Mechanical Alchemist

Chapter 376 I've been cheated on?

The city-state of Moros is busier than ever.

Last night, the "Flying Fish Group" not only brought back a lot of treasures from Alcatraz, but also brought back a relatively safe route map.

The intelligence merchant bought the sea chart from the captain "Old Smoker" Laurian, and then sold it to some big pirate groups at a high price.

But I don't know how it leaked.

Waking up early in the morning, everyone in the city seems to have all kinds of real and fake charts.

The original news of Alcatraz has been out for more than half a year, and now there are a large number of adventurers and pirates in the city-state. After the closure of the city, the adventurers in the city couldn't wait to pour into the major markets to buy supplies. Roman's unique wheelbarrow pulls the carts of fresh water, food, wine, and fresh oranges necessary for sailing to the pier, and stuffs them into the sailing ships that are ready to sail.

The recruitment notices in major taverns and adventurer unions are overwhelming. As long as a ship with a slightly better condition can recruit a large number of personnel in a short period of time.

Su Lun accepted two sisters, Karma and Albuquerque, as disciples.

Since it is a disciple, it is natural to take it away together.

Karma packed up the house and they went out.

At the same time, it is on the only way to the dock gate.

A city guard from the North Sea Fleet has been waiting for a long time. Team leader Abel was furious, and his eyes flicked viciously among the crowd, as if to find some enemy.

This is none other than the young man Su Lun had met before, the one who pursued Emma.

"Remember in a while, if that kid dares to fight back, you should arrest him immediately. If you really want to hurt someone, shoot him immediately!"

"Understood, Captain."


The team members didn't understand why the captain made such a big fuss today, whispering from afar.

"Hey, Kahn, why is Captain Ebel so angry today?"

"You still don't know? The captain has been given green!"

"Huh? What's going on here?"

"Don't you know that the captain has been chasing Miss Kama? I heard from the inspection brother yesterday that the girl Kama already has someone. There is also a 'cousin' living in the house, and the two have been living together for several months."

"Ouch! So exciting? Will our captain turn that adulterer's head off?"

"No~ If it weren't for the duty mission, the captain would have killed him long ago. And we are on this duty, and we are about to set sail."


"That's right. I heard that Boss Vasili got us a good job for our Seventh Division. An order has been sent from above, saying that our divisions are to prepare supplies and go sailing to Alcatraz Island to hunt for treasure. Our captain I have the most complete logbook of Flying Fish Group in my hand. Hahaha, we will get rich if we find some treasures at random."


Chatting gossip, and chatting about treasures.

All the pirates were very excited to see the adventurers on the pier going out to sea.

Su Lun and Karma walked on the street without incident.

Not long after, they had arrived at the city gate leading to the pier.

Su Lun's plan is to find a random ship to go to sea, and then contact Qiantiao and the others to help them.

As long as you go out to sea, you don't have to worry about being caught.

But when he approached the city gate, Su Lun immediately became alert. Because at this time, he noticed a few unkind eyes falling on him.

But after a while, he was sure that those people didn't seem to recognize him, but recognized Karma beside him.

Su Lun recognized the young man named "Ebel", the corner of his mouth raised slightly, and he immediately understood what happened.

Probably there will be a little trouble.

But it's not a big problem.

Those people have already found them, and it is too late to avoid them. This is already close to the pier, if you really want to do it, all previous efforts will be in vain.

Su Lun thought for a moment, then continued to walk over as if nothing had happened.

Karma obviously hadn't noticed that others were watching. They walked a few steps, and suddenly a group of people surrounded them!

"Stop! Routine inspection!"

A group of pirate guards directly stopped them.

A minion said: "Yo, it's Miss Kama, I haven't seen you for a few days, where are you going?"

Karma frowned, and immediately realized that trouble was coming. From the corner of her eye, she unconsciously glanced at Su Lun, looking at that calm face, her heart stabilized, and she responded, "We are going to go to Alcatraz."

Before the question was finished, Ebel, who saw the two of them, walked over with a dark face.

He didn't hide his hostility at all, and asked directly: "Kama, who is this?"

Although Abel is now a second lieutenant of the North Sea Fleet, the inferiority of the servant's son to the master's lady is engraved in his bones. Being able to marry Karma is his greatest wish in this life.

What's more, his father also said that only by marrying Karma, can some unknown inheritance secrets of the Boyle family be obtained.

But I didn't expect that after so many years of hard pursuit, I have never touched it, but I have let other men sleep for a few months?

As a man, how can he bear this shame?

At this moment, Abel's reason has been burned by the flames of jealousy.

Karma heard the strong hostility in his tone, frowned, and said, "This is my cousin Pork."

Ebel took a look at Su Lun, his eyes were full of coldness, and asked, "Oh, why didn't I hear that you have a cousin?"

It looks sloppy though with a bit of adventurer camouflage. But Su Lun's face and temperament with 12 points of charm also crushed the group of pirates present.

Campbell looked even more jealous.

Karma argued: "Why should I tell you about my affairs?"

Ebel sneered and played an official tone, "Last night, the treasures of the temple were stolen, and our team was ordered to investigate suspicious persons. I suspect that these are criminals who have sneaked into the city. Come with me to the security department now!"

Su Lun didn't speak, just watched quietly.

If he was wronged, he really didn't care what kind of security office he went to.

But these guys really found the right person when they hit the right one.

He, Su Lun, is the one the Agapanon Temple is looking for!

Karma naturally knew it too.

But she is obviously smarter than she shows, and she is also very adaptable. She said directly: "The city-state has just promulgated a new law. Even the city guard, if there is no evidence, you have the right to take people away for investigation. Abuse of power , sentenced to the crime of framing!"

This is obviously just wearing small shoes, so what she said made sense.

Now that Beihai is a country, after the "iron-blooded prime minister" Zolas came to power, he carried out drastic reforms to the Beihai Fleet and promulgated many laws. Not only externally, but also internally. It is to turn the previously lazy pirates into organized and disciplined professional soldiers.

As soon as Kama said this, the group of pirates also looked at each other in blank dismay.

In order to rectify military discipline, the previous law did a lot of killing chickens and monkeys. They finally turned from pirates to "iron rice bowls", and they didn't want to just lose it.

Abel's expression was even colder when he heard it, but he was obviously apprehensive.

He really wanted to abuse his power, and he might even hurt his father.

But it’s impossible to let people go just like this. Abel rolled his eyes and made another plan, and sternly said: “I suspect that the stolen treasure is on you. Now we will conduct a routine search on you! Storage rings, space equipment , Hand it all over!"

People can't take them away, but they have the right to search them.

When the minion at the side heard this, his confidence suddenly rose: "Yes! Body search!"

Hearing this, Karma's face changed slightly, and a look of embarrassment flashed in his eyes again.

She herself is not afraid of being searched, but her teacher

At this time, Su Lun who was beside him said flatly, "Let them search."

Where did he fail to see that these guys were deliberately finding fault, waiting for an opportunity to strike.

Seeing that Su Lun was so calm, Karma obediently handed over the storage ring without saying much.

Because he had always been prepared, there was nothing sensitive in Su Lun's storage ring.

Those pirates searched, but found nothing unusual.

But when the ring was brought back, some belongings were obviously missing.

Su Lun also pretended not to notice at all.

Let the group of pirates have no chance to attack.

But when Karma took back her storage ring, her face changed suddenly.

She looked at Ebel, who was triumphant in front of her, and didn't understand what happened. She shouted angrily: "My rune puppet! You...why did you take my puppet away!"

Her own dolls were fine and not too expensive.

But in the storage ring, there are four fourth-order puppet that Su Lun gave her last night.

Those few high-level puppets, not to mention the meaning to her, even the material money is worth hundreds of millions!

This is definitely an astronomical sum for ordinary pirates.

Now, the doll storing the ring has disappeared, apparently it was stolen when those people took it for inspection just now.

Ebel couldn't hide the excitement of harvesting the baby on his face, but he quibbled: "What puppet?"

Karma said anxiously: "That is... That is the fourth-order rune puppet inherited from my Boyle family!"

It was given by her teacher, but now she lost it, she blamed herself very much.

She looked at Abel's hateful expression, and shouted angrily: "Give me back the things!"

Ebel's face was full of sarcasm. He was a puppet master himself, so he didn't know the value of those puppets. "Hmph! Are you trying to say that we stole something from you?"

Everyone has been put to sleep, and there is no way to recover.

Even if I can't take revenge on this pair of dogs, getting such a valuable puppet is still compensation. This puppet is sold, what beautiful woman can't be found?

"Okay, no problem. Now you can go."

He waved his hand impatiently, and added: "Hurry up and get out! Otherwise, let's go to the security department and talk about it."

Kama's face was flushed by this rascal's behavior, and she wanted to fight: "You guys"

When Su Lun heard that he could walk, he was overjoyed, shook his head and said to Karma, "Forget it, let's go."

These pirates are now blinded by money. If they really want to be serious, they will find some problems.

Seeing that he was about to go to the pier, he didn't intend to make any trouble.

Karma listened, although she felt sorry for those strange puppets, she also knew that the overall situation was the most important thing, so she could only hold back her anger.

The two left quickly, and the pirates did not stop them.

They walked quickly all the way down, and when they came to the pier crowded with people, they randomly found a ship called "Northern Wind" that was about to set sail.

The sea area of ​​Alcatraz Island is very dangerous, and it is normal to be attacked by sea beasts. Bringing more fighters on board can also provide more security.

Karma showed her strength as a second-tier professional, and gave the second officer some money, and the two boarded the ship at the last moment before leaving the port.

Yang Fan, set sail.

The ship slowly left the port.

The boat was full of adventurers going to Alcatraz to hunt for treasure, and Su Lun and Karma could only squeeze in the cabin.

Along the way, the guilt on Karma's face never dissipated. At this time, she said in a low mood: "Teacher, I'm sorry. The puppet you gave was stolen."

"It's okay."

Su Lun smiled disapprovingly.

He looked out through the muzzle of the cabin, looked at the farther and farther coastline, and said meaningfully: "No accident, those guys will be sent back."

Now that he has gone to sea, it is impossible to intercept him.

A thief must have a guilty conscience.

After Su Lun and the two left for a long time, that Ebel happily took out the four rune puppets and checked them.

Although he is a half-baked puppet artist, he can understand that this is a high-level puppet!

I didn't have time to take a closer look before, but now I look at it, and things far exceed expectations!

Ebel felt that this was the most exquisite rune puppet he had ever seen. While watching, I still didn't forget to praise: "My dear, this puppet's workmanship is so fucking amazing, it's definitely a masterpiece!"

Seeing his boss so excited, the minion at the side completely forgot that he was hated by Lu, and asked curiously: "Boss, are these wooden lumps very valuable?"


Ebel's tone was full of disdain for laymen, and he said exaggeratedly: "It's more than valuable! This strange puppet may cost tens of millions of lisos just for the materials, or even higher! Moreover, there is no master class The runes, carvings, and enchanting skills are simply impossible to manufacture. If this thing falls to Lu Ying's large auction house, hundreds of millions will not be able to buy it."

Hearing this, the minions on the side were full of disbelief, "Damn it, it's so valuable?!"

"Can't you?"

With a proud expression on his face, Ebel said excitedly: "With these strange puppets, I can kill a third-tier professional in front of me!"

Hearing these words, the minions on the side also started bragging excitedly.

With this harvest, the captain will definitely share a large sum of money with them.

"Kama actually has a treasure of this level, I didn't see it before."

"I heard it's a family tradition? Could it be that the girl was a noble lady before?"

"I have to ask the captain. It seems that I heard that she is really a down-and-out noble lady."

"I've seen Kama before, and she often sells materials and puppets at the flea market to make money. It stands to reason that she has such treasures from before, and she can make a living just by selling one, so she doesn't need to be so tight. Do you think so? These puppets were given by her cousin?"

"That little boy is just a coward. Did you see just now, he didn't dare to say a word the whole time. I don't know what Kama likes in him."


He was dazzled by the excitement of harvesting the treasure before, but now that he calmed down and thought about it, Ebel also realized that something was wrong.

"Huh, that's not right!"

He was originally the son of a serf from the Boyle family, so he knew Kama's situation all too well.

I've never seen her take out such a precious puppet before, why did she suddenly have it?

Family tradition, it is possible.

Could it be that "Form" Polk is a distant relative of the Boyle family?

Thinking of the man who loved him, Ebel's face once again appeared ferocious.

His first thought came to him: There must be something more valuable on that person. Maybe there is also an inherited treasure of the Boyle family that is not known to outsiders!

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