Mechanical Alchemist

Chapter 630 Dimensionality Reduction Strike

Chapter 630 Dimensionality Reduction Strike

The career material that Su Lun fused before when he advanced to the fifth level was the [Void Walker's Any Door] found in the cursed space of the Void Secret Realm.

This cursed object is very special, not only does it contain super high void power, but also because its material source is a small part of the original core of an endless void, so this space gate is originally involved with that plane.

It is like the communicator of the mirror organization, which can perceive each other almost no matter where it is.

There is also a divine spell [Void Exile] solidified on this door, marking a directional alien plane coordinates 433.1224, 655.874.

Back then, in the Royal Academy of Alchemy of the ancient civilization Talkolu, a vice president named Herbert Hiberle accidentally deformed into the [Ultimate Distortion Form of the Void Two-way Zerg] in the process of researching the Void Zerg. . The deformed monster has a terrifying dimensionality reduction ability. Uncle Crow's duality ability was acquired by eating a piece of meat from that kind of insect mother.

At that time, the dean of the college couldn't kill it, so he exiled the deformed monster to the coordinate of that endless void.

After Su Lun came out of that cursed space, he carefully read all the materials he searched in that library, and learned almost everything about the characteristics of the Void Zerg.

He reckoned that the vice-principal's distorted biphasic worm might have been a demigod or even higher in rank back then.

And the Void Mother Worms are very tenacious, as long as they are given enough nutrition, they can give birth to countless Zerg Races. Even if they don't have enough food sources, they can enter a dormant period like blood races, thus gaining hundreds of thousands of lifespans.

And when the old dean exiled the monster to that space coordinate, he naturally didn't want it to multiply infinitely. There is nothing in that coordinate, if the monster is still alive now, the power is dormant. Rank position is now at most the next god.

And this monster was also what Su Lun had always thought about in his heart.

Now other places on the alchemy plane may not be able to bear the existence of lower gods, but at the entrance of the plane of the god plane, it is definitely enough.

Moreover, the brain of the female worm is one of the most suitable materials for refining [blasphemer] breeding equipment in Sir Isaac's notes.

If there is a chance, Su Lun also intends to use this worm mother's brain to refine the alchemy equipment he needs for the eighth level, to complete the last link of his puppet army.

"The tricky thing is the dimensionality reduction ability, which makes it almost impossible to kill with ordinary means."

Su Lun spoke his mind.

Uncle Crow now has the ability to transform into two directions, not to mention its immortal talent, but just this dimensionality reduction ability, so that it cannot be killed by means that are several times higher than it.

Then a void two-way worm of at least half-god level, it is impossible to solve it with methods below the god level.

But the god rank is another watershed, maybe the real god rank will be destroyed again.

"The Toxter Void Royal Alchemy Academy couldn't kill the worm mother. If it came, those guys on the plane of the gods might not be able to deal with it. At that time, we will face this risk on the alchemy plane. But the good news Yes, the combat power of the Void Mother Worm is not too strong. The rest of the plane cannot withstand the god level, and it should not be too far away from the space channel. In case of accidents at that time, I am still sure to deport it back to the world. Void. Of course, this process also has certain risks.”

Su Lun analyzed the pros and cons.

Mr. Jing nodded while listening carefully.

This is indeed a big problem.

Void Zerg is like a "plague" to any race. They can devour infinitely and reproduce infinitely. Once the alchemy plane is invaded, the entire plane may be swallowed by them into void ruins.

In normal times, Mr. Jing would never consider such a dangerous plan.

But at present, the Alchemy Plane is also facing another catastrophe. The invasion of the Celestial Plane is worse and more urgent than the Void Zerg.

From the current point of view, the problem cannot be solved, and it is also a catastrophic disaster.

At this time, Su Lun continued to analyze: "There are ten-story magic towers in the channel of the plane. This is enough to resist the power of the gods. It may not be able to deal with the worm mother. Moreover, the gods on the plane of the gods will definitely not Seeing that the foundation established with great difficulty is destroyed, even if it cannot be defeated at that time, there will inevitably be a means of gods coming. My conclusion is that the worm mother will be eliminated with a high probability, and the magic of the plane channel The camps will also be hit hard. This will give us another long period of respite."

Having said that, he paused for a moment, and said again: "No matter how bad it is, if a deformed worm mother is severely injured, it is more likely that we will re-exile it."

The stronger the person on the plane of the gods, the greater the damage to the worm mother.

Even if it cannot be killed, both sides must be in a situation where both sides suffer.

No matter how you look at it, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.


When Mr. Jing heard this, his expression fell into deep thought.

The two had been together for so long, she didn't know that Su Lun was always extremely cautious in doing things.

The plan he made must be well thought out, and there will be absolutely no mistakes.

Now that the plane of the gods has descended, demigod-level powerhouses have descended, and the preparations for the plane of alchemy are obviously not enough. It would be best if there was some delay.

Mr. Jing is also an extremely decisive person. After thinking for a while, she narrowed her gaze, "Okay! Just follow this plan."

Su Lun nodded as well.

As the two talked, the figure had disappeared in place.

Not long after, Su Lun and Mr. Jing had already teleported to Zambula Iron Falls province thousands of kilometers away.

The enemy probably didn't expect that they, who just fought in the Manuhill Mithril Mine, would appear here.

At the end of the field of vision, the blue beam of light that looked like a tower of Tongtian became more and more solid. The omniscient pupil looked over, and this plane channel was much more stable than it was two years ago.

And under the channel of that plane, the magic towers are as dense as a forest, row upon row, forming a magic city that can accommodate millions of people.

There are countless magical airships floating in the sky, and the horn of attack is about to sound.

If that Octavia J. Fielding killed the two of Su Lun today, then the greatest resistance to keeping them in the camp for two years would be gone.

Today was supposed to be the day for a massive strike.

But the information about the battle probably hasn't come back yet, and the magic legions are gearing up to prepare.

The camp is like an ant nest, and the magicians are as dense as ants. Su Lun narrowed his eyes slightly, and said lightly: "Senior sister, I'm going to start preparing."

Mr. Jing on the side nodded, "Yeah."

The two began to get busy.

The movement of the divine spell release will be very loud, and with Su Lun's eighth-level strength, it will take a very long time to prepare.

Moreover, the Gate of Exile had to be placed in the camp before the two sides could fight each other.

But the enemy is not stupid, it is impossible to watch him perform spells in the magic camp of the plane channel.

Even Su Lun knew that there was a special magic prohibition to identify beliefs in the camp, and non-god believers had no chance to get close.

Once you touch the prohibition, you will be discovered immediately.

Therefore, at this time, I have to rely on the help of Mr. Jing, and a new technique developed by Su Lun himself.

In the mountain depression more than 20 kilometers away from the plane passage, Su Lun took out countless materials and began to arrange a super large alchemy formation.

After all, it is related to the survival of the alchemy plane. He has deduced the feasibility of this plan countless times before, and all the materials needed have already been prepared. First use super-sized flawless crystals to arrange the corners of the formation, then use the cursed pigment mixed with dragon blood and mithril powder to draw a nine-pointed star formation and a large number of space runes, and then use void materials to arrange

On the other side, Mr. Jing was meditating cross-legged, trying to recover the physical strength consumed by the previous battle.

The two of them were busy in the mountain depression for more than half an hour before Su Lun finished arranging the alchemy formation.

After carefully checking it several times and finding that there were no flaws, he said, "Senior Sister, it's fine."

Mr. Jing on the side had been waiting for a long time. Hearing this, she opened her eyes from meditation. She looked at the formation, and pinched the Warlock Seal, and two mirror images appeared beside her.

Su Lun said: "Then I started to act?"

Mr. Mirror: "Good!"

Hearing this, Su Lun took a deep breath. At this moment, he pinched the magician's seal, and the space fluctuated, and a dozen magicians wearing magic robes suddenly appeared beside him.

Mr. Jing at the side saw this, and a strange color appeared in his eyes, and said: "Your 'secret technique of reincarnation of corpse soul' is getting closer and closer to the resurrection technique. If I didn't know it in advance, I'm afraid it would be difficult for me to tell the difference."

As she said that, she couldn't help admiring: "It's really an amazing technique."

Su Lun also laughed when he heard it, and said, "In order to hide the truth from those magicians as much as possible, let's try to be as real as possible."

This is his plan.

Only magicians can enter the camp, so Su Lun thought about using the living corpse made by the secret technique of corpse soul to achieve the purpose of sneaking in.

These few living corpses represent almost all of his current understanding of death. It is not easy for his senior sisters to see through, and even the enemy is probably difficult to see through.

At the perceptual level, these are a few normal living people.

Regardless of the soul, body, thought, and breath, they are almost exactly the same as living people.

However, there are still some small flaws in the living corpses. For example, if you look closely, you will find that there is a layer of fat-like corpse wax on their bodies.

Another thing is to beware of any special perception means or ability users in the enemy.

So I need the help of my senior sister.

Mr. Jing didn't talk too much, just pinched the magician's seal, and a layer of mirror light lingered on several living corpses, which had already blessed the mirror image camouflage.

Looking at it now, they are really indistinguishable from living people.

Su Lun smiled with satisfaction, his eyes narrowed slightly, "It should be all right now."

As he said that, Yin Ning, the warlock, gave an order through his mental tentacles.

Although the souls of these dozens of living corpses are complete and have their own consciousness, Su Lun has also made some modifications in the depths of their souls these days.

The living corpse has its own complete consciousness, but it will also execute Su Lun's instructions.

Just like in a dream, no matter how unreasonable the situation appears, they still won't find it strange.

As soon as this warlock condensed, more than a dozen magicians cast the air defense technique and floated towards the plane passage.

At the same time, the magician camp in the plane channel is a busy and lively scene.

Because of Su Lun and Mr. Jing's interception and killing in the past two years, these 10,000-person corporations had huddled near the passage, and there were already millions of magicians in the camp.

The towering magic towers are as dense as buildings, and the invisible barriers defend the camp, which is enough to block any attacking invisible barriers.

Today was probably due to preparations for a full-scale war, and the magicians were also mobilized. Teams of Tens, Hundreds, and Thousands were busy preparing for the battle.

At this time, no one noticed that a team of more than a dozen people suddenly appeared at the gate of the camp where people were coming and going.

They are like a team returning from a mission, which is very normal.

These magicians are familiar with everything in the camp. They successfully passed the detection of various hidden restrictions, passed the identity verification, and successfully entered the depths of the camp. The magicians who came and went didn't notice anything unusual.

At this moment, this group of zombie mages only had one thought in mind, and that was to execute the order: find a hidden corner in the camp and set up a magic circle.

Not long after, a dozen people found an empty tent and got in.

Seeing no one, they began to set up a magic circle.

This is just an eight-pointed star formation, not complicated.

Because this is not a divine spell [Void Exile], but just a mirror projection formation.

Ten minutes later, the magic array was set up.

The leading seventh-level magician poured magic power into his hand with a numb face, activating the magic circle.

On the other side, Su Lun was doing the same thing in the col more than ten kilometers away.

He quickly changed the seal of the warlock in his hand, and the nine-pointed star formation under his feet was already lit up.

A large number of energy spars collapsed in the formation, and the spatial fluctuations became more and more intense.

Su Lun muttered: "Follow the law of equal exchange of all things, praise the glory of the original creator, and use alchemy to witness the miracle of creation."

In the blink of an eye, a simple and simple stone gate slowly formed on the formation, and the moment the rune stone on the gate lit up, a mysterious aura from ancient times rushed over. The energy gathered in the formation was like a big hand, slowly pushing open the stone door, gradually opening a gap.

Looking intently, behind the door, it seems to lead to an abyss-like horror world, a void.

Su Lun's forehead was covered with sweat, even if he had a magic formation, it would be quite difficult for him to perform this magic.

Fortunately, with the heart of alchemy continuously providing dark spiritual power, the stone gate was finally fully opened.

Probably seeing the light in the endless darkness, the monster in the void was instantly attracted. Looking at it again this time, I can already see that in the stone gate, one end is very abstract, with a hideous appearance, like a mud monster drawn by two black lines, rushing towards the stone gate.

At this moment, Su Lun's expression froze, he pushed his hands forward, and said softly, "Divine Art Void Exile!"

Mr. Jing on the side also didn't dare to be careless, and cooperated very tacitly, and the spell was instantly completed: "Mirror projection!"

Looking at it again, the mirror flashed by, and the warlock had already been copied to the other side. The two-directional worm was supposed to rush towards the hillside, but was projected into the magic camp by the mirror image. .

Su Lun used mirror projection to subtly cover up the massive energy fluctuations when the divine spell was cast.

In the camp more than ten kilometers away, the magic fluctuation in the tent was only for a moment, and the prohibition alarm was immediately triggered back then.

The head of the patrolling army immediately noticed the problem, and asked, "What's going on, why is there someone in the tent at No. 7754 casting high-ranking spells?"

In an instant, the patrolling corporation near the tent surrounded them.

Dozens of magic towers nearby also instantly condensed strong magic power, ready to deal with unexpected accidents.

The marching rules of the plane of the gods are very mature, and there is a special place for training magic. Whether it is fighting or camping, no one will release spells where they should not be.

A camp of this size must have a complete set of strict plans for dealing with emergencies.

Obviously, they all realized that this magical fluctuation was very abnormal.

But even if it is discovered in time, it is too late!

Su Lun couldn't understand the magicians of the Celestial Plane very well, and he also knew everything in the camp like the back of his hand.

If another person came, no matter how clever the infiltration ability was, there would be no chance at all!

[Void Exile] has been condensed long ago. This is just a projected mirror exit, which cannot be reversed at all.

In an instant, the mirror light in the camp shone brightly, and a door of ancient runes in the light was already wide open.

At this very moment, the ninth-level Dharma Saints guarding the camp were the first to feel the majestic power of the void, which was a terrifying wave that made people feel afraid when they saw it.

not good!

Everyone's expression changed.

No one thought of what happened, but they felt the strong death crisis.

In a blink of an eye, the magic horn sounded in the camp.

Several ten thousand legal groups formed a battle formation in an instant, and at the same time, an old magician in plain white robes appeared on the spot.

The white-bearded old man looked at the mirror light that appeared in the camp, frowned, and understood what happened in a blink of an eye: "Mirror projection? Is it the alchemy native?"

But this is the tricky part of mirror projection. When it is discovered, it is already impossible to stop it, and it is impossible to stop the release of the spell!

The old man looked at the gate of the void with gloomy eyes, and his face instantly became extremely dignified: "Demigod Void Zerg?"

Although he hadn't learned it before, he had never heard of the notoriety of the void Zerg that made countless planes regard it as a plague.

At this time, the strange creature from the stone gate also crawled out.

On the other side, although Su Lun, who had released the magic spell, was a little bit out of strength, he also took out the binoculars with great interest and looked at the magic camp at the end of his field of vision.

Now that the spell has been cast, the rest depends on God's will.

He had read the Zerg notes before, and he knew the habits of the two-way insects like the back of his hand.

As expected, the worm survived.

Although the strong void fluctuations are at the regular level, they should not have crossed the threshold of the god rank.

But it was within Su Lun's expectation.

What is difficult about this two-way insect is not only its ability to reduce dimensionality, but also its inability to kill.

Countless years ago, the Royal Academy of Alchemy in the Kingdom of Talkolu, as well as [Void Gate] and at least one demigod Void Warlock Dean, could exile monsters if they couldn't kill them. Su Lun didn't think those guys in the plane of the gods could emerge out of thin air a void magician who was more than a demigod to exile this monster.

Next, the good show begins.

Through the binoculars, Su Lun watched the Shimen appear, and the mass of black lines surged out.

Looking at the old man standing on the tenth floor of the magic tower, he also recognized it, and said lightly: "Hey "God of Evil Law" Constantine Lei Luoz, there is actually a demigod hidden in the camp Master? "

Mr. Jing on the side also frowned slightly.

The plane of the gods has quietly descended on two demigod powerhouses. If they really want to be fully mobilized, the consequences will inevitably be very bad.

Fortunately, there is also a void two-way worm.

This plan really relieved the huge pressure on the alchemy plane.

It has to be said that the reactions of those magicians were really fast.

At the moment when the two of them were paying attention, various magic towers in the distant camp had already lit up, and countless magic had already gone towards the void gate.

【Forbidden Curse · Thunder Destruction】, 【Legion Mystery · Dispersion of Light】, 【Annihilation · Killing Demon Light】.

The legion spells blessed by the magic tower were several times higher than usual, and the movement was scary.

Being so far apart, both of Su Lun felt the terrifying fluctuation of magic power. Look at this posture, those magicians obviously want to destroy Shimen and monsters together.

In an instant, colorful "fireworks" burst out in the camp.

However, the next scene that shocked the magicians' jaws appeared.

It was this destructive army magic that went towards the two-directional worm, but instead of killing it, there was... silence!

It was as if the ignited fireworks suddenly misfired, and the expected explosion scene was not seen at all.

Those legion magics that could easily kill the ninth-level magic saint fell on the "line monster" and were absorbed in an instant. It's like drawing a few strokes of color on the drawing board, except for adding a little more color, there is no other situation.

And in the blink of an eye, the color disappeared instantly, and the monster changed back to an abstract black and white sketch line form.

The magicians don't know what the [Void Two-way Worm Ultimate Distortion] is, and naturally they don't know the dimensionality reduction ability of this bug.

Su Lun was used to it.

Because a certain black crow has such an ability, it has long been no surprise.

But when he saw this, he glanced at Uncle Crow on his shoulder again, and complained, "Master Crow, look at his ability to reduce dimensionality, and then look at you. I gave you so many good things for nothing."

When Uncle Crow heard this, the bird rolled its eyes anthropomorphically: it is half-god, how old is this uncle?

Su Lun understood the uncle's expression, and sighed slightly with hope in his tone: "It would be great if you could be so strong someday, Lord Crow."

If the black crow is so strong, it will really walk sideways.

Hearing this, the venomous bird rarely complained, but in those dark eyes, the figure of the monster in the distance was reflected.

The void two-way worm was originally a deformed monster with the instinct of killing.

It has been exiled for countless years, and it already has a lot of resentment.

As soon as he came out now, he got another fat beating, so how could he have a good temper?

When the two-way insect completely walked out of the stone gate, it completely ignored all kinds of confinement spells, and rushed towards the surrounding crowd and magic tower.

Its body, which was still like a slime monster before, spread like a flowing liquid in an instant, turning into a thin layer like paper.

Space confinement, physical confinement, magic confinement, etc. Conventional restriction magic has no effect.

Only time is slow, although its actions are slightly slowed down.

But only slowed down.

Without a demigod-level time magician, no one can restrict a demigod monster too much.

And where Erxiang Chongben went, there was despair. Whether it is the magic tower or the human beings, it is like being sucked into a black hole, and the dimensionality is reduced in the two-dimensional world. It is a void monster. Although it cannot teleport, it can hide its body in the void.

Those ten thousand legal groups were still watching the bug's body, but they didn't know that its body had been quietly hidden in the void.

It is everywhere.

Suddenly, the solidified ground under the feet of the tens of thousands of legal groups that were casting magic all around became like mud, and their entire feet sank into it.

"Be careful where you step!"

"No, run away!"

"It's too late, ah... someone help me!"


In an instant, ghosts and wolves were howling in the camp.

The dimensionality reduction ability is so outrageous, it’s okay if you don’t touch it, but if you touch it, it will quickly spread throughout the body like a virus, completely reducing the dimensionality of the target in a very short period of time.

And the strongest output state of the ten thousand legal group is the output of the stance. They must be assembled into a specific formation in order to release some legion magic.

This is a living target for the amphibians.

The tens of thousands of legal groups swallowed up before they had time to react.

The magic shield of the legion has no effect at all in the face of dimensionality reduction capabilities.

Not only humans, but those magic towers seemed to have fallen into a swamp, and were swallowed in a blink of an eye, becoming part of the monster's body lines.

If you look closely, you will find that the color of the lines is much thicker.

Others didn't know what was going on, but Su Lun knew it very well.

This is the unique feeding method of the void two-way insect.

It devours everything rich in energy to replenish itself.

After devouring tens of thousands of groups, its actions were obviously more agile than before.

Su Lun saw this bug in the cursed space of the Void Passage a few years ago, but it was simulated by the cursed space at that time, and its rank was very low.

Now seeing this demigod-level two-directional worm killing all directions, he also sighed in his heart: "The ability of this worm is really incomprehensible, no wonder it can only be exiled."

In the eyes of his omniscient pupil, he saw a trace of rules.

The use of these two-way insects on the rules of space is far beyond the scope of human comprehension.

The dimensionality reduction ability of this two-way insect is almost unsolvable.

But in fact, there are also shortcomings, that is, its speed is not too fast.

If the perception is enough and the agility is enough, there is a chance to avoid the seventh and eighth level magic.

But, this is the magic camp.

Not to mention that millions of magicians are stuffed in the city, the density is extremely high, and their legion wars do not allow them to flee randomly.

What's more, people can escape, but this is a magic camp!

Although plane invasion is the best way to plunder wealth, fighting wars requires money.

There are also countless magic towers here, all kinds of strategic materials, potions, magic cores, energy spars, etc. stored for future all-out invasion wars, etc., the value is immeasurable.

And these things contain powerful energy, and they are the most ideal food for the two-way insects.

They were really going to run away. Could it be that they had spent several years and countless resources building a camp, only to be swallowed up by the two-way worm?

Su Lun had expected this situation from the very beginning.

Those guys on the plane of the gods will never give up the camp, so they will definitely die!

There are still two demigods in the plane of the gods, and the ability to descend from the gods may not be impossible.

But this battle, no matter what the result is, is doomed to be a lose-lose ending.

The camps on the plane of the gods will inevitably suffer heavy losses.

This is what Su Lun and Mr. Jing want to see.

The two watched the battle in the distance, and their brows finally relaxed a little. They watched intently, their eyes reflecting the scene of the fierce battle in the camp.

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