"Chaming Mountain" is an active volcano on the outskirts of Izumo City.

In cultures with belief in gods, mountains and rivers usually have some mysterious meanings. Chaming Mountain is one of the three most holy mountains in Shanyin, and it is said that it is the burial place of the "lord of Huangquan".

The top of the mountain is covered with snow all year round. The volcanic eruption hundreds of years ago brought a lot of fertile volcanic ash from the ground. From the mountainside to the foot of the mountain, the vegetation is lush and the scenery is pleasant. Also because there are the highest quality mineral hot springs in the ground, the villages at the foot of Chaming Mountain have also built a large number of hot spring soup rooms, attracting tourists from all over the world.

In winter, it is the best season for enjoying the snow and bathing, and there are many tourists.

The four of Su Lun traveled very fast, traveling hundreds of miles at night, and arrived at the small town at the foot of Chaming Mountain before dawn. The all-night taverns and geisha parlors were brightly lit, and drunken customers roamed the streets.

Su Lun and the others didn't go to the town, and the god Fu Yuzi led them up the mountain from the trail all night, all the way up, passed through a piece of bluestone steps paved in the dense forest, and finally arrived at a room with a green tile roof and white walls. In front of the main three-story building. There are mossy kappa stone carvings on both sides of the door, and a sign hanging under the eaves, with the words mottled with paint stains on it: Xia Po Po Soup Room.

Holding the rune umbrella in his hand, Su Lun carefully observed everything around him. The Succeeding Bird on his shoulder was also very quiet, and did not notice anything unusual.

It seemed that the pursuers did not follow.

The owner of the shop was an old couple dressed in hackberry trees, and they waited respectfully at the door when they received the message from the paper crane.

When Su Lun and the others approached, they saw Yuzi, and they knelt down on the ground, and said softly, "See Your Highness."

The imperial son is very kind, but also has the unique majesty of a royal princess. She didn't intend to attract attention, and beckoned, "Take us to the room."

"Yes, Your Highness."

The old couple bowed their bodies and led several people into the house.

In order to keep it secret, Yuzi didn't inform the old couple too much in advance, and it was the peak soup season, so there were not many vacant rooms in the soup room when they came. Su Lun walked all the way, and felt that there were people in the rooms on the first and second floors. There were about twenty or thirty balls of soul fire, old and young, all ordinary people. They breathed evenly and long, and they were still sound asleep.

The few people didn't disturb anyone, they went all the way up to the third floor and came to a room.

Most of Shanyin's soup rooms are "suites", which are suitable for enjoying the soup together at home. This is the room that the old couple arranged for Miko alone.

The old couple thought that Su Lun and the others were the guards and maids of Her Highness the Princess, and when there were no vacant rooms, they planned to vacate their own room and squeeze together.

But Miko denied this proposal.

She didn't mind living with others, not to mention the three of Su Lun were still her guests, so she naturally invited them into the room together.

The old couple didn't say anything, and retreated respectfully.

Su Lun and the other three imitated Yuzi and took off their shoes outside before stepping on the rush mat.

There is a faint scent of incense in the room, and the decoration style is quiet and beautiful, simple and elegant. There are almost no walls in the house, only tan wooden columns and plain white rice paper lattice doors. The small room feels very spacious, the lighting is also very good, and the moonlight is pleasant. This soup room is built on the mountain. Although it is the third floor, it has cleverly designed a unique courtyard connected to the back mountain. Looking out of the window at a glance, behind the cover of emerald green vegetation, you can see the dense steam lingering upwards, which is an independent hot spring pool.

The mother-in-law and the old couple arranged the best room.

Entering the room, Miko Kamifu arranged a barrier to prevent visitation. She said to Qianjo and Su Lun and bowed: "Sorry, if we didn't make arrangements in advance, we can only wrong everyone."

Since they came to seek refuge, it was naturally impossible to make a big fuss.

Su Lun and Qianjo are not the kind of people who stick to details, so they don't mind.

What's more, the elegant environment of this room can't be called "wronged".

"Miss Miko, you are welcome."

Chijo waved his hand.

Her character never regarded herself as an outsider. After entering the house, she began to take off the long sword at her waist, and she was about to take off her clothes while gesturing, "Finally, I can take a good rest." .Before I came to Shanyin, I heard that the volcanic hot spring here is the best in the world, and now I can finally try it.”

Su Lun was not surprised why she was so eager. The young gambling addict fought hard for a few days, and the blood on her body turned black. I haven't changed and washed for a few days, and my hair and clothes are mixed with a strange smell of various breaths. This made her, who already loves to mess up, bear it.

Saying that, Qianjo still didn't forget to greet the host: "Miss Yuzi, let's go, let's go to the soup together."

Miko Kamifu smiled slightly, and replied, "Yes."

As the host, she naturally wanted to accompany her. Besides, she meant it too.

Because the essence of the soup room is a hotel, this kind of large room is for the convenience of a family living together.

There are cleverly designed lattice doors in the house, which could have separated some small rooms with other functions, such as changing rooms.

But Chijo didn't mean to shy away from the few people in the room at all.

When she spoke, she had already taken off her kimono jacket, exposing a large area of ​​her skin to the air, until only her shorts were left. He even completely ignored Su Lun, the only man in the room, and began to undo the gauze wrapping his chest.

Seeing this, there was not much strangeness on Miko Mifu's face.

In Shanyin's traditional culture, there is little privacy taboo among family members, and "mixed bathing" is a very natural custom. Even after adulthood, it is very natural for family members to face each other naked, and they seldom shy away from it.

But that kind of situation is also for people who are very close, so they are so defenseless.

Thinking of something, Yuzi glanced at Su Lun in the room from the corner of his eye, and his eyes flashed. But she said with a smile: "Miss Qiantiao has such a good figure."

How could Qiantiao care about this kind of thing, he looked down, raised his eyebrows and said, "Ah, I think it will affect my swinging sword."

Hearing this, Miko covered her mouth and smiled lightly: "Miss Qianjo really has an enviable annoyance."

Lolotta looked accustomed to it, and skillfully helped his teacher pick up the clothes and hang them on the coat rack beside him. In the bathing place in Blizzard City before, the three of them had been together like this for several days, and she was used to it.

This little girl learned sword from Qiantiao, and also learned her carefree personality one by one. After tidying up thousands of clothes, she also hung the sword by the wall, watching those who were about to take off their clothes and go to the bath.

There is a small partition in the room near the back mountain courtyard, which is where the body is washed.

Chijo took off his clothes and walked over.

Her back is perfect, but the ghost tattoos all over her back are very eye-catching.

Yuzi also saw slightly clear eyes.

There was a lot of happiness in the room, and Su Lun was calm.

After all, there were outsiders, and he was not in the mood to appreciate Qianjo undressing. Just find a place to sit and plan to digest what you just got.

Not long after, I heard the sound of "crashing" and the sound of water.

But at this time, I heard Qiantiao shout again through the screen: "Su Lun, don't you want to have a drink together?"

Su Lun replied: "No. I still have to get some things to get rid of your rune ban as soon as possible."

Rather than being wasted, he is more eager to digest the soul of the "Ghost Sword" Aki and the lineage of the Rune Warlock.

There are also sealed ghost warriors waiting for him to deal with, as well as the research of [Silver Hand]

There are so many things waiting to be done.


Chijo responded, "Then I'll go first."

Su Lun didn't respond.

At this time, Miko Mifu, who was still in the room, also spoke, and she still bowed slightly politely: "Mr. Su Lun, I'm going to have a bath first. Excuse me."

Su Lun was a little unaccustomed to this kind of polite attitude at all times, and responded: "Well, Miss Yuzi doesn't need to be so polite."

Miko smiled slightly, and as she spoke, she also prepared to change into the soaked gauze in the room.

But she didn't have the audacity to take off her clothes in the room without changing her face like Chijo. She walked over and pulled the wooden lattice door politely, separating a dressing room.

There was the sound of clothes falling beside her ear, and after a short while, the entire witch costume was taken off and hung on the screen.

Su Lun was concentrating on his own affairs, putting some things in front of his eyes, and doing his own affairs. But because of his ability to multitask, he can clearly distinguish the subtle movements in the room. Hearing slight footsteps, he knew that Miko had gone to the bathroom.

Sure enough, it didn't take long before I heard the sound of water.

Shanyin's soup room is not like other places, with boiler pipes flushing.

The hot water here is drawn directly from the hot springs with bamboo tubes.

It's time for Qiantiao to rinse, probably with the loud rushing of the wooden bucket, the sound of clattering.

When Yuzi rinsed, it seemed to be scooping up water bit by bit with a gourd ladle, making a drizzling sound. The demeanor sounds very delicate.

For some reason, Su Lun was suddenly attracted by this movement.

He raised his eyebrows, glanced at the priestess' costume on the screen, shook his head slightly, and regained his concentration in an instant.

Finally, Yuzi also went to the hot spring pool in the courtyard. There was only Su Lun in the room, so he could concentrate on his own affairs.

He took out the [Soul Sealing Jar], and the phantom of the god of death behind him instantly condensed, and in an instant, a cold breath descended on the entire room in an instant.

Su Lun opened the cork of the clay pot expressionlessly, and a ghostly light cluster floated out, and the phantom of death swallowed it instantly.

"You stripped the soul of 'Ashi Aurora', and you obtained a lot of knowledge inherited from the 'Rune Warlock'"

"You have comprehended 108 variants of 'Advanced Runes'"

"You have acquired a lot of insights related to 'knowledge of all rune languages', 'rune body refining technique', and 'rune inscription skills'"


In the room, Su Lun was busy.

At the same time, Miko Miko, who was soaking in the hot spring in the hot spring pool in the courtyard, sensed the special breath of death coming, and her pretty face was slightly surprised.

Qianjo raised his eyebrows and said lazily, "Don't worry about him."

Yuzi also guessed what kind of secret technique Su Lun might be performing, so it was not easy to find out.

She thought of something, and turned to ask curiously: "Miss Qiantiao, may I ask, is Mr. Su Lun your lover?"

Chijo rolled his eyes, "Do you think so?"


Yuzi smiled, and said in a firm tone: "Only for the one you love deeply, you will go to danger without hesitation. I can see that Mr. Su Lun cares about Miss Qiantiao very much."


Hearing this, Chijo rolled his eyes, as if he didn't even have the intention to explain.

The tacit understanding between her and Su Lun is not a relationship between a man and a woman.

At this time, Qianjo thought of something, and suddenly showed a frivolous expression like a female hooligan. She dragged Yuzi's chin with her hand, looked up and down for a moment, and said solemnly: "I think you two are quite suitable. Miss Yuzi, you look good, with fair skin and an excellent figure. Kid Su Lun is sure too. Very satisfied."

The two of them got to know each other quite well in Pirate City before, and they didn't have any scruples about speaking.

Kamifu Miko didn't know why the fire burned on her body, and she couldn't laugh or cry, "Sister Qianjo was joking, I am a priestess who serves the gods. I will risk my whole life to the gods."

"Oh, I almost forgot, only the purest maidens can serve the gods."

Qianjo smacked his lips, but his face was full of indifference.

She thought of something, her expression became more playful, and she joked: "However, if you meet Su Lun kid, maybe your dream of 'serving God for life' may not come true."

Miko: "."

After a while, Su Lun digested the knowledge pouring into his mind, and his eyes gradually became clear. He couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "It's also fortunate that the mystical technique of the divine way can preserve the soul. This stripping has at least saved me several years of hard work."

This Axico has accumulated much more knowledge and comprehension than his fourth-rank brother who was a pirate.

Su Lun digested those memories and instantly felt that he had gained a lot.

His current phantom of death, stripping the soul of a fifth-level professional, can probably obtain about 3% of the total soul fragments. In order to gain as much knowledge about the "Rune Warlock" as possible, he even gave up the very formal comprehension of the fifth-order wind system law and sword intent that this guy had comprehended.

However, such a trade-off effect is also very good.

"Rune Warlock" is a branch of alchemy system that specializes in the study of runes. There is not a slight difference between professional and amateur.

This made Su Lun, a "master" rune master, feel pale by comparison.

Instantly gained a huge amount of rune knowledge, which made Su Lun feel that his attainments in runes had directly reached a big level.

More importantly, with this knowledge as a foundation, he can better understand the obtained [Scroll of Rune Inheritance].

Thinking of this, Su Lun took out the yellowed scroll again, spread it out in front of his eyes, and the dense small characters came into view.

On the nearly ten-meter-long scroll, almost all the rune knowledge, advanced sequences, and combat secrets brought out by the "rune old man" from the capital of Lu Yingdi were recorded.

This scroll is not just text, but also some encrypted content and special rune language.

Thanks to Su Lun who stripped Yaxi's soul, he deciphered all the contents without any obstacles.

Su Lun looked ten lines at a glance, and the densely packed words reflected in his eyes.

This scroll is like a key, opening the door to the realm of high-level runes.

But the mysteries of rune literature are as deep as the sea, and he seems to have found a treasure chest in the sea.

Even though Su Lun's attainment in rune literature is not low in the eyes of others, the content on this scroll is enough for him to study for a lifetime.

Su Lun didn't intend to digest these things completely, he wanted to find a way to refine [Imitation of the original rune].

If you advance to the fourth level as you wish, and come back to look at the scroll, you will definitely get twice the result with half the effort!

Su Lun's gaze carefully searched the content on the scroll, and then in the "Advanced Sequence Selection" section, he found several classic advanced paths of the Rune Warlock lineage, ranging from 1st to 6th order.

As it wishes.

He quickly found several professional material refining formulas that could be adapted to [Imitation of the original rune].

After the analysis, two with the highest degree of fit were finally selected, one called [Universal Comprehension] and the other called [Zosimus' Sky Eye].

The first type of refining formula is a "universal formula", the degree of fit is not too high, but fortunately, the materials are not difficult to find, and the utility of the final product is also quite satisfactory.

The second formula requires some strange materials, such as [the corpse dust of the monster in the lake], [tears of the narwhal], [brain of a high-level siren]. Some of the materials are even Su Lun's current ones. The experience has never been heard. The material is tricky, and the effect will be better accordingly.

"These materials are hard to find"

Although he had been mentally prepared, Su Lun frowned as he looked at the names.

Alchemists have a thorough research in the field of materials, and they can not be limited to a certain material. As long as the specific function of the material in the drawing can be analyzed, it is actually possible to find other alternatives with similar functional materials.

This scroll introduces the "pharmacology" and "medicinal properties" of various materials in detail.

Su Lun took a closer look and thought of several alternative materials.

However, there is still a lot missing.

If you want to release more characteristics of top-level items such as [Imitation Primal Rune], the higher the quality of the matching materials, the better.

Those materials, even if they are easily guarded by the top auction houses, may not be able to collect them in a short time.

"Hey, how can we get it all together in a short time?"

Su Lun was a little worried for a while.

It is far away from Pirate City, and it will take time to buy it, and it may not take long to get it all together. The first time he thought of other members of the mirror organization, he thought about using the communicator to ask first.

It was conceivable that when he was in a state of ecstasy, there was a sudden sound of water splashing in the courtyard outside the house.

Looking again, the three of Chijo suddenly soaked in the hot spring and walked in.

Seeing Miko Mifu, Su Lun's eyes suddenly lit up.

Isn't this the royal princess of Shanyin?

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