Mechanical Flesh

Chapter 553: Talking Monster

Mo Sheng looked at Xia Zhiqiao and Sha who were sleeping soundly. Both of them were already rank nine Tianqi, even if they were asleep, they should be very alert and shouldn't be sleeping so deeply.

"When will they wake up?"

Qi Yuan glanced at the headless statues around, and said slowly: "They won't be able to wake up for the time being. When they wake up, they should have returned to their original residence."

Mo Sheng frowned. He remembered that he was asleep before entering the Doomsday Ritual. Could it be that when he woke up, he would naturally leave this weird world.

"The Rite of Doom is not a real world, that's why we entered directly from sleep, but it is not a complete illusion, because the illusion cannot bear the existence of super life forms, here is a strange fusion of illusion and reality world, so every time the Ritual of Doomsday, someone will sneak in, but no one has ever been able to lock its location."

As Qi Yuan was talking, he suddenly paused and bent slightly towards the statue in the center of the altar.

"Am I right? Revenant Lord Lord!"

Mo Sheng was taken aback for a moment, Lord of the Dead!

Could it be that this person has been peeping from the side all the time, then why didn't he stop Jiang Guiyu just now?

"Yes! Haha! Hahahahaha! You are right! You have keenly captured the truth of this world!"

Amid hearty laughter, all the headless statues gathered together and turned into a black humanoid headless statue exuding a little bit of starlight.

The humanoid statue is tall, even without a head, it is more than three meters tall, with slender arms hanging down to the knees, and a slender tail flicking slightly behind him.

After the headless statue raised its head to the sky and let out a long roar, it made a gesture to the sky to stop.

"After so many years, I can finally speak!"

The corner of Qi Yuan's mouth twitched, this middle finger was clearly meant for Doomsday, and the Overlord of Souls is so arrogant to provoke Doomsday, is his brain a little hard to use?

No..... his neck is empty, he has no brain at all!

The Lord of Souls bent down. Although he had no head, Qi Yuan could vaguely feel that he was observing himself.

"Well, yes, Doomsday finally did a good thing this time, you can solve the root of all evil,

It can be regarded as a big favor to me! "

"Let me tell you, this guy Doom, he has a bad mind! Don't believe him!"

"Did you see my head? He just took it off. You said I worked so hard to help him suppress the source of all evil, but he took my head off. Do you think he is a villain!"

The corner of Qi Yuan's mouth twitched.

I can't accept this!

There is a doomsday saint next to me. If you slander doomsday in front of him, don't you worry about being heard by doomsday?

Qi Yuan glanced at Mo Sheng, only to see that he was careful with his nose and mouth, pretending that he didn't hear anything.

The Revenant Master didn't pay attention to these details at all. He seemed to be suffocated all these years. Once the clip was opened, he couldn't hold back at all, and all kinds of words popped out. He didn't have the cold and domineering super life form at all, but was more like a chatterbox.

The Lord of the Revenant complained about the end of the day, talking about the battle back then, and about the power of the Protoss, for several hours without giving anyone a chance to interrupt.

Qi Yuan glanced at the pale sky, and finally knew why the statue of Lord of the Dead had no head, it must be the punishment of the doomsday for his talkativeness......

Just when the Lord of the Dead was happily about to continue telling some interesting stories about the end of the year, Qi Yuan finally couldn't help coughing and interrupted him.

"The souls of the dead dominate Your Excellency, it is almost dawn!"

"Is it so fast, I still have a lot of stories to tell!"

The Overlord of Souls took a look at the gradually whitening sky, and then stopped with some unsatisfactory intentions.

"It's a pity that this world is about to collapse, otherwise I must tell you about the past of Doomsday and that woman. I will tell you that Doomsday used many means to pursue that woman... "

Seeing that the Revenant Master was about to enter the chatterbox mode again, Qi Yuan had no choice but to interrupt him again.

"Your Excellency Lord of the Revenant, we should leave here."

The Lord of Souls paused for a moment, and patted Qi Yuan's shoulder earnestly.

"You are very nice! Among my many friends, you are the most talkative one. We had a great chat today. I still have a lot of stories. After I recover, I will go to you and let's have a good chat. Days and nights!"

The corner of Qi Yuan's mouth twitched, I didn't say anything, just listened to you talking about the embarrassing things about the end of the night!

I doubt now whether the doomsday will silence me!

"Oh, by the way, there is one more thing I almost forgot." Said the Lord of Souls.

"In order to prevent my original power from being eroded by the source of all evil, the doomsday hid my life imprint and original power on Seablue Star. Counting the time, I should have recovered to a certain extent, just because I lost my super life So I can’t keep all my memories. If you can find me after recovery, remember to help me collect some envoys. Seablue Star’s energy is too scarce, so I need to eat a few envoys to ensure my recovery. progress!"

Qi Yuansheng looked at the Lord of the Dead without love, he was an extremely powerful envoy, not a snack that could be taken away!

"Come on, I'll miss you, my friend!"

The Lord of the Dead waved his hand.

Qi Yuan and Mo Sheng suddenly felt a burst of drowsiness, and they both fell into a drowsy sleep at the same time.

The Lord of the Dead took a look at Qi Yuan, Xia Zhiqiao and others lying together, and finally cast his gaze deep into the forest.

"Old man, did you also make a choice?"

The forest was silent for a moment, a tender green leaf slowly floated from the depths of the dense forest, landed on Qi Yuan's body, then penetrated into the body, and finally turned into a faint imprint on the back of his hand.

The Lord of Souls still stared at the depths of the dense forest, and said coldly: "Not enough!"

The forest was silent for a moment, then a leaf floated again and landed in Mo Sheng's body.

"Not enough!" The Lord of Souls still said coldly.

The forest suddenly rustled, as if talking about something, but the Lord of Souls remained indifferent, just looking at the dense forest coldly.

The forest slowly quieted down, and the two sides stalemate for a while. Seeing that the sun was about to fall, the forest finally compromised.

Another two leaves floated out from the forest and landed on Xia Zhiqiao and Sha respectively.

The Lord of Souls said in a cold voice:

"Remember your promise, the end of the year can spare your life and let you survive, and I can kill you and make you disappear forever!"

The forest rustled again, and the Overlord of Souls gave a cold snort in satisfaction.

A little bit of starlight rose from the body of the Lord of the Dead, and the body of the Lord of the Dead gradually stiffened, losing the breath of life.

Slowly, all the infiltrating starlight gathered together, condensed into a strange rune in the midair, and finally turned into a stream of light and soared into the sky, disappearing into the night sky that was about to dawn.

At the same time, the figures of Qi Yuan and others rippled like water patterns, like an illusory phantom, slowly disappearing on the altar.


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