Mechanical Flesh

Chapter 117 Repayment

A shadow of blood fell in front of Qi Yuan, and the sickle walked out from the shadow of blood.

Looking at the giant bear pollution beast that fell on the ground, he couldn't say a word because of the blood effect. Although not all powerful pollution beasts are huge, but the huge pollution beast must be very strong. From the huge size of this giant bear pollution beast Judging by its size, this is definitely a powerful pollution beast of the third peak.

It was such a big guy who might not be able to win by himself, but fell under Qi Yuan's hands and was shot dead by him, which made Sickle couldn't believe his eyes.

Is Qi Yuan really strong enough to easily kill the third-level peak?

"Let's go, the pollution beast is coming!"

Qi Yuan yelled, and then ran away.

On the edge of the old city, there were many vehicles parked. Because many hunters died in battle, these vehicles were left behind.

Qi Yuan randomly picked a jeep, found that the key on it was still there, quickly started the vehicle, and started the big escape.

The blood shadow condensed the scythe figure in the co-pilot, and the wild roar of the beast behind him almost made the whole old city tremble.

On the edge of the old city, there seemed to be an invisible dividing line. Dozens of polluting beasts roared, but none of the polluting beasts dared to step out of the old city and take a step beyond the thunder.

A huge pollution beast, walking back and forth violently, seems to want to leave here, but every time it walks to the edge of the old city, it will eventually stop uneasily.

The irritable Pollution Beast suddenly swung its thick tail, and hit a giant rat Pollution Beast.

The Giant Rat Pollution Beast caught off guard, only had time to utter a squeak before being blown away by the sudden attack of the violent Pollution Beast's tail, screaming and flying away from the old city.

Dozens of polluting beasts around locked their eyes on this giant rat polluting beast at the same time. Just as it flew over the invisible boundary line, the screaming giant rat polluting beast suddenly froze, and it was still in mid-air Before landing, the whole body suddenly swelled up, like an over-inflated balloon.


The gigantic rat polluting beast that swelled to the extreme suddenly exploded in the air, splashing black liquid and bones, scattered in the wilderness, leaving a mess.

The polluting herd quickly quieted down,

Until the arrival of the monster girl riding the pollution beast.

Standing on the edge of the old city, she looked at Qi Yuan who was driving away, her expression was obviously a little unhappy, she pursed her lips, and finally drove the pollution beast under her back to the old city.

Qi Yuan breathed a long sigh of relief when he saw that the polluting beast hadn't chased him through the reflector.

Those swarming polluting beasts, as well as that monster-like girl, left a deep shadow in Qi Yuan's heart. This was the first time Qi Yuan saw the sign-in beam, but failed to sign in, and chose to retreat voluntarily.

That monster girl is too scary, the food is delivered when you get close to the check-in!

Qi Yuan turned on the car stereo casually, ready to relax. Just as the loud heavy metal music started, Qi Yuan remembered that this was still a blue area, so he pressed the switch again, and the cabin became quiet again.

Qi Yuan concentrated on driving, and the huge pressure suddenly relaxed, which turned his spirit into an overworked spring, and he did not recover for a while.

Sickle didn't speak either. Although he had many doubts in his heart, he didn't know how to speak for a while.

Strictly speaking, the two have known each other for less than a day. Although they have had the experience of fighting together, they are not very familiar with each other. In such a closed space, the embarrassment of unfamiliarity will be quickly magnified.

Fortunately, Sickle was not a thin-skinned young man, after a while, he was the first to break the silence.

"I heard from Scorpion that you killed Venom?"

Qi Yuan nodded.

"One shot killed him, and I chopped off his head. There should be no chance to resurrect him as a polluter."

Scythe fell into silence again, and taking revenge on Scythe had become his obsession. He had been waiting for this opportunity for many years, and he never expected that Scythe would die cleanly in Qi Yuan's hands.

Thinking of what Qu Shanhai said when he found him, Lian Dao suddenly felt a little emotional. He originally came to protect Qi Yuan, but he didn't expect that his mission was not completed, but Qi Yuan helped him kill Venom.

Scythe was very aware of the power of Venom. Even if he took action himself and found an opportunity to fight with Scythe, the outcome would be only five or five. Qi Yuan killed Venom, which was equivalent to saving his own life.

What a mess!

Qu Shanhai's favor has not yet been cleared, and he owes a bigger favor!

Scythe scratched his messy hair, feeling a lot lighter inexplicably.

Venom died, although he didn't die by his own hands, it also made him let go of an obsession.

Sickle stretched his body. Compared with his tall body, the space in the carriage was obviously a little narrow.

Sickle tried to move the seat back a bit, and suddenly heard the sound of glass bottles colliding from behind.

A veteran alcoholic, Scythe quickly realized there were a few bottles of the good stuff hidden in the backseat of the vehicle.

The sickle turned into a blood shadow and disappeared from the co-pilot. When it reappeared, there were already two wine bottles in his hand.

When the bottle cap was opened, a strong aroma of wine permeated the compartment in an instant.

spirits! And it's good spirits!

In the new era, spirits are as hard currency as weapons!

Dun dun dun dun dun dun!

Sickle drank half of the bottle in one gulp, and then handed the other bottle to Qi Yuan.

Qi Yuan shook his head, found an excuse casually, and rejected Sickle's kindness.

"Driving without drinking, drinking without driving!"

Although the mechanical flesh and blood were perfectly immune to the poisonous touch of the venom, Qi Yuan still didn't want to casually eat such unknown things.

Sickle laughed.

"Aren't you afraid of getting into a car accident?"

With the physical strength of the two people, even if the vehicle exploded, it would not threaten the lives of the two, at most a minor injury.

As for the car accident, the car of the new era has long abandoned the design of the airbag. Even if the car is smashed into a pile of scrap iron, it will only leave a little trauma to the two of them.

Seeing that Qi Yuan really didn't intend to drink, Sickle didn't insist. After the two drank a bottle of wine, they directly started to drink from the second bottle.

"Are you going back to the steel chariot?" Sickle asked belching.

Qi Yuan rolled down the car window a little, so that the smell of alcohol in the car would dissipate faster, then nodded and said:

"I'm doing well in Steel Chariot, and I have no intention of leaving for the time being."

The sickle pondered for a while, as if he was organizing his words, and after a while he said:

"The broken star energy stones in the lead box disappeared. Some people suspect that you did it."

Although he didn't see the wonderful scene of Qi Yuan's battle in the arena, Lian Dao already had a general understanding of what happened inside. Can't get rid of the relationship.

Sickle still clearly remembers the weird scene of Qi Yuan dissolving the first metal wall. Those liquid metals that disappeared after being dissolved can mysteriously disappear in Qi Yuan's hands, and the star power stone can naturally be.

Qi Yuan smiled.

"No. 1 and No. 2 were divided by the Iron Chariot and the Dark Fairy Tale. Their goal has been achieved. The star energy stones that disappeared are just some fragments. I believe that Fang and Scorpion will not care about the whereabouts of those fragments."

Although Qi Yuan did not directly admit it, this answer has already given Sickle an answer.

Regarding the whereabouts of the star energy stone, Qi Yuan originally thought of killing him and denying it, because in this matter, it is impossible for others to produce enough evidence to prove that he took the star energy stone.

However, after careful consideration, Qi Yuan finally gave up on this approach. Although no one can provide any evidence for this kind of thing, this is not the old era of the rule of law, but the new era of power. Some things do not need Evidence, just suspicion is enough.

In the absence of sufficient evidence, the whereabouts of the Star Energy Stone was originally a muddled account. The best way to deal with it is to let this account continue to be muddled. Whether it is directly admitted or denied, it will cause some troubles.

If he admits that these star power stones are in his hands, all kinds of temptations and peeps will inevitably follow. These star power stone fragments are enough to tempt the third-level peak. Tier 3 teamed up to encircle and kill.

If he is beaten to death and refuses to admit it, it may not be able to remove his suspicion, but it will definitely break the relationship between himself and Xie and Liao and others. This is not the result Qi Yuan wants to see.

With two large Star Power Stones No. 1 and No. 2 as the base, and he has also demonstrated the powerful strength to kill the third-level peak, coupled with the protection of the music master, Qi Yuan believes that neither the scorpion nor the scorpion is short-sighted. People, even if they have some doubts, they will definitely not continue to entangle those broken star energy stones on themselves.

With the tacit consent of Liao, Xie and others, occupying these star energy stones is the result Qi Yuan wants to see.

"If you have a chance, you should go to the Black Steel Shelter. With your talent and strength, it would be too wasteful to stay in the Steel Chariot," Scythe said.

Qi Yuan smiled, but didn't answer. Talent and strength were obviously just euphemisms. Sickle's eyes were sharp, and he had clearly seen something from his various abilities.

While driving, Qi Yuan vigilantly observed the movement around him, when suddenly a strange figure appeared right in front of the vehicle.

It was a somewhat embarrassed woman, wearing an obviously ill-fitting loose combat uniform, staring straight at her with a pair of absent-minded eyes.

"Why is she here?"

Qi Yuan was a little surprised.

Even though he changed his clothes and didn't have the iconic cyan cheongsam, Qi Yuan recognized the person who came at a glance. It was Qing Lei who almost capsized the puppet in the gutter.

Facing such a powerful woman with unknown motives, Qi Yuan didn't have the slightest intention to stop, turned the steering wheel, and rushed past Qingluan directly.

Although Qingluan did not show any malice, and he was not afraid of Qinglei's attack when he teamed up with Sickle, Qi Yuan clearly remembered that she was seriously injured and on the verge of death in the underground arena. , did not appear to be seriously injured.

Sickle's expression was also a little dignified, and he felt a hint of danger on Qingluan's body, although it was very faint, it also made him vigilant.

Bypassing Qing Lei and continuing to drive for less than one kilometer, Qi Yuan didn't even have time to think about why Qing Lei stopped his car when he found another figure appeared in front of him.

At some point, Qing Lei appeared in front of her again.

Qi Yuan's eyes were fixed, Qing Lei's appearance was too strange, and he obviously didn't see her chasing him just now.

Qi Yuan turned the steering wheel, drew a huge arc, bypassed Qing Lei again, and continued to drive in the direction of the steel chariot.

Thirty seconds later.

For the third time, Qi Yuan saw Qing Lei standing in front of him.

After a brief silence, Qi Yuan finally stepped on the brakes.

The jeep stopped less than ten meters away from Qingluan.

Qingluan was obviously aiming at herself. With her speed and strength, if she really wanted to make trouble, it would be very easy to destroy this jeep, but she didn't do it.

Faced with Qing Lei's kindness, Qi Yuan decided to try to get in touch.

"I'll go down and have a look!" Qi Yuan pushed open the door of the cab and said.


Sickle nodded. Although he didn't get off the car, the thick blood mist was already entwined around him. Once a battle broke out, Sickle could instantly summon Death's Scythe.

Qi Yuan used area detection to observe Qing Lei vigilantly. Under the loose combat uniform, there was a body with bumps and convexities. The scorched skin and flesh had long since disappeared, and there was not even a trace of wound.

Such a short period of time, such a fast recovery speed, is almost as powerful as steel self-healing!

Ordinary extraordinary abilities obviously do not have such a strong recovery ability, which means that Qingluan has some kind of weird secret.

"You looking for me?" Qi Yuan asked.

Qing Lei's absent-minded eyes moved slightly, then she nodded slightly.

"Thank you for freeing me from the puppet's control!"

Qing Lei's voice was a little hoarse and jerky, as if she hadn't spoken for a long time.

Qi Yuan raised his brows, as if he didn't expect Qing Lei to come here on purpose, just to say thank you.

"The puppet is dead, but it was killed by arc light."

Qing Lei was silent for a few seconds, then continued.

"You helped me, and in exchange, I can help you get rid of that tricky baby on your body!"

Qi Yuan glanced at the strange baby on his body. The strange baby who had been trying to invade his body seemed to have given up completely, and hung on his waist obediently, no different from an ordinary toy doll.

"No, I love it."

Qi Yuan resolutely rejected Qing Lei, because the devouring power of Que Wa had no effect on him, and if he kept it on his body, he could scare the polluters. He was reluctant to give away such a useful tool.

A hint of doubt flashed in Qing Lei's eyes, obviously she did not expect Qi Yuan to refuse.

After thinking for a while, Qing Lei took out a fist-sized Star Energy Stone from her pocket with some reluctance.

"This is for you!"

Qing Lei stretched out her right hand, holding the star energy stone in her hand like handing candy, but her expression showed that she was very reluctant to give this star energy stone.

Qi Yuan suddenly had a strange illusion that the person in front of him was not Qing Lei, but a young child. Whether it was the tone of the other party's speech, the style of acting, or even the movement of handing the star energy stone, he didn't look like an adult. people.

Qi Yuan glanced at the star energy stone in Qing Lei's hand, and said slowly: "You keep the star energy stone for yourself, I should go, don't stop my car."

Qing Lei was stunned for a moment, she obviously didn't expect that Qi Yuan would not even want the Star Energy Stone, she nodded in a daze, and then stepped aside.

Qing Lei stood there motionless, just watching Qi Yuan drive away, until even the taillights of the jeep disappeared completely, she said to herself.

"Mom, why isn't she willing to give me the weird baby?"

After a while, Qing Lei's expression changed slightly, and her temperament seemed to have changed into a different person in an instant.

She sighed, and said softly: "Because, he is a strong and confident man! He is not afraid of the girl, but the girl is afraid of him!"

"But, Queer is very important to us!"

"We can't beat him!" Qing Lei let out a faint sigh.

"My body is too weak, Qi Yuan and Sickle together are enough to destroy me now!"

"How can I make my mother's body stronger?"

"Go to that little girl, find what she wants, and trade with her, her blood can make my body stronger!"

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