Mechanical Flesh

Chapter 165: Age

In addition to the assessment of the first level of real illusion, the content of the subsequent five assessments, or the five tests, is relatively simple.

The contents of the five tests are: age, pollution index, genetic stability index, strength of will, and extra points.

The second test was about age. The risk management department did not have a very strict limit on the age of the assessment, and gave the examiner a certain degree of autonomy.

According to the practice of each assessment in the past, if there are too many wilderness refugees who pass the first level of assessment, the chief examiner may set an age threshold to eliminate those who exceed the age limit first, so as to save the workload of subsequent tests.

This time, although the number of people who passed the first test was very small, Pei Zongyan, who wanted to prevent Qi Yuan from entering the shelter, still proposed to set an age threshold.

"With so many test items, it would be a waste of time to test them one by one. I suggest setting it at 18 years old and eliminating a few first, so we can save some time." Pei Zongyan suggested.

Although Pei Yanzong didn't know Qi Yuan's real age, he knew that awakening non-standard abilities was not an easy task. Qi Yuan must be able to awaken multiple non-standard abilities, so he must not be young.

Sun Jia also realized this and directly stood up to oppose it.

Although he knew that Kou Haitao would definitely not agree to such an unreasonable suggestion, he still decided to stand up, because Qi Yuan showed great potential in the assessment just now, and such a person is worth investing in.

For a few words, if Qi Yuan can remember the sympathy of these words, he will have another way in the future.

The two tore their faces apart and quarreled tit for tat.

Kou Haitao played with a small device like a flashlight, and listened to the quarrel between the two with some headaches. At first, he regretted taking this job. At the beginning, the two could maintain the superficial harmony. , so that he also fell into a dilemma.

"Age has no threshold."

Kou Haitao said with a final word.

Hearing this expected decision, Pei Zongyan and Sun Jia stopped their quarrel.

"Bring someone here." Kou Haitao didn't want to hear the quarrel between the two, and started the second test directly.

Lei Xie and the others immediately brought over the nine people who were waiting.

The hunters who failed the first test did not disperse.

They surrounded the square, trying to observe the follow-up assessment.

Kou Haitao glanced at the wilderness hunters around him. As the chief examiner this time, although he didn't discriminate against wilderness refugees, he didn't want to be surrounded by such a group of people as monkeys.

Lei Xie noticed Kou Haitao's displeasure, and was about to go forward to disperse the wilderness hunters who were watching, but Kou Haitao shook his head.

"No need to disperse."

In the past, he would have dispersed the crowd long ago, but this time the assessment was different. Qi Yuan's interest entanglement was too deep, and he didn't want to get himself involved. More witnesses could avoid a lot of trouble.

Kou Haitao scanned the surroundings with oppressive eyes, and the noisy hunters quickly quieted down. The deterrent power of the fourth-level mechanic is still very terrifying.

After the surroundings became quiet, Kou Haitao walked up to the nine of them and said with a serious expression:

"I am the chief examiner of this assessment—Kou Haitao! The next few items will be tested by me personally!"

"You have been able to pass the assessment, which has proved your strength, but strength alone is not enough to enter the Black Steel Shelter! We also need to conduct other tests, your age, pollution index, genetic stability index, spiritual will They are all required tests.”

"I don't care who you are, and I don't care why you want to enter the Black Steel Shelter, but since you have participated in this assessment, you must follow my rules. I will not embarrass any of you, nor will you favor Help any one of you, all of you, and use the results of the test to speak."

Kou Haitao's words revealed a lot of information, and Qi Yuan also realized that this examiner was not from Ke Shoulin or Tan Qiu.

And he didn't want to intervene in the battle between the two sides, so he assumed such an impartial attitude.

The existence of such an examiner is good news for me. As long as there is no external interference, I can pass this assessment.

Several wilderness hunters had different thoughts. Qi Yuan silently observed the surrounding hunters through area detection, and found that most of the hunters were a little nervous and their heartbeats accelerated, but there were also three hunters who were calm as usual and did not show any nervous reaction. .

Among the three, two were people who tried to target themselves during the first test, and the other was also a bit unfamiliar, and had never appeared in the Black Steel Shelter. At least during this time, Qi Yuan had not been in the Black Steel Shelter Steel Shelter had seen him.

Is it a pure stranger? Or their accomplices?

Qi Yuan swept across the three of them indifferently.

The assessment items of the shelter are no longer a secret. These items are things that all wild hunters are not sure of, even at the most basic age.

Many Revenant hunters have no idea of ​​their birth date.

As for genetic stability, pollution index, and strength of spiritual will, they are not things that can be dabbled in the wilderness.

In the previous assessments, many of those Wilderness Hunters who worked so hard to pass the first level of the assessment failed in the subsequent tests and lost the qualification to enter the shelter.

The two wild hunters who were trying to target themselves were not nervous because their goal was not to enter the shelter at all. Why was the other one not nervous?

Do you pass the test with full confidence, or do you have other plans?

While Qi Yuan was thinking, Pei Zongyan suddenly stood up and walked over.

"You are Qi Yuan?" Pei Zongyan looked down at Qi Yuan indifferently.

"I am!" Qi Yuan said.

Ke Shoulin's people! Qi Yuan said silently in his heart.

"You are a smart person. I think you are very aware of your current situation. Even if you get into the Black Steel Shelter by chance, Tan Qiu can't protect you. If you are willing to give up this assessment, I can save your life!"

What a disgusting arrogance!

Qi Yuan shook his head in his heart, and at the same time began to realize that his behavior just now might have made the person in front of him feel a little uneasy, so he couldn't wait to come over and threaten him.

Qi Yuan didn't want to confront this person head-on at this time. After all, the other party was not only Ke Shoulin's pawn, but also one of the examiners, representing the face of Black Steel Shelter.

Qi Yuan just looked at him without speaking, because he knew that someone would come to help him out.

"Pei Zongyan, don't you take Kou Haitao and me too seriously!" Sun Jia quickly leaned over.

Kou Haitao glanced at the two of them, but did not speak.

Pei Zongyan looked into Qi Yuan's eyes and said:

"As long as you give up this assessment, other conditions can be set by you, remember what I said!"

After finishing speaking, Pei Zongyan turned and left directly.

Sun Jia glanced at the back of Pei Zongyan leaving, and then Qi Yuan said with a smile: "My name is Sun Jia, Tan Qiu asked me to protect you, with me here, Pei Zongyan dare not lay hands on you, don't be afraid of him. "

Qi Yuan smiled.

"I'm not afraid of him, I'm afraid of scaring him!"

Sun Jia was taken aback, and then gave Qi Yuan a thumbs up.

"Your performance just now really scared him. Do you know that your first test directly broke the record of the war department, and the several non-standard abilities you showed made him full of fear. He was afraid You entered the Black Steel Shelter, afraid that you would quickly advance to the fourth level, afraid that you would retaliate against him!"

Is this a record breaking?

Those peak third-orders in the shelter are so useless?

No, it's not that they are useless, but those with potential abilities in the sanctuary will not awaken too many frontal combat abilities at the third level. Their vision is higher, and they will selectively awaken those who can match each other and advance to the next level. Fourth level ability.

In addition, what are non-standard capabilities?

Qi Yuan knew that the person in front of him should be someone arranged by Tan Qiu, so he asked, "What is the non-standard ability?"

Sun Jia smiled and said: "In the shelter, all abilities are divided into two types according to the way of awakening, one is standard ability and the other is non-standard ability."

"All abilities awakened by using genetic agents are called standard abilities. These abilities can be mass-produced, but they have certain sequelae."

"All natural awakening abilities are also called non-standard abilities. Although the awakening of this kind of ability is difficult for us to develop and control, they represent the potential to step into the fourth level. You have awakened many non-standard abilities. In Tanqiu With the help of you, you will definitely be able to step into the fourth step."

"This is what makes Pei Zongyan really afraid of you!"

Qi Yuan raised his brows. Although the abilities bestowed on him by the talent tree are stronger than other people's abilities of the same level, Qi Yuan never thought that there are non-standard abilities.

According to Sun Jia's words, these second-level abilities of his are probably all non-standard abilities.

If the people in the sanctuary knew about it, they would probably have to slice themselves into slices.

Sun Jia patted Qi Yuan on the shoulder.

"You don't have to worry about the follow-up test. Based on your results in the first test, passing all the tests and entering the Black Steel Shelter is a sure thing!"

Faced with Sun Jia's overtures, Qi Yuan just smiled, and he has come to this point, if he can't even enter the Black Steel Shelter, then it is a real dead end.

Although the conversation of the few people was not loud, the hunters around could hear it clearly. Whether it was Pei Zongyan's threat or Sun Jia's help, it was beyond their comprehension. How could a wilderness hunter It will involve so many interest disputes in the shelter.

Several people looked at Qi Yuan secretly, as if they wanted to pry into his secret.

Age testing begins quickly, and while most Revenant hunters don't know their true age, it's a no-brainer for shelters.

The flashlight-like device that Kou Haitao is playing with can quickly complete a person's age test.

Kou Haitao walked up to the first hunter, pointed the end of the instrument at the hunter's eyes, pressed the button on the instrument, and a green beam shot into the hunter's eyes.

The hunter squinted his eyes subconsciously, and then quickly controlled his body's instincts, forcing his eyes to stay open.

Three seconds later, Kou Haitao turned off the instrument, and the light beam disappeared.

"Twenty-seven years old! The score is seven points!" Kou Haitao directly stated the test result.

Twenty-seven years old! Seven points!

Several hunters glanced at him subconsciously. In the wilderness, twenty-seven years old is not too old, but here, twenty-seven years old is obviously a very young age, and seven points is also a very competitive score. .

Kou Haitao walked in front of the second hunter, and quickly completed the age test for the second hunter.

"Thirty-one years old! Five points!"

Kou Haitao walked over one by one, and soon walked up to the person who was trying to sabotage Qi Yuan's assessment.

A few seconds later, Kou Haitao calmly reported his age.

"Forty-five! One point!"

Several wilderness hunters cast surprised glances. Although this man looked older, forty-five years old was somewhat beyond their expectations.

If it is said that at the age of 27, you can get a relatively good score in the test, but at the age of 45, you can't even get a guaranteed score. When you meet those strict examiners, you may even fail in this test. Give it a zero.

Zero points means elimination!

Although Yifen was not eliminated, the pit was dug so deep that it was almost impossible to get up later.

Moreover, in the wilderness, the degree of pollution is generally proportional to age. A forty-five-year-old wilderness hunter would probably be at the bottom of the pollution test score.

The hunters on the sidelines also began to whisper. In the past recruitment assessments, no wilderness hunter over the age of forty has ever passed the assessment!

Age discrimination is real in the recruitment process, and it is the most frustrating thing for Revenant hunters, because it cuts off all hope of entering the shelter for those older Revenant hunters.

The age of forty-five means that the wild hunter has already been eliminated early.

Several wild hunters were secretly happy, there was one less competitor!

This forty-five-year-old wilderness hunter has a calm expression, as if he has not been affected in any way.

"Forty-three! One point!"

After testing the last player, Kou Haitao calmly reported the age of an early exit.

After hearing this age, the hunters watching around the square couldn't bear it any longer, and suddenly whispered.

This time the recruitment assessment, Black Steel Shelter recruited five people.

A total of only nine people passed the first test, and two of them exceeded the age limit. This means that among the remaining seven people, only two more need to be eliminated!

This kind of ratio makes the hunters who are watching can't help but feel envious.

Although two of the five places are drug testers, that's better than hanging out in the wilderness.

Soon, Kou Haitao came in front of Qi Yuan.

After a simple test, Kou Haitao paused for a few seconds before reporting his age and score.

"Seventeen years old! Nine points!"


Pei Zongyan's eyes were fixed, as if he didn't expect Qi Yuan to be so young.

"Your two chess pieces seem to be useless!" Sun Jia chuckled softly.

"That's not necessarily the case." Pei Zongyan glanced at Sun Jia.

"Don't forget, there is no age threshold this time. Even if the score in this assessment is a little lower, there is still a possibility of catching up! As long as the comprehensive score can surpass Qi Yuan, he will not even think about entering the Black Steel Shelter! "

"Aren't you underestimating Qi Yuan too much? He got a perfect score of 20 in the first test!" Sun Jia said.

"You have two chess pieces, one with 12 points and the other with 13 points. The sum of the first two points is not even half of Qi Yuan's. What are you using to compete with Qi Yuan for the spot!"

"If I were you, I should find a way out for myself now!"

"You can imagine that a seventeen-year-old ability user has awakened multiple third-level non-standard abilities. As long as this kind of person enters the shelter, even if he does not enter the laboratory, he will be snatched away by the Desolation Department for key training. "

"Qi Yuan's soaring momentum is already unstoppable, don't you worry about being hated by him?"

Pei Zongyan's face changed, and finally he said coldly: "He hasn't entered the Black Steel Shelter yet, don't threaten me with this."

"I'm not threatening you." Sun Jia whispered.

"I just kindly remind you, is it worth it for Ke Shoulin's little thing?"

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