risk offending the AEU to help them?

"He would, if he were smart enough."

Without even discussing this matter with Masoud Rahmadi, Yang Hui was basically sure that he would admit that it was the AEU's PMC force that captured him.

Firstly, Azadistan has received assistance and protection from UNION, and AUE has been too busy taking care of itself after being exposed, so it is impossible to retaliate against Azadistan; secondly, it was [Heavenly Man] who saved him this time, and he owes him the favor. If you repay it, you will naturally repay it. If you miss this opportunity, you may not be able to repay it in the future; among the three, if something happens to Masoud Rahmadi again after he admits that he was captured by AUE people, then What will the world think?

Therefore, AEU not only cannot retaliate against him, but also protects him well.

"But what if the AEU pushes the Foreign Legion to take the blame? This is their usual method." Neil asked.

"That would be even better. Those PMCs have just been incorporated not long ago, and they are being pushed out to take the blame. What will the remaining people think?"

Hearing this, the three of them were stunned and couldn't help but give Yang Hui a thumbs up. This is really insidious. It will not only discredit AEU, but also alienate internal relations. The plan of killing two birds with one stone and adding this supplement will kill four birds with one stone. Carved.

Cruel enough!

But we love it! o( ̄▽ ̄)d

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