Mechanical Flesh

Chapter 393 Breaking Through the Earth's Crust

In the void, there are only two ghosts of Ling You left, and only the last two source crystals of the eighth-order apocalypse are left in the source crystals, and the beam of destruction still has not stopped, and the white-toothed destruction energy is still shrouded in the top of the head , may come down at any time.

The light curtain above the head shattered again, Ling You's phantom sank into the source crystal without hesitation, and another light curtain appeared out of thin air.

Perhaps because the source crystal of the eighth-order apocalypse is strong enough, the light curtain this time is tougher than the previous light curtain, and it lasted for nearly six seconds before it shattered.

Although the light beam still existed, Qi Yuan keenly noticed that the intensity of the light beam had weakened the moment the light curtain shattered.

Maybe Lingyou really has hope to survive this catastrophe!

The last source crystal shattered, and the last light curtain quietly appeared, which has become the last line of defense to protect everyone.

Qi Yuan stared fixedly at the light curtain, and the force field of order was ready to go.

Although the force field of order cannot block the destruction beam like a light curtain, it can weaken the intensity of the beam to a certain extent. Now that the destruction beam is in decline, if it can be further weakened, even if the beam finally comes, there is still a glimmer of hope against the past.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and the originally tough light beam had become precarious, and it was about to shatter. Qi Yuan and Seraph had already opened their force fields at the same time.

Everyone's attention was not attracted by the blazing white beam of destruction. No one noticed. Fu Qingqing's fingers moved slightly. The butcher lowered his head, looked at Ling You with his eyes closed, and gently stretched out his hand to embrace her into the room. in the arms.


The last light curtain shattered, and the beam of destruction finally descended.

Although the energy of the destruction beam has been weakened by half, its strength is still terrifying. The butcher may be able to resist it with difficulty. When Ling You, Fu Qingqing and Mo Sheng are bound to die.

Qi Yuan sighed, and expanded the force field that originally only enveloped himself, enveloping everyone in it.

Seraphim originally only wanted to envelop Qi Yuan, but in the end, like Qi Yuan, enveloping everyone.

The blazing energy beam passed through Seraphim's force field, although its intensity was weakened by a layer, it was still deadly enough.

Seraphim's aura became sluggish, forcibly weakening such a terrifying energy beam, even she would have to pay the price!

Afterwards, Qi Yuan also let out a muffled groan, and the force field of order was also exposed under the light beam.

Only by touching the light beam can one clearly sense the horror of the light beam. Even if the intensity of the light beam has been weakened by more than half compared to the beginning, it is still not human power to contend with.

The butcher may be able to persist under the beam for a few seconds, but if he cannot get out of the beam in time, he will eventually die.

The light beam has enveloped the entire prison, and there is no room to hide. Qi Yuan slowly closed his eyes, waiting for the final arrival of the light beam.

There is also a super life body talent tree in my body, will it take action at the last moment to save myself as the host?

A second later, Qi Yuan suddenly opened his eyes. With the speed of the light beam, he should have been killed at this moment. Why am I still alive?

Could it be?

Qi Yuan turned around suddenly, only to see Fu Qingqing who was lying down, but she had stood up at some point, she opened her arms, looked up at the beam of light above her head, with a serious and calm expression.

An invisible force field seemed to spread between Fu Qingqing's hands, enveloping everyone, and the extremely terrifying beam of light was unexpectedly blocked.

Qi Yuan looked at Fu Qingqing in astonishment, how did she do it?

In other words, what is her apocalyptic force field?

Even relying on his own strength, he blocked the coming of the light beam!

Although the light beam has been weakened a lot, but Fu Qingqing, a new Apocalypse, was able to block it, which is simply unbelievable.

If the butcher is also the apocalypse of the elemental domain, he might be able to block the coming of the light beam with his tyrannical strength, but he is not, and neither is Ling You. Facing such a terrifying light beam, they can only hide or resist it.

Butcher and Ling Youhe discovered Fu Qingqing's awakening, and they looked at Fu Qingqing in surprise,

He even forgot that the death beam above his head still exists.

Fu Qingqing maintains a hemispherical light curtain, enveloping them, the violent destructive energy goes all the way down the edge of the light curtain, only the area where the few people are still remains intact, like a piece of water under a waterfall. The rock firmly blocked the scouring of the destructive energy.

Although the destruction beam was terrifying, Qi Yuan felt that its strength was rapidly weakening, and after being resisted by Ling You for nearly half a minute, this terrifying attack that could destroy any strong Apocalypse was enough to calm down.

Qi Yuan lowered his head and took a look. Except for a few people, the land within a radius of a few meters has not been dissolved, and the place outside of Fu Qingqing's light mask has turned into a circle of deep potholes.

The molten metal and soil mixed together gave off a burnt and pungent smell, and the residual heat of the light beams still scorched the earth, like a scene of doomsday ruins.

Qi Yuan looked down along the deep pit left by the destroying beam destroying the earth, and even saw the blazing magma rolling, this blow has penetrated the bottom shell!

Qi Yuan vaguely realized why despite the friction between the major organizations, they did not send a large number of high-level powerhouses to the front line. With the terrifying destructive power of the high-level powerhouses, once a full-scale battle broke out, it would cause terrible damage to the entire planet.

The terrifying light beam had just ended, but the impact he caused was like a stormy sea, quickly sweeping through the entire Black Steel Shelter.

Except for a few people who knew this matter well and expected it, everyone was shocked by the determination and ruthlessness of the new human beings.

Although the previous battle caused some damage to the shelter, it was still within their acceptable range, but this terrorist attack that penetrated the bottom shell directly crossed the bottom line they could bear.

This blow has already shaken the foundation of the Black Steel Shelter. Not only was the entire building of the prison destroyed under the attack of the destruction beam, but the scattered aftermath almost turned half of the Black Steel Shelter into ruins.

"They really dare to do this!"

The two old men who were playing chess sighed and dismissed the chessboard in front of them casually. Although they were also one of the behind-the-scenes pushers of this incident, it also required great courage to make such a blow that would kill everything. Whether or not the shot killed the butcher, the subsequent mess will be a huge trouble, and even the headquarters will be held accountable.

"The battle is over, and it's time for us to send someone to deal with the follow-up matters!" said the old man in black robe.

"I'm going to contact other people. The new humans have lost most of their high-level combat power in the hands of the butcher this time, and made such a big mistake. They are no longer suitable for power, and they should be cleaned up!"

The old man in white robe nodded.

"I will contact the headquarters and report the matter to them. Even if the new humans in the headquarters want to protect them this time, they will have no way to do it!"

The old humans who had been silent for a long time began to show their hidden fangs, preparing to clean up the new humans in the black steel shelter, and the new humans in the shelter were also ready to fight.

In this chaotic time, no one even went to check on the butcher's life and death. They all thought that the butcher was dead. They had joined forces to target the butcher, but they also turned their direction and aimed at the new enemy!

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