Mecha War: Starting from Gundam OO

Chapter 611 Divine Weapons from Heaven

"4 o'clock direction, 12 o'clock direction, [Rugen] reconnaissance aircraft 2."

Following Travis Kakuland's instructions, the Heretic Gundam closest to the direction of the enemy plane turned around and fired without any hesitation.

"7 o'clock direction, patrol aircraft team."

The three Heretic Gundams broke away from the large army and headed towards the 7 o'clock direction. Their beam rifles connected, and several groups of fire soon erupted in the clouds.

"Altitude 10300, Aslan."

"Understood, Team 9, spread out in threes and threes, and destroy all enemy planes with an altitude above 5,000 meters."

"Understood." X8

"Team 6, eliminate ground anti-aircraft fire."

"Understood." X8

The first batch of airborne teams 6 and 9 dispersed immediately after leaving the airborne pod. Team 9 cleared the enemy aircraft in the nearby airspace. Team 5 immediately began to eliminate the anti-aircraft firepower on the ground. MS and tanks may It cannot be completely cleared, but fixed anti-aircraft positions and surface-to-air missile launchers are the biggest threats.

Five minutes later, the second batch of airborne pods entered the blue sky, and layers of outer armor were peeled off.

"The landing location, the coordinate tracking is fixed...Okay, let's go!"

"Understood!" XN

The airborne pod was completely opened, and the 1st, 5th, and 10th teams fell from the air toward the ground, as if fireworks exploding in the air and on the ground were welcoming their arrival.

"Altitude 5000...4000...3000, thruster ignition!"


Fire burst out from the back of the Heretic Gundam that fell from the sky, and its falling speed suddenly slowed down. It carefully dodged the gunfire on the ground and slowly landed on the ground.

"Gain, set up position, George!"

"Understood!" X2

The 1st team formed three teams and spread out, wandering among the enemy arrays. The 10th team formed a circle around the city, surrounding the 5th team in the middle. The backpacks were opened on the back and placed in front of them to isolate them from local artillery fire. At the same time, George Miguel of the 5th team led three heavy firemen to set up the super electromagnetic gun on his shoulders. The energy was filled, the blue arc jumped, and the brilliance became more and more shining.


There was no fire, no explosion, only a deafening roar, and only a few streaks of blue lightning. Everything he looked at was like a typhoon passing through, turning the devastated land into fragments and flying everywhere.

"Destroy all targets, disperse!"

The 10th team put away the shield standing in front of them, and the 5th team took over the fire suppression, and then quickly spread out, searching for fish that had slipped through the net, while quickly clearing the surrounding enemy aircraft.

Numerous enemy planes stood in front of them, and the beams of light scattered like flowers scattered by a goddess, destroying everything along the way.

"Beep beep beep..."

The siren sounded, and a [Big Demon] suddenly rushed out of the smoke and came to the top of George Miguel's machine. The remaining arm held the thermal energy sword and raised it high, and fell down with the force of splitting the Huashan Mountain.

But George Miguel didn't even look at it, and moved on as if he hadn't noticed it.


A beam of light struck from the side and accurately broke the arm of [Big Demon]. The George Miguel aircraft passed in front of it safely, but the Heretic Gundam following closely behind drew its beam sword and killed the [Big Demon]. Big Demon] cut in half.

Until the fire exploded, the debris and smoke could not catch up with the departure of the three Heretic Gundams.

"Damn it! How could it be them!?" The commander of the [Devil Bear] unit looked at the divine soldiers on the screen, his back teeth almost shattered, and despite all the calculations, he still ignored the attack above his head. No, it should be said that a "meteorite" will hit his head.

The layout of the front line is perfect, and it is impossible to block the massive attack of the Federation, but until the HLV takes off, it is absolutely possible for [Ashtaroth] to be successfully sent to the universe, and the anti-air defense is also perfect, even if the Federation sends a large-scale [ Midea's airborne landing was of no avail, and could only offer a fireworks festival of blood and hate for his success.

There are also traitors from the Republic of Zeon who are watching eagerly from the sidelines. Char has not yet arrived in Australia to officially accept them. They dare not make any moves yet, so there is no need to worry at all.

But...all his arrangements, all his plans, were in vain in front of the Twelfth Independent Technical Force, and they were all stunning flashes of the pan.

"Sir, what should we do now?" His subordinates asked in panic. The HLV carrying [Ashtalos] has been destroyed. Half of their mission has been failed. Facing the 12th Independent who is like a murderous god The technical troops seemed to be standing on a high wall, with the next step leading to an abyss and the further step back to a cliff.

"No... don't panic!" The commander of the [Demon Bear] force pretended to be calm, but in fact his clothes were soaked with cold sweat, "Yes, we have not failed yet, we are still alive, [Ashtaroth]'s information Still in our minds, yes, we haven’t failed yet! We can still…”

"Boom boom boom boom..."

"What...what happened...Ah~!!!!"

The ground suddenly shook violently, becoming more and more violent. Suddenly, the ceiling collapsed, and they were all buried in a sky-like pile of rubble and gravel.

At the disappearing ceiling, Yang Hui's Unit 1 passed by without even looking at it. He threw a grenade he had just picked up and said, "Boom~!"

The [Devil Bear] troops, which originally had a glimmer of hope, were ravaged by the explosion and devoured by flames.

"Colonel, the air force has been cleared and the airport has been destroyed." Aslan reported to Yang Huihui.

"Teams 6 and 9 are going to attack the Principality of Zeon's defenses and tear them apart."


"Colonel, the HLV and launch site have been destroyed."

"Gnaku, all ammunition depots were destroyed."

"Gain, your men will advance with me towards Zeon's front. George, take your men to stay and clean up the remaining enemies, make sure there are no survivors, and then look for opportunities for long-range artillery support."

"Understood!" XN

The frontline headquarters of the Australian Federation Army and the commander-in-chief of the Australian theater, Colonel Stan Lee Hawkins, looked at the battle map with an ugly face. According to the intelligence provided by the allies of the Zeon Republic on the side, the remnants of the Principality of Zeon and the [Devil Bear] troops He holds a very dangerous weapon in his hands and plans to go to the universe.

After receiving this information, he immediately organized three main forces to launch an attack from three directions. However, it was a pity that the Zeon remnants on the opposite line of defense had a strong sense of resistance and even resorted to desperate tactics. Defeat their attacks again and again.

"Colonel Hawkins, let's attack." The serious blond man in a white driving suit suggested. This was not the first time he suggested this, but every time he was rejected by Stan Lee Hawkins.

"No, in a large-scale army operation, even if you join, it will just be the icing on the cake and not play a big role. I will order the [Red Marmot] troops in the middle to open a gap for you. The mission of the [White Wild Dogs] team, Just go through this opening and launch a strong attack on the [Moon Ladder] behind the Principality of Zeon."

Stan Lee Hawkins still maintained a clear mind at this time and knew that it was impossible for the large army to defeat Zeon's defense line. He could only place all his hopes on his ace team - the [White Dingo] team. on the body.

The person who spoke just now was the captain of the [White Dingo] team, Pierce P. Reil.

"……Yes, I understand."

"Go get ready."


"Colonel Hawkins, there is a friendly signal from behind the Principality of Zeon's front!"

"What!?" X2

Stan Lee Hawkins and Pierce P. Lehr were shocked at the same time. Stan Lee Hawkins hurriedly asked: "Where are the friendly forces coming from? Whose troops are they?"

"It's... the signal from the Twelfth Independent Technical Force! The radar shows... so fast!"

"What..." The two of them looked at the radar system at the same time. The screen showed that there were indeed more than a dozen friendly signals appearing behind the Principality of Zeon's front lines, and they were approaching very fast. This was not the speed that mobile suits could possess. In terms of fighter planes, …

"This speed is air force!"

"The [White Dingo] team attacks immediately! Let the reserve team also press forward, attack with the entire army, and cooperate with the 12th Independent Technical Force to destroy the defense line of the Principality of Zeon!" Stan Lee Hawkins made a prompt decision and ordered a full-scale decisive battle with the Principality of Zeon. .


Pierce P. Lehr hurriedly ran back to his aircraft to board the plane and gave the attack order to his teammates.

"Is it finally time for us to take the stage?" Maximilian Michael, who is responsible for the lively atmosphere in the team, chuckled.

"Captain, what happened?" asked Gao Liang, who was more serious and silent.

"The situation has changed. The 12th Independent Technical Force has arrived and is launching a charge from the rear of the enemy's lines. Colonel Hawkins ordered a full-scale decisive battle to defeat the enemy's lines in one fell swoop."

"What? The 12th Independent Technical Force!?" X3

Maximilian Michael, Gao Liang, and Anita Julian, who is in charge of enemy detection system and intelligence support, exclaimed at the same time.

"Really or not? Is that ace troop coming?"

"Or from the enemy's rear?"

"It seems that the battle in Australia is over. Coming from the rear, the [Moon Ladder] should be destroyed, and the enemy forces in front of us are the last." Anita Julian is not only a lively and enthusiastic woman, but also has An underground sonar operator with extraordinary hearing and excellent battlefield analysis capabilities.

"Shh~ They are indeed an ace unit, but how did they break through the enemy's defense?" Maximilian Michael asked puzzledly. Their main force had been repulsed many times, and there were no small roads to go around in other directions. , otherwise the [White Wild Dogs] team would not have been waiting at the headquarters.

"The Twelfth Independent Technical Force has ended two large-scale battles in the universe before. It should have been airborne directly from the universe."

"Really or not? So exciting?" Maximilian Michael was shocked. How dangerous is it to parachute directly from the universe? To put it bluntly, half of my body went to hell.

"Okay, Michael, after the battle is over, you can ask them directly if you have the chance. Now focus on the battle in front of you."

"I understand. I'm also very curious whether the legendary ace unit is really as powerful as the rumors say."

As soon as he finished speaking, not only Maximilian Michael, but also Pierce P. Reil and Anita Julian were very curious, and their eyes were full of competitive light. Only Gao Liang's expression was calm, and there was a trace of relaxation. .

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