Mechanical God Emperor

Chapter 362: Taboo claw

(ps: the first million rewards for Tian Yu’s brothers and sisters)

I saw it in the distance, a cloud of clouds suddenly appeared in the sky, and a black line appeared on the ground.

There are more than a thousand abyss demons flying in the dark clouds in the sky.

There are still many humans on the ground who are madly fleeing in the direction of this city. The abyss in the sky descended from the sky, and constantly grabbed a personal class, as the eagle caught the chicken and caught it in the air, biting it at random, and swallowing humans alive.

The screams of screams came from afar, like the screams of hell.

Lisa saw this scene, her face pale, and she vomited directly into the mouth and spit it aside.

The students of the School of Magic also trembled one by one, watching the ferocious abyss demons in the sky, filled with fear in their hearts.

Many of the students of the School of Magic were horrified and vomiting.

Although the students of the General School of these magical academies are all cultivation geniuses among the civilians, their experience is still a little less. And what Yang Feng’s School of Magic needs to learn is not as much as the Warlock Academy needs to learn. In this way, their cultivation speed can be leaps and bounds, but it is also far deeper than the warlock's roots.

The Fasso-faced Terran almost 90% of the magician's spells need to pass the magic net of the goddess of the magic net. As long as the mental strength is enough, it is easy to be promoted to become a formal magician. All the magicians were concerned by the goddess of the magic net, and Yang Feng could not pass the set of the warlock to the ordinary students.

If the goddess of the magic net is alarmed, then the goddess of the magic net with powerful power can make the eyes of Yang Feng easy to kill.

The horror of the powerful power series, one eye, one voice can completely kill the existence of the big warlock series, and even trace the blood source of the big warlock, wipe out the big warlock family.

The refugees, who were still a little bit ordered, became panicked and madly squeezing toward the gates of the city of Anlo.

Countless refugees trample on themselves. There are countless deaths and injuries.

"Don't squeeze!! Everyone enters the city in order!! If you squeeze, it will only be slower!!"

"Don't squeeze!!"


The students of the Magic Academy shouted loudly and worked hard, but no one listened to them at all.

Eileen gritted her teeth and her hands were raised. A piece of magical paper suddenly flew out. Going up in the wind, the change has become a huge paper flying carpet, loudly: "Come up!!"

The students of the Magic Academy jumped onto the paper flying carpet.

Elin meditation on the mantra, reaching for a finger, the paper flying carpet immediately blew a hurricane, suddenly flew up and flew over the wall.

"help me!!"

"Let me go up!!"

"I beg you. Let my son go up!!"

"You guys are selfish people. I curse you!!"

"I curs you, I curse you will be eaten by the devil!!"


From those refugees, there were voices of grief, pleading, roaring, and cursing.

The students of the Magic Academy were shocked by their hearts, and they all showed a complex look.

Just then, the castle's gates began to close.


"Let me in!!"

"Let me go in, beg you!!"

"It's my turn! Let me in!!"


Looking at the castle gate closed, the countless refugees in the eyes flashed a desperate color in the eyes, screaming.

The boy from the Magic Academy, who was tall and tall, found the defender and shouted: "Why close the gate! Close it later. You can save a few more people!!"

The students in the School of Magic also focused on the defender.

The defender shook hands and stopped the men who had pulled out the long knife, and his eyes screamed loudly and loudly: "Idiot. If you don't close the gate, once you are rushed into the city by those demons! Tens of thousands of people in our city will Be a bait for those demons!!"

Eileen long sighed, Shen Sheng: "Bobby! Let go! Apologize to the great people!"

Bobby changed his face and returned to calmness. He bowed his respect and apologized: "I'm sorry, Witt adults!!"

Witt reached out and patted Bobby's shoulder. Shen Sheng said: "You are the lord's student, wait for you, please show me more spells, kill a few more demons! I will stay in the city until the death. ”

Bobby looked at Witt's chest, and there was a blood, loud voice: "Yes! I will work hard!!"

Witt nodded slightly, turned and walked over to the wall, looking at the dense, abyssal demon face, and a desperate color in the depths of his eyes.

Although a small city like Anluo City also has a shrine, the power of the temple is simply not enough to support the powerful enchantment of the horror of the ban.

Without the guardian of the ban, the more than a thousand abyss demons can easily fly into the city and kill all the people of Anluo.

"Are we going to die here?"

Eileen held her wand and looked at the abyss demon in the distance. The silver teeth bite and the color of the despair in the beauty. As one of the geniuses in the School of Magic, she is naturally the horror of the abyss demon. With her current strength, one-on-one single-handedly a low-level abyss demon is absolutely dead.

The dense abyss of the demon army quickly approached. Among the abyss servants and abyss demons, a Barrow konjac was covered with spurs, and each spur was run through a dozen humans. The atmosphere of evil is incomparable.

Above the city walls, the soldiers who defended the city were unconsciously attracted by a magical force to the Barrow bones, and their eyes were full of fear.

"You will all be me food!"

The head of the Baroque demon turned and showed a sinister smile in the direction of Anluo.

Above the wall, all the defending warriors who did not reach the Cavaliers level had a boring chest and spit out a blood.

Witt only felt that the head was shocked, all kinds of evil thoughts poured into my heart, my eyes were red, and the temper of the big knight's level broke out, which suppressed the evil thoughts in my heart.

Eileen’s head was sore and painful. From the straight nose, there was a blushing nosebleed.

On the wall, more than 20 students of the Magic Academy held their heads in their hands, squatting on the ground, seven holes bleeding, and suffering.

Eileen is cold and cold, and there is a desperate color in the beauty: "Is this the abyss demon? It’s too horrible! No one in Anluo can stop it!"

The abyss of the abyss only looked at it, and the students of all the magic schools above the wall were not hurt. This kind of power is terrifying. No one can stop the entire city of Anluo.

Despair, shrouded in the entire city of Anluo.

In the sky, a magic carpet flew from afar, standing at the forefront of the magic carpet, three people, the head of the person is Yang Feng, standing next to him, the great elf king Ai Leslie Miya and that Grace Sheridan.

When Witt saw Yang Feng on the magic carpet, his eyes flashed with a touch of excitement and shouted: "The Lord Lord! That is the Lord of the Lord!!"

Witt is one of the veterans who have followed Yang Feng, and this time he recognized Yang Feng.

In the beauty of Eileen, there was a flash of splendor, staring at Yang Feng in the sky: "President!"

In the beauty of Eileen, there was a glimpse of fear: "The dean may be able to match the powerful presence of the legendary magician. But even so, there are so many abyss demons that he may not be able to host."

The horror of the abyss and the devil, Eileen, has personally experienced it, and she dare not imagine that there is anyone who can resist such a horrible existence.

The Barrow Bone Demon in the center of countless monsters looked up and saw Yang Feng flying in the sky to the magic carpet. The eyes of the eyes burst into a ferocious color: "Human strong, very good. The flesh and soul of your three must be delicious!!"

Flashing was launched, and the power of a horrible space shrouded the body of Nabaro. It instantly disappeared from the place, appeared in front of Yang Feng, and clawed toward Yang Feng’s head.

Yang Feng's eyes flashed in the cold, and instantly launched the power of the four-level spell dragon. The infinite endless power of the body was poured out. The sword and forged meteor in the hands of the gods were generally toward the Barrow konjac. Go.

"Idiot! Your human sword, like a broken copper, can't hurt me!"

The Barrow-bone demon smirked and smiled at the left shoulder and ejected a sharp bone blade, welcoming the secret sword that was forged from the blood steel.

An incomparable radiance flashed, and the smile of the Barrow Devil was solidified on his face, bursting open in the air.

Yang Feng reached out and grabbed his hand. The right hand shrouded the endless magic. The internal force seemed to have a lot of abyss and demon scorpion claws sticking out, and the soul of the Barrow Devil's Devil was ingested.

Taboo claws, this is Yang Feng found a strong attack secret in the taboo book. This secret method needs to absorb the flesh, soul, and strength of countless abyss demons for sacrifice. Once the sacrifice is successful, it will become a horrible attacking secret, powerful, capable of controlling the power of the abyss, and the power of the abyss, Transformed into a variety of other forces.

In addition to the taboo claws, there are taboo dragon claws, taboo giant claws, taboo blood claws, taboo stone claws and many other taboo claws. Numerous claws are condensed, and finally the strongest taboo claws can be formed.

Yang Feng possesses the ancient black dragon blood veins to cultivate taboo dragon claws, and the strength of the abyss demon can be used to cultivate taboo claws. As long as he can continue to kill the powerful abyss demons, he will be able to have more reinforced taboos and constantly become stronger. (To be continued~^~)

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