Mecha War: Starting from Gundam OO

Chapter 78 Lost face, but worth it

"I'm angry. Since you don't obey my orders, then go to hell!"

Nina was completely angry. She had to follow her own personality in everything. She just didn't come to her if she fell in love with Yang Hui. She had been tolerant to Yang Hui again and again, but the other party never understood her. She even complained because of the common people on the ground. She wanted to kill herself, but the murderous intention in her heart was already boiling to its peak.

The Angel No. 3 machine raised its gun and started shooting, but it was all blocked by the shield-shaped GN-bit. It did not hit the Secret Angel and did not leak to the ground.

Yang Hui originally didn't plan to destroy all the [Trinity] now. He originally wanted to keep them as a buffer for the [Celestial Being] troops after the Three Kingdoms obtained the pseudo-solar furnace, but Nina's actions really made Yang Hui angry.

In his original memory, Yang Hui hated the character Nina, but now he just used her to show the true stance of the [Celestial Being] troops.

The skirt armor detached, and the eight sword-shaped GN-bits unfolded and headed straight for the Angel 3 machine. At the same time, the double guns and gun-type GN-bits in their hands were also designed towards the Angel 3 machine, blocking its surroundings.

"Damn it!" Faced with the airtight attack, Nina could not dodge at all. She could only output GN particles with all her strength and shrink herself into the GN force field.

Although I have seen how powerful Yang Hui is from the battle records before, I can only feel how powerful it is now. Unit 3 is protected in the GN force field, but it is not invincible. The body will not be harmed, but the same Will be affected by impact force.

Whenever Nina wanted to retreat, she would be hit and attacked in the direction of her advance. The huge impact would push Unit 3 back to its original position, making it impossible to fight or escape.

The function and structure of the pseudo-solar furnace are almost identical to those of the solar furnace. However, there is one thing. The pseudo-solar furnace cannot generate GN particles by itself and needs to convert electrical energy into GN particles. Therefore, the Angel Gundam's activity time is limited.

"Brother John! Brother Mihai! Help!" Nina called for help in a panic. Looking at the sharply reduced amount of GN particles, Nina finally learned the emotion called "fear".

At this moment, the attack from Unit 1 arrived, and the thick particle beam falling from the sky hit Yang Hui directly.

Upon seeing this, Yang Hui immediately took back the control of the shield-type GN-bit from Harrow's hands, and the combination was in front of him to block the sniper attack of Unit 1. In that moment, Unit 2 rushed down and caught the GN particle consumption. Unit 3 turned around and ran away.

Yang Hui originally wanted to pursue, but another particle beam cannon hit, and Yang Hui had to be hindered again. The fierce gunfire directly destroyed the shield-type GN-bit. Fortunately, the energy of the particle beam cannon was just exhausted, otherwise he would have died. It's really troublesome.

Yang Hui could easily dodge this level of shelling if he wanted to, but unfortunately...

He couldn't hide. Once he dodged, the particle beam cannon would hit the manor below. Although civilians had been reminded to evacuate, how far could he run in this little time?

"Tch, it's the first time a target has escaped, and his reputation has been lost..." Yang Hui said unhappily. He originally planned to leave behind a series of Angel Gundams, but was held back by civilians.


"Forget it, it's not a loss anyway."

The secret angel turned around, and Yang Hui looked down, either in shock, or recovering from the disaster, or thanking his civilians, especially for saving Louise. Yang Hui felt that this humiliation was not a loss.

The Secret Angel gave a thumbs up to the civilians below, then rose into the sky and disappeared from their sight with an emerald green light.


"It's great, it's really great."

"We were saved by Gundam."

"Just now, the blue Gundam seems to have said that the red Gundam is not a member of [Celestial Being]..."

"What the hell! The blue Gundam saved us."

"That's right!"

"But this is also very important information. It seems that we can make another fortune."

Louise hugged her parents and looked towards the direction where the Secret Angel was leaving. She was very naive before and never thought that she and Gundam would have any interactions. She watched all Gundam news with a lively attitude, although Shaz She has always been confused about the purpose and behavior of Gundam and [Celestial Being], but she never cared.

Now, she felt that she had recognized the real [Celestial being] and Gundam. Maybe it was only a small aspect of it, but she did interact with Gundam.

She found that after experiencing the crisis of life and death, she grew up, no longer felt that her parents were nagging, and for the first time she began to think about what she should do in the future.

"You have to apologize to Shaz properly when you go back." Although there were tears of joy and sorrow in the corners of Louise's eyes, the corners of her mouth turned up in a gentle arc.

After the three angel planes confirmed that the secret angel had not caught up, John breathed a sigh of relief and immediately asked Nina what happened? Why did the Secret Angel attack her.

"Brother John..." Nina cried sadly, like an infatuated girl abandoned by a heartless man.

"Okay Nina, what happened? Why did the Secret Angel attack you?"

"I don't know either. We came here just to kill those people, but who knew he suddenly rushed out and started attacking me..." Nina said aggrievedly.

"This bastard, I must kill him!" Mihail is a senior sister control, Nina is so sad, no matter how scared she is, she has to help her sister teach Yang Hui a lesson.

"Did he say anything?" John asked. Yang Hui was definitely not an irrational person and could not attack them without any reason.

"He asked me why I was attacking civilians..."

"How did you answer?"

"I just don't like them! So I want to kill them!"

"What was his reaction?"

"He said...he said..." Nina's emotions were so intense before that she didn't pay attention to them. Now she thought of Yang Hui's sentence to them, and her face became paler and paler, "...he said...we are not [celestial beings]" One...will...will intervene with force in all our actions."

"What did you say!?" John and Michael looked horrified.

They have no parents, no family, or even their own lives. They have lived to become Gundam messengers since they were young, and they have dedicated everything to the great goal of eradicating war.

But now, the meaning of their lives has been denied. What will happen to them... in the future?

"Damn it! Who does he think he is!? Are we [Celestial beings], are we Gundam messengers? Do we need him to admit it? Brother, I will kill him when the machine is repaired!" Mihail yelled.

"Calm down, let's go back to the base first, report this matter to Ragnar, and ask him how to deal with it." John calmed down and decided.

"Brother! Are we just going to let this go? That bastard even hurt Nina!"

"I know! But it's important to repair the machine now. We'll wait until Ragnar gives instructions."


"Shut up!" John was rarely angry at his younger brothers and sisters. He was now in a mess. He also wanted to avenge Nina and trample Yang Hui and Secret Angel under his feet. But not only did the situation not allow it, the three of them joined forces. Even if you get up, you may not be able to beat him.

And if Yang Hui is really the person in charge of the [Celestial Being] Project, then their identities...

"Let's go back first."

Seeing that John's face calmed down again, Mihail and Nina, who didn't dare to breathe out, breathed a sigh of relief, but they didn't dare to make any more trouble and followed Unit 1 obediently.

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