Mechanical Alchemist

Chapter 389 Move the Palace Together

Su Lun would never be soft on his enemies.

From the very beginning when these guys were determined to seize the treasure, whoever fired the gun counted as one, and they all had to die.

Probably because they felt that the numbers of the two sides were about the same, the guys from the "Prince Carnap's Treasure Hunting Group" were still blindly confident that they could win.

Before the members of the Dawn Regiment, who were still gathering quickly in the jungle, approached, the quasi-baron Segel gave an order, and the Prince Regiment actually took the lead one by one.

All of a sudden, the sound of guns exploded.

The bullets hit Su Lun like raindrops.

But as soon as the fight started, those guys realized that they had encountered a hard stubble.

They overestimated themselves and underestimated the Dawn Corps.

Originally, the equipment of Lu Ying's official adventure group was much higher than that of the private adventure group, and the average combat power of professionals was also much higher. Normally, when encountering other regiments, the advantage will always be on their side.

But in this fight, the firepower of the "Prince Carnap Treasure Hunting Group" did not have the slightest advantage.

The jungle responded with heavy artillery fire.

They didn't know that the equipment of the Dawn Regiment was the equipment of the elite regiment of the North Sea Fleet captured earlier. Although it is pirate equipment, it is indeed military supplies that Mafa smuggled over. In terms of firepower, it is not worse than that of the Luying military, let alone some adventure groups?

Even though the members of the Dawn Regiment were still far away, the precise individual artillery shells had already covered them.

This is reaction speed, tactical arrangement, combat capability, and individual quality.

Experts can tell at a glance that this is a professional soldier!

After this fight, those in the "Prince Carnap's Treasure Hunting Group" understood that the enemy they encountered in front of them was not a third-rate wild group, but the Luying Royal Knights equipped with Mafa equipment!

I regret it when I do it.

The equipment suppression that was full of confidence turned into counter-suppression in an instant.

But you can only continue to fight.

Moreover, this exchange of fire immediately presented a huge disadvantage that made everyone in the "Prince Group" even more desperate.

Only then did they discover that there was a huge gap in high-end combat power!

Barrett watched the enemy move, and with a sudden step, his figure disappeared in place in an instant.

"Crack" and "crack" several times trampled on the air and the explosion was mixed with the sound of gunfire, the figure flashed, and he had already appeared in front of Siegel when he looked again. The fist wrapped in distorted light was blasted out with one punch.

Seeing this row of overwhelming power, Segel showed great horror and wanted to avoid it, but found that his body was restrained on the spot by a strange force field. The body seemed to be trapped in a swamp, and it was very difficult to move away.

As a Tier 6 professional, how could he not understand what this meant?

This is the energy field formed by the suppression of ranks and the law of strength.

This is the performance of the quasi-seventh order!

Just this meeting, Segel was so frightened that his soul flew out, and he shouted in his heart: "He, Barrett, has actually condensed the power field?!"

The "field" of the seventh level of condensation is a watershed for top-level professionals. There are so many geniuses in the capital of Emperor Luying, but this hurdle makes it impossible for ninety-nine percent of people to pass it in their lifetime.

Unexpectedly, this Barrett has stepped into the seventh step in half a step?

Moreover, what shocked him even more was yet to come.

Barrett punched out with a punch, and Siegel managed to avoid the vital point relying on his life-saving ability. But even being hit by this punch, his whole body flew upside down like a cannonball. This punch directly shattered his domineering body protection, and the strength severely injured his heart.

The power is far beyond imagination!

"How could it not be said that Barrett's combat power has been greatly reduced with a broken arm, and he only has a fifth-level combat power!"

Siegel spurted out a mouthful of turbid blood, his eyes filled with disbelief.

Although he is a sixth-level professional, he is still far behind Barrett's professional soldiers who grew up in the Royal Knights.

He originally thought that the opponent only had a fifth-level combat power, but just now he acted so stubbornly and decisively.

But now we fight,

God damn fifth level!

This is quasi-level seven!

The great battle in the city-state of Moros that night alarmed everyone. But not many really know what happened. The attention of almost all forces is on the "theft of the temple" of the Agapanon Temple and the "assassination of Princess Frost Moon".

Few people know that the members of the Holy Judgment were rescued, let alone that Barrett, who has fused with the [Silver Hand], now possesses strength stronger than the peak!

"How is it possible? After a strength professional loses his arm, how can his strength not retreat, but instead increase?"

Siegel couldn't figure it out at all.

He had seen Barrett's silver arm before, and thought it was a mechanical arm, so he didn't take it seriously.

He didn't expect to be beaten, only to realize that the fist was much stronger than expected.

But the reality could no longer allow him to regret it. Barrett sent people flying with a punch, then stepped on his feet suddenly, and chased after him again, looking as if he wanted to kill him.

Siegel's face was full of despair, and he didn't know that he was not an opponent at all.

"Boom", "Boom", "Boom".

The fist is as strong as a bomb.

He could only catch it hastily, and received several heavy punches in a row, his body was blown away like a sandbag.

There is one last hope in Siegel's heart, that is, some of his subordinates of the fifth-order division commanders can come to help and encircle Barrett together.

But looking at the vision of "thunder and lightning" that suddenly appeared in the sky, Siegel was really desperate.

That monstrous sword energy was so sharp that it was so sharp that he couldn't see that all of his subordinates were in danger, how could he help him out of the situation?

He looked at the six-armed female swordsman from the corner of his eye, her face was ashen, and she had already seen her own end.

Seeing it in my heart is even more unwilling and doubtful.

Second Solution [Rakshasa Girl], Sword Intent, Domineering, Famous Sword

This kind of strong man is a famous figure wherever he is placed, how could he have never heard of such a person before!

Qiantiao, six arms and six knives rushed into the crowd with a fierce look.

To deal with these people, she can't even use the three solutions of [Rakshasa Girl]. Few people can withstand the thunderous sword energy activated by the demon sword alone.

The low-level professionals were harvested in droves, and the third- and fourth-level professionals could barely resist a few knives.

Qianjo didn't seem to plan to go all out, after killing a group of people, he found two fifth-level professionals in the prince's regiment.

With one against two, she suppressed the two of them to retreat steadily, and she was able to handle them with ease.

At this time, the low-level professionals of the "Prince Carnap Treasure Hunting Group" were stunned.

Several regiment leaders were beaten and retreated, what should they do?

On the side, the only ones who did not participate in the battle were the leader of the "Black Panthers" "Red Nose" Miles and dozens of core members.

One side is the sponsor, the other side is the friend, and they chose friends.

He just heard from Su Lun that he knew Barrett before, so it might be difficult to make a choice.

But now that Barrett miraculously appeared in front of them, how could they do anything?

If it weren't for the fateful friendship, Miles would not find a relationship to buy a few members of the holy group.

What's more, their Black Panther regiment has no friendship with the other regiments, they are just strangers who take money to travel with them.

Moreover, he is very glad that he didn't do it now.

The reputation of the "Dawn Regiment" is not obvious, but its strength should not be underestimated!

Regardless of the equipment or the female swordsman, the strength is surprising.

Miles was still thinking that with the help of his old friend, Alec Barrett known as "The Beast", the Dawn Regiment would definitely not suffer in this battle.

Think about it, think about it

Miles also felt a little puzzled at the same time.

He looked at the injured young man.

From the first meeting, the one who made my magic pet "Bei Bei" feel strongly disturbed was all from this young man in front of him.

Then where does he make Lingbao feel "extremely dangerous"?

It seems that there is nothing special about it.

It didn't wait for everyone in the Black Panthers to wonder.

Just then,

A fourth-tier professional assassin from the "Prince Group" set his target on Su Lun.

After all, he is a high-level assassin who has experienced many battles, and that guy also made his own judgment.

He saw that Su Lun's identity was definitely not simple, so he thought that killing or subduing this key person might change the situation of the battle.

During the fierce battle, the assassin used a big tree to hide his figure, and then quietly entered a stealth state.

On the battlefield, no one seemed to notice his presence.

The injured young man seemed to be completely unaware.

Because "Red Nose" Miles has been watching the battle, he keenly caught this point, his eyes shrank suddenly, and he was just hesitating in his heart whether to ask to remind him.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, a monster with wings suddenly appeared in front of the young man. The winged monster moved extremely nimbly, grabbed it out without warning, and accurately caught the fourth-tier assassin sneaking in the air.

The assassin was terrified, but before he could react, the winged monster struck again, smashing it into the ground.

With a "boom", a spider web crack was smashed on the ground.

A set of movements flowed smoothly, as if it was completely expected.

Only then did everyone see clearly that the monster with wings was actually a metal puppet.

"Puppeteer? What kind of puppet is this?"

Miles looked at his brows full of solemnity. This puppet covered in dark golden luster actually made him, a fifth-level professional, feel a sense of crisis.

So this puppet is the young man's confidence?

Everyone in the Black Panthers showed surprise.

They were also secretly glad that there was no conflict when they met for the first time, otherwise this puppet would really be a big trouble.

But the black panther looked at Su Lun who got up suddenly, and suddenly became restless.

Miles seemed to feel the uneasiness of his partner "wanting to escape from here immediately", and he suddenly came to his senses, looked at Su Lun, and exclaimed in his heart: "No, it's not this puppet that Beibei is afraid of! It's him, he still There are other cards!"

The battle started in an instant, and now that the members of the dawn group have not arrived, Su Lun doesn't want these guys who want to kill people and seize treasures to escape.

Almost all the knowledge stripped off before has been digested, and now I can free up energy to deal with these guys.

Although his physical injuries are indeed severe, for a puppeteer, his combat effectiveness is not limited to his body.

The gargoyle was still pressing down on the Tier 4 assassin and continued to throw heavy punches, that guy had already breathed in less and exhaled more

Su Lun didn't take a second look.

With a pinch of his double surgeon seals, eight-armed spider spears quickly condensed behind him, and the huge cross in the sky also condensed instantly.

With one hand, he pulled out two more sealing scrolls, and said softly, "Untie!"

A series of spatial fluctuations exploded, and hundreds of rune puppets of various shapes appeared in front of them.

The guys from the "Prince Regiment" took advantage of the complex terrain in the rainforest to fight jungle warfare. Even if the members of the Liming Regiment chased them down, the efficiency of killing the enemy was not high, and the risk was also high.

And to charge and kill in the jungle, puppets are perfect.

Since Su Lun made a move, he would not give the enemy a chance to breathe.

He unfolded the eight-armed spider lance behind him in the astonished eyes of those people, and whispered softly in his heart: "Puppet Upanity Slaughterhouse!"

As soon as the countless crystal silk threads were pulled, the army of strange puppet rushed into the forest with the sound of "click" and "click" that made people get goosebumps.

With the black umbrella in his left hand, even without looking, Su Lun could easily sense the location of those people's souls.

When encountering a difficult guard, the black sickle in his right hand slashed at him a few times, and his head was immediately decapitated.

Su Lun was like the god of death, harvesting the enemies in front of him expressionlessly. The gargoyle was protecting all around his body, able to fight and resist, and he didn't feel the slightest threat from the hundreds of times the enemies.

Once the puppet army makes a move, the enemy will have no advantage at all.

The battle was almost one-sided.

Seeing this, the onlookers of the "Black Panthers" were completely stunned.

This person manipulated hundreds of puppets, and he was stunned by this group of adventurers who had come from the capital of Luying and had seen the world.

Only then did "Red Nose" Miles understand why "Bebe" was so disturbed.

The strength of this young man in front of him is so terrifying.

Facing a large adventure group of hundreds of people alone, he did not lose the slightest bit.

That means,

Naturally, he can kill their Black Panthers so easily!

Miles didn't realize his back was covered in cold sweat.

Fortunately, it was not an enemy.

At this time, the large troops of the Liming Regiment finally arrived.

They bravely rushed into the forest and defeated the enemies of the "Prince Group".

Since the guys from the Prince's Group decided to trouble the Liming Group, it was already doomed that the group would be wiped out.

The battle was very cruel, with corpses strewn all over the place, the Dawn Group almost crushed them and killed them.

After the large army arrived, Su Lun also freed up his hands. He helped Qianjo kill the two fifth-level regiment leaders together, and then went to surround and kill the sixth-level guy together.

The current Barrett's fighting power is very strong, and it would not take much effort to kill Siegel. But I don't know why, it was obviously crushed by strength, and I fought for a long time, but I didn't kill him. That guy's vitality is a little weirdly tenacious.

In order to end the battle as soon as possible, everyone also helped together.

After a while, the battle was over.

Siegel was finally beheaded on the spot.

Under normal circumstances, it should be the time when Su Lun harvests the "grey fog".

But during the stripping of this guy's soul, Su Lun found some strange things.

"You stripped the soul of 'Siegel Kuhn'"

"You have comprehended some 'shards of the law of disaster'"

"You have mastered the 'knowledge of magic guns'"

"You know some information about the Luying Imperial Capital"

"You have obtained an obsession: 'I am a member of the 'Giant Monastery', the great Lord has bestowed on me extraordinary power, allowing me to advance to the sixth level.'"

"Mental Power +11.2"


Su Lun also stripped the soul of a sixth-level professional before, but the amount of knowledge he gained was much stronger than this Siegel.

This guy looks like a half-baked sixth order.

And a very strange message was stripped from Su Lun. This guy is obviously an alchemist, but he is actually a member of some kind of "Giant Priory".

It seems to be a "God believer organization".

The memory of the corpse cannot conceal the meaning of admiration for a certain existence.

Su Lun wanted to know more about that mysterious organization, but found that some key memories had been erased.

He stood beside the corpse and frowned, pondering for a moment.

Now that the Luying royal family has promulgated a new decree declaring the residents' freedom of belief, there are indeed many strange churches appearing in Luying's territory.

Maybe it is not easy to use external force to break through from the fifth level to the sixth level.

What did he think of, and asked Barrett, who was also suspicious, and said, "Mr. Barrett, what do you think?"

Barrett pondered for a moment: "It's a bit like the 'heretic' I met back then."

"I think so."

Su Lun also nodded.

When he was in the Valley of Cursing, Barrett lost his arm because of that "heresy". Right now, the weird vitality of this guy is really similar.

As he spoke, Su Lun suddenly hooked his fingers.

The few silk threads between his fingers straightened immediately and became as sharp as a scalpel, and then he slashed across the corpse's chest, taking out a bloody heart.

Looking at it, there are several blood-colored worms wrapped around the heart.

The worm seemed to smell the breath of a living person, like a bloodthirsty leech, stretched its body long and stretched out to the surroundings.

When Su Lun saw this, his pupils shrank suddenly, and he thought, "It really is this thing!"

He immediately shouted through the communicator: "Dr. Banks, come here."

Dr. Banks is very interested in those strange creatures, and has studied them deeply.

He walked over, carefully looked at Su Lun's heart in a glass bottle, and muttered in his mouth: "This bug is a bit like a creature from another plane. Calamity plane? Oh, that seems to be a very bad place. I once saw a related description in an ancient book."

Su Lun couldn't do anything about this bug, but he thought it might be very important, and said, "This bug can live for a few days at most after being separated from the body. Even if it's placed in a living corpse, it won't work. Doctor, see if you can analyze some useful things." information?"

Dr. Banks said: "Well. I'll try it. It should make these bugs live longer."

The battle is over, and it's time to harvest the harvest.

Now that there are no malicious competitors, all the treasures here belong to the Dawn Corps.

There are a lot of treasures in the Crystal Palace, and everyone in the Dawn Group is busy.

"Everyone, be careful, Mr. Su Lun said, don't get close to the depths of the Crystal Palace."

"Hey, Jack, just put those gold coins aside. This is a box for magic treasures. Don't waste space with gold coins!"

"Oh, [Fire Ivory] has strong curse properties, so Hannah, take a sealed box to Captain Black Feather!"

"Pack up the treasure first, then dismantle those crystal buildings and put them on the shore!"

"Yes, team three, dig out all the stone carvings and stone carvings that can be dug out. Tebi has written records and reliefs. Hey, brothers of the steam team, your mechanical arm is here to do a good job."


Someone counted, someone recorded, and someone scattered the treasures.

The treasures in the Crystal Palace can't be replaced by an ordinary adventure group. They can't take them away even if they see them.

Because there are too many.

From the initial shock, excitement, and ecstasy, everyone in the dawn group felt as numb as if they were "picking up stones" when they saw the gold coins.

In this ruins, the least valuable treasures are all kinds of gold and silverware.


There are thousands of people in the Dawn Regiment, and each of them carried at least one half-cubic storage ring, but even if they carried all the equipment on their backs, they were all full.

Later, I had to pack up more things and put them on the shore.

It was originally a time-consuming and labor-intensive project to move so many treasures to the ship.

Fortunately, the Dawn Mission has Su Lun.

The principle of Su Lun's treasure hunt is very clear, as long as there is no danger, he will search every part of the Crystal Palace.

Including the palace itself.

Those crystal pillars were longer than ordinary sea ships, and they couldn't be transported away except by smashing them into pieces.

But it would be a pity to break it, and the value would be greatly reduced.

Such a large natural crystal is very rare, and it will be used in some super-large alchemy formations. This is a rare product that cannot be found outside.

The crew of the dawn regiment dismantled them one by one, hoisted them out of the water with a crane, and stacked them on the shore.

Su Lun's "Small Void Realm" was also put to great use. Although it cost him a lot of dark spiritual power, he also stuffed those big objects into it bit by bit like ants moving house.

In this wave, the Dawn Mission had a bumper harvest.

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