Mecha War: Starting from Gundam OO

Chapter 800 Aniya is the largest supplier!

A few hours later, Shamna walked out of Yang Hui's office with a serious look on her face. She felt that it was not real. Was what she just heard and agreed to Yang Hui's request true? Do you want to commit suicide and load the file again?

However, if all this is true, then Shamna must seize this opportunity. This is the best opportunity for the rise of Kyrgyzstan, but she must return home immediately. There are too many things to prepare for, such as... Clean up your combat troops.

"Mr. Yang Hui, is she really trustworthy?" Regeni Rejeta asked seriously, looking through the window with Yang Hui at Shamna leaving below.

She also knew Shamna's GEASS ability, and because of this, she didn't think Shamna was a trustworthy collaborator.

First, with Shamna’s abilities, which superior would dare to trust her? There is always the threat of losing control.

Secondly, Shamna is not a simple character. How powerful is the mind of a person who can make a living by committing suicide?

"Believable, because she is not stupid." Yang Hui has no trust in Xia Munna. They are just collaborators. Xia Munna is a smart person. The choice is placed in front of her. If she can make the wrong choice, then She is no longer the queen who managed Gilkestan in an orderly manner.

"I will send someone to keep an eye on her." Regeni Rejeta has absolute trust in Yang Hui, but he still needs to take the necessary precautions.


Yang Hui nodded in agreement. Although it is difficult to put people beside Shamna, it will take a long time and may not be successful, but as long as Shamna knows that those people are Yang Hui's people, she will not touch them and will give in obediently. They spy on themselves, at least until her goal is achieved.

As for whether Shamna will cause trouble... Not to mention that Promis Fortress will be connected to the world after his goal is completed. Now Yang Hui is not afraid of Shamna causing trouble.

The invincible archive and load method has a natural enemy, and that is absolute strength.

For example, the final BOSS has level 100, but you are only at level 10. No matter how many times you save and read, you will never be able to defeat it. You can only level up obediently.

But what if you are facing a BOSS that can be upgraded and upgraded ten times faster than the player?

"By the way, how is the replacement of the pseudo-solar furnace going?" Yang Hui asked. This is what they should pay most attention to. No plan is as important as absolute strength.

"Everything has been completed. The construction progress of the secret training base has reached 80%. It is expected that adaptive training will be available next month." Regeni Rejetahui reported.

"The progress is so fast?" Yang Hui was stunned for a moment. This is [ELEVEN], not some big country in the East. It can complete the miracle of building a large hospital in 10 days.

"Because it was a commission directly issued by the Governor's Palace, both the builders and the construction team responded positively and were even willing to work for the Governor's Palace for free. Mr. Yang Hui, this is the change you have brought about." Regeni Rejeta smiled. said.

Following Yang Hui, he really witnessed one miracle after another, such as the construction of the secret training base. If it was the former [ELEVEN], this would never have happened.

People in this country used to be described as numb, going to work, getting off work, eating, sleeping, repeating the same life every day, an infinite cycle, indifferent to everything except themselves.

But all this began to gradually change after the establishment of [ELEVEN] and the disappearance of the six Kyoto families who controlled the country behind the scenes. People became more and more enthusiastic about their lives and began to be full of interest in everything around them that had nothing to do with them. , starting from individuals one after another, merging into small groups one after another, then gradually merging into countless large groups, and finally becoming a whole.

The former Reggie Reggie was different from Livonz, but they also had similarities. This was also a common problem among man-made revolutionaries. They looked down on ordinary people. In his eyes, human beings were just a collection of negatives, but gradually , she saw the warm and shining side of human beings, and even participated in it personally, experiencing it personally, which gave her an experience she had never felt before.

She now finally understood why Aeolia Huuchenberg asked her to follow Yang Hui.

Witnessing and recording is not only a legend that belongs to Yang Hui, but also a legend that belongs to mankind.

"The remuneration that should be paid must be paid on time, and the efforts of the Governor's Office over the years cannot be wasted."

"Do not worry."

"Also, how are the conditions of Kallen and Suzaku? Have they met the standards?" Yang Hui asked.

"I can hold it in [Jiminy's] hands for 20 minutes."

"It's only 20 minutes..."

Hearing this, the corner of Regeni Rejeta's mouth twitched. At this time, she couldn't help but want to ask Yang Hui if what he said was human.

Kaishiro Toudo is the second master of the [Nightmare] Knights. Combined with his martial arts strength and classified according to the levels of Promis Fortress, he is a B-level pilot and can even squeeze into the T1 level in Promes Fortress!

Don't underestimate this evaluation. The top combat power of Promes Fortress is headed by Yang Hui, Graham, Setsuna, Dilandi brothers, Allelujah, Tieria, Fleet, Asem, and Jha. Te, Kruse, Kira, Aslan, Luo, Jung, Amuro, [One-Hit Kill] Breniff Ogus and others, these aces are all T0 level.

Then there is the T1 level, who are there? Sergey, Soma Piris, Woruf, Lagon, Sprigang and his wife, Barry Ho, Zhen Xiaoniao, Yitzhak, Diego, Yang Hui's first batch of direct subordinates at UC, etc. people.

Among them, they were either trained by Yang Hui personally, or they were people who had experienced several world missions. They were all aces in various worlds. Kaishiro Toudo was able to squeeze into the T1 level as soon as he entered Promis Fortress without being the protagonist of the world. , is already an absolute ace-level strength.

And how long did it take for Kallen and Shumu Suzaku to officially accept the formal training of the [Nightmare] Knights? How long have you been exposed to high-end combat power? Are you asking them to defeat Toudo Kaishiro? Let me first ask who among the entire [Nightmare] Knights can do it except you?

Let alone victory, even Jeremiah and other veteran aces could last for an hour in the hands of Toudo Kaishiro?

"According to the normal assessment requirements, Kallen and Suzaku have reached the passing standards." Regeni Rejetta still said to Yang Hui. After all, in his opinion, Kallen and Shumu Suzaku are already very good. Qualified to become the master of [Aquilias] and [Piscus].

"...Let's go and have a look." Nothing like the assessment results are as good as seeing them with your own eyes.


Yang Hui brought Regeni Rejeta to the exclusive training ground of the Twelve Zodiacs. Jeremiah and others were all present. After all, the Twelve Zodiacs who had been vacant were finally getting together, so naturally they were very concerned about it.

"Your Highness."

"Are you all here?"


"Aniya, are you okay?" Yang Hui looked concerned about Aniya in the team. Mariana had been separated from her body, but it was not without any side effects, but it was mainly Aniya's psychological problem.

After all, Mariana has existed in Ania's body for so many years, and has been secretly teaching Ania driving skills. She can be regarded as Ania's teacher. Mariana was stripped away, making Ania always feel that a part of herself is missing. I felt very empty, and even had a wrong perception of my own memories. I didn't know which memories were my own and which were Mariana's.

"Hmm... not bad." Looking at Aniya's condition, it was much better than at the beginning, but it was still not completely resolved.

"Remember, Aniya, I don't know the past, but the memories you have here belong to you and have nothing to do with her. This is your home, and we are all your family."

"Yes, I understand." Ania nodded. When she heard the words "home" and "family," the corners of her mouth curved slightly.

"Huh~ Your Highness is still awesome." Gino happily said to Yang Hui, even adding exaggerated body language, "No matter how hard we try to persuade her, it's useless. Your Highness, you don't know, Ania doesn't even take secret photos!"


As soon as he finished speaking, the sound of taking pictures on a mobile phone came from behind Gino. Everyone looked and saw that the familiar Aniya was back. They looked at Gino who was saved on the collection screen and nodded.

"Aniya?" Gino still stiffly maintained his grandiose posture and asked with a tearless look on his face, "Why did you stab me in the back?"

"No." Aniya "clicked" a few photos in a nonchalant manner, and then put the phone away.

"Pfft~ Hahahaha..."

Everyone laughed happily. Yang Hui was right. The [Nightmare] Knights are the home of every [Nightmare] Knight. All the [Nightmare] Knights are each other’s family. Aniya has been in a bad state, and they are all worried. Now that I see Aniya has recovered a lot, my mood is naturally much better.

"Let's discuss it, can you not post it on the official website?" Gino pitifully asked Ania with his hands clasped together.

In order to cooperate with the publicity work, the Governor's Palace has an official website, and in order to make it more friendly to the people, a photo wall is specially set up to post some daily photos of the staff of the Governor's Palace.

The [Nightmare] Knights are a unit directly under Yang Hui, and are naturally classified into the Governor's Mansion. Photos related to confidentiality are definitely not allowed to be posted, but daily life training is still possible. It just happens to let everyone get to know the [Nightmare] Knights. On the battlefield, they are the enemy's [nightmare], but off the battlefield, like everyone else, they are ordinary people of flesh and blood.

Among them, the most popular ones are any funny photos related to the [Nightmare] Knight.

Aniya: Well, yes, I am the biggest supplier!

"Huh? It's about to end."

After the fun was over, everyone's attention returned to [Jiminy], [Aquilias] and [Pisquez] who were fighting in the training ground. They happened to see [Jiminy]'s double swords to kill [Aquilias]. Lias] and [Pixx] were chopped to the ground.

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