Mecha War: Starting from Gundam OO

Chapter 625 The countdown to life

Under the cover of multiple attacks, Yang Hui successfully led Sima and Amuro to safely cross the third line of defense and arrived at the periphery of the Odessa base.

"Colonel, there is a situation on the defense line at 10 o'clock."

Looking in the direction indicated by Amuro, it was a small airport. At the end of the runway, a shuttle was ready and about to take off. There was also an HLV launch site next to it, and the HLV was also ready and could be launched at any time.

"Shuttle and HLV... Mark Bay is planning to evacuate first." Seeing the shuttle and HLV ready to depart, Yang Hui guessed Mark Bay's plan.

"Do you want to intercept?" Sima asked Yang Hui. Although the three of them did not carry sniper equipment, it was still very likely that they would be intercepted at all costs.

"No... The shuttle is leaving."

At the airport, the shuttle's engine had been ignited, and the fierce flames dragged a long smoke tail. The fierce flames brought huge thrust, sending the shuttle into space.

"Damn it, he escaped." Amuro cursed in a low voice. Mark Bay was an enemy that Yang Hui had to pay attention to. It was a pity that he failed to stop him this time.

"Don't worry, there are plenty of opportunities. Now... assault the base. No matter what is in the HLV, it is definitely very important to Mark Bay. Leave it all."

"Understood!" X2

The three Gundam Astrays moved at the same time, leaping high, crossing the low walls and fences, and falling into the interior of the Odessa base. The beam Gatling in Sima's hand swept across, and the sentry tower exploded before it could sound the alarm.


Although there was no report from the sentry tower, the explosion had told everyone in the Odessa base that the enemy was coming!

The three aircraft did not stop. At the moment when the sentry tower was destroyed, the three aircraft started at the same time. The Yang Hui-class and Amuro aircraft were in front, and the Cima aircraft was behind, forming an inverted triangle formation and heading straight towards the HLV launch site. All the enemy aircraft that hurriedly blocked along the way disappeared in an instant, falling to the ground as soon as they appeared, or turning into blooming fireworks.

"Attack the fixed support. I want to see what good things Mark Bay is reluctant to give up."

"Understood!" X2

Amuro and Cima's shooting ability is not weak. Together with Yang Hui, every shot and every round fell accurately on the fixed support of the HLV. The standing HLV fell to the ground with a "boom", losing the opportunity to launch.

"Spread out and find the entrance and exit of the nuclear bomb storage area!"

Yang Hui knew that the nuclear bomb was buried underground in the Odessa base, but to take away 60% of the Federation Army's troops, such a large-yield nuclear bomb could not be manufactured entirely underground. There must be a transportation channel, and only this transportation channel can allow MS to enter and exit.

There are only three people who have entered the Odessa base now. Yang Hui dare not get off the plane to find the location of the nuclear bomb.

"Understood." X2

The three planes dispersed, destroying the scarce defense forces while looking for the transportation entrance, but the three people walked around the entire base and could not find the entrance.

"Colonel, the mine tunnels in the mining area have not been searched yet!"

"The mine tunnels are too complicated, and we are not enough for three people." Yang Hui's expression became heavy. Mark Bay had left Odessa and could not control the explosion of the nuclear bombs when he took off. He also didn't know how long it would take for these nuclear bombs to detonate, so not a minute or a second could be wasted. They didn't have so much time to explore the maze-like mine tunnels at once.

"Colonel, I brought a small drone, which can be used to enter the mine tunnels first for exploration!" Sima reported in time.

"Okay, Amuro, cover Sima!"


Sima and Amuro moved towards the mining area. Yang Hui wandered alone inside the Odessa base. Wherever he passed, there was a mess, and even the enemies with guns were not spared.

"Too slow." Yang Hui watched the time go by. There was no reply from Cima, and he was afraid that time was running out.

At this time, more and more green signs appeared on the radar detection system, and Yang Hui's mouth curled up.

"Colonel!" The third route of the Heretic Gundam broke through the third line of defense and arrived at the Odessa base.

"Jung, Yong, Forte, Russ, take people to the mining area to support Cima and Amuro, Blog, Fred, take people to clean up the base, Travis, take people to protect the machine, Aslan, He, and the rest of the people, prepare for hand-to-hand combat!"

"Understood!" XN

Without waiting for the news from Cima, Yang Hui decided to take a risk and lead people to break into the base and directly find a way to the underground.

Everyone quickly found the location of the headquarters of the Odessa base. Several machines stopped in front of the headquarters building. Yang Hui and others rushed into the building with guns.

"Blog, Fred, don't rush too hard. Protecting the colonel and his body is the first priority!" The others were gone, and the calm Travis Kakuland took over the command on the scene.

"Understood." X2


"Bang bang bang bang..." Yang Hui and others rushed into the building and killed anyone who blocked their way. They didn't have the time and energy to guard the prisoners now.

Quickly came to the command center, which was empty. The staff of the command center were given a shot of chicken blood by Mark Bay at the beginning, and they stayed at their posts. But the moment the shuttle took off, they realized that Mark Bay was not the first to lead. It was obviously he who ran away first!

The originally high morale instantly dropped back to freezing point. Everyone ran away and tried to find a way to escape. If they were lucky, they should have left the Odessa base by now. If they were unlucky, they became one of the many corpses.

"Colonel, there's a discovery here!"

Yang Hui hurried over and found the elevator going down. He took Aslan, Cong Yungui and South Baninger and got into the elevator to go down. He ordered others to occupy the headquarters and kill the enemies when they saw them.

After a few minutes, the elevator door opened, and Yang Hui and others finally found the location of the nuclear bomb, but... seeing such a huge yield, Yang Hui's face was as dark as ink.

"Mark Bay is crazy! Disperse the search!"

"Understood!" X3

The four people separated to look for the starting device of the nuclear bomb, and Aslan soon discovered it.

"This way Colonel!"

Yang Hui ran over and saw the countdown on the activation device that would detonate the nuclear bomb in ten minutes. He quickly controlled the system in an attempt to terminate the detonation process, but...


"Damn it! It's a trap!"

Yang Hui's expression became even more ugly. He controlled the system to terminate the detonation process. Who knew that this was a trap set by Mark Bay. Not only would it not terminate the detonation, it would also speed up the countdown. Now there is less than ten minutes left. , it is impossible to transport a nuclear bomb with such a large yield.

In the end, Yang Hui took out his PAD, connected it to the system, and used the hacker program brought by Promis Fortress to invade the entire system.

Aslan, Cong Yungui and South Baninger looked on and were sweating coldly. They clenched their fists tightly and put all their hopes on Yang Hui, praying that he would be able to stop the countdown before it ended. The detonation of a nuclear bomb.

"Quickly...quickly...quickly..." As the countdown moved closer to the point, the sweat on Yang Hui's face became more and more intense, and his fingers danced faster and faster.


Seeing the countdown freeze at 0.05 seconds, Yang Hui collapsed and collapsed on the ground. He had never felt that the sound was so pleasant.

Aslan, Cong Yunzai and South Baninger were also weakly holding on to the wall. Although they stood still, they felt as if their whole bodies had been hollowed out.

"I will refuse this kind of mission next time." Cong Yunqi complained directly, regardless of South Baninger being beside him. This is definitely the most exciting mission he has ever performed, more than facing Festum in the world of Gundam SEED. It's even more dangerous, like watching your life count down with your own eyes until when you will die, but feeling extremely scared.

"Huh! If it's so exciting next time, I won't be able to bear it if it's Kira!" Aslan also complained.

South Baninger was about to say something, but after hearing what Cong Yunqi and Aslan said, he frowned and glanced at them, but immediately withdrew his expression and gaze.

Of course, this certainly did not escape the eyes of Yang Hui, Aslan and Cong Yunxuan. After Cong Yunxuan and Aslan opened their mouths, they knew that they had accidentally let the matter slip.

But South Baninger is trustworthy. He didn't ask, and he won't explain it to him now. When the time comes, he will naturally know all this.

"Okay, the danger is over, we should go up." Yang Hui stood up and said to the three of them.

"Well, hurry up and end the battle above. I don't like standing on a nuclear bomb and dancing."


"Oh, I'm old, I can't stand being scared."


With the return of Yang Hui and others, the battle on the ground quickly ended. Just like the [Moon Ladder], there were no prisoners, but they did not kill them all. Those who wanted to escape were allowed to escape, leaving a few people to guard them. After the command building and the nuclear bomb, Yang Hui led everyone to launch an attack behind the third line of defense.

It was very difficult for the remaining garrison troops to face the Federation army. They were attacked from behind and their homes were stolen. Their morale was low and the fighting situation was not good. Many people chose to surrender. Although they did not surrender to the Zeon Republic at first, they Faced with the Zabi family and their own lives, many people decisively chose the latter.

The Odessa operation was a complete success. Presumably in the original historical trajectory, Rebir relied on human lives to win. The casualties this time were much smaller, especially on the frontal battlefield and the west, with the help of the 12th Independent Technical Force. , the solid defense line was torn to pieces not long after.

Ray Bill also came to the Odessa base. Under the leadership of Yang Hui, he went underground. When he saw the nuclear bomb in front of him, his face turned dark.

"The people in the Zabi family are all crazy! The people who follow the Zabi family are also crazy!"

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