Mechanical Flesh

Chapter 472 Fear

Nan Qinghuan said inwardly, and was about to close her eyes to avoid looking at Han Ye, but she found that her body became extremely stiff, and her eyelids seemed to be stretched open by someone. Staring at the whirlpool in Han Ye's eyes, he remained motionless until he sank deeply into it.

Qin Ling on the side looked at all this indifferently, with some apprehension in his eyes, but not much fear.

Nan Qinghuan was so easy to be controlled, not only because he was not strong enough, but also because Han Ye had planted hints in his consciousness long ago.

Han Ye's ability is very strange, he can control Nan Qinghuan, but he can't control himself, just like hunting a terrifying beast the day before yesterday!

"Let's go."

Han Ye controlled Nan Qinghuan to walk in the front, and the three of them stepped over the swaying corpses and walked towards the depths of the Forest of Bones.

The hanging corpse swayed in the wind, as if welcoming the three of them.

After walking a certain distance, Qin Ling became more vigilant.

"There's something wrong with the number of corpses here!"

In the woods, hanging corpses can be seen everywhere. Just a casual look, there are hundreds of corpses, and all of them are human corpses, even more than the sum of the four villages. This is completely unreasonable.

Judging from the number of times of the doomsday sacrifice and the number of people each time, it should be impossible to have so many people.

"These corpses may not all be the chosen ones of the Doomsday Ritual," Han Ye said.

"You can take a closer look at the corpses. Most of them are mid-level ability users, and there are only a very small number of Apocalyptic powerhouses."

Qin Ling stared at the corpses for a while.

Are these bodies any different?

Seeing that Han Ye didn't intend to explain, Qin Ling was too embarrassed to continue asking.

After walking a certain distance, Qin Ling suddenly felt a feeling of being spied on. He turned around and took a look, only to find that the corpses behind were swinging, and they all turned around and faced him.

Qin Ling's scalp felt numb all of a sudden.

"These corpses seem to be watching us!"

Han Ye turned his head and glanced at the corpses around him,

Appears indifferent to the peeping of the dead body

"It's not the corpse, but the ancient tree inside is looking at us, it knows we're coming!"

Qin Ling felt a little uneasy. He clearly told Han Ye the secret of the Forest of Bones, but Han Ye seemed to know the Forest of Bones better than himself.

Soon, the three of them walked to a small old tree. This old tree was only three meters tall, and it was shorter than most of the surrounding trees. The leaves were not dense, and even a little yellow. It looked sickly. of.

"Why did you stop?"

Qin Ling looked around vigilantly, as if he hadn't realized that the unremarkable dead tree in front of him was the ancient tree they were looking for.

"It's already here!" Han Ye said calmly.

Qin Ling was stunned for a moment, and then saw the tree that Han Ye's eyes locked on, which was far from the omniscient and omnipotent ancient tree he imagined.

"You mean this tree?" Qin Ling seemed suspicious.

"Let him try and find out."

As Han Ye said, Nan Qinghuan, who hadn't said a word all the way, suddenly stepped forward, his expression struggled, as if he wanted to get rid of Han Ye's control, but his body obediently obeyed Han Ye's instructions.

The fingers of the right hand made a long and thin cut in the palm of the left hand, and bright red blood gushed out quickly.

Nan Qinghuan stretched out his left hand, blood dripped on the dead tree, the originally rustling woods suddenly became quiet, all the hanging corpses turned around in unison, staring at Nan Qinghuan with hollow black eye sockets.

"I smell the smell of flesh and blood!"

An old voice came from deep in the forest.

Qin Ling seemed to be facing a formidable enemy, he looked around, trying to find the source of the sound, but saw that Han Ye was just quietly looking at the ancient tree in front of him, unmoved at all.

Qin Ling swallowed, and he found that Nan Qinghuan, who was standing in front of the dead tree, had no longer struggled on his face, and his expression became dull, like a standing corpse

"A sacrifice, in exchange for an answer, outsiders, you can ask questions now!"

The voice from nowhere was still echoing in his ears, Qin Ling glanced at Han Ye, and according to the agreement, he was the one who asked the question this time.

But in this weird environment, Qin Ling was a little afraid to speak.

"It's up to you to ask!" Qin Ling said.

Han Ye glanced at him.

"You think about it, the questions I want to know may not necessarily be what you want to know!"

Qin Ling looked at him in astonishment.

"Don't you want to know how to get out of here?"

"Of course I want to know, but I have more important questions!" Han Ye said calmly.

Qin Ling's expression changed. He didn't expect that Han Ye wanted to ask other questions. After struggling for a few seconds, cold sweat dripped from Qin Ling's forehead.

damn it!

what do I do!

If I ask Han Ye to ask, I will miss the way to leave!

If I ask myself a question, and Han Ye doesn't get the answer he wants, will he treat me as a sacrifice?

At this moment, Qin Ling extremely regretted teaming up with Han Ye!

Under Han Ye's gaze, Qin Ling finally didn't dare to take any risks and decided to give up this opportunity to ask questions.

"This time you ask!"

After finishing speaking, Qin Ling let out a long breath. If he wants to ask questions next time, he may have to wait until he advances to the eighth rank, and then hunt Mo Sheng or Qi Yuan!

Han Ye smiled slightly, not surprised at Qin Ling's decision.

Han Ye looked at the ancient tree in front of him, and asked a question that Qin Ling had never thought about.

Qin Ling, who was standing at the side, couldn't help opening his mouth wide after listening. He looked at Han Ye in disbelief, his eyes full of shock and fear.

Han Ye ignored Qin Ling's shock, just looked at the ancient tree calmly, waiting for his answer.

Perhaps it was Han Ye's question, which was beyond Gu Shu's expectations. He didn't get an answer right away. After a while, Nan Qinghuan, who had a sluggish expression, suddenly moved. He turned to look at Han Ye, with sluggish eyes, Suddenly, a wisp of scarlet blood flowed out.

An old voice came from Nan Qinghuan's mouth.

"Greed is the greatest original sin of mankind!"

Han Ye raised his head slightly, his swirling eyes met Nan Qinghuan's.

"I have made a sacrifice, now, tell me the answer!"

Nan Qinghuan sighed, and slowly said an answer.

When Han Ye heard the words, the corners of his mouth could not help but rise slightly.

"Thank you for your answer!"

Han Ye bowed slightly, then turned and left without looking back.

Looking at Han Ye's back, Qin Ling still couldn't escape from the shock just now. The information revealed by the question just now made him dare not even look directly at Han Ye. Seeing that Han Ye was about to leave the Forest of Bones, Qin Ling bit him. Gritting his teeth, he finally decided to follow.

Nan Qinghuan's eyes were bleeding. Looking at the back of the two people leaving, he let out a sigh. He walked to the outskirts of the Forest of Bones, pulled down a Tenman himself, wrapped it around his neck, and hung himself in mid-air , like other mummies, swaying in the breeze under the breeze.


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