Mecha War: Starting from Gundam OO

Chapter 771 Great disparity in military strength and combat power

In the middle of the slums of Area D and Itsukushima Base, there is a hidden river valley. The five machines, Caesar, Ryan, Libra, Sakitaris and Caprico, are hiding in the dense woods, nervously overlooking the river below.

"Lord Lelouch, will the enemy really pass through here?" Gino asked.

"Yes." Lelouch explained to the five people through the remote communication channel, "I have carefully studied the route from Area D to Itsukushima Base. Unless you imitate the Knights of Nightmare to cross the mountains and ridges silently, there are only three roads and this river. This river is very secretive. The water flow is usually turbulent, and it is impossible to march against the current. Only in the past one or two months will the water recede. It is not only gentle but also shallow, enough for Knightmare to pass through."

"Judging from the distance of this river, the army cannot pass through. The army can only take three roads, but taking the main roads will definitely be discovered by friendly forces, so this river is either not visited by anyone, or it is an elite commando." Monica added at the right time.

"Why don't you consider the enemy's commandos learning from their predecessors to cross mountains and ridges?" Audrin asked in confusion.

"That's impossible." Monica refuted Audrin before the others, and her excited tone and demeanor exposed the secret that she was a Yang Hui fan. "The reason why the [Nightmare] Knights are the strongest knights in the world is because we can do things that others can't do! Every member of the [Nightmare] Knights is an elite carefully selected by His Highness, and has undergone rigorous training under His Highness's leadership. If the [ELEVEN] resistance organization could achieve the feat of the [Nightmare] Knights, they would not have been defeated so badly a few years ago!"

"Uh... okay, you're right."

Gino and others were ashamed. Although Monica's words made sense, isn't this kind of fanatical fan supporting their idol not suitable for the current environment?

"Monica is half right. The enemy's special forces can indeed imitate the feat of the Nightmare Knights and cross mountains and ridges to carry out a strong attack, but they can't accomplish the feat of the Nightmare. Even if they cross mountains and ridges to approach the Itsukushima base, they can't be as fast as the Nightmare." Lelouch took a breath, resisted the idea of ​​complaining about Monica, and said to the five people, "If the actions of the resistance organization want to achieve great results, they must highlight the word "fast". Once they are slow, they can't compete with the army, so they can't choose to cross mountains and ridges." Everyone nodded in agreement. In the constant contact, Gino and the others found that Lelouch was not that difficult to contact. They could see many shadows of Yang Hui in Lelouch, especially when they regarded each other as equal companions. For example, Lelouch would take the initiative to analyze the current battle situation for them in his spare time, discuss Knightmare team tactics with them, and even ask for Knightmare driving skills, etc. This also made them recognize Lelouch and really regard him as a companion, not a high-ranking prince. At this moment, the birds in the mountains were startled, and roars from different distances continued to be heard around.

"Lord Lelouch, the sound of fighting came from afar, and the friendly forces on the road met the enemy." Orpheus immediately reported the situation on the scene to Lelouch.

"Well, it's about time, get ready, the rangers on the river should not be far away."

"Yes, your highness."X5

Each of them checked whether the concealment was intact, then turned off the engine of the body, waiting for the arrival of the enemy. After a while, the sound of mechanical operation and the sound of "gurgling" water gradually approached, and red dots continued to appear on the radar system of [Sakitalis].

"The enemy was found, compared with the database, it was determined to be an improved version of the fifth-generation Knightmare Sunderland, the number is behind the troops, and a large number of amphibious armored vehicles were found." Audrin reported.

"It's really a big deal, Orpheus, is the explosives you made okay?" Gino asked nervously.

"No problem, don't forget that I've always been the first in physics."

"Ahaha, just kidding." Gino said awkwardly. He just made a joke to ease the tense atmosphere, but Ophis answered him seriously.

"Okay, Gino, be serious. This is our first battle." Monica reminded Gino.

"Of course I know, that's why I'm nervous." Gino squeezed the joystick hard. His joke was not only to ease his companions' tension, but also his own.

"The disparity in strength, but the combat power..."

"The disparity, we are far better than the other side." X5

Before Lelouch finished speaking, the five people directly said the second half of the sentence for him, confident, firm, and resolute.

"Yes, our combat power is far superior to the enemy, because we are..."


"In the name of Bunitaria... no, in the name of your commander Lelouch, detonate the bomb after the first enemy passes the coordinate D10 and annihilate the enemy!"

"Yes, your highness."X5

Because the river is narrow, the Knightmare of the Sakura Liberation Front and the amphibious armored vehicle troops behind them turned into a long dragon and moved forward quickly in the river, just moving forward, moving forward without hesitation, completely ignoring the two sides lurking with 【Nightmare】, and the deadly threats hidden under their feet.


After the first Knightmare in the lead rushed through the cordon, Orpheus activated the blasting device.

"Boom boom boom boom..."

As the dazzling light pierced the water, a violent explosion exploded at the feet of the long dragon. The long dragon was instantly bathed in the firelight and shattered into pieces.

"[Sakitalis], name the vanguard survivors." Looking at the red light spots that luckily remained in the explosion, Lelouch gave a cold order.

"Yes, your highness."

The dark gun muzzle burst into flames, and bullets shot out from the barrel, piercing a Knightmare that stood up in embarrassment. The cockpit was blasted with a big hole, leaving only some stumps and blood of the pilot inside, and then was burned by the flames. engulf.

[Sagitalis] kept changing his gun's muzzle and fired one after another. The lucky man who survived the explosion was not looked at by the goddess of luck a second time.

"[Ryan], [Caprico], cut in from the side, cutting the enemy's center open."

"Yes, your highness." X2

[Ryan], who had transformed into a lion form, jumped up from the woods, like a lion pounced on a herd of deer cubs, its claws sweeping across, its fangs biting, tearing its prey into pieces.

[Caplico] Like a shadowy assassin, his erratic figure shuttles back and forth among the enemy troops. The sharp sword in his hand will pierce the chest through the back at some point. When he looks back, he has already disappeared. , or bullets from unknown sources shattered the armor, sending a gift to the God of Death.

"Your Highness Lelouch, the enemy's rear army is pressing forward." After destroying the front army and disrupting the center army, Audrey saw that the enemy's rear army began to accelerate and she reported immediately.

"[Ryan], [Caplico] retreat, [Lebra], it's your turn to take action."

"Yes, your highness." X3

The lion and the assassin gave up the target and prey in front of them and retreated into the woods.

The Rangers of the Sakura Liberation Front were overjoyed to see this. Reinforcements had arrived, but Bunitalia's special aircraft could only flee in panic in front of them. Their morale was boosted, and they were ready to attack the Itsukushima base in one go and regain the once-dawn light. is only a flash in the pan after all. At the end of life, the best hope is given, and then...crushed ruthlessly!

"Boom boom boom boom..."

Countless cannonballs fell from the sky and violently exploded the fireworks. They were not only extremely gorgeous, but also filled with the smell of death.

"Mission accomplished." Ania exited the cockpit expressionlessly, took a photo of her masterpiece, then nodded expressionlessly and sat back in the cockpit.


On the chessboard in Lelouch's mind, he holds the gray chess pieces in his hand and eats all the black chess pieces. Soldiers, chariots, knights, bishops, and queens all surround the black king, with no way to retreat or escape.

As the last step fell, Lelouch issued the final order: "[Caesar], [Ryan], and [Caplico] began to attack, and [Sakitalis] sniped and covered, hunting as many prey as possible. Bar."

"Yes, your highness!" X4

What Lelouch and the five Gino men didn't know was that on the mountainside in the distance, Jeremiah and Joan Law were watching the whole process with binoculars.

"As expected of His Highness Lelouch, and worthy of being chosen by His Highness Yang Hui." Jeremiah praised.

"Well, in this battle, they can achieve excellence." Qiong Luo commented fairly. "In terms of driving skills, they are enough to bear the title of the Twelve Zodiacs. What they lack is combat experience, but combat awareness They are all excellent, the most important thing is..."

"...It's still His Highness Lelouch's battle plan and tactical command." Jeremiah added.

In this battle, there was a huge disparity in terms of both military strength and combat power, and it was not the way Lelouch and the others were cheering, but neither side had the upper hand.

Yes, the driving skills of the five Gino men are indeed excellent, and their aircraft are among the best in the world, but this is not enough to support them in annihilating this Rangers. Without excellent combat plans and tactical command, no matter how strong they are, they can only have five Individual and Wutai Knightmare.

Maybe they can hold off the enemy for a while, maybe they can use sneak attacks to severely damage them, but they definitely can't annihilate them.

But they did it, thanks to Lelouch's battle plan, which placed everyone in the most critical position and played the most critical role at the most critical time.

"It's just a pity that we don't have a chance to appear." Joan Luo regretted that she and Jeremiah were arranged to be the examiners of Lelouch and the five-person team, and they were also protectors, saving them in critical moments.

Now that the enemy forces have been wiped out, Lelouch and the others have completed the exam perfectly, and they have no chance to take action.

"It doesn't matter, we are not short of this record." Jeremiah patted Joan Luo's shoulder and comforted him. The veterans of [Nightmare] no longer pursue record. Their record is enough to return home and receive a medal. , "And there are still a lot of prey waiting for us to hunt."

Seeing Jeremiah pointing in the direction behind them, which was the direction of a main road, and the sound of fighting had not stopped, Qiong Luo regained some energy.

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