Mechanical Flesh

Chapter 419 Request

The brand-new leader medal repaired by Professor Qin was delivered to Qi Yuan ahead of schedule on the twenty-eighth day, which also means that all the gains obtained by the energy core have been secured.

Just when Qi Yuan was about to test the effect of this new leader medal, an unexpected visitor interrupted Qi Yuan's plan.

Qi Yuan glanced at the information on the private terminal, looking a little surprised.

The commissioner from the headquarters, Director Jiang Ming, why is he here?

Although he was surprised, Qi Yuan still opened the door, ready to meet this director who has always kept a low profile.

Although the relationship between Jiang Ming and Professor Jiang was not made public, Qi Yuan vaguely guessed the relationship between the two.

Qi Yuan opened the door, only to find two people standing at the door. In addition to director Jiang Ming, that Shang Yu who once guarded Professor Jiang was also standing with him.

"Come in!" Qi Yuan said.

Jiang Ming and Shang Yu nodded and walked into the living room.

After the two sat down, Qi Yuan made a cup of coffee with his own hands, and then said:

"Director Jiang came here in person, is there something important?"

Jiang Ming smiled wryly and shook his head.

"Although it's presumptuous, but we came here this time to ask for something. It's not a business matter, it's a private matter."

Qi Yuan was a little surprised. With this person's identity and strength, there are not many things that he can ask for help.

Qi Yuan didn't refuse, nor nodded, but put on an appearance of listening attentively.

Jiang Ming took a deep breath, organized his words, and slowly expressed his predicament.

After listening to the whole story, Qi Yuan was a little lost, and didn't know how to describe his mood for a moment.

Are you becoming a tool man?

"You mean the butcher and his family of three should have died in the civil strife in the Black Steel Shelter a month ago?" Qi Yuan asked in disbelief.

Jiang Ming nodded.

"The eyes of Your Excellency the Cursed Eye can occasionally glimpse fragments of the future. Before the butcher incident, all the fragments he glimpsed have become facts!"

What abilities are these!

Qi Yuan couldn't help calling outrageous in his heart.

Although I know that high-level powerhouses have various powerful abilities, isn't this ability to see the future too weird!

"The butchers survived, changed what the Lord of the Cursed Eye saw, and broke the established fate. Why do you think it was me?" Qi Yuan asked.

"I was just guessing at first, but before I came, I went to see His Excellency the Cursed Eye and confirmed it," Jiang Ming said.

"In all the futures that His Excellency the Cursed Eye sees, you do not exist, and all the prophecy abilities in the mysterious domain are invalid for you. This is a sign of jumping out of the long river of fate. Has the ability to change the established destiny!"

Qi Yuan frowned.

What the eyes of the curse saw was the original fate of this body, or the fate that really belonged to him?

If it was the original owner of this body, he is already dead, and the dead naturally have no future to speak of.

If what he saw was his own destiny, was it because the super life form talent tree interfered with his abilities, or was it because of the gift of the will of the world in him, or other reasons?

Qi Yuan suppressed the thoughts in his heart. No matter what the reason is, this seems to be good news. The prophecy abilities of the mysterious domain are ineffective for him, and he can avoid many prying eyes. As his strength becomes stronger and stronger, he will definitely There are more people looking at him. If there are big bosses in the mysterious domain who see the existence of mechanical ruins on him, even if he advances to the seventh level, he probably won't be able to handle it.

"As far as I know, people in the Holy Court of Doomsday seem to have this similar characteristic." Qi Yuan said.

"That's true." Jiang Ming said.

"Not only the people of the Doomsday Holy Court, but the envoys can also evade the prophecies of the mysterious domain. I even suspected that you are the saints of the doomsday or the envoys of the gods, but Your Excellency the Cursed Eye denied my guess.


Hearing this, Qi Yuan suddenly became interested in the cursed eye that Jiang Ming was talking about. That one was thousands of miles away, but he saved himself a lot of unnecessary troubles.

"Thank you, Cursed Eye, for returning my innocence!" Qi Yuan said with a smile.

Jiang Ming also laughed.

"Although, in the eyes of many people, Your Excellency the Cursed Eye is very scary, but for me, the Lord Cursed Eye is a trustworthy elder, and for Doomsday Arms, the Lord Cursed Eye is a powerful guardian. If you have a chance, you can go to the headquarters and meet him."

Qi Yuan smiled.

"If I had the chance, I would go."

"So, how do you want me to help you?"

"The butcher and the others were able to survive the siege mainly because the butcher was strong enough. During the whole process, I didn't play a big role. With my current strength, I can't do it." What."

Jiang Ming smiled wryly.

"I don't know how to change our destiny. Before danger arises, Shang Yu and I will stay in the Black Steel Shelter. My father said that you may face some threats from the mechanical court. During this time, I think we can work together."

"If you are in danger, Shang Yu and I can do our best to protect you. If we are in danger, I hope you can help."

Jiang Ming looked at Qi Yuan nervously, waiting for Qi Yuan's reply. At the same time, he knew very well that Qi Yuan was not likely to face danger from the Mechanical King's Court, but would definitely encounter danger from the Mechanical King's Court. When I decided to come to the Black Steel Shelter with Shang Yu, Your Excellency the Eye of the Curse once again saw some traces of fate. This decision will bring me a glimmer of hope, but at the same time it will also bring fatal danger, and the dangerous The source is the Mechanical Royal Court!

There is no direct entanglement between myself and the mechanical royal court, and it only appeared after I made a decision. Therefore, this danger from the mechanical royal court is not aimed at myself, but at Qi Yuan. I am actively involved in this danger.

The reason why Jiang Ming didn't say it out was because he didn't want to turn the whole thing into a naked transaction. If possible, Jiang Ming hoped to become friends with Qi Yuan and help each other as friends.

Hearing this, Qi Yuan was silent for a long time.

The existence of the mysterious domain proves from the side that fate is no longer nothingness, it is real.

So, was the butcher's favor for him at the beginning because of his relationship with Fu Qingqing, or because he also saw his future, so he, like Jiang Ming, shortened his relationship with him in advance?

If I could really change the fate of others, what price would I have to pay?

Qi Yuan glanced at Jiang Ming and Shang Yu. Jiang Ming went back to the headquarters with Professor Jiang this time, and his strength has improved significantly. He has obviously stepped into the eighth level. The more powerful Shang Yu, if these two are willing to protect themselves, they can indeed block most of the dangers.

However, with the identities and strengths of these two, what kind of danger is it that can lead their fate to death?

However, with his current strength, it seems that there is not much room for rejection.

Jiang Ming and Shang Yu lowered their dignity and came to ask for their help in person. They regarded themselves as the last straw. If they chose to refuse, would they really give up?

Qi Yuan shook his head silently in his heart. Shang Yu and Jiang Ming have proved with practical actions that they are not the ones who give up easily. Professor Jiang's source of life potion seems to be to enable himself to better help the two. man, if he refuses

Qi Yuan suppressed the thoughts that came up in his heart, and looked at the two of them calmly.

"If you are in danger, I am willing to help you, but with my current strength, I am afraid it will be difficult to help you substantially."

Jiang Ming heaved a long sigh of relief.

"It doesn't matter, this promise is enough. If there is nothing we can do, we won't ask for more."

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