Mecha War: Starting from Gundam OO

Chapter 714 Black technology helmet!

The next day, the joint military exercise officially began. According to the negotiated plan, the first stage was a joint coastal defense exercise, so neither Yang Hui nor Cornelia participated, and even their knights did not participate. They only assigned a A mid-level officer is in charge of the command.

"It's so boring." Yang Hui yawned and complained as he watched the joint coastal defense exercise that was like playing house, "Sister Huang, why do you agree to them? Does this kind of exercise have any meaning?"

"Coastal defense is also a very critical part of protecting the country. Exercises are actual combat. You should know this." Cornelia calmly drank her red tea and educated Yang Hui...

That’s weird! If Erlang's crossed legs hadn't changed directions dozens of times in two minutes, I would have really believed it!

"Exercises are actual combat. I agree with this, but... this kind of exercise is carried out completely according to the script prepared in advance. There are no surprises or surprises at all. Is it considered an exercise? It's almost like filming a military movie, right?" Yang Hui complained.

Of course he knew the importance of coastal defense exercises. The Bunitalia Empire's homeland, like Sakura Country, was an island country, so coastal defense was the empire's first line of defense. Needless to say, its importance.

But since it is an exercise, it must be more effective the closer it is to actual combat. You follow the script prepared in advance, so why is it still an exercise? Acting is pretty much it!

"Be patient, the joint coastal defense exercise only lasts three days, and it will end in three days. There are still three days... No, today is already halfway through, and there are still two and a half days. After two and a half days, there will be a confrontation exercise... Hey, how can we still do it? Two and a half days? Why on earth did I agree to them?”

Well, Cornelia couldn't help it anymore. Her plain and elegant posture disappeared, and the word "violent" was clearly written on her face.

"Right? I really don't know what you were thinking at the time." Yang Hui spread his hands.

"Shut up! How do I know they followed the script exactly and there were no changes at all?"

"...We've already prepared the script, but you still expect changes?"

"Okay, it's me who is stupid." Cornelia covered her face in frustration, "These incompetent little devils can only find a sense of existence in the international community by using this kind of false drama."

Hearing this, Yang Hui glanced at the sky. Several civilian helicopters were hovering in the sky, and the helicopters were all filled with reporters from news TV stations.

After the regular army rebelled and became pirates and Todo Kaishiro's public defeat in the duel, there has been turmoil in the country, especially the Sakura Kingdom's military, and there have been distrustful remarks about the military's combat capabilities.

On the one hand loyalty is questioned, why else would a future military star become a pirate? World-famous masters like Todo Kaishiro are suspected of defecting to other countries and letting the public show off.

On the other hand, the combat effectiveness has also been questioned. A complete fleet was captured completely. The martial arts master lost in a public duel to the prince of the Bunitalia Empire who was at least ten years younger than Toudo Kaishiro. .

All these have to make the citizens of Sakura Country wonder where the high taxes they paid have been spent.

As a result, both the military and the political circles have been questioned by the public. Shumu Xuanwu and the Six Families of Kyoto have to find ways to improve the positive image of the military, and this military exercise arranged in advance is the best. Chance.

But... the more they wanted to do this, the more Yang Hui wanted to be a troublemaker.

"Sister Huang, I have an idea..."

"What do you want to do? I told you not to mess around. The reporters in the sky are not only from Sakura Country. The whole world is paying attention to this military exercise." When Cornelia heard Yang Hui say, "I have an idea," these four The word got her interested because she was too bored and wanted to have some fun to pass the time.

But her reason allowed her to control her desires. The process of the military exercise had been agreed upon in the discussion the day before yesterday. If there was trouble on Bunitalia's side, it would still be the empire's face that would be lost.

"Don't worry, Sister Huang, I won't mess around. I just want a pirate."

"Huh?" Cornelia was stunned for a moment, looking at Yang Hui with a strange expression, her brain running rapidly.

"You took the wrong medicine and took the initiative to give excuses to those guys in the Imperial Capital?"

"No, I mean... tomorrow's joint coastal defense, I want to be a pirate." Yang Hui smiled sinisterly.

"Hmm? Well..." Cornelia thought for a while, and then... smiled sinisterly, "That's a good idea, how about taking me with you?"

"Isn't this... bad?" Yang Hui looked at Cornelia speechlessly.

This trip to Sakura Country, his identity was just an officer under Cornelia, so he played the role of a pirate in the exercise, and the impact was not that big. But Cornelia is different, she is a member of the Bunitalia Army Commander-in-Chief!

The commander-in-chief becomes a big a sensation will this cause? Even if it's a drill.

"What's wrong? At worst, if you wear a mask, no one will recognize you."

"Are you sure?" Yang Hui raised his eyebrows and looked at Cornelia's long, smooth purple-red hair. Like Euphemia's long pink hair, it was the most eye-catching symbol.

"...Bang!" Cornelia also noticed the color of her hair and turned her head in depression.

"How about...cut it?"

"you dare!"

The sudden roar, like the roar of a lion from Hedong, startled Yang Hui.

"Woman." Yang Hui complained in his heart.

Cornelia is indeed iron-blooded and resolute, but...she is also a woman!

Are there any women who don’t love beauty? Cornelia's long purple hair is one of the most beautiful things about her body. If there is no choice, Cornelia will not hesitate, but usually, if anyone dares to touch her hair, she will Who to fight with! No kidding!

"Wait a minute, don't our soldiers have full-face helmets and protective masks?" Cornelia suddenly thought.

"Well... it does exist. The MK-II individual combat helmet and the DK03 gas mask are both newly developed equipment by the Imperial Academy of Sciences." Yang Hui thought for a while, and found that such equipment does exist, and it can indeed solve Cornelia's problem. The problem of easy exposure of identity.

"Prepare a set, and we will set off together tomorrow." Cornelia did not give Yang Hui a chance to refuse her anymore, and directly gave him an order. There were still two and a half days left, so that she could continue to sit here drinking tea and watching the show. It's crazy.

"...Okay, but let's make an agreement first. All actions tomorrow will be under my command." Yang Hui said to Cornelia. Cornelia's command ability is indeed good, but Yang Hui is definitely better than her, and Cornelia's Her combat command ability is based on large-scale combat, and she is not good at the tactics of small elite units.

"Okay, as long as you satisfy me."

".........What kind of talk are these about tigers and wolves!?"

"Get out!"


Since Cornelia agreed, Yang Hui naturally went to recruit people. Otherwise, Yang Hui and Cornelia would play the role of pirates in the exercise and deliver food.

"Um...Your Highness, do we really want to do this?"

The people who were summoned were Reggie Reggie, Jeremiah, Veretta, and Joan Rowe. Cornelia's knights included Gilbert, Dalton, and five squad captains, plus Yang Hui and Cornelia, a total of 13 people, is enough.

"Well, your Highness is too boring and wants to have some fun." Yang Hui did not hesitate to throw the blame away, but...

"...Is this your Highness's idea?" Gilbert questioned without hesitation. Cornelia's boredom was expected by him, but Cornelia would never have thought of such a bad idea.

"It is also to satisfy the imperial sister's request!"


Everyone stared at you, don't think we don't know that you are too busy, so you want to cause trouble!

"But Your Highness, the identities of you and Cornelia..." Except for Regeni Regeta, everyone else was worried about the identities of Yang Hui and Cornelia, especially Cornelia, the commander-in-chief of the First Army. Commanding someone to become a pirate or something... no matter what the outcome is, he will definitely be criticized.

"Don't worry, Sister Huang has already thought of a solution." Yang Hui said.

"What can I do?" Everyone was confused. Cornelia's distinctive long hair was not so easy to hide.

"The solution is..."


Before Yang Hui could say anything, the door to the combat conference room was opened, and Cornelia walked in, but...

"Sister Huang... what new fashion style is this?" Yang Hui asked expressionlessly, and everyone else also lost their facial expressions.

Cornelia was still wearing the burgundy clothes, but she wore an ordinary soldier's MK-II individual combat helmet and a DK03 gas mask on her head, covering her entire head.

"What the hell? I'm just trying to see if the helmet and gas mask can hide my identity. How effective is it?" Cornelia said angrily.

"Yeah, perfect!" Everyone gave a thumbs up. Wearing this helmet and gas mask, as long as she changes into an ordinary soldier's combat uniform, no one will recognize that this is Cornelia.

"Well, that's fine." After confirming the effect, Cornelia naturally took off her helmet and gas mask, and her beautiful long hair was gathered into a big ball on the back of her head.

"I'll go!" This frightened Yang Hui. He snatched the helmet from Cornelia's hand and looked at it over and over.

"What are you doing?" Cornelia asked Yang Hui with a strange expression.

"I'm looking at what technology this is made of?"

"What kind of technology? Isn't it just a Mandarin tactical helmet? The material is the latest alloy..."

"No, no, no, some kind of space technology must be used, otherwise how can it fit your hair?" Yang Hui said, while using his hands to draw the size and internal space of the helmet and the size of the back of Cornelia's head. Dumplings.


Everyone was silent for a moment, and then they all gathered around. Like Yang Hui, they looked at the ordinary tactical helmet, and then looked at Cornelia's hair. Well... there is indeed black technology.

"I said...that's enough for you!" Cornelia roared with a dark face.

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