Mechanical Flesh

Chapter 378 Games

Time passed slowly, and there was still no movement in the prison, and there was no news from the shadow ghost who stepped into it, as if it had disappeared.

The white gloves remained motionless, but the light in Duanmu Longxiang's eyes gradually became brighter, and the communication in the depths of the prison had been completely cut off. Although Qi Yuan and the others also had no news, judging from the current situation, no news means best news ever.

If the butcher and the others really had an accident, then the shadow ghost who entered it should have succeeded. Although the shadow ghost belongs to the parallel apocalypse, it is the bottom of the seventh order, but the seventh order is the seventh order, and there is no existence of the seventh order. Even Qi Yuan couldn't stop Shadow Ghost's footsteps.

After waiting for another ten minutes, there was still no news from the shadow ghost, and a man in combat uniform came over.

His head was divided into two distinct halves by the midline of his nose. On the left was a human body of flesh and blood, with black eyes, a tall nose bridge, neat teeth, and a black snake tattoo on his cheek.

The other half of the head reflected the silver-white metal Guanze. Whether it was the mechanical eyes emitting scarlet light, or the hard metal nose bridge and mouth, it clearly showed that they were no longer flesh and blood.

Between the flesh and the machine, there is a seam like a zipper. This face where the flesh and the machine coexist seems to have been forcibly put together with a zipper.

With the arrival of this person, Duanmu Longxiang's eyes became more serious.

Because this person is not only a high-level powerhouse, but also an old human being, one of his few friends, but he did not expect that after that accident, this old friend of the old human being fell into the arms of the new human being.

The half-flesh, half-mechanical man stood beside the white gloves, looking at Duanmu Longxiang, the red light in the mechanical eyes was flowing.

"Duanmu Dragon Elephant, I haven't seen you for many years, but your temper is still so stubborn!"

Duanmu Longxiang snorted coldly.

"Steel Bone, behind the accident that severely injured you and caused you to lose most of your body, was his handwriting. Why did you choose to stand with them?"

Steel Bone shook his head and said: "Whether that accident was an accident or not has already been settled. I have found the real culprit behind the scenes and killed him with my own hands. The past is over. Look ahead."

"Now I am stronger than before, but you have been dragged in place by those weak ants. Over the years, your strength has hardly improved. Duanmu Dragon Elephant, you should learn to let go!"

Duanmu Longxiang squinted his eyes, looking at the steel frame.

"So, you came to lobby for him?"

"No, I just came to say hello to you." Cyborg said.

"I'm going to go in and have a look, will you stop me?"

Duanmu Longxiang took a deep look at the steel frame.

"Shadow Ghost has been in for nearly half an hour, but there is no news. You should know what this means. Why do you go down to die!"

Steel Bone smiled, turned around, and walked slowly into the prison.

"I can understand your persistence now, just like me back then, but one day you will find that this persistence is meaningless. Those people you guard will abandon you without hesitation because of the immediate interests, just It's like throwing away a broken rag."

Seeing the back of the steel frame disappear at the entrance of the prison, Duanmu Longxiang felt a heavy breath in his chest, unable to vomit it out.

Duanmu Longxiang looked at the white gloves, and the killing intent in his heart spread like wildfire. If the steel frame hadn't completely collapsed its psychological defense line, how could it have become what it is today.

"Forcing others to die, and watching the fire from the other side, is this the cooperation you talk about?" Duanmu Longxiang said angrily.

"Everyone takes what they want!" White Gloves said.

"We didn't force the steel bone. In fact, after the steel bone let go of the shackles, no one can force a high-level strong man who has nothing to do."

"Just like you at this moment, if you can let go of the burdens of the war department,

Who can force you to do what you don't want to do? "

Hearing the words, Duanmu Longxiang pondered for a few seconds, then suddenly laughed.

"Perhaps, this bond is the biggest difference between new humans and old humans. Although this bond will become a weakness in your eyes, it is also the meaning of our lives. If a person has nothing to worry about, Even if he is invincible in the world, so what, it is just one more lonely person in this world."

White-gloved fingers tap.

"Loneliness is the ultimate destination of every strong person. If he can't even bear this loneliness, then he is not qualified to be a strong person."

"In this world, only strong strength is real. From my point of view, your bond has no meaning other than being a weakness threatened by others."

"It's like the steel bone that just entered. I remember that he was also your friend, and he was also the so-called bond in the mouth, but now, you are still standing on the opposite side. If you blocked him from entering just now, he would even fight with you. Swordsmen face each other!"

Duanmu Longxiang shook his head, looked at the white gloves and said seriously:

"You still don't understand! If one day, you can understand the bond between human beings, you will be qualified to be called a person. Before that, you are just a group of tools in flesh and blood!"

White Gloves chuckled noncommittally, he also knew that he could not convince Duanmu Longxiang, White Gloves paused for a moment, then suddenly opened his palms, palms facing the sky.

I saw a golden coin lying on the palm of the glove.

This is a gold coin of the new era. At the beginning of the new era, some forces replaced paper and pen with gold coins and became the currency of the new era. Although this currency system collapsed soon, these gold coins remained.

On one side of the coin there is a gate of nothingness, on the other a cloud of rising mushrooms.

The gate of nothingness is the symbol of the gate of truth when it was first established. One of the promoters of gold coins back then was the gate of truth.

And the rising mushroom cloud represents another force, the Dove of Peace. However, humans in the new era prefer to call them the Dove of Peace!

This force that has continued from the old era to the new era, relying on the nuclear weapons in its hands, once tried to rebuild the order of human society in the new era, and became the ruler of the new world. Unfortunately, with the power of the extraordinary, the deterrence of nuclear weapons The power dropped rapidly, and the nuclear pigeon also withdrew from the stage of history.

"Steel Bone has already gone in, since you dare not do anything to me, why don't we play a little game?"

Without waiting for Duanmu Longxiang to object, he said in white gloves:

"The reason why you persist here is because you believe in the strength of the butcher, and believe that he can overcome this test, but I think that although the butcher is very strong, his ties will become his fatal We can take down this tough bone this time."

"The door of truth means that the steel bone can come out alive, and the nuclear dove means that he will die inside. Which side do you guess?"

Duanmu Longxiang looked at the white gloves coldly, but did not speak.

Seeing this, the white gloves flicked their fingers casually, and the golden coin rolled around in the void, reflecting the golden light.

"Let's add a little bet to this little game. I know that there is no money in the account of the war department. Those wounded are like a bottomless pit, consuming your last accumulation. In a maximum of three days, the medical services they enjoy will be reduced." Downshift, even stop, don't look at me like that, I don't want to see this scene like you, so I'll give you a chance today!"

"If you win, I will help you pay for one day's medical treatment for the wounded. If you lose, I will deduct an extra day for the wounded's medical treatment."

"How? Do you want to play this game with me?"

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