Mechanical Flesh

Chapter 399 Headquarters Comes

An off-road vehicle like a heavily loaded tank was speeding in the wilderness. It was extremely fast, but there was no sound, and even energy fluctuations were blocked.

An invisible force field enveloped the whole vehicle, so that the whole vehicle did not have the slightest bump in the process of the rapid situation. Whether it was a swamp or a hill, the vehicle passed everywhere as if walking on flat ground.

Occasionally, a wandering panic beast found the trace of the vehicle, and after feeling the force field, it would choose to retreat quietly.

If you look down from the void, you will find that the trajectory of this car is completely a straight line, almost without any bends or arcs, and the front of the line points directly to the black steel shelter.

The space inside the vehicle is very wide. In the cab is a woman in a tight black leather jacket. She has short pixie hair and wears sunglasses. She occasionally looks inside the car through the rearview mirror, and spends most of her time concentrating on driving.

Except for the cab, the rest of the vehicle's space has been converted into a studio. An old man in a black Tang suit with white beard and hair is sitting in the modified studio, carefully flipping through a paper document, and occasionally picking up a pen Writing and drawing on a piece of white paper seems to be calculating something.

The information was very thin, only three thin pages, but the old man seemed unable to read it all, and the white paper that took up half of the desktop was already filled with various complicated formulas.

After a long time, the old man put down the pen and paper in his hand and rubbed his swollen temples.

"Shang Yu, how long will it take to reach the Black Steel Shelter?"

Shang Yu, who was driving, glanced at the car map.

"There are forty-seven minutes left before you can enter the Black Steel Shelter."

"Professor Jiang, you can rest for a while, and I will remind you when you arrive."

The old man shook his head.

"Before seeing this Duanmu Dragon Elephant, I couldn't sleep. His data is too unbelievable. If the data is true, the energy problem of our Titan Project may be solved."

Shang Yu was silent for a while, then said:

"I have checked the information of Duanmu Dragon Elephant. The information shows that he is the head of the war department. He has no research background. These materials cannot be his research results."

"Of course I know it's not him." Professor Jiang smiled.

"Don't forget, Duanmu Dragon Elephant fought a battle with the Mechanical King's Court, and it is said that he destroyed a war fortress of the opponent. These things should be his spoils for defeating the Mechanical King's Court."

"That battle also had some problems." Shang Yu said.

"I checked the details of the battle reported by the Black Steel Shelter. Under normal circumstances, with his strength at that time, it would be impossible to defeat the Mechanical King's Court, unless the commander of the Mechanical King's Court made a big mistake!"

"According to the data of our previous battles with the Mechanical King's Court, the Mechanical King's Court's battle rhythm is very strict, and it is impossible to make mistakes. However, in the duel with Duanmu Dragon Elephant, the Mechanical King's Court made repeated mistakes, and was even bombed by him. It's completely unreasonable."

The old man nodded thoughtfully.

"You mean there's something wrong with the Duanmu Dragon Elephant?"

Shang Yu nodded.

"There was a problem with this battle. As the commander of the frontline base, Duanmu Longxiang must have known about it, but there was no explanation in the battle report. He is the most suspicious."

"If Duanmu Dragon Elephant really has a problem, then his information may hide the trap of the Mechanical Royal Court."

Professor Jiang shook his head.

"There may be a problem with the Duanmu Dragon Elephant, but these data are definitely not a problem. I have calculated several key data, and it is very likely to solve the problems we encountered."

"If there is really a problem with these data, then the problem also lies in its source. I have analyzed many sixth-order energy cores of the Mechanical Royal Court. Although their key indicators are more advanced than our energy cores, they are still far from these data. Obvious difference."

"Our energy core technology is said to be catching up with the mechanical royal court, but in fact it is just an imitation,

And because of the data encryption of the Mechanical Royal Court, our imitation has not captured the essence. "

"However, after comparing this data with the parameters of the mechanical royal court, I vaguely feel that the energy core of the mechanical royal court is also imitating, and the object of imitation is the energy core in Duanmu Longxiang's hand, and their imitation is also not Captured the essence."

Shang Yu looked a little surprised when he heard this.

"You mean, these advanced technologies didn't come from the Mechanical Royal Court?"

"It's possible!" Professor Jiang said slowly.

"A long time ago, we discovered that the mechanical royal court's research strength is not stronger than ours. Their breakthroughs in many ordinary technologies are not ideal, but in those key technologies, they have gone very smoothly. I once suspected that there was a certain Existence has been guiding the Mechanical Royal Court forward, but this guess has not been confirmed, until I saw this invitation letter from Duanmu Dragon Elephant, I thought Duanmu Dragon Elephant might be able to give us some hints, and this is where I personally went The reason for Blacksteel Shelter."

"If we can also grasp the source of this technology, can we break the technical blockade of the Mechanical Royal Court and defeat them?" Shang Yu asked.

"It's not that simple." Professor Jiang shook his head.

"Although the innovative research of those iron bumps in the Mechanical King's Court is not very good, their cracking and copying technology is stronger than ours. Even if we have the same advanced technology as the Mechanical King's Court, it will be difficult for us to surpass them."

Having said this, the old man paused for a moment, then sighed, and continued:

"What's more, under the control of the supreme controller, the Mechanical Royal Court has almost no internal friction. This is something we will never be able to surpass."

When Shang Yu heard this, his eyes became sharp.

"The civil strife in the Black Steel Shelter has destroyed nearly half of the buildings in the Shelter, and many high-ranking officials have died. Their unscrupulous internal strife has crossed the bottom line of the headquarters' tolerance."

The old man said helplessly:

"There is no way to do this. Although the headquarters is stronger, it needs to deal with the Mechanical King's Court, the Council of Destruction, the Dark Lair, the Fallen Land, and the Doomsday Holy Court outside. There is no energy left to manage these shelters."

Speaking of this, the old man seemed to think of something, changed the subject, and asked, "I remember that Jiang Ming went to the Black Steel Shelter for a while."

Shang Yu was silent for a long time, then slowly said: "Eleven years, four months and twenty-seven days."

"That is to say, the two of you haven't seen each other for eleven years, four months and twenty-seven days." The old man said to himself.

"At the beginning, I decided to send Jiang Ming to the Black Steel Shelter. That's why you haven't seen each other for so long. Do you blame me?"

Shang Yu shook his head.

"He is your son, and you have your reasons for letting him leave the headquarters."

"Hey!" Professor Jiang sighed.

"Although Jiang Ming has some talents, he is far behind you. I don't want him to delay you, so I deliberately let you separate. I didn't expect you two to have such a stubborn temper."

Shang Yu pursed his lips and stopped talking, but occasionally lost his mind, thinking of that former playmate, close friend, and lover.

Eleven years, four months and twenty-seven days haven't seen each other, will you still remember me?

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