Mecha War: Starting from Gundam OO

Chapter 803 Landing on the beach? So familiar!

"It's still too merciful." Yang Hui shook his head while looking at the battle report of [Pixx] and the Deep Sea Team.

"This is his character." Lelouch was equally helpless. He didn't agree with Shumu Suzaku's approach. His style was closer to that of Yang Hui, which was to be ruthless to his enemies!

But who made Shumu Suzaku his good friend for many years... ahem, good friend? You still have to help when it's time to help.

"This reminds me of two people. One almost killed my wife, and the other is the absolute ace of the legion." Yang Hui couldn't help but sigh. Because of his intervention, Shumu Suzaku became completely different from the original history. There was no patricide. Instead of being determined and ruthless, he became more innocent and gentle, which had to remind him of Black Tea's little grandson and Kira.

"Your wife? When did you get married?" Lelouch was stunned for a moment. He and Yang Hui grew up together. Why didn't he know when he had a sister-in-law?

Oh, you are over 200 years old? That's okay.

"Well, I still haven't gotten used to it," Lelouch said with a depressed look.

"I understand, I understand, haha."

"By the wife..."

"You should call me sister-in-law!"

"Ahem, okay, sister-in-law..." Lelouch really wanted to say that we don't even call you brother, and you still want me to call you sister-in-law? But after noticing the threat in Yang Hui's eyes, he still chose to give in, "...can you tell me about them?"

"Hoho, I'm not sleepy anymore when it comes to this!" Yang Hui laughed happily, his eyes full of tenderness, "Your sisters-in-law..."

"Wait! Sisters-in-law!?" Lelouch grabbed Hua Dian.


"..." Lelouch gave a thumbs up to Yang Hui's firm nod, "I'm looking forward to the scene when Cornelia meets them."

"..." Yang Hui looked up at the ceiling, filling in the picture in his mind, and instantly shuddered. Cornelia is a strong woman, but she is not an unreasonable person. She may mind it at first, but she will slowly be able to integrate into it. On this point, Yang Hui has absolute confidence in Huang and the others.

It's just... they will definitely get along very well, but he will probably suffer.

"I think we can discuss other things." Yang Hui wisely chose to change the topic.

"For example?" Lelouch smiled jokingly. He was not a fun person, but if he could see Yang Hui's fun, then he was a fun person.

"For example, find a good teacher for Suzaku." Yang Hui said.

Hearing this, Lelouch no longer wanted to have fun and focused on listening to Yang Hui's thoughts. (Good gay friends, forever?)

Immediately, Yang Hui briefly introduced Kira to Lelouch, including his character and fighting style. After listening, Lelouch's eyes lit up.

"A super ace who never fights in the cockpit, but is determined by his strength. Isn't this the most suitable teacher for Suzaku!?"


"Where is the other one? What happened to that person...?" Lelouch asked. After learning about the existence of Promis Fortress, he was very interested in Yang Hui's past, but he had never been able to find the opportunity before. Asked, now that Yang Hui has taken the initiative to bring it up, he will naturally not let it go easily.

"Alas." Yang Hui also sighed, not intending to hide it, and told Lelouch the wonderful story.

"...You didn't kill him?" Lelouch was a little surprised. Qiao was a firefighter on the battlefield and almost killed one of his own people, but Yang Hui was able to hold back from killing him.

"No." Yang Hui waved his hand. That was Fleet's biological grandson, Asem's biological son, and he could be considered his half-grandson. How could he kill him? "He's out of combat and working as a doctor in his own world."

"...You shouldn't let such a person go to the battlefield." Lelouch said. Although Kira and Chio are both people who implement the principle of not killing, there are also essential differences.

Kira will try not to directly kill the enemy within the scope of his abilities, but when necessary, he can also kill him, and he will not take the initiative to save the enemy, and will not fight again after the enemy loses their ability to fight. Never mind; but Qiao is sure that the Holy Mother has gone too far. If you don’t want to kill people, don’t go to the battlefield! It’s okay if you don’t want to kill anyone yourself, but you actually save the enemy from your own people? You dare not take action in a dangerous battle, how can you save them? And then almost killed his own relatives?

If this kind of person is Lelouch, no matter what Qiao's status is, either you get out of the battlefield or wait to be tricked to death by me!

"I was also careless. I didn't expect him to do it to this extent." Yang Hui did not deny his mistake. At that time, he agreed to Qiao to continue flying the Gundam to participate in the battle. On the one hand, because he was Asem's son, Fleet's grandson, biological father and biological grandfather didn't say anything, and he couldn't say more. On the other hand, he was too conceited about himself, thinking that he had the strength to protect everyone under any circumstances.

"Is there anything else? Something worth remembering."

"That's a lot..."

Yang Hui understands Lelouch's plan. He has a character that refuses to admit defeat. He will definitely go to Promis Fortress. Now that he has gone, he must do his best. He is not good at fighting, but he is good at commanding. His goal But the first commander of the Promes Legion, and this premise, in addition to his own ability, is intelligence. Before going to the Promes Fortress, he wanted to collect as much intelligence as possible and know the basic information about his opponent in advance.

Healthy competition has always been advocated by Yang Hui. If Lelouch had such an ambition, of course Yang Hui would not stop him and would do his best to help him. Therefore, he did not hide it and told Lu Lu Xiu about the top commanders in the Promis Legion. Road repair.

"...It's a bit troublesome." Lelouch frowned after hearing this, because his opponents were all ruthless characters with outstanding abilities and experience. He was not even a little behind now.

Let’s take a look at who his opponents are, including famous UC players such as Katy, Fleet, Alugureas, Mina, Ray Bill, and Tianmu...

The experience of the above people in commanding large armies is not comparable to that of Lelouch. Just look at them. If you take any battle, it is a very large-scale battle, with dozens or millions of people participating in the battle.

And what about him? He had been in charge of the command of a small team before, but now he was exposed to the command of the entire army in a large-scale battle, and... this was just a battle on earth. He was a blank slate for the tactical and strategic command of the space fleet!

"So you have to work hard." Yang Hui said to Lelouch in a joking tone. Lelouch did not need gentle encouragement, he only needed stimulation.

"What do you need to say?" Lelouch glared at Yang Hui and said angrily, but full of determination and passion, "I want to follow General Ray Bill, is that okay?"


Yang Hui nodded in agreement without hesitation. Among the top commanders of the Promes Legion, Ray Bill is undoubtedly Lelouch's best choice, because Ray Bill has the highest qualifications and the highest ability, and he focuses on fleet command. Unlike Fleet and others, who have top-notch commanding abilities, but are also ace pilots. They often fly their mobile suits onto the battlefield in the middle of commanding.

Then Yang Hui continued to chat with Lelouch about his past experiences, and it was naturally boring to chat with just the two of them. Yang Hui also called Reggie Reggieta, Todo Kaishiro and others over. Anyway, they will all become They are the mainstay of the Promes Legion, so it would be good to tell them some things about the Promes Fortress in advance.

A group of people stayed in the [Sanctuary] room and it was not too crowded. They just listened to Yang Hui telling about his glorious deeds. From time to time, someone asked a question, and Yang Hui patiently answered it. He was enjoying himself, not at all like his superiors and subordinates. .


"Didi didi..."

Yang Hui's communicator rang, ending the pleasant and relaxed chat.

"Your Highness."

"What's up?"

"There are still 3,000 nautical miles away from the coastline. Enemy forces were detected gathering on the coastline. Enemy aerial reconnaissance aircraft were also spotted. We were discovered."

"Everyone is ready for level one battle. The fleet command will be taken over by Chief of Staff Lelouch. I will fly [Athena] to attack."

"Yes, your highness!"

The communication was hung up, and the relaxed expression disappeared, replaced by danger and cruelty.

"Have you all rested?"

"Yes, your highness!"XN

"Very well, prepare to attack, Lelouch, I'll leave the command to you."

"Yes." Lelouch nodded, excited and extremely serious at the same time. He knew that this was a training opportunity given to him by Yang Hui.

If the vision was still the same as before, a battle of this scale would have been extremely huge, but after listening to Yang Hui's story, Lelouch felt that a battle of this scale was like playing house.

Why did Yang Hui give Lelouch the opportunity to command the entire army? On the one hand, he also wanted to use this opportunity to give Lelouch some training. Lelouch also knew that what he lacked the most was actual command experience in large-scale battles, and his command habits were indeed biased toward small-scale elite operations, which was too narrow. ; On the other hand, a battle of this scale is simply game-level to Yang Hui, and there is no need for Yang Hui to be prepared.

Yang Hui took the others to Gnaku, and Lelouch came to the bridge alone and sat in the commander's seat.

"chief of staff."

When the crew members saw Lelouch arriving, they stood up and saluted. They called "Chief of General Staff" instead of "His Royal Highness Lelouch." This was a recognition of Lelouch and told him that he did not sit on this seat based on his status. It is also a respect for Yang Hui, because there is only one person in the [Nightmare] Knights who is qualified to be called His Highness during the war, and that is Yang Hui.

"What's the situation with the enemy?" Lelouch waved his hand and asked everyone to return to their work.

"The enemy reconnaissance plane has been hovering over our army..."

"The enemy troops are lined up along the coastline, including naval fleets and army units, suspected to be positional warfare defense lines..."

"The sonar system detected a large number of small objects, which are suspected to be mine arrays deployed by the enemy!"

"Report, radar has detected a large number of flying objects, database comparison... it is an enemy air strike brigade! The distance is 2000!"

Putting all the reports together in his mind, Lelouch's mind once again formed a chessboard, with the enemy and our chess pieces split on both sides.

"Beach Landing? Haha, it's quite familiar." The current situation reminded Lelouch of a game called [Beach Landing] that Yang Hui played ten years ago when he was bored. Anyway, it was quite boring, but he didn't expect it to actually play in reality. They met in the middle, and... they were still on the offensive side.

"The fleet shrinks its formation and GN particles begin to spread. The regular third Knightmare brigade uses C equipment to attack, determine the layout of the mine array and eliminate it, opening a path for the fleet to advance. The [Nightmare] Knights equip D equipment and take off to completely annihilate the enemy. After the air power crossed the defense line and destroyed the rear of the enemy's defense line, the conventional 1st and 2nd Knightmare Brigades were equipped with D equipment and took off. After the [Nightmare] Knights annihilated the enemy's air power, they carried out air strikes on the enemy's defense line. The conventional 4th and 5th Knightmare Brigades were equipped with D equipment. Knightmare uses B equipment and is on standby."

"Yes, your highness!"XN

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