Mecha War: Starting from Gundam OO

Chapter 712: Open Duel, Fujido Kagamishiro

The specific matters of the joint military exercise have been discussed for three hours. The military exercise area, participating troops, specific exercise content, etc. were all discussed. The first formal meeting ended. However, before the end, Shu Mu Xuanwu proposed that in order to show the friendly relations between the two countries and deepen the understanding between the two militaries, a public real-life competition should be held.

Cornelia instantly judged that the other party was trying to regain the ground and use this to undermine Bunitalia's prestige, so she decided to refuse.

Unexpectedly, Yang Hui agreed immediately. Although he was puzzled, he still kept his doubts in his heart. It was not until everyone dispersed that Cornelia asked Yang Hui: "Why do you agree? The other party is obviously trying to set a trap for us. "

"The 'pirate' incident will definitely cause an uproar in Sakura Country, but this fire is not enough. If we want to cause chaos, we need to add more fuel."

"This public contest? Well... it is indeed possible. The military's supernova turned into a pirate to be executed in the blink of an eye, and the public contest failed miserably. The strength and credibility of the Sakura Kingdom's army will definitely be questioned by the people, but... Can you win?"

Because she had obtained detailed information in advance, Cornelia could guess who the opponent planned to send without having to think too much.

Todo Kaishiro, who has defended the Sakura Country Kendo Championship three times, is known as the "samurai born in the wrong era" and is a world-famous kendo master.

"There is nothing to admit. No knight in the empire can be his opponent." Yang Hui shrugged and said to Cornelia, "The knights in the empire are undoubtedly elites, but most of them are outstanding in military operations. Kaishiro Toudo is indeed a genius, even Bismarck will not be his opponent in pure swordsmanship."

"Then you still agree?"

"So I'm going to meet him."

"Nonsense!" Cornelia cursed loudly, "You are the noble prince of the empire. What does it mean to compete with a commoner in public? Are you planning to discredit the prince?"

"Imperial sister, can you please calm down?" Yang Hui was speechless. Logically speaking, Cornelia was not the one who valued the blood of the royal family so much as the royal family in the imperial capital.

"Hmph! How can I calm down? The opponent is a world-famous martial arts master. Once you lose, have you ever thought about the consequences? I don't know what you are planning, but I can tell you clearly that your The plan will end here, and your privileges, your subordinates, your knights, everything about you will be taken back, even your royal status!”

Yang Hui understood that Cornelia was worried about him.

"Don't worry, Sister Huang, you have seen my strength before."

"...I admit that you are very powerful, Yang Hui, but this is a martial arts duel, not a Knightmare! We competed in swordsmanship when we were children, but that was still a child! How old are you? How come you have been studying kendo like Todo Kaishiro for decades? The master's comparison?"

"Alright, don't worry, Sister Huang, have you ever seen me do anything that didn't hurt me?" Yang Hui continued to calm Cornelia's excitement.

"Huh~" Cornelia sighed calmly. Yang Hui really didn't fight an uncertain battle, but it was really hard for her to believe that Yang Hui could defeat Toudo Kaishiro.

"Let's do this, Sister Huang, let's make a bet."

"...No gambling."

"I haven't said anything yet!"

"...You have never lost a bet with others since you were a child. I will not be fooled."

"Uh...ah haha."

"And...I won't gamble with your future."

"...If I lose, I will be your adjutant and all my people will be yours. How about that?"

"..." Cornelia looked at Yang Hui with scrutiny in her eyes.

Cornelia's heart was moved when she said that every one of Yang Hui's knights was a very outstanding talent, including the children who had not officially joined the knights and were sent to study and train around the world by Yang Hui.

Moreover, Yang Hui served as her adjutant, which was something Cornelia had always dreamed of accomplishing. Until Yang Hui became outstanding, Cornelia could not find anyone who could compare to him. Apart from Yang Hui, no one else was qualified to serve as her adjutant. Her lieutenant.

"What if you win?"

"If I win..." Yang Hui thought for a while, but he really couldn't think of anything to win. Cornelia still owes him a request, and there is really nothing else he wants.

VIP? The only people he liked in Cornelia's hands were her knights, but they were all Cornelia's die-hard loyalists, so it would be useless to come.

Want money? Forget it, now he and Cornelia are definitely the poorest princes and princesses. They are all invested in the development of the new generation of Knightmare and the manufacturing of thirteen special machines. Even Lelouch and Nunnally are The royal family members who can lead have more salaries than them.

Want power? The power in Cornelia's hands is the army, and it was given to her by Charles DI Bunitalia. She can take it back at any time, and it is not as powerful as the power in her own hands.

"If you win, no matter what you do in the future, I will support you unconditionally." Cornelia said proactively when she saw that Yang Hui had been thinking hard for a long time without giving him an answer.

"Huh?" Yang Hui was confused now, "Are you sure?"

"I am sure."

"Even if I want to overthrow the empire?"


"..." Yang Hui was silent again, and after a long time asked Cornelia, "Why?"

"No reason."

"...Because you are a woman?"

"Because I'm a woman."


No matter what reasons and purposes Cornelia has, Yang Hui cannot refuse this bet. The water in this world is not shallow, and it is quite chaotic. To ensure the stability of this world, Cornelia is indispensable. of a link.

As for Cornelia's breach of contract... Yang Hui believed she was not that kind of person.

When the bet was made, the two people's thoughts were either complicated or simple. No one knew except themselves, but one thing was certain, their thoughts were definitely not in the same direction.

The next day, the base training ground for the joint military exercise was crowded with people, and the reporters aimed their guns at the center, waiting for the arrival of the two protagonists.

"It's the Fourth Prince!"

"All hail britannia! All hail britannia! All hail britannia! All hail britannia!..."

Yang Hui and Toudo Keishiro appeared at the same time, but compared to the uniform cheers of pilgrims from the Bunitalia Empire, the cheers for Toudo Keishiro from the Sakura Kingdom were much weaker, and they didn't look like an army at all. Just like a normal concert or ball game, only names are called, and there are even people standing on the bench waving flags.

The first game between the Holy Bunitalia Empire and the Sakura Kingdom was a decisive battle.

As the parties involved, Yang Hui and Todo Kaishiro turned a deaf ear to the cheers around them. They only had each other in their eyes.

“It’s well-deserved.”

“It’s well-deserved.”

Whether it was Yang Hui or Todo Kaishiro, they all thought in their hearts that this was the meeting between masters and masters, and they could tell each other's reality at a glance.

"As expected of a [samurai born in the wrong era], Toudou Kaishiro, you are worthy of this title."

"It's just a false name. His Highness Yang Hui is the one. It's really scary to have such a martial arts realm at such a young age."

"Haha, what if I tell you that I have never studied martial arts?"

"Haha, then... each other."

The deafening cheers at the scene did not affect the communication between the two, but it was only two brief sentences. The rest was either during the fight or right after it ended.

As the host spoke, the scene became quiet, followed by Cornelia and Shumu Xuanwu respectively.

Shumu Xuanwu is indeed a politician, and everything he says is official politeness without any nutrition. But Cornelia is different. Every word she says is full of confidence in Yang Hui's victory and full of Bunita. The honor of the Leah Empire made the people of the Sakura Nation present grit their teeth.

"Major Todo, kill that arrogant Prince Bunitalia!"

There were many such angry people among them, which naturally attracted the glare of Bunitalia's side.

"Haha, Prime Minister Shumu, your country's remarks... tsk tsk tsk."

"..." Shumu Xuanwu and the people from the Six Families of Kyoto also hate these soldiers who made inappropriate remarks. Of course they also have this idea! But do you dare to say it? Can you tell me?

Stronger than others, they would never dare to say such words, because the person sitting next to them is Cornelia. Based on their understanding of Cornelia, as long as they dare to say such words, then this competition will also be impossible. No need to start, the two countries directly entered a state of war.

As for the title of the world's fourth most powerful military power...that's all self-proclaimed! The Sakura Kingdom's military strength is indeed not weak, but it is far behind the traditional power of the Bunitalia Empire.

I was a little confident before, but a naval fleet didn't respond and was captured without even firing a shot. How could it compare?

Seeing that Shu Mu Xuanwu and others did not speak, and Cornelia did not chase after him, she smiled coldly and turned her attention back to the center of the field. Different from her worries yesterday, since Yang Hui was confident, she also chose to believe it. Yang Hui.

The host temporarily calmed down the gunpowder-filled atmosphere, and then prepared to announce the start of the duel. Everyone stared with bated breath, which was completely opposite to the previous noisy state.

"Your Highness Yang Hui, I will not show mercy." Todo Kaishiro took out the bushido from his waist and held it with both hands in front of him.

"Of course, if you show mercy, I will be angry." Yang Hui also pulled out the knight's sword from his waist, holding the sword in one hand and pointing diagonally at the ground.


When the initial order was given, Yang Hui and Todo Kaishiro moved at the same time, kicked off their feet, and rushed towards each other.

"It's better to strike first! Ha!"

With an angry shout, Todo Kaishiro concentrated all his strength on his arms, and slashed at Yang Hui with his katana at extremely fast speeds.

"Interesting!" Yang Hui raised his knight's sword and blocked Bushido at an angle, using inertia to make Bushido slide aside.

But at this moment, something strange happened. The katana that was supposed to slide aside suddenly stopped moving, and changed from chopping to thrusting, heading straight towards Yang Hui's face.

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