Mecha War: Starting from Gundam OO

Chapter 95 Angels Fall—Scattered

"Formation S32...ah~!"

The three machines of De Angel, Main Angel and Enable Angel are wrapped in the local three-three formation. It is impossible to distinguish between the main attack and the feint attack. You think this team is the main attack, but the next second they become a feint attack, and the other team It became the main attack.

Tieria prepared to adopt a tactical formation to break through the opponent's blockade, but as soon as the GN position lit up, it was penetrated by several black and red beams.

"Tieria, don't rely on the GN position."

"I know!"

De Angel fired the GN cannon at the enemy formation like a vent, but the pink light had no effect other than adding a bright color to the dim universe.

The Lord Angel wanted to use mobile guerrilla support. Although several GN-X [Disaster Type] were defeated, the AEU troops were like soy sauce on the side from the beginning and did not integrate into the formation at all, so they were hit. The fall was innocuous at all, and even they were holding back.

Just when one is about to tear a hole, the space of movement will be compressed by powerful firepower, and he will return to the side of En Angel and De Angel.

Setsuna was even more frustrated. The GN fighter did provide many long-range attack methods for the Angels, but Setsuna's hit rate was really impressive. Unless someone was careless at the beginning and underestimated the power of the GN cannon and the high-power two-unit GN beam gun. , three [Flag Captors] and two [Flag Capturers] were destroyed, and none of them made any achievements after that.

"Start the Trans-am breakout!" Setsuna suggested.

"But the battle has just begun. If we activate Trans-am now..." Allelujah objected.

"According to the plan, Merin will definitely come!" Tieria rarely agreed with Hallelujah.


The three planes quickly dispersed, and a thick orange beam penetrated the formation, cutting it in half and penetrating where the three planes were just now.

"Who is it!?" Sergey, who was in charge of the command, immediately cursed because he did not receive any notification of the attack just now, and even several friendly [Trap] and [Flag Capturer] were affected.

"I'm very sorry, Colonel Smirnov. I saw that your battle situation was too anxious, so I came to help. It's a pity that friendly forces will not appear on the beam."

"It's you! Why don't you obey..." Sergey looked at Alvarette who was speeding from behind, his expression became very ugly. He had seen the attack just now, if it weren't for the pilots who subconsciously felt a sense of crisis. After dodging for a while, it was not just a severed arm or leg.

And it could be heard from the other party's tone that he did not regard them as friendly forces at all, nor did he care about their life or death.

"Colonel Smirnov, I have obtained the right to fight independently." Alessandro Corner said jokingly.


"So Colonel Smirnov, leave this Gundam to me!"

Before he finished speaking, Alvarette surpassed [Beiwei] at an extremely fast speed. The fighting hands on both sides spread out their claws, collided with the large GN sword of Archangel E, and flew away into the distance.

"Setsuna!" Seeing Setsuna leaving the current universe, Allelujah and Tieria became anxious.

But it's a pity that they don't have time to worry about capable angels, because...

"I will be your opponent! Experimental question E-0057!"

The three Gundams were separated by Alvarette's sneak attack, and Piris also seized the opportunity to find the Archangel. The [Trap] special-type shooting blocked the Archangel's movement space, forcing it away from the Archangel little by little.

"Damn it, it's you again!" Allelujah cursed secretly. He also knew that the other party was also a super soldier and was known as the most perfect successful body. He had a strange obsession with him.

"Why!? Why do you want to kill your compatriots!?" The GN beam swords crossed each other, and Piris opened the general channel and asked Allelujah angrily.

"No! I helped them free themselves! That kind of evil experiment shouldn't exist!" Allelujah shouted.

"We don't need you to save us at all! Our compatriots don't need it! I've succeeded! Then they can too! We will all succeed! We can all..."

"No! This is wrong! They just use us as props! They don't care about our life or death at all! You have felt it too! That kind of pain! And you haven't experienced it! We were once executed!" Arelu Ya said, "And even if they succeed, they will just go around and collect more children! Then they will do experiments! Use them as weapons! Isn't that what you do!?"

"I...I...I am a super soldier! My duty is to fight! I exist to complete the mission! And...why do I have to kill them all!"

"You are wrong...well..." Hallelujah wanted to continue to persuade, but Hallelujah's voice suddenly sounded in his mind.

"You are still so hypocritical! Allelujah! Let me come out! Let me tell her that we are the most perfect super soldiers!"

"No! She can still be saved..."

"She is finished! She has been completely brainwashed! Let me out! Let me take you to survive! It doesn't matter whether you want to be hypocritical or not! But we have to survive!"


Just as Allelujah and Hallelujah were arguing in their minds, the [Trap] special type seized the opportunity, swung away the Lord Angel's GN beam sword with one hand, and kicked the cockpit.


Accompanied by the violent vibration and impact, Hallelujah fainted directly, and Hallelujah just took over the control of the body.


"Why are you laughing?" Piris noticed and the other party's state changed.

"Woman, you said you are the perfect super soldier, but unfortunately, let me tell you! What is a super soldier!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the Lord Angel moved, and the two GN submachine guns kept firing at the [Entrapment] special type. Countless beams of light hit the shield of the [Entrapment] special type, and the huge momentum caused it to retreat continuously.

"Ugh~! Damn it!" Accelerating instantly, the special type [Trap] rushed in front of the main angel and swung his sword, but at the critical moment, the main angel transformed into his MA form, and his tail with a green meteor instantly opened. After closing the distance between the two sides, he changed back to his MS form again and fired at the [Trap] special type.

"Damn it! The movements are different!" Piris said angrily. The current main angel is like a slippery loach, which cannot be caught at all. The special type [Entrapment] fell into a dangerous situation where he could not fight and retreat. , and even began to doubt whether what the other party said was true, and that he was not a perfect super soldier.

"second lieutenant!"


[Beiwei] surrounded them with several [Falling Formation] units, providing fire cover for the [Falling Formation] special type.

"Don't be careless, let's take him down together."

"But there is also a fat machine..."

"There is someone in charge over there, let's take down the transformer together!"


The frustrated Piris received the support of his superiors and comrades, and immediately cheered up and joined the formation to surround and kill the Lord Angel.

"Tch, go ahead with the soldiers!" Faced with the strict formation of the squad, the Lord Angel immediately fell into a dangerous situation and could no longer maintain his previous arrogance.

At this moment, the dawn of hope came, and Yang Hui's voice sounded in the communication.

"The restrictions on each aircraft are lifted, and the decisive battle begins!"

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