[Leader Module]: V-level leader module.

After being equipped, it will have the traits of a leader!

Get the leader qualification.

"What's the meaning!"

Fang Che frowned.

"Being a leader! Does it mean that you can recruit mechanical warriors? Does this leader module mean that you have the qualifications to recruit others!"

"The mechanical world still has various rules that restrict them..."

"A world between the real and the virtual!"

Such a thought suddenly appeared in my mind.

But Fang Che knows the preciousness of the leader module!

Hastily ordered the equipment!

Instant access to...

In the flames of the head?

"Hint! You are equipped with a rare module leader module!!"

"Possesses the characteristics of a leader!"

"Acquire leader characteristics!"

[Level i leader characteristic 0/5000: You have a 1% chance of gaining the allegiance of a mechanical warrior! 】

[Note: death will damage]

A series of hints slid by, and the flameless flame in Fang Che's mind also had something more.


"The odds are so touching."

It's useless at all now, "It's completely equivalent to holding the stuff of a hundred-level boss at the first level!"


Fang Che complained.

However, speaking of it, everyone's mechanical world rewards for the first time are really good.

And what he got was a level five module.

Already better than anyone's reward.

It's not in vain for him to pursue the perfect body!

Although I missed out on other rewards, it was worth it.

Just by the rarity of the leader module, you can know how precious it is.


That Lin Dongtian, the attribute module he obtained doesn't know what it is!

Add measurements?


Everyone is the same, information that does not share precious things!

Unless it's a fool.

World chat channel.

"It's not fair, it's not fair at all!"

"I gained a sense of intimacy with the wolf clan, it's all false!"

"It's a pretty false reward, not substantial at all! I'm hunting crabs now, and I've been reminded to lose the closeness of the crab family!"

"Other people's rewards look amazing."

"We are the reward for being close! Dear nm! Who wants to be close to them..."

"Help! I'm being chased by a large machine, hurry up..."


"go to hell!"


"Be content! You still have rewards."

"I think you should keep the favorability of the rewarded groups..."

No nutritious world information.

Any fool knows that staying close must be a good thing.

However, it's a pity that this wolf body is almost the best animal body that Fang Che has encountered so far!

But there must be a better body than the wolf body!

Fang Che looked up at the sky.

Compared to the earth!


He leans more toward the sky.

Ten days!

He encountered very few flying bird-type aircraft.

Perhaps because of the grassland, the bird-shaped mechanical warriors are hidden too deeply.

But there is no doubt that the bird-shaped body is the best choice.

What's more, the first person to modify the body of the bird family has not yet been born, so you can grab it.


The sun rises, and it's a new day.

Fang Che doesn't know what the mechanical world is in the eyes of others!

But in his eyes, the mechanical world is full of beauty.

It is full of unknowns and challenges.

The edge of the grassland is no longer challenging, it is time to cross the grassland and find the city.

Learn more about Mechanical World.

I believe that most of the information in this world is recorded in the city.

World chat channels find cities every day.

Fang Che glanced in the distant direction, and it was still this grassland.

The position of birth is too bad.

There is no choice!

But it was different now. After transforming the steel body, he was already sure to try to cross the entire grassland.

The chances of survival are greatly increased.

And look for new opportunities to become stronger.

Fang Che jumped off the boulder and headed towards the depths of the grassland.

only left.

Carrying an iron spear and holding a silver back with a big knife!

With a crisp crashing sound, it moved towards the east day by day.

ps: Thank you for your reward, thank you for everything, thank you

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