Mechanical Flesh

Chapter 295 Doubt

Although the four avatars secretly communicated with each other and reached an agreement, they did not show any mercy in the battle. The infighting between the avatars turned into internal fighting, and they would still join forces in unison when fighting against foreign enemies.

The appearance of the AT force field has weakened the strength of the patrolling sentinels who were already at a disadvantage by nearly two levels, and directly dominated the outcome of this battle.

With the joint efforts of the four mechanical clones, they finally defeated the eight patrolling sentries unscathed.

After defeating the enemy, the atmosphere among several clones became serious again. Facing the powerful No. 1, the other four mechanical clones decisively chose to join forces.

"No. 1, since you are here, why do you hide? If we are killed by patrolling sentries, what benefits will you get?" No. 4 asked in a deep voice.

"I've just arrived too, and I don't mean anything malicious." No. 1 said slowly without being annoyed.

"However, you shouldn't call out my whereabouts."

Seeing the noncommittal attitudes of several avatars, No. 1 continued:

"Haven't you ever thought about how these eight patrolling sentries gathered?"

Number four glanced at Qin Yi's wreckage.

"Although there are not many patrolling sentries here, it is not impossible to gather eight."

Number One shook his head.

"With your strength, it is still possible to gather eight patrolling sentries, but with Qin Yi's strength, even if you only encounter a group of patrolling sentries, you should not be able to run away. Why does he gather so many patrolling sentries?"

Number Four's gaze sank.

"You mean these patrolling sentries were attracted by Qin Yi on purpose?"

Another No. 7 clone immediately said: "Impossible, this behavior is equivalent to betrayal! With Qin Yi's strength, he still can't break through the underlying logic implanted by the supreme controller! He can't betray!"

"Why not?" Number One asked back.

"Have you forgotten the Fang of Despair?"

No. 7 fell silent immediately. If it wasn't for the unexpected betrayal of the Fang of Despair, the No. 9 War Fortress would not have been destroyed at all, and the main body would not have been forced to disintegrate and venture into this mechanical ruin.

before this,

No one thought that the Fang of Despair would betray, and the underlying logic implanted by the supreme controller could not be violated. It had already become the iron law of the Mechanical Royal Court, and they also gave them absolute trust.

But the Fang of Despair still betrayed the Mechanical Royal Court, betrayed the supreme controller, and gave himself a heavy blow.

Since the Fang of Despair can betray, Qin Yi can naturally betray too.

The battle just now broke out too suddenly, they didn't have time to think about the reason, but now that No. 1 pointed it out, they realized that something was wrong.

As No. 1 guessed, if it wasn't for Qin Yi's active attraction, it would be absolutely impossible for him to gather the eight patrolling sentries.

"Whether it is Despair Fang or Qin Yi, it is impossible to take the initiative to break through the underlying logic implanted by the supreme controller. There must be other forces intervening, which led to their betrayal." No. 1 said.

"Could it be Duanmu Dragon Elephant?" No. 4 said in a deep voice.

Seven shook his head.

"Although Duanmu Dragon Elephant is very powerful, he is not a mechanic. He is just a seventh-level ability user in the elemental domain. It is impossible to break through the underlying logic implanted by the supreme controller."

"It wasn't Duanmu Longxiang, the black hand who caused Despair Fang and Qin Yi's betrayal was someone else." No. 1 said slowly.

Number Four took a deep look at Number One.

"You doubt that Qi Yuan?"

"Yes, that's him!" Number One said.

"Although Qi Yuan's rank is not high, his strength is not weak, and his attainments in the field of machinery and energy are extremely amazing, and he has broken our plan many times. The underlying logic is only possible with him!"

Seven was still skeptical.

"Qin Yi is the ninth group of explorers. He has never had contact with Qi Yuan. How did Qi Yuan help him break through the underlying logic of the supreme controller and make him betray?"

"Although Qi Yuan has never had contact with Qin Yi outside, if they have contact in the mechanical ruins, can they do this?" No. 1 asked back.

Number Seven was taken aback.

"You mean, Qi Yuan also entered the mechanical ruins?"

The mechanical ruins are one of the top secrets of the mechanical court, and no human has ever set foot there, not only because the mechanical court has blocked relevant news, but also because the defense mechanism of the mechanical ruins does not allow flesh and blood life to step in.

Mechanics once conducted experiments in other mechanical ruins, and tried many times to bring flesh and blood life into it, but in the end, no flesh and blood life could pass through the passage alive, whether it was a person with abilities or a beast, even a person with high-level apocalypse abilities and High-level panic insects will all die suddenly while passing through the passage, without any exception.

Number One nodded.

"The reason why I hid and didn't show up is to look for Qi Yuan. Such a dangerous enemy hiding in the dark is a huge threat to us!"

"I believe that the intervention of external forces led to the betrayal of Despair Fang and Qin Yi, but I don't believe that this external force is Qi Yuan!" Number Four shook his head and said.

"Qi Yuan is a life of flesh and blood. It is impossible for him to pass through the passageway alive. Moreover, I don't believe that a mid-level ability user can break through the underlying logic implanted by the supreme controller."

Not only No. 4, but the other three avatars are also skeptical about No. 1's speculation. In this new era where strength is paramount, Qi Yuan's rank is the biggest weakness.

Although Qi Yuan defeated Tianyun and Death Furnace, he was considered the top level among the sixth level, but he did not step into the high level after all, and there was still an insurmountable gap between him and the supreme controller.

They didn't believe that a mid-level ability user could do this, even Duanmu Longxiang was more likely than Qi Yuan.

Seeing the doubts of several people, No. 1 also guessed their thoughts, and his eyes suddenly became gloomy.

He can accept that the rest of the avatars join forces to exclude him, but he will never allow other avatars to choose to ignore certain truths in order to exclude him. Once these things are ignored, it is likely to threaten his life.

"If you are not clones decomposed from the main body, I would really like to see you pay the price for your stupidity. At this time, Qi Yuan may be hiding nearby, watching our jokes. If he is not found out, he will He will always hide in the dark, looking for an opportunity to give you a fatal blow, just like he used Qin Yi to attract eight patrolling sentries to besiege you!"

Number Four looked at Number One without fear.

"It's not that we don't believe you, but that your speculation is too incredible. I think what we really need to worry about is this mechanical ruin, not the Qi Yuan you imagined."

In the distance, Qi Yuan, who was hiding in the dark, had already quietly distanced himself to avoid being discovered. Although he couldn't hear what they were saying, Qi Yuan vaguely felt that this No. 1 might already have doubts.

The battle just now broke out too suddenly, so the mechanical clones didn't have time to think deeply. Now that the crisis has been resolved, the slaughterer must be able to realize the problem.

And No. 1 deliberately hid in the dark, probably because he wanted to find himself out.

It is not good news for Qi Yuan to expose himself so quickly. Fortunately, the other party should only be suspicious, and there seems to be a faint trend of splitting among these clones of the slaughterer.

Since these clones of the Slayer also have internal conflicts, if one of the clones of the Slayer can be controlled, it may be possible to provoke a civil war between them!

Qi Yuan's thoughts changed sharply. The massacre has ten clones in total, five of them have gathered here, and five are wandering in the mechanical ruins. Even if a few are unfortunately besieged and killed by patrolling sentries, there must still be lonely ones. Maybe I can find trouble with those who are alone, otherwise it will not be easy to start after all these clones gather together!

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