Mechanical Flesh

Chapter 401: Destiny

After thinking for a few seconds, Hong Zhige explained: "Duanmu Longxiang is with the butcher right now, you may be in some danger by going there yourself."


From Hong Zhige's previous description, Professor Jiang has fully realized the strength and madness of this butcher. His strength may no longer be inferior to Shang Yu's. Even if he is placed in the headquarters, he is still an absolute strongman.

After weighing for a while, Professor Jiang finally followed Hong Zhige's advice and met Duanmu Longxiang in the meeting room of the board of directors.

Hong Zhige also heaved a sigh of relief. Although this Professor Jiang also has a rank of seventh rank, his combat strength is probably weaker than that of parallel importers like Shadow Ghost. .

Under Hong Zhige's arrangement, Duanmu Longxiang quickly received the news, and not long after, he went to the living room and met Professor Jiang who came from afar.

"Professor Jiang!" Duanmu Longxiang said respectfully.

Although he has the energy core and detailed data in his hands, Duanmu Longxiang also knows that Professor Jiang in front of him has a special identity, and he never thought that this person will come to the auction in person.

Professor Jiang put down the materials in his hand and said with a smile: "Don't be nervous, just sit down!"

Duanmu Longxiang sat upright, but he was a little worried. In case Professor Jiang asked him to hand over the energy core in his hand, whether he would hand it over or not.

Professor Jiang pondered, and said calmly:

"You should know the reason for my visit this time. The energy core in your hand and those data are very valuable. A heavyweight research project at the headquarters urgently needs these things in your hand, so I will come here in person this time. .”

Duanmu Longxiang Longxiang's heart sank, knowing that the situation he was least willing to face was coming, he could say no to white gloves, he could say no to old human beings, that was because he still held the trump card given by Qi Yuan, But this time is different. The person in front of him is an absolute high-level executive of Doomsday Arms. His weight is not on the same level as the director of Blacksteel Shelter.

Just when Duanmu Longxiang didn't know how to deal with it, Professor Jiang seemed to see the worry in Duanmu Longxiang's heart, and said:

"Don't worry, since I have accepted the invitation letter from the auction, I won't force you to take it out at this time. I will bid at the auction and give you a price that satisfies you. I'm calling you here now. Just wanted to ask you something."

Duanmu Longxiang breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the words. With Professor Jiang's status, he didn't need to deceive himself at all. If he wanted to take these things away now, he would not have any power to fight back.

"What do you want to know, just ask?"

"I want to know how you obtained that energy core." Professor Jiang said.

Duanmu Longxiang's heart trembled. He had thought before that someone would ask him this question, and he had already prepared for it. But when he heard Professor Jiang ask this question with his own ears, he realized that he seemed to have overlooked the question. What, but I can't remember it for a while.

Duanmu Longxiang calmed down, and according to the excuse we made before, he said that this energy core was a loot that Qi Yuan accidentally discovered when he sneaked into the No. 9 War Fortress. This is also what he had communicated with Qi Yuan before.

After listening carefully, Professor Jiang looked thoughtful, and then picked up the data on the table.

"How did this data come from?"

Duanmu Longxiang secretly groaned in his heart. He realized that this Professor Jiang had doubts. Although he didn't know where there was a loophole in his story, if Professor Jiang continued to ask about this matter, he might soon die. Dressed up.

"After Qi Yuan got the energy core, he did a test by the way. This is the data he gave me after the test."

Duanmu Longxiang began to talk nonsense in a serious manner. Although he didn't want to involve Qi Yuan, if it was said that other people had a higher chance of cheating, he could only hope that Professor Jiang would not be too suspicious.

Then Professor Jiang asked a few more questions, all related to the energy core, but they didn't go too deep, and they were all fooled by the Duanmu Dragon Elephant.

In the end, Duanmu Longxiang didn't know whether Professor Jiang believed his words, so he was sent out in such a daze.

After Duanmu Longxiang came out, he originally wanted to send a message to Qi Yuan immediately, telling him what happened just now, but after thinking about it, he turned off the information terminal and went to the Exploration Department to explain the matter to Qi Yuan in person.

Not long after Duanmu Longxiang left, Jiang Ming and Shang Yu also quietly appeared in the living room. Following Professor Jiang's gaze, Shang Yu looked a little nervous, but Jiang Ming looked very calm and quietly held Shang Yu hands. valley

"Father, in the eleven years, four months and twenty-seven days since I came to the Black Steel Shelter, I have never forgotten Xiaoyu. I don't know why you must separate us, but today, as a son I implore you, I hope you will agree with us to be together."

Upon hearing this, Shang Yu raised his head and gave Jiang Ming a tender look.

"I never forgot you one day."

Professor Jiang glanced at the two of them, and finally sighed softly.

"I don't want the two of you to be together, but I hope you can be safe and sound."

Jiang Ming looked into Professor Jiang's eyes, and said in a deep voice, "I don't know what kind of future Your Excellency Cursed Eye sees. No matter what kind of disaster Xiaoyu and I will encounter in the future, we are willing to face it hand in hand."

"Besides, the future is not immutable!" Jiang Ming said slowly.

"Both Butcher and Ling You are alive. Since they can change the established destiny, so can Xiao Yu and I!"

Professor Jiang looked at Jiang Ming in surprise.

"It seems that the cursed eye has revealed a lot of news to you."

Jiang Ming nodded.

"Before leaving the headquarters, I met with His Excellency Cursed Eye, and at my request, he revealed some information to me."

Listening to the conversation between the two, Shang Yu was a little absent-minded, she didn't know these things before.

Shang Yu looked at Jiang Ming in a daze, and said with some difficulty:

"What did you see, Your Excellency the Cursed Eye? Could it be that I am with you, will it have any adverse effect on you?"

"Don't think too much." Jiang Ming held Shang Yu's hands and said gently.

"No matter what happens in the future, I have the confidence to face it together with you. I have figured it out over the years. If my future is without you, I would rather not have a future!"

"Jiang Ming"

Shang Yu's eyes were slightly red. She originally thought that Professor Jiang deliberately separated herself from Jiang Ming because of her own identity. She never thought that there would be other reasons.

"Don't worry, what Butcher and Ling You can do, we can do the same, trust me!" Jiang Ming said.

Ling You nodded slightly, but her thoughts were a little chaotic.

Professor Jiang looked at the two and sighed in his heart. Jiang Ming is his son, and Shang Yu grew up watching him. If there is no future that he sees with the cursed eye, he would like to see the two walking together. Together.

Jiang Ming looked at his father. Today, he is willing to bring Shang Yu here, which proves that his attitude has changed. If he wants to be with Shang Yu, this is his only chance.


Jiang Ming wanted to say something else, but Professor Jiang waved his hand and interrupted his next words.

"I haven't been able to separate you for eleven years. I brought Xiaoyu here today just to tell you that I won't stop you again. Although I don't know how Lingyou and the butcher changed their fate, it's yours too. Opportunity, I hope you can seize the opportunity to change your destiny from the two of them!"

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