Mechanical Flesh

Chapter 381 Purple Sable

Seraphim stretched out his finger and poked the Sable's body.

"Why don't you keep getting smaller, and make it smaller!"

Sable curled up, lying on the corner of the wall and pretending to be dead, and refused to respond to Seraph again.

Seeing this, Seraphim was obviously a little unhappy, and fine thunderbolts spread out from his fingertips, and then poked at Sable's body.

Although the sable is not afraid of this level of lightning, the purple fluff all over its body stands on end one after another, like a fluffy little hedgehog.

"Your hair seems to be pretty good, give me a mink coat!" Seraph said.

Sable's body trembled, and then he continued to play dead.

The butcher walked over with the steel-bone corpse and placed him next to the sable. The corpse that belonged to the ghost had disappeared, replaced by black embers scattered around the sable.

Seeing Cyborg's corpse, Seraph smiled.

"There is something to eat again, do you still want to eat?"

Zidian sneaked out one eye, glanced at the steel bone's corpse, and squirmed slightly, as if swallowing.

But after seeing Seraphim squatting aside, Zidian quickly closed his eyes, and then buried his head deeply.


Zidian let out a childish cry.

Although the sable can't speak, it is a panic insect after all, and this cry clearly expresses its meaning.

It is saying: I don't eat, you go away!

Seraphim understood the cry of the sable, but he didn't get angry and didn't leave. Instead, he continued to stimulate the sable with wisps of blue lightning, making its fluff stand up, fall down, stand up, and fall down. Down

"Don't regret it later!" Seraph said.

Zidian didn't speak anymore, only occasionally using black pearl-like eyes to secretly see whether the corpse of Cyborg was still there.

Of course, Seraphim's small movements couldn't be hidden from Seraphim, who stretched out his right hand and snapped his fingers.

The invisible force field spread instantly, covering the steel bone's corpse.

I saw strands of colorful energy visible to the naked eye escaping from the corpse of the steel bone, and then condensed into a small vortex in the midair.


Seeing this scene, Zidian's stomach suddenly let out a growl.

Of course the corpse is not delicious, but the strange colorful energy is so delicious! It's so delicious it's irresistible!

"This panic beast doesn't seem to have much viciousness," Qi Yuan said.

Mo Sheng glanced at Ling You, and said in a low voice:

"It should be that Lingyou used some special means to erase their original will. I once saw a panic cub, and they were even more ferocious than adult panic insects."

"The infancy of the Panic Worm is very short. Within a year, this purple electric mink should be able to leave its infancy and possess some high-level combat power!"

"So fast?" Qi Yuan was also a little surprised.

After the strength reaches a high level, the lifespan of both humans and worms will be greatly extended. It is normal for a panic worm to live for hundreds of years. In such a long life cycle of a panic worm, it is less than one year. The juvenile period is so short that it is almost negligible.

"If it didn't break out of its shell in advance, and was severely injured by the mysterious force just after it came out, its infancy period would be even shorter." Mo Sheng said.

"Compared to human beings, Panic Beasts are born with a level of panic, and within less than a year, they can have the strength to match the level of panic. This is the scariest thing about Panic Beasts."

"If it weren't for the fact that the reproduction of the panic insects is very difficult, and it is difficult for them to break through the limit of the original rank, I am afraid that the entire Seablue Star has become their lair."

Qi Yuan nodded. Although human beings can continue to become stronger through various means, human beings are still very weak when they are just born. If the offspring of a high-ranking strong man has the rank of Apocalypse right after birth, that is the most terrifying matter.

prison corner,

Under the disintegration of Seraphim's powerful force field, Cyborg's corpse has turned into a pile of black embers like Shadow Ghost, and all the remaining energy in his body has been swallowed by the vortex, and finally turned into a An energy body in the shape of a colored crystal.

The purple electric mink had already let go of its claws covering its eyes, and its eyes were firmly attracted by the colored crystal energy body, and could no longer move away.

Seraphim kept throwing colored crystal energy bodies, and Zidian's eyes followed it, moving up and down constantly.

Wisps of transparent saliva dripped from the corner of his mouth and fell to the ground along the smooth fur.

The corner of Qi Yuan's mouth twitched, this sable didn't seem very smart, it was led into the ditch by Seraph so quickly.

"Seraphim's ability is simply breathtaking!" Mo Sheng exclaimed.

"Although the source crystals of Shadow Ghost and Steel Bone have been taken away, their bodies have been honed by the source crystals for many years, and there is still a lot of source crystal power remaining. Seraph is able to temper all these energies. It is really amazing. Nothing wasted."

Qi Yuan thought in his heart: Seraph is not just tempering, but turning his bones and dregs into energy.

After many experiments, Qi Yuan discovered that the force field of Seraphim can not only realize the conversion of different energies, but it can also extract all the energy in the real object, and the remaining black embers are probably just a little bit empty. energy impurities.

Seraphim teased the sable for a while, but the sable finally seized the opportunity, soared into the sky, and swallowed the flailing colored crystal energy body in one gulp. , actually emitting a colorful halo.

"It was just born, and it swallowed the energy condensed from the remains of two high-ranking powerhouses, carefully breaking it."

"It won't break." Qi Yuan shook his head.

"The reason why it is so greedy for the energy fed by Seraphim is because it can easily absorb the energy, and it will not accumulate in the body due to swallowing too much. I can feel that the energy intensity of this purple electric mink is stronger than that of a newborn It has become much stronger since then, and the source crystal in its body has also grown a lot, if Seraphim continues to feed it like this, I guess its juvenile period will be shortened."

Sable closed his eyes, contentedly lying in the palm of Seraphim, allowing Seraph to play with it at will, as if he had resigned to his fate.

"This purple electric mink eats so well since it was born, and it's not afraid to feed its mouth." Mo Sheng said with a wry smile.

"That's a problem that Fu Qingqing should worry about in the future."

Qi Yuan also laughed as he spoke, and he was deeply moved when he talked about his mouth being fed. Seraphim only eats star energy stone energy, which is enough for picky eaters. Recently, he has become obsessed with star power essence, which is comparable to purple food. Electric mink is much more expensive.

"I don't know how many Apocalypse powerhouses the new humans will send in to die this time. If there are a few more, Zidian might really be overwhelmed!"

"During Shadow Killer and Cyborg, did you deliberately let the butcher preserve his strength, was it to confuse the new humans and let them send a few more people down to die, so as to feed this sable?" Mo Sheng joked.

"I just want them to bleed a little more, and at the same time test how powerful the new humans are." Qi Yuan said.

"The killing is too fast, maybe it will scare them away at once, making them think that the butcher is injured, so slowly increase the fuel, so that we can kill a few more, and maybe force them to get a few more cards."

"A high-level apocalypse powerhouse is not a Chinese cabbage." Mo Sheng said.

"Two apocalypses have already died. No matter how slow the new humans are, they should have discovered something is wrong. The next wave of attacks may not be so easy to deal with."

"They are here!" Qi Yuan said suddenly.

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