Mechanical God Emperor

Chapter 479: Meat candy

"Four big crystals in the wind and water, do you want to condense the virtual world? Great ambition!"

Yang Feng entered the treasure house of Muyuanguo, looked for a little, and flashed a surprise in his eyes. He took four small crystal boxes and saw that there were several different sizes of fire and water in the room. Big Xuanjing.

Mu Yuanhai sighed and looked at Yang Feng deeply. His eyes were full of sly colors: "If I can condense the virtual world, the Japanese warlocks may not be my opponents. I have many geniuses in the Fusang subcontinent, and no one wants to condense. In the world, no one can succeed in the end."

Within the Great Cloud Dynasty, all warlocks understand that the implanted seed or the strong world that condenses the virtual world is the true peerless power, and its combat power is far superior to the same level. However, the strong ones who can truly condense the virtual world are few and far between.

The genius of the War Demon is like a cloud, but the strong one who can truly condense the virtual world is only the two strong ones: Huang Yihe and Yue Xian. The difficulty of cohesiveness in the virtual world can be imagined.

After Yi Yiyuan first showed the virtual world in the War Magic, this made countless people marvel and shock.

Yang Feng looked at the treasure house of the wood country, and his mouth was slightly raised, revealing a smile: "The treasure house of Muyuanguo is really rich in collections, but now all this belongs to me."

Mu Yuanhai was only able to stand on one side and had no choice but to smile.

Yang Feng flashed a touch of excitement in his eyes: "With these resources, I can successfully promote the Star Warlock."

In his own knowledge of the sea, Yang Feng implanted a half-plane, allowing the half-face to grow and evolve with him. The half-plane provided Yang Feng with the power of terror, allowing him to fight against the Moon Warlock. However, the resources he needs to consume in his cultivation are also increasing in geometric progression.

That one and a half planes want to evolve into a real world, and need to devour countless resources. If this is not the case, Yang Feng will not be forced to come to the Fusang Subcontinent to open up commercial channels.

Yang Feng came to a secret room full of rich biological magic energy in Muyuan, and his eyes closed slightly. Running the secret, the body turns into a huge whirlpool.

Within the secret room, countless low-level magic crystals flew directly and flew directly toward Yang Feng's eyebrows.

On the top of Yang Feng's eyebrows, there was a small black hole. The countless low-level magic crystals did not enter the black hole. Immediately through the black hole directly into the half-plane inside his knowledge of the sea.

Numerous low-level magic crystals did not fall into the sea of ​​Yang Feng. Immediately collapsed directly, a stock bio-devil can escape from the low-level magic crystal, and fell into the half-plane.

The half-planet became more sturdy as if it had swallowed up a large number of low-level magic crystals, and it was also expanding at an inch.

After about consuming four billion magic crystals, it is the place where the half-plane is located. A crystal nucleus mixed with the plane source and the soul of Yang Feng slowly emerged. All kinds of laws are inscribed on a slowly forming crystal nucleus.

Just after the nucleation of the nucleus, the body of Yang Feng, who was carrying the North Moon sister in the port of Satsuma, was slightly stiff.

The body of Yang Feng, who is building his own country, is slightly wrinkled in the face of Feisuo, and the eyes of a pair of gods seem to have passed through countless voids and looked in the direction of Yang Feng.

"It seems that I am out!!"

That Yang Feng’s incarnation no longer spent the divine power and energy to build his own kingdom of God, but closed his eyes, and his mind was immersed in the second-class intelligent light brain. I began to manipulate the body of Yang Feng, which is far from the port of Satsuma.

Within the eyes of Yang Feng, who was somewhat sluggish in Nassau Port, there was a bit more spectacle.

Yang Feng is next to the North Moon sisters. Showing a frivolous smile: "Ghost face bear Saburo, you are very good to honor these two women. Today, I am full of compassion, to satisfy you a wish!"

Ghost face bear Sanlang suddenly rejoiced, Yang Feng this time brought the least value of goods above 3 billion magic crystal, if he can earn hundreds of millions of magic crystals from Yang Feng, it can also make up for the deficit. As for the North Moon sisters, in his eyes, it is only two high-level playthings, and the value is up to more than 100,000 magic crystals. This is because of the addition of the fascinating charm of the enchanting spirit.

Yang Feng showed a ridiculous smile: "I heard that the black snake king of the Black Snake Kingdom had insulted you before you were promoted to the Yuehua Warlock. Not only did you steal your beloved Ji Yun, but also killed it. Is your parents and son right?"

Ghost face bear Sanlang suddenly face a stiff face, flashing a touch of sinful color in his eyes, a cup of magic tea in front of him, and stretched out his hand, directly crushed the cup, Shen Sheng: "Yes, The dog thief did kill my parents and son. I can't wait to eat his flesh and drink his blood."

"Good! I will help you, and send out the black snake country! Let's go!!"

Yang Feng got up directly, glared at the North Moon sisters and strode out to the outside.

The Ghost Face Saburo glimpsed a little, and there was a struggling flash in his eyes. He originally prepared countless means, a variety of Fuso Mei female, intends to put Yang Feng firmly in the gentle township, using the beauty to eclipse Yang Feng's body and will. Finally, taking advantage of Yang Feng's lack of defense, the poison will control Yang Feng.

Now Yang Feng is going to leave, let all the plans of Ghost Face Saburo go empty. Moreover, Ghost Face Saburo deeply hates the kingdom of the Black Snake, but the Black Snake Kingdom is one of the four major affiliates of the Western Kingdom and is sheltered by the Western Kingdom. The kingdom of the four seas will never agree to let Ghost Face Saburo and the Black Snake State do their hands.

"Yang Feng adults, I have to sit in the port of Satsuma, can't leave here easily. Please allow me to send a detachment to fight with you!"

Ghost face bear Saburo waved a big hand, a black light shines, a beautiful and beautiful look, let people see the heart of the good-looking handsome young boy appeared in front of Yang Feng.

Yang Feng’s eyes were slightly brighter: “Is this a meat raft made of hibiscus?”

Fusomu is a sacred tree of the **** tree that is enshrined in the interior of the central sacred place of the Fuso subcontinent. The hibiscus tree has survived from the time of the ancient gods to the present, and the age of the tree has exceeded one million years.

The reason why the country of the sacred glory has not been replaced by the four major countries is because they enshrine the sacred tree of the **** tree to guard their family.

Even the ancient hibiscus tree did not dare to take a nap, so it was impossible to forcibly seize the leaves of Him. However, the ancient tree of Fusang will fade some dead leaves every year. Those dead leaves and leaves are precious materials for refining various secret treasures.

The minced meat is a scorpion that is made from the dead branches of the mulberry wood. Once the scorpion is successfully sacrificed, it will be vivid, as if it had its own soul. If you don’t practice special martial arts, you can’t wear it. That's just a trick.

Yang Feng is a mechanical avatar because there is a singer of the Xiling Sea Wolf, and the sorcerer of the singer is not covered. This is a reluctance to confuse the past. If Ghost Face Saburo has a detective spell, the fact that Yang Feng is not a human being is exposed.

Many of the strongest men of the Chinese Warlocks like to get a meat simmer made of mulberry wood, and then throw it into some low-level planes, and send meat to conquer those low-level planes.

The plane level is divided into 9 levels, and different levels of planes can accommodate different levels of life. Among the 9-position planes, the strongest living body that can be accommodated is only the life of the big warlock class. When the Yuehua Warlock enters the 9th plane, it will be limited by the source of the face, and the suppression will weaken the strength of the Great Warlock. This is the power of the rules.

The power of the Zhou Hai class can destroy a 9-position plane. But if they do not limit their power, they will not be able to enter a 9-position plane.

This is the law of this universe. Unless it can be cultivated to the point of the Warlock Emperor, it is possible to reverse the law of the universe in a local area, and to the 9th plane with the power of the Warlock Emperor.

Ghost Face Saburo is somewhat proud of it: "Yes, it is the meat of the mulberry wood."

Fusomu is so precious that every year the four major countries of the Fuso subcontinent will take many treasures to exchange with the city of Shengyao. The hibiscus wood that was exchanged was basically sold to the Warlock of the Great Cloud Dynasty.

The hibiscus wood that is needed for the meat in the hands of the Ghost Bear Saburo is the sum of the mulberry trees obtained in the four major countries. He was also in an adventure, only to get enough Fuso wood to refine this meat.

Yang Feng took a deep look at the meat and glanced at it. He tried to display several detection spells and landed on the meat.

The feedback from the few detected spells shows that the meat is indeed human.

Yang Feng’s eyes flashed a sigh of praise: “Great!”

The meat chop is definitely the top secret of the identity. If it is used well, it is equivalent to the most terrible spies. Many powerful beings like to use the secret treasure of the meat scorpion, become a human warlock, and sneak into the human world to learn all kinds of powerful secrets.

Ghost Face Saburo showed a proud smile and closed his eyes.

A strange wave of flashing, the eyes of the fleshy eyes seem to have a soul, and bowed to Yang Feng 90 degrees to make a big ceremony: "In the next real field fly, I have seen Yang Feng adults!"

Yang Feng’s spirit was swept away, and it was discovered that the meat of the pseudonym Zhen Tianfei was completely different from the ghost face Saburo, whether it was from sound, appearance or soul fluctuation.

Yang Feng said: "Go!"

Sanada Fei respectfully said: "Yes, adults!"

As soon as he walked out of Lavender Hill, Yang Feng directly hit a ring finger. In the sky, a cloud suddenly separated. A dazzling light descended from the sky and illumined the body of Yang Feng. Under the light, Yang Feng and his party It disappeared directly from the place. (To be continued~^~)

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